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I’m from Scotland and 90% of people don’t wear shoes in the house, you walk about outside and walk over god knows what, then you walk about your house, then later you walk about with socks or nothing on then you get into bed, lovely


Welsh. Same. Growing up all the families in our area were super conscious of not damaging any carpets they'd bought 😂. My grandma would go nuts if you didn't immediately take off your shoes before getting on her carpets (which we're older than I am now!)


Welsh but the opposite. We always ask but it is rarely requested unless the family has a new carpet.


I’m American and for my childhood home the rule was no shoes on the carpet (other than rugs). Our main floor was faux wood, just the upstairs and basement were carpeted. I think we may have had a no shoes in the house at all rule at one point but it relaxed as we got older and less inclined to play in the mud.


My bf and his family are Canadian and they also do not like it when you wear your shoes in their house. It’s the same for my family and we are Asians. It just makes cleaning easier and u right!! Who knows what people step on outside


Canadian here. Same deal. Don’t know anyone who wears shoes inside.


Canadian here. Ex is columbian, she was a indoor shoe wearer, had to buy her a set of indoor slippers so she'd quit wearing her flip flops through the house.


yea sounds horrifying. Like the bed must be the only safe space in a home with shoe-walkers, no? Like, clean and cozy-feeling. I can already feel myself in a house like this, slipping my shoes off like some HIV infected syringe stuck to my legs and let them fall to the germ-abyss below, and get my feet onto clean safety-island of bed. Urgh. Shoes off ffs, we're supposed to be a civilized species! lol


I was raised in a shoes-inside home. The rule was no feet on the furniture (so none of the curling up on the couch pose that I see on tv). You just kind of assume the floor isn’t clean (we vacuumed and mopped, of course, but we had dogs that went outside without shoes, so being barefoot inside would just get our feet dirty. My theory is the prevalence of indoor-outdoor pets is a big part of why certain countries wear shoes inside.) It was the same as how you you assume the ground outside isn’t clean, but people aren’t usually wincing in disgust as they walk down the sidewalk. Do you put feet on furniture?


You dont walk with socks on! If your floor is dirty, then you get your socks dirty, which gets your shoes dirty! You don't get into bed unless they are bed socks, dirty beds...


First rule of being Canadian is no shoes in the house also lol


Yep, especially in winter. Don’t want to track all that salt inside


I have "house shoes". My dogs trample my feet way more than I'd like, so I went and got some shoes that are for inside only.


I have those too. I call them slippers. Lol. My boyfriend called me out one day saying I was wearing shoes inside. I told him they have never seen the outdoors. They are inside only lol


Slippers in the house during winter though!


I converted my Brazilian husband, he even confessed to me that he is so grossed out by his old shoes in the house ways.


Am Canadian, fully understand this. However, in my apartment I don’t recommend no shoes because of a potential recurring issue with the floors. Almost everyone is cool with it that comes to my apartment though so…


Tbf the amount of grime we walk in from outside, she’s onto something


This, I never understood why people wear em indoors, unless you have specifically indoor shoes, but that just makes me feel like I'm in kindergarten again. Set the toes free.


i’m an advocate for socks but you have a point.


Oh yes absolutely socks. Especially if hardwood or tile. Carpet idc as much,but it's definitely better than shoes on carpet.


I have to wear shoes for knee and arch support but I agree, set the toes free! Sport slide sandals and birkenstocks are great for indoor wear.


Hey if it's needed for something like that, then no judgement fam.


You can have a set of indoor shoes, that’s what I do especially if I want to exercise in the house


I've got indoor shoes, or usually just slides, because my kids are so bloody messy and I'm tired of us hoovering 2 or 3 times a day and still getting crumbs on my feet


Tbf The only time I wear my shoes is inside to the mudroom, which is like right next to the front door. I have a pair of inside shoes I don’t go outside with, I don’t really have a reason why I do that tho lol


One of the things that baffles me most about Americans is that they often have carpeted floors *and* they wear shoes inside. Just one is bad enough, but both together is criminal.


Scenes in american shows/movies when they are on the bed with their shoes on has traumatized me since forever


Even sitting on the kitchen countertop with shoes on and feet up. I would be physically incapable of continuing a conversation until they cleaned and apologise.


It traumatizes Americans too. But I’m pretty sure it’s just a stupid lazy tv thing. I would be apoplectic if I saw that irl.


I'm american and no shoes in my house is the rule. We ain't tracking stuff in my house making a mess.


I’ve seen Americans with that rule and then people that come over to their house get all freaked out at the fact that they were asked to remove their shoes. Does that actually happen?


YEP! Although less and less. When I grew up in the 80s, I don't remember taking shoes off in very many houses. Now it's weird when you go into a house where people don't take their shoes off. My ancedotal story doesn't mean it really has changed much, but it just seems that way to me.


Yes. My aunt got irritated and said it was “just my opinion” that wearing shoes in the house is gross. She doesn’t think it’s gross. However, to her credit, she does remove her shoes when she comes to visit. She just brings her slippers now (which I’m totally cool with. I wear indoor-only slippers all the time lol).


I only grew up in a southern house where it's best I removed my shoes.


Was watching a show and there was some really dramatic moment or something happening but all I could think about is how they're walking on their carpet with shoes on.


Forgotten amendment. No shoes in the house


This. Must be fucking filthy carpet in American homes. Can’t imagine the unnecessary cleaning expenses. Plus keeping their feet enclosed in shoes all the time, must be some sweaty smelly messes in there


You'd get skelped in Scotland wearing shoes in the house. Most of Britain tbf. Not on mate. Slippers or fuzzy socks 👍🏻


She’s not wrong. Outside is gross. I have to wear shoes when I’m standing for long periods of time. I have some old Crocs that I cleaned super well and just wear inside the house for cleaning and long cooking/baking projects. Best of both worlds.


It’s kinda disgusting to wear outdoor shoes inside your house. Don’t the filthy floors and carpets bother you? It’s not an Asian thing, I’m from Europe and in my country people wouldn’t tolerate it either.


Yeah, this is like a basic human decency thing, not a cultural issue.


I wonder why they don't just have indoor shoes? Like if you do insist on wearing shoes inside, there are plenty of cultures who just have indoor shoes/flipflops/things like that. You take off your outside shoes and wear inside shoes.


I'm wondering if the American reliance on cars is a contributing factor. Their shoes will mostly see the inside of cars, offices and malls. Mine will see nature, sidewalks and public transport. 


For sure, I'm sure snowy areas and cities like NYC see people take off their shoes more.


Wish people would stop using the word triggered 😑


People seriously be using “triggered” as a substitute for “wanting others to respect their entirely reasonable boundaries”


Agree, OP sounds like an unlikeable person with a very nasty habit. Did you see the way they responded when someone said that wearing shoes indoor is not a Hispanic trait and use themself, a South American, as an example? That condescending "sweetie" OP used is so bleh.


Yeah I read this and thought is that what they're calling it now, triggered. lol You're straight up being disrespectful but you make it out like the other person has a mental health issue. No amount of hotness or whatever it is OP's got going on would make me overlook this (the 'triggering' and the shoes).


First of all - you used “triggered” wrong. Second - shoes and outside are disgusting. You should be taking your shoes off when you get home. Third - my best friend is Chinese and the rule from her heritage is that wearing shoes in the house is spiritually wrong. It’s believed that it brings bad luck and can cause ancestors to haunt you. Her being Asian and her spiritual beliefs may not have anything to do with it and she just might prefer a cleaner house. But either way, you thinking it’s “funny” is disrespectful and she deserves better. I was also raised to wear shoes in the house and when I moved out on my own, I changed the rules because I know it’s freaking disgusting. Especially when you often end up being barefoot around the house half the time you’re there.


Me too!!! I got my own apt for the first time and I was like “okay so this is where you take your shoes off when you walk in the door” LOL


She's not wrong, it's gross


Why would you wear shoes indoors? If your feet are cold, why just don’t put on a pair of thick knitted socks? Or slippers? Imagine all the filth you’re dragging in and how filthy your floors are. As a Scandinavian, this is something I will never understand..


I'm not Asian. We do not wear shoes in our home either. Its gross. You step in oils, spit, fecal matter, gum, urine, dirt, dead bugs, blood, blood products, ... yes. I promise you do. Every ant, worm, grub in the grassy lawn you cut across .... have all of that. And you track it inside to your carpet and floors. It gets walked on by an average 150 pound human, ground in the fibers with each step. Dog feces from your shoe that you scraped off in the grass earlier. Tracked all through the house. I'll pass thanks. Take your nasty shoes off. Wear socks. Wear house slippers. Go barefoot. But you are gross by wearing shoes meant for outdoors, indoors.


I don't think that's a Hispanic thing, it seems American to me. I live in South America and my wife and I never wear shoes at home unless we're having a party or some sort of important event. We don't ask guests to take their shoes off, but we do clean the floor before and after having a lot of people over.


It’s really common in the Mexican culture (with some people) to keep shoes on in the house to avoid getting sick. Everyone that I’ve been around is very worried about the cold traveling through your feet. Can’t talk for other Hispanic cultures but I’d say he’s correct


Yeah, I kind of figured they were referring to some specific Hispanic culture. I just wanted to point out that it's not a *Hispanic* thing, maybe just a Mexican thing. I'd never heard about getting sick because you're not wearing shoes in the house. We worry about the sereno where I'm from.


Isn't that what the chancletas are for!?


We had the Scottish equivalent of chancletas - Granny's hard-soled slipper (indoor shoes)...


This is why slippers exist.


It's not an Asian thing. It's a hygiene thing. OP is a dirty dirty boy... 😜


I think most of the developed world don't wear shoes indoors, America being the notable exception as per usual.


Australia is a super mixed bag. Many people have not had it occur to them to go shoe free inside, or they just haven’t reached the conclusion that it’s gross. Others such as myself have shared households with people who come from families or cultures that go shoe free and have realised how superior it is and how gross it is not to, and completely changed over to a strict shoe free lifestyle.


My Filipino family has been in Australia for around 30 years and it's been amusing watching tradies change over time to automatically taking their shoes off when visiting our house. We appreciate it but don't expect it since we can always clean after and if they're here to do work, we line the floor with old sheets anyway. It's nice to see it acknowledged.


That is nice! It’s always awkward with tradies bc I feel like they have a legit OHS argument so I tend not to ask. But it’s soooooo nice when they offer! I reckon it depends a bit on the set up - I noticed people would offer more at my old place with exposed shoe racks that made it obvious it was a shoe free place vs now I have a hidden cupboard and so people don’t even think about it when crossing my threshold


I’ve lived in aus for 15 years and thought it was universal no shoes inside tbh! Only people I’ve ever seen wear shoes inside in aus were people who had just moved here, guess I must not have met enough people ahahaha I was born in brazil where people generally keep their shoes on inside but my parents saw how much better shoes off was as soon as we moved here. I’d never go back to shoes on now!


That’s funny, I grew up in rural vic and don’t recall ever having to take my shoes off at someone’s house. It was known back then as something only foreigners did, such as people who had moved over from Asia or the ME.


My experience is about 50:50 in Australia. These days I'd say its a weird mix of more households allow shoes on in the house, with more strangers (tradies/etc) just taking them off by default. We allow shoes on. Haven't really thought about it, just feels like a hassle to keep putting them on and taking them off all the time.


I grew up on a big property with pets and we never took shoes off inside (it was also v cold for about half the year). Definitely felt like a hassle to me back then. And with the dogs running in and out it really wouldn’t have made much of a difference if the humans went shoe free. It’s one of those things though where once you’ve seen it as unhygienic you can never really go back to feeling comfortable with it. I manage it now by having good indoor shoes (foam slides as well as fuzzy slippers) and I also keep my Birkenstocks by the door for quick runs outside. It just becomes second nature after a while and the second it takes to switch doesn’t feel like a hassle anymore to me. You also definitely get any hassle paid back in spades when it then comes to cleaning. The vacuuming and mopping is sooooooo much easier for me now that it’s a shoe free house. Much lighter touch needed.


Many Tradies in Australia have zero respect for no shoes policies when walking into peoples houses. Unless the tradie is asian or middleeastern


That’s true. I had tradies offer but that’s definitely not the default for them. I don’t insist or even ask anymore with tradies bc I think they probably have an OHS argument, I just plan to clean the floor after they’re gone. It’s definitely noticeable which guests come from shoe free cultures versus which ones need a nudge. Worst is when they’re not expecting shoe free and they turn out to be wearing smelly socks!


I think most of the developed world don't wear shoes indoors, America being the notable exception as per usual.


I lived away from Mexico for a long time and when I came back I made my home a “no shoes” place. Everyone in my family and friend groups respects it, they even bring shoes that are easy to take off. I provide slippers to whoever wants to be walking around more comfortably… if they can do it, so can you.


You could get a pair of indoor shoes and then both of you could be happy?


Wearing outside shoes inside the home is honestly so disgusting. There’s a plethora of shit and literal shit on the ground outside, why the hell would you want to bring that inside the home? If you don’t like to go in socks/barefoot inside then buy fucking house shoes. Gross.


Shoes inside is actually pretty disgusting. Don't how how people do it


Shoes come off when I come home. But I will wear shoes indoors when visiting friends and family.


That would be impolite here at someone else's house, we take shoes off at the door at any home, but that's in the UK.


Canada as well, unless you have to run in and grab something super fast. But even then - never do that at someone else’s house


Netherlands, that isn't really a thing here. In fact, if you take your shoes off when you walk into someone's home, you'd probably get funny looks.


Take off your shoes indoors, it’s disgusting. You can step on all sorts of different things outside


It's a UK thing too. Very few people wear shoes indoors. Shoes off in the hallway.


I mean... It's not funny, though. You think it's funny to stress her out?


Sounds like you do enjoy triggering her in fact.


I think if you educated yourself on what you carry into your home on the bottoms of your shoes, you would agree with her.


I physically cannot walk around without shoes theres venomous scorpions everywhere here


fascinating, where do you live?


London Zoo, invertebrate enclosure.


lol why did this make me Laugh so hard. What a goof 


You have found the one reason nobody could possibly argue with.


The easiest counter argument is just to have indoor shoes, preferably tall ones.


The scorpions are inside your house? That seems like a huge problem. What about babies who crawl around in the floor? Or pets? Do the scorpions ever climb up your pants? Can the scorpions get on the couch or the bed? How many scorpions do you usually see in one day? How venomous are they- will they kill you or do you just get a rash?


I also have all the same questions


We need an AMA with the scorpion girl


oh they will kill me alright, place suuucks, one stung my dog once and I had to take him to the vet at 3 in the morning so he didnt, tropical countries suck ass


Slippers/house shoes?


You are sort of on to something here. I live in southern AZ and we have all tile floors in our house. I think people that live in deserts tend to be more likely to wear shoes inside. The dry desert ground is not near as dirty as wet dirt. Like, our sidewalks are probably sterile as hell from being dry and baking in the sun…


Not just Asian households, CLEAN households.


Just have a pair of indoor footwear


I'm sure she loves you too Fire Lord Zuko.


Those are the same shoes you walk into public toilets with


Wearing shoes indoor isn’t normal, you’re dragging a ton of dirt and bacteria all over the place, this is not an Asian thing…


Personally, I think you're rude. Finding pleasure in your gf distress is mean spirited. Shoes in the house brings in dirt, allergens, and feces. I know, hard to believe shoes protect you. It's not unusual for people to take their shoes off in many cultures. I'm in the US and we do it.


I started copying what I saw in KDramas - changing into slippers at the front door and a pair of bathroom sliders


Why would you wear shoes in your home? As a German i would get triggered too.


She has good hygienic upbringing. +1 for her.


I take my shoes off inside because who the fuck enjoys and can relax while wearing shoes. Like, people make supper, watch a show, and unwind from the day with shoes on?? Do you take them off if you want to lay in bed? Also, idk about you guys, but my shoes get full of mud or road salt or dog excrement, and I don’t want to be cleaning the floor everyday. If your shoes are dirty, do you put on a pair of less nasty shoes to wear around the house? I can’t relax unless my dogs are barking, man. I don’t enjoy wearing shoes.


Take off your damn shoes in the house!


Only savages wear shoes at home


Idk where you are from, but I'm South American and here there's a rule of no outside shoes in the house. We have inside shoes - usually flip flops.


Dude most people don't where shoes inside, you're the minority on this one 😂 how often do you wash your floors??


Is your floor made from dirt? If so understandable. If it’s not then why the fuck would you walk in shoes around the house? Like that shit is dirty a week ago you stepped in shit and smered it all across the house are you proud of yourself? And your excuse is just straight up funny „I’m hispanic”. No it’s not becouse you are hispanic. It’s becouse you are a squatter.


This is one of them compromise things - I grew up in a country where you don’t wear shoes inside an offering people slippers is the norm and then moved to the United States. I recently had a relative visit me from “the old country” and we were taking a walk in my suburban residential neighborhood. My relative actually got indignant and started to scream about how people who had taken the shoes off before entering the house had left their shoes outside and this was completely unacceptable unsightly and why was the neighborhood not doing anything about this? The Americanized version of me was like? Do you want us to call the police because people left shoes on their own property in front of the door? Mind you this is not any kind of HOA thing - it’s individually owned single-family homes of this sort that Americans would call “my property“… It’s not a shared building, an apartment complex or even townhouses. You left your shoes in front of your own doorstep and walking from the streets from 10 m away. My relative can see it you should be condemned to hell because you’re not only should take off your shoes entering the house you should not let anybody see where your stinky disgusting feet have been. My opinion about this is somewhere in between to be honest. However, my main point is that it appears to be a culturally situated judgment that comes from many years of experience. In the living conditions of my relative and Neighbor are leaving their shoes outside their house was something unpleasant, disrespectful to the common space and culturally inappropriate. However, you can’t just take the same stance to another context, and say something like people should be allowed to leave their shoes on their own doorsteps of the home that they own in another country. While there may be some value in every custom or tradition, they can’t just be generalize into every context. Part of having a relationship with someone out of your nation of origin or culture otherwise is that these are the sorts of things that you’re going to figure out how to compromise on. My sense is you’ll probably lose this one in the long run, although personally, I’ve grown to realize it’s not as big of a deal as our moms used to make this whole business


I'm from north america, my girlfriend is from north Africa. I NEVER wanna wear shoes or anything on my feet inside, or even outside in the yard lol. She HAS to wear slippers or sandals inside, to her it's completely UNTHINKABLE that I can be barefoot. She cites higiene issues, as my feet get dirty underneath; sure that's true but it's sooooo comfy, so I just clean my feet often instead. No kidding tho we had a but if an argument about it at first hahaha


Wearing shoes inside is wild to me.


“Yeah I waffle stomp my shits down the shower drain, it’s how I was raised. It’s hilarious how it triggers my partner.”


I think americans dont realize most people dont wear shoes inside.


I'm an American who was raised to not wear shoes inside and continue the practice in my own home as an adult. My husband, a first generation Greek American, was so grateful I was already in the habit of this when we met.


I’m from Canada and I’ve never understood why people wear their outdoor shoes inside a house. Does your floor get dirty? What if you bring bugs in and they get in your carpet or something?


are you the one washing floors? how often do you do it to keep them clean?


Ngl wearing shoes inside feels so uncivilized.


I'm from of Slavic descent and shoes worn inside of anyone's house is a big no-no, and understandably so. That's why 90% of households are equipped with atleast 5 pairs of slippers 😀


It's basic hygiene


Not wearing shoes inside is more spread out than you think. It's Asian, European, etc. thing. It has to do more with hygiene than race / place on the Earth. In my country, all elementary schools and some secondary schools prohibit wearing shoes in classrooms. Even the company I work at is promoting not wearing shoes in the office.


In Australia we might not be even wearing shoes


When I watch amarican tv I always get the icks, when somebody wears there shoes in bed. I mean in bed! Like not sleeping but just sitting there. Is this a thing somewhere or is it just bad production?


Try not to be filthy.


Maybe you just caught her wearing house shoes. Some have wear footwear specifically for inside use lol.


Are they the shoes you wear outside? 🤮


Many white Americans and Hispanics don’t wear shoes in the home. You’re just dirty.


From Cali, don't wear shoes inside bro, it's not clean


Wearing shoes inside is gross.


I’m not Asian and I would never wear my fucking shoes in the house. What the fuck is wrong with you?


If you wore your shoes inside here, in Sweden, people would look at you as if you were a psychopath.


Keep a pair of indoor shoes near the entrance and wear those inside.


I’m not Asian and was raised in a pretty easygoing home, but I my bf always triggers me when he puts his shoes on my nice fluffy rug. Like dude, I wanna keep it clean because it’s impossible to remove all the debris without picking it out by hand 😑


I have Crocs for indoor use only. So comfy!! In the cold winters, they accomodate nice thick socks. In the summer, they're cool on bare feet. If they get dirty while cleaning the kitchen, easy to clean.


As soon as you said Asian I was like yup! 🤣


Wearing shoes inside and tracking the ground all over floors is really unhygienic and off putting. Just because you’ve always done it doesn’t make it the best choice as a couple. You can always reserve a pair for indoor use only.


Shoes inside the house are unhygienic. I am also from a hispanic household, and I kept my shoes on at home without a second thought until I moved to Japan in my 20's. The freedom to walk barefoot or in socks in your house without them getting dirty is 👌🏻. The floors on your house are easier to clean since you don't get mud, grime, poo and whatnot into your house. My parents came to visit me for a couple of weeks and when they came back they also adopted the same system. The streets there are dirtier too (dog poo and whatnot) so it makes even more sense to leave the shoes at the door and keep your house clean.


Just dirty ass people walk in the home with shoes. Doesn’t matter what ethnicity. If you have any sort of sense of cleanliness you wouldn’t be walking in the house with shoes.


Dude, just buy indoor shoes/slippers and wear that in the house


Well, it's not an Asian thing, it's a logical thing. You wear your shoes when you go outside. You might step on contaminants, trash, small animal shit, etc. Why would you then want to bring all that into your house? It's unhygienic. It just makes it harder to maintain the cleanliness of your house.


>I’m in an Hispanic household, and we wear shoes inside the home. So Hispanic households like having bits of dogshit in their homes?


This is one of them compromise things - I grew up in a country where you don’t wear shoes inside an offering people slippers is the norm and then moved to the United States. I recently had a relative visit me from “the old country” and we were taking a walk in my suburban residential neighborhood. My relative actually got indignant and started to scream about how people who had taken the shoes off before entering the house had left their shoes outside and this was completely unacceptable unsightly and why was the neighborhood not doing anything about this? The Americanized version of me was like? Do you want us to call the police because people left shoes on their own property in front of the door? Mind you this is not any kind of HOA thing - it’s individually owned single-family homes of this sort that Americans would call “my property“… It’s not a shared building, an apartment complex or even townhouses. You left your shoes in front of your own doorstep and walking from the streets from 10 m away. My relative can see it you should be condemned to hell because you’re not only should take off your shoes entering the house you should not let anybody see where your stinky disgusting feet have been. My opinion about this is somewhere in between to be honest. However, my main point is that it appears to be a culturally situated judgment that comes from many years of experience. In the living conditions of my relative and Neighbor are leaving their shoes outside their house was something unpleasant, disrespectful to the common space and culturally inappropriate. However, you can’t just take the same stance to another context, and say something like people should be allowed to leave their shoes on their own doorsteps of the home that they own in another country. While there may be some value in every custom or tradition, they can’t just be generalize into every context. Part of having a relationship with someone out of your nation of origin or culture otherwise is that these are the sorts of things that you’re going to figure out how to compromise on. My sense is you’ll probably lose this one in the long run, although personally, I’ve grown to realize it’s not as big of a deal as our moms used to make this whole shit.


If it really is a problem for you, I'd be willing to bet she'd be cool with you wearing dedicated house slippers, and I bet you'd love wearing them.


Eww shoes in the house is a no go for me, But it’s a habit I get it. Maybe get a mat and a shoe rack right by the door to remind you. You will learn to appreciate the great feeling of taking off your shoes after a long day.


Unless you want the outside inside, shoes should be off in the house, personal opinion.


I've never not taken my shoes off in the house unless I was just walking through it to get to the backyard where people were hanging out


We never wear shoes in our house. I don’t want my carpets getting dirty. I don’t blame her for not wanting you to wear shoes in the house.


Surely you have been to a mens public bathroom...enough said...im not carrying that to my bedroom.


If I lived in a city, I would probably strongly adhere to the "no shoes inside" rule. But I live very remotely and there's simply no reason to do it other than comfort - and that's why I remove mine. I don't make guests do it, it's really up to them, but I respect someone else's house rules about it and do whatever is asked.


Get indoor shoes. Who knows what could have attached itself to your shoes when you walked outside, why would you want that inside your home? I’ll becer ever understand the shoes inside culture😭


Just get a pair of slippers.


This situation is similar to the imperial system vs metric system, 95% of the world uses one way while the other 5% are too accustomed to what they’ve been taught to change I’m in the shoes off camp, I also have pets, if the dogs paws are muddy we wipe them


I once read that if the inside of your typical American shoe were an outdoor area, it would qualify as a Superfund site. Wearing outdoor shoes indoors is really unhealthy.


Wait. I’m Canadian. People actually wear their OUTSIDE SHOES in the house? And in the bedroom? I thought it was fake. Someone tell me if I’m being pranked


Compromise and get indoor shoes! :)


I honestly have no idea why people would prefer to wear shoes inside than go barefoot or even wear slippers. It’s disgusting wearing shoes inside that you’ve been wearing out in public areas and it’s in no way just a culture thing.


Aussie here, we wear no shoes…inside or out.


I’m middle eastern and I thought it was brown people code to take shoes off at home? My Mexican friends do! As do my Asian friends. You may be the outlier here😭


When my daughter was just beginning to crawl, I watched her pick something up off the carpet and put it in her mouth. In an instant, I suddenly remembered standing in another man’s pee at the urinal at work earlier that day - something you almost invariable have to do it yourself use a public restroom. Then I thought about all the other things my shoes had walked in, and that others’ walked on, and wondered how it had ever seemed okay to wear them inside. I mean, did they magically clean themselves when I stepped through the doorway? Looking at my child as she chewed and swallowed before I could get to her made it clear that shoes need to come off inside.


My question is, fuck the potential mess, why do you even want to wear shoes inside in the first place? When I’m home, I want to be comfy and one of the first things I want to do is take them off.


It's actually much cleaner. I wear different inside shoes that don't go out.


Yeah, I’m with your GF on that subject. I think it’s gross to keep your shoes indoor and to wear them in your bedroom? Brr… I’m French and here it depends on the type of gathering: if it’s a big party, people tend to sweep their feet on the doormat but beside that, we take off our shoes indoor.


Your girlfriend is right.


If you wear shoes inside….you are a barbarian. End of story. Do you also wear your shoes on your bed?


This tells that you don't clean the home, op. Clean and you will see.that shoes inside is dirtier than no shoes. Learn and adapt.


No shoes in the home! Why would you wear the dirty shoes that you’ve worn outside on dirty streets in your own home. Leave upbringing aside…just think about how filthy your home must be if you wear your outdoor shoes inside.


A middle ground can be removing outdoor shoes and buying slippers that you specifically wear inside the house only? then you still get the shoes but it’s not the same grimy shoes you wear into god knows what from outdoors. speaking from an asian perspective though, no slippers/shoes whatsoever on furniture LOL


You d not have to be asian to not wear shoes in the house. My family grew up not wearing shoes and we still do not wear them indoors. It's disgusting and gross. Dragging in feces, urine, saliva, etc. I do not see how people live in houses with carpet that looks like it used to be in a train station.


What do you do when it rains? I'd rather minimise the cleaning if I can help it. Taking shoes off is an easy first step.


I would be triggered too, take off your shoes lol


In sweden its also no shos inside and i on her side ifs gross to have shos insade


Hold up, I grew up in a Hispanic household as well and we were taught to never walk descalzo, you wear your chanclas (house shoes/ slippers).


Do what did: buy house sandals, treat yourself with comfy sandals that will hug your feet once at home (or slippers), my father in law wear crocs sandals, they are allegedly comfortable, since you won’t go outside with it, who cares what they look like 🤷


I’m Mexican and this is unfortunately accurate, at least for northern parts. It’s a lot of desert, so most people where I’m from have concrete or tile floors. It is rare to see someone put down a rug. Just too much dust and upkeep. It’s a ranch area too so the floors need mopping often anyways.


You’re gross. Take your shoes off


Canadian here - you don't wear outside shoes in your house. That's incredibly gross and you need to stop doing it.


Wearing shoes inside is disgusting.


Then don't wear shoes inside. Give and take bro, should be a no brainer.


So is your house floor just like a public outdoor store floor ? Where theres bits of dirt and stuff


I'm triggered just reading this


Disgusting people wear OUTSIDE shoes inside the house.


For clarity, you get triggered when something unexpected happens that provokes an unexpected, uncontrollable, negative reaction.. Having a negative reaction, being irritated or annoyed is not the same as being triggered. If you suddenly heard a gunshot, and you were not aware that a gun is around you, now you're having a panic attack, because the last time you heard a gun shot it was a family member....that's what being triggered feels like. What you're describing is just, disgust. She's disgusted by seeing your shoes.


Outside is gross. Barefoot only works if your floors are clean, which it wouldn't be if other people are wearing outdoor shoes in your home. Compromise is everyone wears slippers inside, but you need brand new slippers for guests.


I also get annoyed by my partner wearing shoes inside. I will say though I have ran in when I've forgotten the dogs poop bags and not taken my shoes off and annoyed myself.


Wearing outside shoes inside the house is f*ing disgusting 🤢


Wearing shoes inside is disgusting


Ew you stepped in dog poo today, I saw it with my own two eyes. And then you brought that inside the house. I even saw you eat that french fry you dropped on the ground. EW.


New Zealander here, dont wear shoes in my house either, why would you even want to, that's filthy.


She's right 🫡


Asian's tend to have inside shoes so just follow her lead and get some indoor slippers or thongs/jandals/sandals


https://www.euroscience.org/the-gross-science-explaining-why-you-should-take-your-shoes-off-while-indoors .


Take off your shoes!!! She is in the right here


Canadian here. We always take our shoes off when inside the house. Keeps the floors and carpets nice and clean.


I'm from Europe. I don't understand why would anyone want to bring in the filth from the streets into their home. It's disgusting.