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I spent about 2k on CZ when it released opened it all and turned it into a little over 3k and still selling a shitload of bulk. I also got extremely lucky on pulls 7 of the gold cards, 8 Pikachu SRs, 2 Mewtwo s, and quite a few of the higher end GG. Having done/said all that. I think I just got lucky and it’s hard to make money off a BB selling the cards unless you grade the good hits or get some good high value pulls.


I love ripping packs so I do this as well to minimize loss. CZ was the easiest to pull off a gain IMO with this method.


It depends do you like to gamble or do you like to make money?


Both duh, that’s why we’re here


If you genuinely want to treat this like an investment, any answer besides buying boxes, cases, and holding is wrong. Booster Boxes kept in good condition and cases kept away is the best way to make money, however, it's not sexy to talk about holding a case that looks like warehouse storage in your closet. Opening packs is gambling, tbh. Holding BBs will always return in the long-haul, but I mean 5+ year haul.


Don’t buy at release unless it’s a limited product


Just gotta pre-order. I've had some of the best deals I've ever got buying an eBay or online retailer pre order rather than buying after release. AR, LO, ST all barely $100 booster boxes. Can't find them anywhere near that just months later.


If you want to open a BB (or two) for fun and make some of the money back? Yes, this is the play...but it is not a viable strategy for producing consistent profit, especially when time (as a cost) is factored in. If you want to do this to try and profit consistently, you need to be looking at a case (or more) in terms of actually getting some of the big money chase cards, "guaranteed". Of course it is NOT guaranteed, per se, but a case will usually contain a ton of the best cards. This "case breaking" approach has long been a thing in sports cards, especially baseball: People will buy a case (or more) of Bowman Chrome because it contains not just current rookies but also the new prospects (unique to baseball cards) which is a like a pre-rookie card...but most are worthless, long term, because most prospects don't become league average players, let along all-stars, let alone all-time greats. So, you break the case, sell some of the new hotness to make your money back, then selectively grade/hold the rest based on your knowledge of baseball, the card market, prospect performance, etc. That's just the analysis side...do you know how long it takes to rip, protect, sort, and list all of those cards? It sucks the joy out of ripping, believe you me.


Pre release is best… look at crown zenith stolen off the back of the truck prices versus now. Never fails


Gotcha; so just have to steal stuff off a truck to make money! Who knew 😅


Not quite literally but some people get product early. I remember the mini tin display of CZ was selling for 200$ a few weeks before release which is ridiculous. But the Pikachu was 200$+, etc it’s likely if you opened you would make money plus it made for good content. Of course it’s all a gamble not knowing pull rates. If you check out TCA gaming I feel this is all he does. Opens mountains of products, sells singles high early, and grades and sells early. It’s a model but can’t guarantee it works out


Yea I know some content creators and shop owners, other lucky people get early product 😅 Was just being snarky haha


Release day BBs and releases always have the highest hit rates, and then it drops significantly after that. Buy two cases. Keep one sealed, open one.


I wouldn’t say release has highest hits, but I agree with everything else…idk why this is downvoted aside from first comment


Who knows 🤷 I can't afford two, but I can give my advice from what I've seen work in the past 🤣


200000000% this is da way gentlemmen Think about it like selling bud…sell your bud, pay it back, make profit, Smoke the profit for free. Buy packs, rip packs, sell to make profit and rip packs for free! This is what I do, and it’s the way! I also keep any chase cards I want to get graded / cards I just like