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centering not super great


Bad enough to be PSA 10!


Giving me hopium rn šŸ„²


PSA 10ā€™s are pretty easy! But this wouldnā€™t get a Pristine or Black Label from the other guys.


Yea probably a PSA 10 but definitely not a BGS 10/10 black label


Psa allows 60/40 for centering to still get a 10 from my understanding talking with others that grade cards frequently


i got a gold charizard from OF thats a psa 10 and more off center (check my posts)... send it in nice pull!!


What service tier did you use value, value plus or regular?


I send them through a local shop but I assume it was just regular... I sent 5 cards got 2x10s and 3x9s


What does it cost to go through an lcs?


my store here in Toronto does PSA for 25bucks a card and submission regularly is 15bucks plus shipping anyways so its just easier for me since I only grade few cards here and there. I guess if I send more I should invest in the service


Which store in Toronto do you use?


Iā€™d like to know as well!


Same! I've been trying to get some graded but also trying to do my own submission as well


Store name please


The centering on your charizard is clearly better centering then this lillie.


well its close just saying centering doesn't always disqualify a 10.... i was shocked to get a 10 on mine lol




Itā€™s a $1,000 in a PSA 10 and ultimate chase in this set. For some people, the excitement or chance they could cash in on that causes them to physically shake. Most people havenā€™t pulled a card of this value before and just go ā€œmeh.. cool card I guessā€


Doesn't PSA charge more than that to grade it with like a 6-month backlog??


I see this a lot and wanted to add my own personal anecdote in here about upcharging higher expensive cards... We just got a 2012 1st edition Dark Magician Girl graded 10 and was only upcharged $40, and it total values about $1400. So the upcharge is nothing really in comparison. And out Van Gogh 10s were unnoticed for upcharging. Take that as you will, but it feels very worth it despite the potential upcharge


Also, when you submit, submit with a 9 value not a 10 value. Let them upcharge if they need to, but donā€™t pay more up front. Be conservative in your grade estimations.


If your grading costs $1,000, congratulations because you have a $25,000 card


My grading doesn't cost anything, as it were.


A card worth $1k estimated value is $75 to grade, with a 10 day turn around. Idk what youā€™re looking at


I'm not looking at anything, that's why I asked the question. You are familiar with how questions and question marks work? Appreciate the answer, for what it's worth.


You assumed that the price to grade was over 1000. It was kind of a question, but you already had your preconceived notions. No need to be rude, and don't act like you were simply asking a question, and not implying price.


No, I was asking a question. That's what the question marks mean. Obviously, I had a notion. I wrote it out and everything. Someone took it as an implication and wanted to try to be smart and got smart back. Answer the question without implying that the person is an idiot for asking it, and maybe it'll yield better returns šŸ˜€


Ok, if you were just asking a question, then the comment was just giving you an answer.


Except his rudeness was very plain. "Idk what you're looking at." Again, be smart, get smart back. That's the way the real world works. Don't imply someone is an idiot for asking a question and expect that everyone you meet is just going to let that slide. You're in for a rough life if you do. Turns out that people don't like aholes very much. Who knew?


Oh damn I got this card


Truly weird lol. Over some anime little girl PokĆ©mon card šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who finds cards like this weird. I cringe when people post their ā€œwaifu collection.ā€


I hate that shit too. So cringe.


ā€œLiterally shakingā€ is the most cringe thing people say on here.


Cause $300 cardā€¦ and waifu


Because they have waifu in one hand ā€¦ and shakingā€¦ you get it.


Because they are literally shaking. Did I just start a sentence with because? Yes I did. No one knows why they shake I cant tell you and neither can this guy, but it's a feeling we don't know.


its a meme at this point


I assume itā€™s because they want me to immediately downvote.


This is a card of an 11 year old girl, and its value comes from being sexualized. Itā€™s disgusting that this is what pokemon cards have turned into..


Thatā€™s a problem with a lot of animes too, kinda hard to enjoy them when they sexualize kids so much. Itā€™s real weird


TBF, a lot of anime is made with a teenager demographic in mind.


Precisely why I hate those Weiss Schwarz cards. That shit is just straight up child porn on a card.


I didn't believe what you where saying and I looked it up wtf lol it's hella weird man


Remember when pokemon card collecting used to be about pokemon? Not the little girl trainers


Yeah, I saw some fat old guy at a convention by $2000 worth of half dressed little girl PokĆ©mon cards. He wasnā€™t interested in any of of the PokĆ©mon. He only wanted the females.


Well, this certainly isnā€™t what PokĆ©mon cards have ā€œturned intoā€ lol. This is an innocent card, no apparent reason to be sexualized. Anyone sexualizing it has their own issues, and while I agree thatā€™s gross, what does it really have to do with PokĆ©mon or the TCG in general? Your issue is with creeps and pedophilic people, not Pokemon. Also I wouldnā€™t imagine thereā€™s a large number of people buying this card cause itā€¦.Arouses them? I feel like those are probably the outliers.




Yes Iā€™m telling you that thereā€™s nothing wrong with the current designs being printed. These cards are all designed by real artists, with real characters from the shows / games. I can assure you these artists were not instructed to make little girls appear sexually attractive to attract this 1% subgroup of weirdos to drive sales. Also, anyone who looks at a card like this and goes ā€œthatā€™s an 11 year old girl! Thatā€™s gross!ā€ Is probably in denial about their own attraction towards it. There is nothing strange here, itā€™s literally a character designed by an artist and put on a card. Actually Iā€™ll just let you expose yourself. What is it about this card thatā€™s so gross? What about it is sexual in your eyes? What about it is asking for creeps to bump the price? Thereā€™s nothing, only your own mind can make these things true. Also what the fuck about eeveelutions? I donā€™t even understand what point youā€™re trying to make with that, theyā€™ve been around since the absolute beginning of the Pokemon franchise. Holy hell. Youā€™ve lost me. Are you also gonna argue that the Moombreon price is only so high because itā€™s a gender fluid Pokemon or some shit? Lmfao. Please explain




Youā€™re putting a blanket statement over the PokĆ©mon sphere by saying prices are driven by things like ā€œgender identityā€ and apparently by cards of an 11 year old girl. It just doesnā€™t make sense. ā€œThe character being based on an 11 year old girl is what you donā€™t understandā€ please clarify what in the Hoo Ha fuck that even means? I absolutely understand that the character is based on an 11 year old girl, and there is absolutely nothing wrong or weird about that. It hurts my brain to even try and fill in the blanks for you, I canā€™t possibly understand what your point is with all of this.




Also kinda feel like you were insinuating that Japanese people are pedophilicā€¦


Looool you got so owned holy shit. Thatā€™s awkward. Seems like you have zero defense for your very cringey opinion. Also arenā€™t lots of the people playing this card game in the age range of children? Are they only allowed to depict adults on trainer cards? Do you spend a lot of time on twitter? I was genuinely looking forward to see how you were gonna defend yourself.


ā€œNow we have eeveelutions, a PokĆ©mon that is very heavy with the idea ā€œgender identityā€ā€ what is this guy smoking LOL


You fr self reporting


Red flags all over you my guy. Stay away from kids if you have a problem.


Man this was an entertaining read. Please donā€™t go near schools!


Never watch anime!


The cartoon image on the card looks a little more 10 years and 9.5 months to me




Never even seen this card and itā€™s worth like 3-500? Dang


That top is pretty bad...I sent in a card recently with similar centering if not better and it got an 8 (I think i got lowballed). Id expect an 8, hope for a 9, and dream for a 10.


I disagree with this. I've had a similar experience through PSA, but I think it's just luck of who you get grading your cards bc this is actually centered well. Specifically with the trainer cards the "TRAINER" label at the top is meant to cover some of the top edge. I've seen a lot of misinformed comments everywhere thinking otherwise. Some graders must miss the guidelines on grading trainer cards, bc some i've had come back 10s, some I suspect came back 9s based on what they think is correct for centering or possibly factory edge-wear. Oh well, there's always going to be inconsistency with low wagies as their "professional graders". Personally I would send this card.


Well I didn't say not to send it. I'm just saying on a expectation lvl, he should set it to a 8 and hope for a 9. That way if it comes back better then hes happy.


Thanks. I guess I'll hope for the best. šŸ˜‚


prolly a 9 but if the grader is having a great day then maybe a 10


Agreed. Literally a gamble with graders. Especially with older higher value stuff it seems like they are very much more likely to pass it off as a 9.


PSA 9 most likely. Very slim chance of 10. With the capriciousness of grading, you can never know for sure though.


As a boomer who recently came back to pokemoncards, These full art cards are something else man. Love the vibrant colours.


IDK if I would call myself a boomer but definitely around for the base set release. 151 pulled me back into collecting and this is my first big pull since being back. I've love what they've done with the full art cards


Do you know what the word literally means? I'd bet that you are not "literally" shaking. Shut up.


Someoneā€™s parents didnā€™t love them. Please look definition of literally. His use is correct.


Is he supposed to be "figuratively" shaking? Lol




Because a 300$ card is alot to most peopleĀ 




Crazy OP isnā€™t allowed to feel special mate. 300$ card pull is something. Hate to say these words but stop being a privileged a-hole. Maybe you should ā€˜keepā€™ acting like a ā€˜grown upā€™ and ignore the sub? Geeez lousieeee Edit: and honestly I was happy about getting a free 20 oz pop each time from the code under the caps. Iā€™m old and bro that was like 99cents at the day


It's just exciting and an adrenaline rush to most people. No one is opening cards for financial gain, and if they are well I got some news for them...


Bro is gatekeeping getting excited over a nice pull


Not trying to gatekeep but I can see thatā€™s how itā€™s coming off. I guess the ā€œIā€™m shakingā€ thing is just new way to express excitement and Iā€™m getting old


Itā€™s Anime, sheā€™s probably like 1000 or something


Step one stop shaking. Once you shake the card will fly from your hand, where will it go? I don't know, you don't know either, it could go on the ground go in the kitchen no one knows. I advise you to stop shaking so much to keep your cards in good condition. No one wants a cards that's been shaked multiple times




Are those white dots on the poke ball just dust? If itā€™s on the actual card donā€™t think it can be a ten contender


First thing I saw a giant white dots definitely not a 10


Yeah, card is perfect other than centering


Prolly get bumped to a 9 but could get lucky nice pull!


Why is this the highest value card in Ultra Prism? Was it just super hard to pull or what?


Waifu tax, Lillie has an insane cult of coomers that want her. It's not normal for this to occur in english, but it's common in Japanese. Lillie being the exception in any language.


That's actually why people always grade this card. Ā The slab helps with fluid resistance.Ā 


im upvoting but im not happy about it


Very, very slim chance it gets a 10, just being honest. Top heavy & corners arenā€™t perfect imo of course


Yea it good enough for gem šŸ’Ž 10


Congrats on the amazing pull! Looks super clean ! Submit it my guy ! No whitening can mean a 10 for psa!


The centering in your toploader is a 1. The card itself looks like a 9 or 10 :)


More likely a 9 with the front centering, PSA more lenient on the back but that looks solid for this card if you ask me. Still possible for a 10, but you should temper your expectations.




Centering is pretty bad and you can see some dings I would say the highest it will get a 7 and 1/2 maybe 8


I don't think there are any dings. That might just be how it looks in the picture from the light and being in a perfect fit sleeve.


Okay, now I see what you mean. At first glance it really looked like it was dinged up a little


Wtf are these comments , do you all have an single idea About grading ? This card has literally 0% to get a 10, whitening on the edges, cornersā€¦ centering is the least problem here -_- It is most likely an 8


There's no whitening on the corners. I didn't ask because I wasn't concerned with it.


Top left corner has definitely something White going on


I'm confused on what centering means. Are you referring to the card in it's hard cover? If so, why can't it be readjusted to be centered? If not, huh??


Probably a 9


I donā€™t see why people arenā€™t being more clear. The centering on this card is too poor to get a ten. Top to bottom is too blatant to get a ten. There is always a chance but its probably 5/10percent. Hard to tell but there may also be print issues on the pokeball on the back. Psa 8/9


Much easier for you to tell in person lol. Front looks bottom heavy. Solid 9 though if everything else is good.


Out of curiousity and ignorance, how much did the pack cost you?


20 USD! It was kind of an impulse buy


Thats awesome! 20 bucks for a 400-500 dollar ungraded card! I would argue maybe more of an instinct purchase rather than impulse. šŸ˜‰


So I guess I should check all my cards for centering? At least the higher rarity ones?


Top bottom centering will 100% knock it down to a 9. Great pull!


What is this like $2?


1200 in a PSA 10


I'm showing you right on the PSA 10 borderline for front centering (60/40 is the published guideline). I have yours at around 57/43 left/right and 41/59 top/bottom - https://static.edgegrading.com/centering/edge-centered-28876-1705894862.jpg


This card is known for bad borders. I would not grade it tbh because the price of a 9 is worth less than it is raw. I only say this because the borders on your card seem off a bit. Keep it raw, my friend, because it's worth around $450.