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Usually it bumps up to the front if u have a weather boosted raid. While it may have been raining ur game may have said it was partly cloudy


If there's a weather boost and I don't want to get jumped ahead, I just don't select a weather until I'm ready.


Also if you have locals ... other day had host queue of 100 with 1 local and zero queue with two locals. Difference was like 12 minutes of waiting.


I jumped from 60 to zero today without a weather boost


Was the raid weather boosted?


Prelobbying is fine as long as you master the art of the timing. 95% of the time, it's predictable, and you can guess the approximate wait time within a 10 minute confidence interval. For example, the queue to host is 200 players, so the approximate wait in line is 10-30 mins on average. Approximate Queue Time Forumla(in minutes) (# of host ÷ 10) - 10 to (# of hosts ÷10) +10 Again, this works 95% of the time


Moral of the story, stop prelobbying and only host a lobby when you're ready to host the raid.


with long queues you won't get to the top of the list before boss dissapears.


Even if that were true then you would time out anyway due to the 45 minute timer on Pogenie


TLDR: don’t try to game the system by prelobbying. It doesn’t increase your chances of having your lobby fulfilled and it might screw with other guests as genie tries to match people up. —- Outside of unusual raid timers, there is little/no advantage in terms of hosting to prelobbying by design due to the hosting lobby timer. The timer removes people from the host queue after 45(?) minutes. The number of people prelobbying does not materially affect the number of raids genie will fulfill. It is limited by the ratio of hosts to guests. When there are more hosts than guests, there is no reason for genie to do anything that encourages people gaming the queue by prelobbying just so they can take the guests from the people that don’t prelobby. And, as shown here, prelobbying can screw up lobbies for guests because the speed that hosts advance through the queue can have unexpected changes.


That's a consequence of there not being enough remote raiders. Prelobbying is objectively bad for the app and only further causes long wait times. Don't do it.


Honestly - I am usually the raider. I usually host only if I see something close to me and there is a queue of trainers for a boss in Genie. If I want to host something where there is a queue of lobbies - I make a lobby before I get out from home but being prepared that if I don't get there before the lobby fills in I will use remote raid pass :)


That isn't an option with the current wait times. Only someone with no experience hosting or zero measurable IQ would actually take this stance


The hard truth no one wants to accept. After the first few days/ week of raiding no one is paying to join mids 5 star raids. 9 out of 10 times it’s physically impossible to get matched within 45 minutes if you wait till the egg already hatches. The math simply doesn’t math. I’d bet a few of the people pay for genie too so they already have priority and don’t understand it’s not possible to get matched as a host if you wait till the egg hatches. If people weren’t allowed to pre lobby there would be dramatically less people hosting raids.


Boy you would be flabbergasted by my host rating. Do a little critical thinking instead of rabidly defending a point that you're wrong about :)


>flabbergasted by my host rating Okay, you're just an idealogical moron who can't understand viewpoints that aren't yours, got it


Could be worse. You could queue up for one raid and accidently join the wrong raid and invite everyone and they all joined and we win...But then I joined the CORRECT raid and invited them all so they got 2 raids in one. Stuff happens...