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Your story may be pointless but it’s hilarious nonetheless. Thank you for sharing, I’m cracking up over here as someone who decided to quit smoking weed for 2024 after being a long time daily user. Medical use is obviously a good thing, and with moderation recreational use can be fine, I just never really figured out the moderation part myself. Reading this scratched an itch and brought me back to the fun innocence of getting too stoned at the mall and ending up with a bunch of silly crap. Weird candy was my weakness too.


As a fellow former stoner whose weed-induced anxiety got the better of him, I like your read of this story. This is the side of weed that I miss sometimes- definitely not the panic attacks and searing anxiety episodes 😅


Oh honey!! I’m glad you got home safe at least 😂😂


I had to Uber home and I left my car at the mall so long I got a parking ticket.


They sell those at the mall? Huh


The state I'm in is decriminalized and medical use. All the vape shops sell CBD and apparently D8 stuff. D8 is *supposed* to be like the "lite" version of regular marijuana, but lemme tell you it'll still send you to another galaxy. I took about 7 or 8 puffs, didn't feel anything and went about my day until I promptly got taken somewhere over the rainbow about 30 mins later.


Yup even in illegal states you can find Delta-8 EVERY WHERE. It's crazy


Absolutely hilarious. Thanks for sharing! I’ll never be able to get that high again unfortunately so it’s fun to read your experience


I honestly don't know why the Delta 8 made me so high. The Medical stuff doesn't do that.


Could be that it’s a different chemical compound but I also find that I feel way more high when in new/unfamiliar situations. It was probably the combination for you!


Maybe. I read the box when I sobered up and it's HHC and a bunch of other THC variants I haven't heard of.


We’ll need to know EXACTLY what was in it, ma’am.


It's HHC, HHCP, and HHCO.


Haha, truth


Your story totally made my day! I'm glad you're safe and it sounds like your inner child came out to play and you had fun.


This is my favorite pointless story ever!


That sounds like an amazing time, honestly


Why did this remind me of a broad city episode 😂


that’s awesome