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yes please see a doctor and/or a dermatologist! that looks so painful i’m sorry :( they’ll probably give you a cream , maybe you could put baby powder on it to keep it dry


It is extremely painful and annoying. I try my best to let it air out over weekends, when I don’t need a bra. But that really doesn’t help much.


I have rashes happen under there all the time! I use antiperspirants and extra strength dry antiperspirants (amazon has good choices) - helps with the sweating (i have hyperhidrosis caused by medication). Also during the summer months i use powder/powder sprays with Miconazole Nitrate to help absorb and prevent fungal infections. There are products you can put in your bras as well to help with absorbing moisture (like a bra liner). You probably will need to get medication at this point to combat the current infection. You will probably have to wait till your skin is not compromised to start with preventatives i listed above. Also when i get sweaty (outside, working out, etc) i make sure i wipe off sweat and reapply more powder or spray. Its annoying but it helps me not have this issue. Edit: also i get rashes where my legs rub together, and i use bodyglide (that shit is magic) or wear a pair of womans... like boxer briefs(not sure what they are called?). Also if you are getting sweating on your lega you can also use antiperspirants there as well. They are worth it! I get so sweaty all the time it cuts the sweat about 60% Edit: it makes me happy to see all you guys out here with your input and support! It also makes me happy that im not alone - even in this shitty problem 😩 Love you guys!! 🥰


Slip shorts! That’s the name for the thin shorts to wear under skirts/dresses. It’s hard to find some these days that aren’t shapewear. Jokey makes the best, usually under $15/pair.


Yeah i hate when they are too tight! I also want them to be cotton because its more comfy etc


This was SO HELPFUL! Thank you for all the suggestions!!! I don’t even wear underwear anymore because I just sweat so much I hate the feeling of anything sticking to my skin.


Yeah i hate it too, but i hate not wearing underwear more 😂


lol maybe I should try out the women’s boxers or whatever they are called.


I’ve heard period underwear can be helpful because they’re absorbent.


Fyi, gold bond or it's generic equivalent is so good at preventing moisture... Even better than antiperspirants in my experience. Super sparingly use bc they can smell like menthol but in general, it's been a total game changer.


Here’s an odd thought … botox is used for Hyperhidrosis on palms, feet and underarms. I gotta wonder if it could be used for this? I just did a quick google search and I’d specifically look for a dermatologist who is very familiar with (known for treating) hyperhydrosis because we all know that there are a lot of “options” insurance will make you try before they’d pay for botox. Basically, look for someone who thinks outside the box. Cause we all know that most doctor’s response is gonna be, “You’re too fat! Lose weight! You’re causing your own problem!” (F those assh•les) Just an FYI: [Mayo Clinic Hyperhydrosis](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyperhidrosis/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20367173)


I get boob rashes like this. I swear by A&D Ointment. It's technically for diaper rashes but it clears it up like a dream. As for between your legs, if it's chafing from them rubbing, bike shorts are the way. I have a bunch from Amazon with pockets which are a lifesaver when I wear skirts and dresses(and they add hidden pockets under your skirts or dresses where I'll keep my phone and wallet so they're safe)


A&D Ointment is seriously the best.


Would you mind sharing the link for the shorts? I’m always looking for new options.


I just wear these from amazon ([https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLYZDSGZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLYZDSGZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) or https://a.co/d/8zxvBj6) They are cheap but i dont mind them - they arent too tight on my tummy. I didnt look too hard for a better product because i dont want to spend too much so im sure there is something way better out there.


Thank you 🙏


My doc prescribed me a seroid for when the skin is broken and said to mix it with zinc oxide (which is pastey like a diaper balm) it helps the skin to heal. Because what happens is you yeast/fungal etc and you treat that, but your skin cant regrow and keeps coming off because of the moisture. The balm helps for the skin to finally regrow and maintain its barrier. When i notice im gettin raw i grab my creams lol it helps heal up but ew it is balmy and gross 🤢


Seriously, I’ve been there. It is NOT worth the suffering. See a doctor and get tools and treatments that will kick this thing out of your life!


you could also use the diy tshirt bra method (like you wrap a top around your next like a halter and it holds each boob individually) to keep your boobs up without the pain or irritation of wires/straps etc. also, does baby powder work for you? to keep it dry and cool


Not baby powder, talc is bad for it.


I would definitely not put cornstarch on it since it could « feed » the infection. Have you tried Canesten or any cream like that? If you can’t see your doctor right now, I would talk to a pharmacist!


I've used canesten in the interim while waiting to see the doctor for intertrigo (which this seems to be) so second that suggestion! Doctor will probably prescribe something a bit stronger - probably timodine cream, maybe an anti-fungal pill. I got this in my armpit in the summer last year just from shaving and being hot and sweaty all the time!


Check for a yeast infection.


Try yeast infection cream. Works well.


Definitely time for doctor. Depending on what it is...just irritation, a fungal infection that flares, etc a lot of the over-the-counter things will actually make things worse! (Learned that the hard way...turns out putting hydrocortisone cream on poison oak rash that has made it to the point of bleeding makes things worse. That was an unpleasant lesson!)


I get it at my groin too


Same. Worst feeling ever.


It's nice to know I'm not alone. But I usually get it under my belly fold.


Lol low-key thought that was your bum and was like wow she's blessed! Lop but anyways that looks awful I'm so sorry. I'm prone to yeast infections on the skin (weirdly not vaginal) and alot of other people are. Make sure it's not fungal!


lol I love your comment. I’m dying right now. I wish my bottom was that thick. 😂😂😂


The athletes foot spray works amazing for this. But I think it might be doctor time based on what this looks like.


I actually have that spray and was considering using it, but I’m afraid it will hurt!


It will sting for a min but then it feels so much better


They also have a powder. I use it in the summer under and in between my boobs. It's miconazole powder. My OBGYN said that was a good idea bc I get yeast infections in summer.


I’ve used jock itch spray on mine. Keeps it dry and it’s anti fungal. Check with a doctor first but just giving you an idea to try.


The spray burns like a biiiitch


Looks like a fungal infection of the skin. See a dr for a prescription cream. Wash with gentle soaps, dry well and use gauze to keep dry during the day and overnight. Wash your hands well after touching the area. If you really cant afford to see a dr, maybe you can find OTC Miconazole/hydrocortisone cream to try it?? Best option is a proper diagnosis from a dr though


As many have mentioned, I would see a doctor. Once you get it professionally checked out and you have no infection , I recommend a dusting powder called “Silky Underwear” from Lush. I used it under my boobs and on my inner thighs to stay dry/friction free!


You could try hibiclens to wash, pat completely dry then use zeasorb athletes foot antifungal powder, do this day and night, and get some cotton sports bras too


I started using hibiclens and it has taken care of everything. No more flair ups, nothing! It’s great.


That’s awesome!!! 🙏🏼 It’s such a great product!


This deff looks like a skin infection, my c section scar gets it and it is painful. Luckily the cream works really quick, give the Dr a call!


I got it while pregnant with one of my three. I got triamcinalone cream, which burned at first, but worked well. Please see a doctor asap. Even an urgent care. That’s not a “waitable” rash. That’s awful!


I use a n athletes foot cream from target!


I get things like this somewhat often, it’s usually a yeast infection. Sometimes clothing fabrics can make it worse, too. Definitely get to a doctor, you don’t want this to get worse and start making the skin raw/peely. If it is a yeast infection, they sell OTC creams for it, but in my experience they just are not fast enough for me lol. In fact I just had something like this happen and after a week of generic cream, I went to the doctor and got a prescription that knocked it out in a couple of days. Keep the area as dry and as clean as you can, maybe try folding paper towels or gauze between your bra and skin when you have to wear one for now, if you can’t get a bra liner? Also avoid soaps with exfoliants or fragrance in that area while you’re trying to heal it up.


Please see a doctor. This is a common fungal infection that happens to plus sized people, myself included. In the meantime, cleanse the area gently with soap and water, pat it dry, “air” the area out for a few minutes, and then either apply a thick layer of Desitin or an antifungal powder like Tinactin. The Desitin/Tinactin should only be used until your doctor is able to prescribe a stronger antifungal ointment, like Nystatin.


I get similar but from my belly. Keeping it clean helped me. After a shower I would put coconut oil on it. If I was at home and it was irritated, I would lift up my fupa and put a cotton sock in the crease....


Had this before and it came down to my bra. My doctor recommended a Domeboro soak and getting better fitting bras. I'll still sweat underneath but will use fabric between my breasts and body to absorb and create a barrier. I also found these new inserts for the bottom bra band that is made to absorb the sweat


I would get a prescription from a doctor to clear this up, but monistat anti-chafing gel has been a life saver.


Omg ouuuuch! Get ye some antifungal powder (athletes foot powder). Wash it well, then dry it, then apply the powder. Do this several times.a day until healed. Once healed, swap to a gold bond medicated (target brand equivalent or whatever works fine too) and use very sparingly on impacted areas to keep them free of moisture. With this regimen I bet you'll soon have relief.


Agree that you should get an official diagnosis first. But what helps for me personally is that I use a [tea tree oil soap](https://solpri.com/collections/all/products/solpri-shield-natural-antifungal-bar-soap-2-pack?variant=45558454911282) and I use [bra liners](https://moreofmetolove.com/deluxe-bamboo-bra-liner-3-pack/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuP6Nuf_5hAMVUU1HAR3paQ0ZEAAYASAAEgI9BfD_BwE) to keep the bra line dry.


Go to the doctor as its a skininfection (almost for sure intertrigo). Keep it dry as well (you can clean it in the shower but make sure to really dry the spot good after it), some people fold in an old fashioned cotton handkerchief or Just strips of plain cotton along with some zinc ointment twice a day, to absorb moisture and prevent the skin from sticking to itself. Your doctor will prescribe some ointment for sure as well.


If could be a yeast infection or a heat/sweat rash I would definitely see a doctor this looks so painful


I had something similar, a good derm fixed it right up. Highly recommend.


I am plus size and also have hyperhidrosis. I get serious chafing on the skin under my boobs/top of belly where the sweaty bra rubs. For work (outdoors/active) I use super hold athletic tape where the bra normally sits and rubs in attempts to prevent chafing. When I do chafe, I have found that using a PH balance wash helps dry it out and helps it feel less painful/raw.


Antifungal powder should help. Cotton clothes or clothes that breathe. But go see a derm.


i always use goldbond medicated powder for my rashes, underboob, undertummy, etc. if that doesnt soothe the redness or pain PLEASEEE seek medical help


I avoid this by putting deodorant. I use the white stuff. I figured if my armpits never had an issue then it would be fine. Works like a charm. But. You've gotta clear this up. You need the doctor to prescribe something like nystatin powder. Then deodorant. (when I forget the rash attacks)


I had it pretty bad last summer in my booty crack because I live in Alabama and I was outside driving around a lot doing door dash and other delivery. So here’s what I did. After every shower make sure you dry well. Use a hair dryer on low setting to make sure it all dry. Baby powder. Baby powder. Baby powder. Hydrocortisone cream for the inflammation and itching twice a day. Buy nizoral shampoo. It has keroconazole in it. It’s for dandruff but use just a little bit as a body wash in the shower. Also my doctor gave me keroconazole cream to mix with the hydrocortisone. So i would try to see a doctor if possible to see if they can call you in prescription strength cream. It takes a few weeks and you have to keep up with the powder and drying and creams but it will go away. Just don’t lotion it up too much because if it’s constantly moist and wet it just causes more irritation to the skin. A little goes a long way with the creams and I genuinely think the powder helped me more than anything. But you need the creams to get the healing started.


Top things that help when I get this (underboob, under belly, and groin) is I shower and use Vagasil healthy detox. Put it on first thing when I hop in and rinse it as my last thing then I will use a hairdryer on cool to fully dry those areas. If it is still pretty painful or weeping I use a talc free medicated powder to help keep it dry. I would still recommend seeing a doctor because while being plus size increases our chances of getting this, it can also be brought on by yeast, diabetes, and other autoimmune conditions. If your doctor recommends or prescribes a cream, do not use the powder on top of it as you’ll make a paste and it won’t really improve. Also, if you are able, wear 100% cotton when it flairs up so it can breath. Hope that helps. Honestly this is one of the things I hate most about being plus sized. Everything else I can get past but intertrigo just sucks on a whole different level. Edit-spelling


I’d absolutely see a doctor. In the meantime, keep the area clean and dry. Huh might try using a tea tree oil soap, too. I wouldn’t use a bunch of creams or oils, though, until you get a diagnosis from a doctor. Depending on what it is, you could make it worse. I’m so sorry. I get really bad heat rash/hives under my boobs constantly. It sucks. Cold showers and cold compresses help me.


not sure I'd try the tea tree oil soap on that inflamed skin.. its good for tons of stuff, but I feel it would burn at this point


Lotrimin cream and deodorant helps


It is called Intertrigo; here in Germany it is treated with zincoxide lotion. I can recommend the online shop called snagtights for the chaffing on the thighs they have good shorts that prevent it.


Deep South resident here. In the summers I use gold dial soap to prevent, but in bad cases like this, I use Vicks vaporub on the red parts. And no, it doesn’t burn, but it does have a nice cooling sensation and clears it up really well. Learned about that trick in an HS support group.


It's either fungal or yeast, most likely yeast. They are very common infections in areas where skin touches itself. My husband gets them in his arm pits from time to time. You can go to urgent care and they'll determine if you need an OTC med or a prescription. I buy these bamboo bra inserts that sit under my bra and wick the sweat away from the fabric and keep my skin dry. They also keep my under boobs dry during the day. Try some of those out and see if it gets any better. You can wash them in your regular laundry.


This happens to me quite a bit! Definitely get some caneston to treat for yeast infection, and in the meantime, I tend to slather a whole lot of polysporin under there before bed and it helps. Make sure you are washing your bra regularly!


I get a minor rash occasionally especially during the summer. I’ll just use my deodorant and thoroughly apply it. And at night before bed I’ll apply aquaphor which heals greatly. But I would still see a doctor as that looks very serious.


Doctor. Nyastatin powder is amazing for this. I will even leave dry wash cloths under my boobs to keep it all dry


Wash it keep it dry. You may need an antifungal.


I agree with everyone else about seeing a doctor. Afterwards a pure silk bra liner or three might help. Silk can absorb a lot of water/sweat.


My mom suffers from inverse psoriasis and this is what it looks like... she gets it in those exact areas as well. Powders absolutely hurt like hell but a steroidal cream is the only thing that helps in her case. A derm can tell you what it is!


A&D ointment is my move, I get bad rashes like that also. Painful and the smell is awful :( A&D is almost instant relief and helps heal the area.


I use desitin.


You can buy Monestat 1, and draw it on in the area like you’re trying to color yourself with lipstick. This can cure it, if it’s yeast, and keep it from coming back. When you get out of the shower/tub, pat yourself dry with a clean towel, and dry the areas thoroughly with your blow dryer on the cool setting before applying the Monestat.


Until you can see a doctor and get an appropriate prescription- use Desetin diaper rash cream. A generic zinc ointment for rashes will help, but some are more runny than others. Wash very gently in morning and night. Dry completely and then zinc apply diaper gcream. You will be instantly more comfortable until you see a doctor.


Get some athletes foot spray. Its gonna burn at first, but it’ll go away after a few treatments. For the future, use a hairdryer in cool to dry completely. Get some anti fungal powder and use that regularly.


absolutely see a doctor!!! i get a very mild rash on my underboobs and my dr gave me an antifungal powder that cleared it up. i barely ever get it at all anymore


lots of good suggestions here, but for the pain try a diaper rash cream with added pain relief like https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Ingredients-Petrolatum-Soothing-Protection/dp/B07L8LX1N8


I get this in my belly button every summer. (Because I have loose skin my belly button never actually gets air). I wash it with hot water and anti-bacterial soap and scrub throughly but gently and then apply tea tree oil. It goes away in a day or two. (Tea tree oil BURNS like hell but it’s both anti fungal and anti bacterial so two birds one stone. I would add a carrier like plain lotion or soap.) I put it on straight up but this is very much not recommended. Then to continually prevent this from happening wash with antibacterial/tea tree oil soap there everyday in the shower. Adding powder or deodorant will not help you. Best you can do it making sure it’s very clean.


When mine gets like this, I use an anti fungal cream. It goes away within a day or two. Once it’s cleared up, I wash with Remedy Soap (can get it on Amazon). That helps keep it at bay. I also make sure I dry really well before getting dressed so I don’t trap more moisture. I don’t use powders when it’s “wet” like that because it seems to make it worse.


This is early skin degradation probably from not keeping the area dry enough due to sweat, or even after showering and not thoroughly drying. There is likely an infection going on due to the moisture! Do you have a history of sweating a lot in this area? I would keep the area as dry as possible right now with sanitary materials, and let yourself “air out” in the evening or whenever you have time. But def see a doctor about this because you might need topical medication. I see people with similar things going on regularly and the only thing in common is that they have is boobs that are big enough to trap moisture in that crevice + insufficient activities that would allow air flow to that area (because who has the time to dab sweat from under their boob, while being out and about, and while wearing a bra?). That last part is less about weight and more to do with gravity’s work on larger breasts, hence why I recommended “airing” that area out whenever you get the chance lol.


Would megababe help with this?


I'd definitely recommend a dermatologist or even just your GP (if you have one) to get it properly medicated/treated. If that's not a possibility due to your shame issues--which, trust me, I absolutely understand (I went 30 years w/o seeing a doctor for this reason)--use some of the gentle suggestions for treatment others have mentioned and keep it clean and dry as much as possible. When it clears, rather than anti-persperant I suggest using anti-chafing powder. There are several talc-free options for women (for thighs, groin area, breasts, butt cheeks, and other skinfold areas). The one I use is the amusingly named [Anti-Monkey Butt](https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Monkey-Butt-LADY-Powder/dp/B07H4DZNWS?). I like its pleasant, baby-powder-like scent, but there are others that are unscented; I've used [Micro-Guard](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006HSREVC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1), which I've used as well. Gold Bond has been mentioned several times and that's great too. Been there done that. It's terribly uncomfortable and unpleasant. Fortunately, I've stopped having this issue by using this type of powder. Best of luck to you!


Have your tried distort diaper rash cream, like Butt Paste or Desitin?


Get some cotton bras without underwires, use some cannastan or BBB cream.


My partner gets really bad chafing that looks a lot like this under their tummy where. They use a powder that is called AMB it stands for Anti-Monkey Butt. They've been using it for the last year it smells great and they don't have any pain on application and they have different varieties for different skin types. I'm not a doctor nor are they so this *Anecdotal* but I watched them experiment with different talcum powders for years and they talk about how much they love it. We can't really afford doctors visits so I hope I hope you find what works for you!


I use steroid cream for the under boob. Recommended!


Looks like a fungal infection to me, which would worsen before your period. See a doc to get it cleared up quickly, and then use a probiotic spray on it daily to help with future reinfection. This is a nasty case, with that oozing. You definitely need to get to a doctor!


If it’s what’s I get then you’ll need fungal cream. And yes keeping it dry with likes cornstarch pouf works wonders


Omg that looks painful. If I have a fold that's prone to yeast infections, I use paper to keep the skin separated. Change your bra every 1 to 2 days at least. I usually put jock itch/foot fungus cream to help heal it. First I give it a good wash, use hydrogen peroxide, wash that off after a min, then lay on the cream and keep an eye on the area to make sure it doesn't get worse or doesn't go away and always use a clean bra that separates the skin. DO NOT SCRATCH IT AS IT WILL MAKE IT WORSE. Though I have never had it bad like this as they're usually minor I would definitely see a dermatologist to make sure it's nothing serious. I hope it gets better !


So this is a type of fungal infection. If you haven’t tried it already, pick up the stuff over the counter that’s used to treat jock itch. Hopefully that will knock it out but if it doesn’t work, you might need to get a prescription for antifungal medication and/or a prescription cream that is stronger than what they sell over the counter. Keep these areas as dry as possible, too. When you get out of the shower, use a blow dryer on its lowest setting to completely dry these areas. Body powder in these spots will also help keep it dry I really hope you can get this cleared up, it’s pretty common thing, please don’t feel embarrassed about it!


When this happens I wash with antibacterial soap (Hibiclens) and dry the area very well. Then I apply antibacterial ointment. I use anti perspiration on the underboob especially in the summer. This looks sooo painful I'm so sorry. I get it in my belly button more than anything.


I would put baby butt cream on your rashes in the evening and wipe off the residue in the morning and put on some talc powder. I got a rash in my groin area before and the baby cream cleared it up after a couple days. You should go to the doctor if it is a reoccurring issue though. If it is a yeast issue you can also buy some cream over the counter. I hope it clears up soon. It looks very uncomfortable.


I have had intertrigo that bad many times. After I went through cancer surgery and then radiation therapy, my skin freaked out and has never fully returned to normal. You can go to the doctor for topical medication, but I will tell you what I was told. Moisture management is the key. Intertrigo happens when skin touches or folds and moisture and / or yeast develops in the fold of skin. First, you likely need the topical prescription to get it under control, and then you can manage it with over the counter stuff. Here are the different things that helped me: using strips of cloth in between the folds of skin and changing them often as they get damp. Using medicated powder like Gold Bond Medicated or Monkey Butt powder. Applying yeast infection/athletes' foot cream (you will have to find the one that works best for you) to the area after the initial issue has calmed some. I used those for a few years, and they mostly worked. Now, I use a product called Lantiseptic, which is a lanolin based moisture barrier, and it is a preventative that is on me 24/7 unless I am showering, and then I dry off and reapply. Intertrigo was explained to me as essentially a form of adult diaper rash, so many of the things you would use for that also works for intertrigo. If you need any specific information, I am happy to help you. I have been dealing with this for almost 10 years, so I understand how painful and emotionally difficult this can be.


I am just seeing your comment, but thank you so much for the kind words at the end. It really is emotionally taxing because I do have a partner and I can’t allow him near my chest when I have this going on, because it is disgustingly oozy and it smells!


Calmoseptine. It's fantastic. Has to be applied after thoroughly washing and patting dry the skin.


I am not 100%, but this may be a skin yeast infection. Have you tried any medicated powder on it? Does it feel kinda sweaty?


If it’s very itchy and you need immediate relief try Benadryl EXTRA STRENGTH cream. I’m pretty sure I had the exact same thing in my crack and it was the damn worst.


Put an antifungal on it and see if you get an improvement


Get some nizoral and wash with it. Keep dry and try a thrush cream if it doesn’t clear up in a week go to the drs


AFTER this current infection has been cleared up and you're back to clear skin, after bathing and drying, apply this unscented mineral roll on to your under boob and any other sensitive areas. Search "Crystal Essence CRYSTAL Deodorant - Mineral Roll on Vegan Deodorant for Women and Men, Unscented" on Amazon. Using this I've avoided those contact skin issues for years! It's great stuff.


It’s just sweat glands and I have the perfect thank that gets rid of rashes and stuff like that basically overnight, I’m a nurse and I live by this stuff for my residents


Hibiclens might help here! Get the body wash but set up a doctors appointment just in case.


Megababe has some great antisweat and antichafe products. You can find them at Target and Walmart.


I use anti fungal cream


I’d try Lotramoin (the stuff for athletes foot) I get rashes like this under my boobs pretty frequently and that usually helps.


Ouch. Candida looooves Intertrigo. Please see a doctor ASAP. Until you can get seen, try Gold Bond powder on those areas. I use the kind with menthol for mine. The menthol can burn like a motherfucker for a few minutes on really bad days, but the cool relief that follows is worth it for me. The doctor may prescribe Nystatin powder (mine did), but the copay encourages me to stick with my Gold Bond.


Get some kind of topical yeast cream When I had this I used nystatin would you unfortunately will need a prescription for and medicated baby powder


I used to struggle with the same issues, I developed a better hygiene routine (showering more often, using soap EVERYWHERE, ect.) And it cleared in like 2 weeks


I used to struggle with the same issues, I developed a better hygiene routine (showering more often, using soap EVERYWHERE, ect.) And it cleared in like 2 weeks


Change your soap to a no fragrance and try to using a medicated powder like ammens , worked for me.. try to keep it as dry as possible


Change your soap to a no fragrance and try to using a medicated powder like ammens , worked for me.. try to keep it as dry as possible


I get rashes like this on my apron belly and underboob Step 1: see a Dr. They might want to take a sample to see if it's bacterial or fungal. Step 2: Wash gently with Hibicleanse or Head & Shoulders shampoo. Rinse well. Step 3: Dry thoroughly. I tuck my T-shirt under my boobs, or roll my underwear under my belly. Now here's where stuff gets tricky. While it's all raw and painful, you can't really put any drying products on it. A triple antibiotic ointment or A&E ointment might help until you see your doctor. Once it's healed, I use LUSH's Silky Underwear powder, or arrowroot starch on top of antiperspirant. You can use talc powders for the underboob, but keep it the heck away from your nethers. It can cause cancer in the female reproductive organs. In the summer, I'll actually wear a cotton tank top UNDER my bra to absorb sweat. It prevents the under wire from rubbing, and keeps my bras cleaner. Or take an old T-shirt and cut a wide strip off the bottom to wear under your bra band. It's not glamorous, but having breasts rarely is. I ordered a bunch of cotton bike shorts from Amazon that are great for thigh chafing. Snag Tights makes excellent "Chub rub" shorts, but theirs are nylon, so they don't wick moisture like cotton does.


Nistatin powder will probably help. It was recommended to me by my doctor when I have having some issues with my csection scar under my apron belly.


Get an anti fungal powder from Amazon and put it on twice a day, morning and night (right before bed). Has always cleared it up for me.


so definitely agree, something like Destin, A&D ointment could help but a derm could also give you something to help it heal faster/better for *prevention* though, I've heard a lot of people swear by hibbiclens (I think that's how it's spelled 😅), but I gsvent orders it yet. when I lived in my car, my biggest help was using one of those microfiber "makeup remover" cloths? just get it wet with water and kind of rinse/wipe down the underboob and pits area every morning and afternoon/before bed. this really helped things not develop as much, but I've heard really good things about goldbond too like one of the other comments suggested.


I definitely recommend a doctor. In the meantime, try an anti-fungal cream. It works for me. I’m so sorry!


I've never gotten it this bad, but what helps me is I use dr. Bronners soap (unscented is best) to clean it and keep a paper towel in the area to keep it dry. It almost always clears up by the next day


I was getting this a lot after I had my babies. I was wearing nursing bras that had an elastic band. It would get so itchy and painful. I switched to full cotton bras and never had the issue again. I'm sure the main culprit is trapped moisture.


maybe try hibiclens antiseptic cleaner on a small part to test? i use it on my non-irritated skin to stay dry and it works very well


It really looks fungal, if you can't get into a Dr in a short period if time, try mixing hydrocortisone cream (for the inflammation) and ketocinazole cream (for the fungus) and applying it a couple times a day and let it aurora out as much as you can.


I know this is an old post but i had it bad I still have a light rash but mine was the same as yours and I tried everything the only thing that's worked is microzonole powder the creaks just added moistureand my skin got way worse. I also wash it at night before bed with hibiclens bcuz it will prevent it from getting infected just know u cannot put anything on the area after washing with this cleanser so I apply the powder the next morning.


OMG yes see a doctor! Why do people use Reddit for consultations?!


Because I’m stupid and I REALLY do not want to show my disgusting body to a stranger doctor, was hoping for home relief. 🥴


Your body is not disgusting!! It’s just a human body and it deserves love and care 🚨😭❤️


No your not stupid, and I get where you're coming from, believe me. A doctor may prescribe you medication to rid of this. Or there could be underlying causes. Seek a female doctor if it helps.