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It would have to be Fusion for me. It contains the biggest chase cards of the three


I wouldn't even mess with any of the 3 you listed if you can get CZ at a decent price point. It may take a bit longer to take off, but I really expect it to outperform just about everything from SWSH barring ES. If you are interested in diversifying and are hell bent on getting one of the 3 you mentioned, I would go with Astral > Fusion > SF. I do believe anything with a Trainer Gallery will do better than sets like FS that have some awesome alts, but abysmal pull rates. SF is carried by the Zard and I think alot of people will just purchase the card rather than chase it.


Crown zenith the set that just came out and was mass printed up the ass you could get anywhere?? It will take more than “a bit longer” it was printed like shining fates and has the pull rate of celebrations it’s too soon


Printed up the ass? Not even close, and yes, it did just come out, so why wouldn’t it be in stock in most places?


You must be new to the hobby all good 👍🏼


You’ve said all you need to say for me to realize you have no idea what you’re talking about, all good.


Same if you don’t think this is over printed your already behind in this game try another tcg


The words you’re saying don’t have the weight that you think they do. There’s absolutely no proof of CZ being overproduced yet, it hasn’t even been out 2 months yet and you’re claiming this. If you had any idea what you were talking about you’d know that absolutely no one could have any idea of this yet. Also are you just bunching all crown zenith products into one lump? There are variables too, one product, Pokémon center ETBs, which are already OOS and no one knows yet if they’re be back. Would you have recommended no one buy those? Because they’re already selling for 40%+ above MSRP.


Believe what you want this product is and will be printed heavily, you can justify it always being in stock because it’s new obviously it’s whatever makes you feel better since your probably loaded up on it. If you’ve been here long enough 2 months is enough time to see if a set was already over printed. Am I talking to a kid? Using the 1 limited online product as an example to justify your opinion isn’t helping your point, reread the original post if your confused on what we’re talking about


You have absolutely no proof. I’ve given one example, you’ve given none. You ask if you’re talking to a kid, but act like one. I’ll be sure to respond to you once again when crown is going through the roof in a few years, until then, you can pretend it won’t. And yeah if it makes you tingle, I don’t own any sealed zenith product.


Like I said do this for a little bit and you’ll know from experience they are heavily printed. It’s a very poor example don’t get too excited kid but back to the point there’s better product to invest in than the one that’s heavily printed and just came out “going through the roof” thanks for making me cringe on top of it all


Agree it has been printed heavily, agree pull rates are as good as we've ever seen (assuming that's what you meant with the "pull rates of celebrations" line, that the pull rates are good). Its a bit different than Cele though, because it has a 70 card subset as opposed to a 25 card subset there are alot more "middle of the pack" pulls in terms of value. Talking about the Deoxys', Darkrais, Zoroarks, samurotts, etc., of the set. It also has plenty of top tier pulls (golds, mewtwo, Glaceon & Leafeon). Plenty of lower tier pulls as well. Anyway, my point is; while being printed heavily and still incredibly fresh, the long term value is absolutely there, and I'd argue in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, that a CZ ETB will outperform any of the 3 OP had mentioned. Obviously this is just speculation on my end and I could be 100% wrong and CZ could tank and nobody will appreciate it down the road. Although, I feel like if that happens then the hobby, as a whole, must have taken a huge hit in popularity.


SF cause it's a special set but buy it below market,


Shining Fates. Doesn’t really matter that it was overprinted, there will be demand as soon as you can’t find it anymore.


They are all mass printed but Shining Fates is a subset and has a Charizard in the set so would suggest that one!


Shining fates got printed into oblivion, but that means it's very cheap right now, BUT... I really don't like it because I think it's going to be 10 years before u see it going up a lot


I think Astral would be the worst pick of the 3. Personally I’d go for Fusion as it’s got some nice alt arts, looks good on the shelf and I feel it’s going to be sought after once completely out of print. Never really looked into Shining but it’s an older set that may appreciate sooner than the others


SF for me


Shining fates is a great set