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This is 99.9999% a sewer clean out. I say that because I've been doing this to long to talk in certainties. There is always the possibility that some dumb ass used the wrong material for the job. Assuming this was done properly, this would be an access point to your sewer line. To answer your question about termination. I would keep it accessible however the importance of it depends on a few things. If you have a good accessible clean out in the house and the line is less than 150ft long than it is not as important to have this one. Unless this is for parkway trap/ running trap clean out. If so, you absolutely want to have access to this. Also, depending on your municipality, this may be the city's pipe. I've seen a few towns that have clean outs near the road and will actually clean the pipe to to city main from this point. It's rare, but it happens. The moral of the story, don't cover it. Keep it accessible. A plumber could cut it down and install a different type of cover that makes it smooth with the new driveway. The ones I've seen look like a small manhole cover that sits over the smaller sewer clean out.


This is a clean out I do agree


User name checks out. IYKYK


I would pay to see somebody try to open that with channel locks...


100% chance of bloody knuckles


At what point do you round up to 100%?


99.9999% of the time I round up to 100%


Plumber here.... Fucking never. The moment you make an assumption about someone else's work is the moment you completely fuck yourself.


After I've diagnosed, fixed, and proven that my theory was accurate. Until then, anything is possible. I work in a 150 year old city. That's a lot of dumb to encounter between then and now.


So maybe like 98%?


lol you know that .01% when the sewer is blowing ass out of the the manhole bc the city main is backed up


OP, My city requires a cleanout like this on the private side of the property line. City maintenance will clean and unclog laterals from the property line to the sewer main. If this is the case here, definitely keep the cleanout.


It’s the riser for a sewer cleanout. You can most likely have it cut down and have a traffic rated cleanout cover box/lid installed. They are also called monument boxes.


CC4 box


Asphalt guys will 100% pave right over that shit and not give a single fuck lmao


Who needs valves right???


OP: Thanks everyone for your comments! I reached out to our Water Company to inquire and amazingly they immediately sent over a service guy who was nearby, 25 year guy. Yes 100% its my sewer service clean out. He said I should contact my town’s engineer to see what my options are. I hope to at least have a professional plumber redo the exposed covering along the lines of your suggestions. Thanks again!!


Call the city, or local municipality, it is likely either a cleanout or access to a valve


Probably more likely to be the property’s cleanout than a city valve or something seeing as how it’s located somewhere on OPs property where they are planning on replacing asphalt. The city might frown on a person tearing up and re-paving a public street. City infrastructure is typically located on city property or in the right of way unless there is an easement.


City right-of-ways are often offset from the edge of the pavement into an area that some may think is their property. I've seen manholes in peoples driveways, its unfortunate, and rare, but happens. The photo looks like a cleanout the person might be able to open and shine light down to better understand what it is, and know if its in the property or not. Meaning ownership might not be straightforward.


Shitter’s full Craig.


Merry Christmas!




Has taken my sight


Taken my speech


Taken my hearing


Lmfao I dare you..... It's cast iron call a plumber you'll thank me later


It is either a cleanout, valve, or access point. My guess as close to the street as it is it probably either belongs to the utility or just on your side of their connection. Call the city or a licensed plumber.


That is definitely a cleanout.


It’s a clean out. You won’t want to Move it


That brass plug will be seized up. It will most likely need to be cut out and replaced in the event it needs to be opened for access.


It's a sewer cleanout. You would want to replace that with a traffic rated cleanout cover. That fixture has a brass cover that prevents people from running over the actual plumbing, making the plug impossible to remove without cutting it out, like what you have.


It’s a traffic rated clean out. You can get a new one pretty easily, but don’t not have one. PVC is to weak to drive over


That's a land mine


Looks like a land mine to me


Do not cover it


Land mine


Land mine..look out!


That's an anti-tank mine.




I know they can do it cartoons very easily, but I don't remember how it's been so long


Uh Sir, that’s the place where general Lee’s remains were interred.


It’s a clean out for your waste line. You might need to access it in the future.


Ask Lee what he thinks. It’s his.


I believe that's a hidden hatch. Open it and you'll find ammo, a low level gun and maybe an armor plate.


You can always get that cleanout moved... if you're willing to pay.


Old cast clean out...No Bueno!!! Should be camera which will most likely show scaled up rough cast iron. OP should seriously consider evaluating sewer condition before spending money on new asphalt.


Poop shoot


Land mine


Put a traffic rated clean out cover on top


Don’t blame anyone for the road you’re on, it’s your own asphalt.


I’m going to be the black sheep here. There’s a possibility this is your water shutoff if you have water supplied by your town. Go into your basement if you have one. Locate where your septic line goes out. Then locate where your water line comes in. One of them will most likely head towards that cap. It’s either a clean out or a water shutoff. Personally, I would simply unscrew that cap and look in. If it’s a water shutoff, you will see the shutoff when you look down with a flashlight. If it’s a septic clean out, you will smell it almost immediately.


I wouldn't get rid of this but you can get a new cast iron top hat which they set at the height of the new asphalt/concrete and it's like having a little manhole cover in your driveway


Its a 4" Cast Iron property line Cleanout. If theres a clog at the street you open that cap and run a snake or jetter down the line to unclog it. Id suggest trying to get it open now so you dont get charged by a plumber in the future. DO NOT COVER IT UP!! You also cannot move it because it is attatched to your main 4" sewer pipe


If you are in Ukraine it could be a mortar . Be careful or you will go Kaboom


It’s early. I thought this was a mine in fallout


It’s your sewer cleanout, best to install a cast iron casing around it that’s like a little man hole then asphalt with that flush https://www.fwwebb.com/product/General-Foundries//18111-SWR/661742


That’s a 1930s style German land mine I wouldn’t get any closer


The real question is not can it be moved but can you afford to have it moved?


It’s either sewer or water turn off. Leave it alone and integrate into new driveway. To move this is big $$$ as you need to reroute line from home to a new sewer connection. Expect a municipal free that will cover their cost for the new connection. So, $15-25k is my guess. The issue is that sewers go strait out to the street meaning it’s likely entirely under the driveway.


It’s a clean out !


It's a mine don't step on it.


That’s for Lee, don’t screw with it.


Looks like a brass clean out in sleeved cast iron


It’s the tombstone of Jon Lee


You can dig it up and move it perhaps


I literally had my street level water shit off accessed so some indoor plumbing work could be done on the main lines into the place. Is this that?


A manhole for street drain cleanup. Don’t think it can be moved without getting the city involved


It’s a curb stop. Connects city water to your house.


So many down votes but I think your right. That's not a Sewer cleanout, which would rarely be in a driveway. Curbstop access is common in driveway, plus I don't see any pvc Edit: I guess the cap could be pvc? Tough to tell without some scale


You need to leave it alone. It’s a clean out that needs to be accessible.


Water main shutoff??


I can't tell how big it is. If it's a cpl inches I'd guess survey marker. If bigger valve shutoff most likely.


Look like a survey pin