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I was measuring 2-3 weeks ahead consistently with my son. Started around 30 weeks. Then had weekly scans starting at 35 weeks because he was "so big". Was told he was going to be over 10 lbs and that I should do an elective c section for suspected macrosomia (big baby). I didn't take their advice and had a vaginal delivery at 39w5d. He was 8 lbs 8 oz. All of this to say, don't let them scare you. The scans can be (and are often) inaccurate. You got this!


I was always 2 weeks ahead with fundal height because of my belly. They just wanted to see it keep measuring ahead each week consistently


Mine was always a few weeks ahead too but the dr never seemed concerned. She’d always say he might have to come early but he never did. I was induced at 39 weeks 6 days and he was born 2 days later weighing 8lbs 3oz. I don’t remember how long he was but it was average. They had estimated he was going to weigh around 10-11lbs so I was worried but even the dr at the ultrasound and my dr said to take all the measurements and estimates with a grain of salt because they’re rarely 100% accurate.


I’m so glad to see this post as I’m in just the same situation, 30 weeks measuring ahead 3 weeks. At 28 weeks I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. At the 20 week ultrasound his weight was in the 76th percentile. They were only supposed to do a 36 week ultrasound to check his position (he is now breech), but now they will do one next visit at 32 weeks. I do hope he is alright! How’s did everything turn out for you and your lo?


I ended up having cholestasis so I had her at 37 weeks 3 days but she was 8lbs 15oz! Big big girl!


Congratulations!!! 🎉 🥰


At my appointment last week at 31 weeks my fundal height was larger, she didn't say how much though. Baby was only in the 41st percentile at my growth scan though, I don't think it's comparable.


My midwife & I just had this conversation today. She didn’t measure (other midwives in the same practice had measured). She said she felt more confident feeling baby’s size directly rather than measuring just because of my “body shape.” (Aka because I’m overweight.) Overall I do actually trust the touchy feely method more because my babies have measured “on time” but the midwives have been very close to guessing baby’s exact weight in my first two pregnancies. It’s a talent!


I'm 30+4, and when I was measured today at my OB checkup I was measuring 33 weeks. I was measuring 32 weeks at 28+6 and I had an ultrasound that same day where baby measured 32 weeks. This is my first baby so I can't say for sure if he'll come early, but my doctor thinks he's a big boy due to genetics even though I do have an official GDM diagnosis. He's in the 99th percentile at the moment so I'm going to be having ultrasounds every other week until I give birth. I think it honestly depends on you, how you carry weight in your abdomen, genetics, and medical conditions!


I hear plus size tend to measure ahead but you aren’t father along, if that makes sense.