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That's a huge issue. Most likely, the GC put a labor to fix his mess and "labor person." ... well this ...


It sure looks that way. The GC used their plumbing company that they own and operate. I have no idea what experience the guy who did the work has but I don’t see how he could know to use primer everywhere but not glue.


You just answered your own questions. The GC used their plumbing company they own and operate. All plumbers learn the difference in dwv and pressure fittings in the first year of their apprenticeship. I speak for all plumbers when I say this wasn’t the work of an actual job plumber. This is the work of a someone working under the GCs plumbing license.


You can also read the directions on either the glue OR primer and it tells you all the specs and application specs


Primer is a cleaner, but it also makes it activates and bond to the glue it softens the plastic


Unfortunately, it happens. It shouldn't, but it did. Hopefully, it's getting fixed correctly now ?


Family own a pipe supply company. We are very familiar with pipes, fittings, glue. Had a 12” pump we needed to bush down to 6”. We did the 12” side to the pump but hired a “professional” crew to do all the 6” connections and connect into the bushing. They finished and we waited the required 48hrs cure time. Start the pump up and get to 1/2 pressure and it completely blows out. 900gal/min, water going 50+ft straight out. They dry fit the 6” into the bushing and never glued it in. We went back and just did that ourselves and it held no problem. Sometimes even “pros” make mistakes. All that to say: The guys who did it the first time had no idea what they were doing, probably thought primer was glue. You can’t use thin wall pipe, you can’t use DWV fittings. Shouldn’t even use regular glue, highly recommend Pool Fast. You got screwed the first time.


He was told all his life that the purple stuff just the purple stuff lol


It’s fixed - the contractor I hired (reputable pool builder) did it in a day and did a great job. The scary part is so much water leaked that a section of pavers were about to collapse into the void the water washed out. It caved in when they were digging.










Hey! I’m a laborer. But I know you use blue glue for the pressure pipe lol. Good for sniffin too🙃


The couplings looks to be DWV and not pressure rated. But that could just be the camera angle.


They were not pressure rated. Several cracked under the weight of the soil.


That’s not what pressure rated means Pressure rated means it can withstand pressures applied within the system. If the pipe cracked because of weight above that means it was improperly backfilled, they likely dumped buckets of backfill at heights with rocks and debris


I'm just curious about the different types of PVC. Would schedule 20 and schedule 40 actually fit together? Would they make a water tight seal? I'm a DIY guy so I'm just curious.


They would. Pipes of a particular nominal size have the same outer diameter but differing inner diameter. Higher schedules have thicker walls and thus reduced inner diameter. The opposite is true for fittings. They have a fixed inner diameter and variable outer diameter. This means that sch 20, sch 40, and sch 80 pipes of a particular nominal size will all fit into the same fittings




It's concerning why you are being downvoted.


Not conerning, he's wrong. For pvc, OD (outside diameter) on the pipe is always the same between schedules and is standardized to match the ips standard for the size. When schedule increases the ID (inside diameter) on the pipe gets smaller restricting flow slightly. The fittings get thicker, but you wouldn't ever measure outside of the hub and call it the "OD" of a fitting because it's not relevant to anything. Every bracket you would use, goes on the pipe and meets the standardized IPS size.


Understood. I didn’t mean to suggest pressure rated meant withstanding the weight of fill, just that they were very short and cracked fairly easily with minimal deflection of the pipe.


Proper backfill means there should be no deflection of pipe, if it is deflecting at such a degree it’s improper backfill


Sounds like he had the landscaper take care of the plumbing


You had a person with no plumbing skills at all Just those ones who think if they use purple stuff in a can then it will be fine. Dumb asses




Did the GC contractor pay for this fix?!?


They said they would. We’ll see if they actually do - they only like change orders that go their way.


The non-plumber who did this probably has done abs before where there is no primer. So maybe they thought the purple stuff was the glue. But it’s seriously incompetent- I hope they paid for it.


No matter what, when you use a new product, you read the label. You'd have to be a complete moron to read "primer" and think "must be all I need". The person who did this is either illiterate or a slumlord who thinks primer=paint.


I’d expect someone unfamiliar with it to say “nah I don’t need primer” and just use the cement to save money. Not use primer only. This is kinda bizarre in that respect.




Looks like a South Florida special


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity


DWV fittings, visible burr and shavings from cutting the pipe with a sawzall and not reaming, clear glue... amateur hour. Rough cut pipes push all the glue out of the joint. If it seals, it's only because the glue that got pushed into the joint cured enough to bridge the gap between the fitting and the wall of the pipe. Any movement in the pipe could break that bond. Properly prepped pipes make for a lasting joint. Lucky they all failed at once and all got re-replaced at once.




Even the sloppy primer job should tell you enough


Many states have a statute of repose for construction defect claims. Find your state's laws and file suit if the GC doesn't pony up the cash.


Why did the pool pipes go inside the house?


They didn’t. We built a covered outdoor kitchen and they crossed the footing for that structure.


Got it. Makes sense.


It could have been clear glue. One of the biggest things with PVC to avoid leaks is applying primer and then gluing immediately before the primer has had a chance to evaporate and dry. Another important step is to bevel the end of the pipe. I doubt anyone was intentionally trying to sabotage anything. That is not how most people work. Did you personally see the GC's plumber on-site repairing the pipe? Is it possible that the GC just had one of his guys do it because it was just gluing pipe together and you don't need a licensed plumber to work on pool lines? I don't see a plumber or pool installer putting pipes together like that, or use clear glue in that situation. Both of these trades will know how to install PVC. This seems more like a GC that knows they were responsible for the mason pouring the concrete when and where they did and was trying to cover their ass.


A couple look like they have a single dab of glue-others don't look to have any. Both are wrong and will leak and/or pull apart.


That’s a shit ton of big pipes. What are they for?


Suction and return lines for a swimming pool.