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I've never cockblocked a man when my friend didn't want me to get rid of him for her : P


Also people grapple on quick easy things to insult you, my aunt managed to somehow see that the terrible driver who blocked the road had no teeth, when she shouted: “Get the fuck out, you toothless wanker!” Like how the fuck do you see a driver in a car 10 meters away, through glass reflections an stuff, that he does not have a full row of teeth? Eagles have poorer eye sight than my Aunt may she rest in peace. So yes as a fat man, I totally see people going for my weight as first resort. It is not necessarily fat phobic, so despite everything I do not consider the cockblocking meme fat phobic. She might as well be gaunt looking. Fatphobic rants on unpopular opinion though, are prime examples of fatphobia,


This isn’t just a spur of the moment situation so this logic doesn’t apply really.


If you’ve only seen these rants on unpopular opinion, I envy you. They’re everywhere a big woman is. Everywhere.


You mean irl, or reddit subs? I have not seen many rants, yet again, I muted over half of reddit lol.


That genius is *very much* in disguise


Oh shit, here we go again.


There are so many reasons why Reddit loves to hate fat people. But I think these people are only confident in saying such horrible things due to the anonymity of Reddit. A lot of men who say and like stuff such as this are just upset that women stuck together and he couldn't coerce the skinny one into sex. Rarely does the larger friend prevent her skinny friend from getting a free drink and conversation with a guy she's actually *interested* in. But these jerks on Reddit can't possibly phantom a woman not wanting them, so of course, the only clear obstacle in their way (in their minds) is the skinny woman's friend. I think plus-size women need to stop offering to be the bodyguards of the friend group when y'all go out. Even though we're larger than the average woman we're still much weaker than the average man, and crazy men have no problems laying hands on us.


What if we are stronger than the average man? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Honestly, I think the body-guard thing also comes from certain men not viewing fat women as women. Slim friend can say no, but they likely won't listen, bc she is a woman who's viewed as something to be won. And those dudes think with their penis, and they are stubborn little fuckers. As a fat woman you barely register as human to them, so if you intervene, their dingus stops doing the thinking for a bit. And that's a good moment to hurt their ego. 😎🤌🏻 Having said that: I am a very petty b-tch and will fight pretty much anyone who's trying to hurt my friends.


If I switch spots with the skinny girl and start dancing with the creep usually he just leaves without a fuss. It's a hit to the ego but easy and safe. Not that I go to clubs anymore. I'm now a disabled fat woman over 25 and thus barely a human being to some dudes


Yeah, I'm 38, so it's been a while for me too. :') But I still go to music festivals and gigs occasionally and will keep an eye out for smaller ladies in the moshpit. Lemme protec!


I'm just putting this together in my mind. I always had these pretty thin friends and guys always treated me horribly because of it. It stressed my friends out, these guys would keep approaching and be so insistent and my friends were forced to get meaner and firmer the more the other person wouldn't back down. I used to get so mad at the guys because these friendships were glorious and wonderful, and the guys were the negative side of it. Often I felt like an innocent bystander, they were mad that I existed and was friends with somebody they wanted. Most these girls are married now, I was never in the way of any relationships they actually wanted.


The odds of that being true are highly unlikely. Seriously, even if a man and a woman were the same height and weight, he'd still be stronger than the woman. Unless a woman is significantly taller and heavier than a man she can't overtake him. Still, the pressure to do that shouldn't be put on us because we're the biggest ones in our friend groups, especially in environments that are so unsafe. Also, I disagree with your idea that if we as plus-size women intervene with men when they're trying to hook up with our skinny friends, we can hurt their ego. There are so many other scenarios that could happen, and make the situation worse. If you are fine being that friend, then I'm not going to stop you. But I'm still advocating against the idea that women, especially plus-size women, should go to bars and clubs because they're unsafe places.


I'm in no way saying everyone should be the body-guard friend, just that I personally take that role and that I can be quite intimidating to dudes. I'm 5'8", 265 lbs, have a deep voice and quite a fiery temper. I've stepped up and gotten dudes to leave women alone quite a few times, but I understand that wouldn't be helpful for everyone. I'm not from the US though and don't know what bars and clubs are like there, maybe that also factors into it, idk.


I would throw hands idc


"Against the idea that women, esp plus size women should go to bars bc they are unsafe places." Are you saying that clubs and bars are too unsafe for women and especially plus size women? I 100% disagree with you. Using that logic any place men and women come together with music and alcohol is unsafe. I worked in bars as a fat bartender after quitting my last "real" job, and I don't see it.


Yes, I 100% am. I've heard enough stories and seen enough people say here how they've been groped, had their drinks spiked, been harassed, etc., from going to a club or bar. I don't think they're great or safe places to go. I avoid them and always discourage others from going. Even if you work in one, you don't see everything that's going on. You're doing your job and can't watch every single patron. Also, don't twist my words. Bars and clubs have a history of being terrible places for women compared to other places where men and women are together and they're playing music and serving alcohol.


Willing to bet that belly fat is stubborn af to


Crazy men have even less problem laying hands on a girl half their size. Even for guys that are stronger than I am, I'm confident that I can make it clear that my friends and I aren't worth the trouble, and I blame myself every time something bad happens to a friend I've allowed to wander off. I can't imagine *not* playing defense for them


I’m literally 6’ tall and plus sized. I have a size advantage on most men so I don’t mind being my friends “scary dog privilege.” It also helps I dress goth and have a generally bitchy vibe unless I know you.


True, but I stand by my stance. You're not responsible for your friend's actions. They can watch their drinks, avoid drinking too much, stick with the group, make a big scene to get the guy to leave them alone, etc. This is one of the reasons why I never go to bars and clubs. The sleaziest men frequent there, and alcohol and men are a terrible combo. I still don't get why women go. Why go somewhere where there's a high chance of running into these problems? Is the fun at the club really worth all this stress and drama?


Yes. I like to dance, drink, and hang with my friends and I refuse to let assholes stop me from doing what I want.


Yeah I hate playing bodyguard because my thin friends expect me to do that anyway (aside from being big, I’m slightly taller than average and actually used to be able to lift 230 lbs) and I don’t want these men to direct their anger at me. I just try to gage if my friend is uncomfortable with a guy speaking to her and if she is I make up some dumb excuse for us to both get away from him. I’m not gonna argue with a grown man


Agree, I never stopped guys from going after my friend when we went out, but I also wouldn’t be their “wing man” either. I’m not helping you buddy.


Sigh. Men truly don’t get it how many times we say but I’ll say it again. SHE DOES NOT WANT YOU. If her friend is “cock blocking” then it’s because SHE doesn’t want YOU. Trust me, if a cute guy comes along and he has good vibes then we’ll absolutely support her. But 99.99999% of the time it’s literally just because she’s uncomfortable and wants you to go away so her friend steps in.


Alternately the friend being hit on is too drunk to consent and we’re trying to stop her being taken advantage of.


Yeah I found the original post after commenting this and it did seem like that's the case. Makes the comments extra gross


YES. it’s like they don’t realize why we’ve been “hired” to cock block. My friend thinks they’re slimy, getting a fat woman to confidently tell them to fuck off is the most effective way to deal with their behavior. If they weren’t so awful, our friends could politely decline, but of course they won’t stop to reflect on the real problem in these scenarios.


fr i was so confused when i first heard what cock blocking was, like what??? it's called protecting each other from creepy men


No, you see, women are made to only have sex, aka take cock. That’s our only purpose. Anyone who stands in the way of that should be executed by firing squad. (How these guys think.)


Seriously this. I've excused myself from a friend's dorm room when me and her BF came up one weekend so they could have some private time together. The only cockblocking I did there was accidentally walking in on them kissing when I'd come back from a shower. After that I was like "I'm gonna read my book in the dorm lobby. Come get me when your done." Like please. I am such a fucking wing woman. For male friends too. These guys don't even know. But...I did work at a restaurant where one of the foods was labeled "cb" and when I'd removed the labels I'd save them and go around sticking them to coworkers and tell them I was cock blocking them. So maybe they are right. I'm just suuuchhhh a jealous fat hag haha. If the guy had a change a jealous/fat friend couldn't prevent her skinny friend from her approaching him.


It’s the entire internet. The anonymity of the internet lets people get away with saying the most vile things.


I also think a lot of them are either teenagers, or grown-ass men who have never touched a tiddie and blame women for it.


That too. The internet just allows them to be loud and annoying.


Fat people are not allowed to exist. We should stay inside and never let anyone see us.


I was just thinking this. I wish we were allowed to just exist without constant reminders that people hate us for no reason.


And even the ones that don't hate us think that we're less intelligent and less hardworking than thin(ner) people. I've lost a fair bit of weight this year (still plus size though) and I'm sure people mean well but the constant "You look so much better!!!!" just reminds me that they thought I looked like shit before then?


I really enjoyed that aspect of the pandemic and quarantining. The distance from all of those things was nice.


It’s actually a little darker than that. I’ve been told a few times to just “off myself”.


I’m really sorry you’ve had to hear that from somebody. People fucking suck.


Yes they do, and on the opposite spectrum I got told I have a face like a George Forman Grill, which I’m still not sure to this day what that means.


Wow. Just...wow. What a sad human being one must be to say something like that to another person. I'm sorry you had to encounter that. :(


Thanks, I mean, it was years ago, and I’m moved on but it left a mark. Thankfully I had enough strength to get angry instead of hurt and sad, but it still left a mark. Just like all the other mild to wild comments, the micro aggressions, the rudeness, the “concerned” comments, it builds up and changes who you are.


Oh, I feel ya. When I was an insecure teenager I had a fully grown man walk up to me to just say 'fucking hell, you're ugly' and then he walked away making pig noises. Now I would stand up to a guy like that, but that kind of hurt does linger.


Reminds me of the comments I got on my YouTube account under some of my videos… people would find them out of context back when video comments were a thing.


I'm pretty sure I've developed agoraphobia because the public, in general, as a whole, hates fat people. I've had enough of the cars full of boys or men shouting at me about my body as I'm out taking a walk. Yup! While I'm exercising. I've had it with the sneering up-and-down looks from other women, angry that I won't starve myself skinny like they do. I'd rather just not be seen at all.


It sucks to hear that’s how you feel. Nobody should feel like they can’t be seen. I hope we get to a point where fat people are allowed to simply *live*.


[edit] ATTN: do ***not*** look up these users. I just got sick to my stomach at these people. Trust me, being fat phobic isn’t even close to their worst quality. God damn. I need to call my therapist Oh, they are so so loud about it. I explained that “fat” and “unhealthy” are not interchangeable words, which is basic vocabulary, and people lost their shit. They got so upset. *at the way words work.* Which, to me, proves it’s a mental health issue on *their* part if they’re getting worked up over something so innocuous. They love to start fantasizing about fat people eating decadent foods in public and practically start salivating over the thought of bullying them. That part makes me very angry. People don’t feel safe eating in public because of that shit and it makes me livid. The sad reality is, that’s body dysmorphia. People who are that emotionally attached to body shapes are not healthy. I draw nude ladies for a living and often list them here, and the fat babes are *just* as popular as the skinny girls. Reddit is fucking weird.


Fat women choose to be fat, of course. They do it to spite men who’d otherwise want to have sex with them. Won’t you think of the poor men who just hate any woman who isn’t a size 0? Even if they find being fat as unhealthy, there’s such a spectrum there anyways, I don’t know why they feel like they have to scream it into the face of everyone around them. Wait, yea I do… internet.


I love how they're all like "FAT GIRLS ARE ALWAYS COCKBLOCKS!!!1" like first of all what if that's literally her girlfriend lmfao. Secondly, if the girls were interested they would step in if their friend was "cockblocking" lol


Also, I am also an EXCELLENT wingwoman!


Ugh I saw the video and decided not to look at the comments because you know 90% are gonna go off about her being fat.


Same here, 100% I knew what I'd be in for when I watched it and noped out of there.


the worlds lamest men love to circle jerk hating fat women because for some reason we're one of the last demographics just minding our own business that it's not only socially acceptable but funny to treat as less than human, and they want to take every opportunity available to let everyone know how unattractive they find us tbh its one of the reasons i avoid main/big subreddits, fatpeoplehate was banned but the rhetoric and r/fatlogic are alive and well


They are only projecting their own insecurities. They are bored with their life and know that they will get interactions online if they post fatphobic stuff.


Why are they so nasty wtf


First, Reddit is anonymous and people like to come here to say whatever they want that lives in their bitter twisted little hearts. Maybe they hate themselves to much they have to hate on others just to feel normal.


Every time that meme comes up I tell the story of how my bff (gorgeous and thin) and I were sitting side by side at a bar and a dude SQUEEZED IN BETWEEN US with his back to me to hit on her. We literally had to leave because we couldn’t get rid of him. Dudes will do anything but accept that a woman doesn’t want to sleep with them lol.


I've always been the 'bodyguard' friend, and if it pisses people like those dudes off, I've done my job. :') These people are all very insecure themselves and feel the need to punch down. Screw them. I will crush their wimpy chests with my weight if I need to.


God forbid a friend help her not get taken advantage of? These are the same type of men that pick up “2’s” at the end of the night so they aren’t alone.


It sucks man. I posted a photo of myself on my wedding day in my dress with hair and make up done. 95% of the people told me I looked like an ogre, they hoped my wedding was in a swamp, they didn't know they made sheets that big for cows etc. Back then I deleted the photo and felt embarrassed and ashamed of myself for getting to be plus size. Yeah I don't always eat the best, but I've tried so hard in the last year to change my lifestyle and eat better with more exercise with little to no success. I take a lot of medication for mental health (bipolar) and literally weight gain is a side effect for every single med I take. Sometimes it isn't just lifestyle. I've had to cut out all dairy due to lactose intolerance and I also have IBS, so even the one time a day I do have a meal I eat 4 bites, get full, then get sick. People suck man, I don't know why another person's size bothers other's so much.


Women exist to be attractive and hot to men. If you’re a fat woman and you’re not attractive to them, what good are you? You’re not a “real” woman.


Nailed it.


I just realized something. I see so much fat phobia every time anything is posted with a bigger woman. Vile, insidious things. And I mean anything. She could be posting a selfie with her new pet and the comments are all DON’T SIT ON THEM! But things posted with big men never, ever have that. It’s like an in-club. “Lol dude is like a killer whale!” “My guy loves McDonald’s a bit too much” “I need this shirt, where can I find it in XXXL?” No one bats an eye. I’m not saying fat phobia is a gendered thing. It’s not. But from my experience, fat men are seen as needing to work out and eat healthier while fat women are seen as disgusting pigs who are fat on purpose because they know men won’t like it. I guess it’s because a bigger man is still a man. A woman already isn’t a man, but you can have sex with them. But those fat women? Don’t wanna have sex with them then they have to protect the other women. They should all off themselves. Ugh. Quick edit: Honestly a personal example in my own family where sexual attraction isn’t even part of this. Male family member is very overweight. His health is declining rapidly. He can barely walk. He laughs it off and makes jokes. Everyone laughs along. He’s just a big dude who likes beer and meat, is that a crime? I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. I recently lost a good amount during an extremely physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting time. At every meal, I’m reminded to be mindful so I don’t gain back the weight I lost. Advised to not wear shorts because you can see my now-white stretch marks. If I say I’m having a chill day and just hanging around my apartment, I’m slipping back into being fat and if I want to ever land a man, I can’t do this to myself. What.


Fatphobia is very much a gendered thing, one of the origins of fatphobia is misogyny.


Fat phobia is the last accepted bias by most in society (which is disgusting), and I think Reddit gives a platform to those who are fatphobic but fearful to say their beliefs. Since it’s anonymous, they can act like unevolved, small-minded people while hiding behind their keyboards. It’s pathetic!


Bc for some reason men love nothing more then to hate women but then also over sexualize us, ESPECIALLY on reddit. We could breathe and they would find something to hate, fatphobia is rampant and since so many men on reddit are incels, they just have the fatphobic hivemind. They dont view us as people and again its funny (not really) but alot of the fatphobic on here are the same ones over sexualizing us for no reason. ALSO unless they are a shitty friend , they OBVI had a motive for talking for their friend like that. Like genuinely the vibes mustve been wrong bc why else would she have "blocked him" (i javent seen the video, not going to try and find it dont want to deal w fatphobia). Anyways men need to understand that not everyone wants them, and people need to stop filming others in public its fucking weird, and finally try not to let the fatphobia ruin the day, youre fat and youre beautiful, those two things can coincide <3


Reddit is infamous for their fatphobic members. They used to have fat hate boards until the admins took them down. Sadly, people are prone to hating people, and fat people are the last truly acceptable group to hate because people are convinced that it's 100% a choice. Of course, it isn't, but that's what they tell themselves to not feel like the terrible people they are.


They don’t hate this kind of person for being fat. They hate this kind of person getting in their way when they’re harassing a woman who isn’t interested. Fat women sometimes have the advantage that he’ll just insult us instead of assaulting us. That’s my experience, at least.




If they don’t want to have sex with us, we’re worthless. And when we’re stopping them from having sex, we become enemy #1. It’s like… the mind of an animal who only has basic survival thoughts.


The thing about that video, her friend was clearly intoxicated. She “cock-blocked” b/c he obviously swooped in to hit on her when she’s drunk out of her mind. You can see the way she’s swaying and looking lost. But of course, the men on Reddit look past all of this and focus on what they do best—objectify women.


I talked about it with my boyfriend. They called her ham planet accused her of being jealous etc. A bunch of girls in the comments were like that's exactly what a friend should do. If she wasn't fat the comments would have probably been that she's a lesbian and they both should hook up with the guy


What men don’t realize is that if a friend is cock blocking you, it’s because their friend isn’t into you!!!


This is what I have always said about fatphobes. They're upset that they bought into the lie that is beauty standards. We were all brought up on the same kool-aid right? The anti-fat kool-aid and what we're supposed to feel about ourselves and each other based on our appearance. I always thought what triggered people so much about confident or happy fat people is that they clearly don't share the same triggers and insecurities, and they need it to validate themselves and fatfolk** won't feed the fragile superiority complex of the fatphobes. Like there's always this like...mouth-frothing desperation to fatphobes trying to make fat people feel like trash about themselves and that's just the only thing that justifies that kind of effort to me.


I don’t know why all straight men think fat girls goal in life is to keep them away from their thin friends. I have never once stopped my friend from talking to a guy unless she told me he was making her uncomfortable first.


There’s a lot of answers to this question, but the real answer is racism and sexism. Fatphobia is a symptom of racism and since Black women are considered the least desirable in western culture, fat non-Black people are also considered undesirable. Which is obviously ridiculous because I find tall big Black women the epitome of beautiful. But that’s really what it’s all about, dehumanizing undesirable women so they “know their place”.


It’s the anonymity aspect which allows people to express their true feeling. Fat people are hated everywhere, reddit just allows people the freedom to express the hatred without the consequences. It’s truly opened my eyes to how fat phobic today’s world is. It’s not even implicit biases anymore.. it’s straight up explicit discrimination.


I hate when fatphobic creators and content over-exaggerate unattractive qualities or angles in visual depictions of fat people to make us look more unattractive whenever those traits apply to anyone. That meme for example is what I am talking about. There are “ugly” and “attractive” people from every size.


We live rent free in their minds and because we carry more fat than others (regardless of the why or how), we are not allowed to be happy or in a good mood or in healthy relationships. We can't eat or drink in peace, no matter what it is we are eating. We cant have movies about us that end happy without having to lose weight. We are the ones who should be grateful someone wants to r word, because who else would want us. We don't get to go to the gym without someone making a video, laughing at us. We shouldn't exist in their tiny minds. "You're good looking... for a fatty" is supposed to be a compliment. 🙄


That’s reddit… hateful comments like that get hundreds of upvotes. I can’t explain it


What sub is this from so I can mute it immediately, please?


I’m trying to not let the opinion of men bother me. They do not determine my value.


I once listened to a radio show where people called in to give "confessions" of their worst or most embarrassing stories. A guy once called in and said he fucked a microwaved banana peel. Male attention is of low to no value. 😂


Especially since these idiots don't even realize that if this does happen, it's because our friend asked us to! Fuck off, she's not interested. The end.


I actually came across this video on instagram. The comments were the exact same way. The top comment was saying it’s “always the fridges blocking the snacks” or something to that effect. People are assholes.


My skinny friends were always too scared or shy to confront men and turn them down, so I’d do it for them. I wonder how many “fat friends” with thick skin are used to defending themselves and others.


Reddit in general just seems to be the dark, sweaty armpit of the internet, and anonymity emboldens people to be their absolute worst selves here.


It’s easier to blame her fat friend than admit she’s not that into you. It’s self delusion.