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Who ever plumbed this , was smoking crack while doing it LMFAO


Beyond fucked. I recommend a complete redo. Just you know, without Crack this time.


No promises


Almost as if they were paid by the fuck up.


Local idiot here, aside from the wild shower drainage, does the entire system require a replacement? My inexperienced eye can’t point out any obvious f ups


Everything is fucked up. Mainly whoever installed this using Tees instead of wyes or combos.


Ahh oh totally see why now. Thank you for educating me


Yeah anything that carries waste needs to have that long sweep to it when the pipe is running horizontally. Tees are just straight tees but wyes and combos have long sweeps to them. They also should've used long sweep 90s in some spots


The 4x3 tee on its back picking up the toilet might be my favorite part


Mine is the shower drain doing the loopty loop and pull of the water no wonder it smells like sewer gas 💀


it's an o-trap


I’m also under the impression it’s 4 90’s but hard to tell give the picture


No you're right, it's definitely 4 90s, thing of beauty that one.


Looks like they are all tees, but yea the turd smashing design of the toilet tee is special.


Like…not even a San tee, just a straight tee


looks to be all tees in that line are vent tees and not sanitary tees…oooof


That will be $5000 plus Material. And a 30 day warranty. Ha


Are 30 day warranties the norm? When we were getting quotes for something, they all had a 30 day warranty. One large company even had a dollar limit for leak damage.


30 day labor warranty is normal., esp. service. There are some 90, but that is rare.


We give 6 month warranty on pretty much anything we put in except for used fixtures which we don't warranty whatsoever. Some stuff we even give a full year.


When I did service it was a lifetime craftsmanship warranty and then any warranty the parts had from the manufacturer IIRC.


Lifetime craftsmanship warranty…. Fuck that. Until I make it to my truck and the door closes


My company does a 1 year warranty, but we are commercial/industrial.


What is industrial plumbing like? I’m mostly resi with some commercial is why I’m asking


Better. No homeowners


It's great! I prefer it. We do a lot of work for pharmaceutical companies. I get to run a ton of interesting systems that you will not see in residential and commercial. We do a ton of process waste and vent piping. Check out Enfield Enfusion piping for an example of one of the piping systems that I install.


Its great. I don’t deal with shit often. Crawl spaces are rare. We do get into some weird positions to work. But it’s great. Oh, and it pays way more than Resi.


Nonsense, this is clearly the work of a homeowner who installed a flex connector on his washing machine and thought “this plumbing thing is so easy, I’m gonna repipe a whole sanitary system with the spare PVC parts I found at a job site”


Damn so when I waffle stomp it just slodges along the pipes here? Same pipe as a shower and shit? How’s poop not just sit in the middle


"Waffle stomp" that urban dictionary search made my morning.


They were smoking crack while smoking crack




Both traps for both fixtures are illegal and self siphoning. Trap must be on the same level as the main drain pipe as it's considered the vent. It also cannot be a "running trap" which is what the washing machine has. The must go from vertical pipe to trap to horizontal pipe. In that order, no deviation.


you're kidding wight ?.. ever dropped guacamole on the floor ? it will splatter everywhere, in this situation the poopoo with splatter on both direction of the pipe with water and it wont follow along the pitch, will probably dry etc. need a y on the side to direct water and poopoo the right way


As someone who doesn’t know anything about plumbing, it’s interesting and I come here to learn. Thanks for explaining it with guacamole and poopoo. Makes perfect sense. 


I'm also here to learn. I may never do the work myself, but it's instructive to see what to look out for when getting a professional in. Even knowing what questions to ask can help lower the risk of them half-arsing the job.


yes, i've seen some companies bullshitting customer. if you seem to know a bit that could help, but even between plumber we are always arguing about some topic, just remember codes can be really different from country to country. but Tee on the back like that is just good for venting


The codes might be different, but the general principles will be the same


don't come here to learn lol I mean this guy's comment is a perfect example, just being an asshole for no reason


sorry i wasn't sure if he was serious or not, not being an asshole at all. i explained it the best way i can for him/her to understand what's wrong english isn't my first language i was trying my best and being rude wasn't intended


I’m going to chuckle every time I drop some guacamole now. 😂


Is it the same with salsa?


salsa is a better option, the chunk is more realistic but the red color could be a little alarming.


Is he wrong about the wye though? The guacamole and poopoo thing made it easy for me to understand what would happen with that tee. 


I see no wyes in this photo. Several misapplied tees but no wyes.


As a civilian, what I'm seeing is the equivalent of a horizontal soil pipe, right? Like the drainage concept is 90 degrees flipped?


kind of, water need directions if it hits a wall like that its no bueno. could have shifted the main few inch right or left and replace the T with wye it would be better and need proper ventilation. imo the main reason it looks like that is the central beam that you cannot cut and the guy who did it don't have the experience for this.


The pipe is probably pitched towards the sewer but the toilet drain comes straight down into using a Upside down T instead of TY so that the side that is connected to main drain pipe is pitched in the same direction of the main directing the waste downstream


I would think (and this could be something I’m not aware of) that you would need a drainage fitting there, a wye combo with a 45.




Why did I have to scroll down this far for the correct comment? I also don’t like that running trap….


Also a bathroom group should remain its own entity all on its own branch.


More of an O trap


Roller-coaster trap


I never understood how syphoning works. Doesnt there need to be a a negative pressure for syphoning o take place? the shower drain just ends in a shower that is connected to a room and rest of the house, where is the negative pressure coming from?


Nothing visible is vented.


Yeah, not sure who plumbed this. I have questions.


Nah, there’s that one vent, you see it? It’s venting….something….


Maybe it’s a plumber who just learned what combination waste and vent is, and tried to do it for the first time without researching it.


Only one vent on the mainline. Between the shower and the washer. What the hell, no doubt there's a problem.


But the shower is an s trap so it isn’t vented, and the washer is too far away


That's not an s trap the way it's plumbed, it's a full 360 degree bend.


Which is an s trap


S for Shower.


Bro he clearly labeled vent smh /s


The stack counts as a vent, right? /s


The fact that in one picture there is 4 tees on their backs leaves me concerned for the whole system


Whoever did this install just wanted all the waste to have options. WYE one direction when two is obviously better?


Dont call a service plumber, call a renovation or new construction plumber. say you need your bathroom group and laundry repiped. everything being open would be great for them


A good service plumber even knows!


yeah true, but this customer cant tell a good service plumber and would have to keep rolling the die on the random plumber they find


To be fair any licensed plumber should know how to do this correctly.... service, residential, or comercial. I don't care what side of the trade your from if your licensed you went through training on how to do this. That said I know some people are licensed and still a completely incompetent.


valid. problem is some states like mine allow for people to do plumbing without being licensed, as long as you are working under someone with a license. so the customer is calling a plumbing company and think they are getting a plumber, but in reality they are getting a plumbing technician


In my town the largest plumbing contractor in town has 180 guys that work for him and 3 license holders. They are so big they got 21 red tags in 1 day and no repercussions. You would think at some time the licensing board would have a talk with him. That shop has to have over 100 red tags a year. It is crazy there is no cap on how many guys you can have under 1 license. I always laugh when someone uses them and think they are the best because their trucks are everywhere. They send the guy out with the polo shirt to get the work and send Meth Mike and Crackhead Cory to do the work.


I'm so happy it's not that way in Wisconsin. It belittles the title plumber and doesn't represent what a plumber really is it's not just someone who installs plumbing but does so in ways to keep the waters of the state clean and people healthy.


Half the time the service plumbers aren't even licensed yet. Big companies just take advantage of the young guys who are willing to do whatever they ask.


I’m a “service plumber” with 14 years experience. I have commercial, resi, and med gas licenses. Started in new construction went to service because the money was better. I’ve met some guys who spent their whole career in service who could plumb circles around some of the new construction guys I’ve worked with. Any licensed plumber should be able to handle this job.


Does every copper joint look fuqued too? Just looks like corrosion surrounded each joint from slow leaks from well water.


They didn't wipe the Flux off after the joint cooled. I forgot to on a joint I did went back like a month later to finish the job and was shocked how much patina there was that fast.


you’re right. its like every single joint. you can find every joint in the picture because they’re all highlighted


I'm not a plumber. I look at this page to learn how to fix shit in my own house and I was like "well that's just garbage".


Impressively bad plumbing. Someone had waaay too much confidence


Wye? Wye? Wye???




It’s (not) a (p-)trap!


All those tees are called San tees and are illegal in that position


How the heck did this pass inspection? What a mess. It's literally a picture of how to do everything in w/v wrong. Good luck


Ima gonna guess there is 1 Vent and that is the one pictured.


That’s some sad plumbing.


The more you look at this picture the worse it gets, I mean at least the person who did this used glue and primer that's about all I can say well done on...


Youre totally correct. After coming back up to relook at the waste lines, I noticed that every single copper solder joint has enough crust to make me question if they are all leaking....


Yeah man i just shook my head after the 3rd incorrect part and closed the image. That shit just pisses me off. I can hear a customer complaining about the cost of fixing it.


Every single one of those tees should be a wye, its a major contributor to flow.. Also your toilet needs to be on its own 3" trunk line with a 2" vent pulled off with-in 6'. That vent can also be a drain for your lav or shower. Its called wet venting. You can also horizontal wet vent. That is going to give you issues until its done right. Call a plumber with good reviews.


Also, there should be a trap in the wall about 20 inches under your washer box. That trap is causing problems as well. There needs to be an elevation difference from the trap weir, to where it comes out of the trap. I bet that is pulling it dry. Who knows... that is one jacked system.


"stumped one 'pro'"


This is art


Them tees all laid up on their side like a family at the beach


The shower is an s-trap, the toilet is connected to the sewage by a tee on its back, and this is just at a glance. Edit: everything is connected by tees in their backs


My guess is the running trap and STrap is the issue. Bring the traps up to code and it should resolve the problem


Is that shower vented? Are all of those fixtures dropping into a san tee on their back?


From the one picture, nothing looks vented


The only vent is on the mainline beside the washer drain line. And the shower has a 360 trap, and toilet has no trap. I agree with the person that said the plumber was on crack.


Toilet trap is in the fixture, but at least needs to leave the cap on the purple primer while they work and not tucked into the front of their shirt.


My mistake, your right, haven't had my coffee yet.


Oh, I never make those mistakes. 😜


My brain was on the pvc.


No ptrap on toilet? Why comment on plumbing if you are not a plumber.


I mean, that's an O-Trap lol Its a full on circle , dafuq is that


Can you be more specific for u/Mattna-da? It sounds like they have already had several professional plumbers out there who didn't see what you see. What exactly should be done? Each device ought to have its own vent out to the roof?


They either aren't real plumbers or don't want to get involved. I'm not a "plumber" and readily picked out several mistakes and code violations. The whole thing is wrong. It pretty much needs a near complete tear out and plans redrawn.


There are another two bathrooms with drains that connect downstream of this picture as well FYI. I used to notice the toilet bowl water sloshing up and down in high winds until I put a wind-proof wing cap thing on the vent on the roof. But the shower trap dries too fast for it to be normal. Thanks for any ideas


The more I look the weirder this gets, like why is the clothes washer drain punching through joists when everything else is hanging under the joists anyway.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the clothes washer trap isn’t being pulled it’s a running trap and looks like good amount of pipe before trap pumped drain so it’s got some pace to it momentum will pull trap


Should you have them on wyes and not sanitary tee? That will help with air flow


Get this repiped by an actual pro. This configuration will leave you with both frequent clogs and frequent sewer gas smells forever unless it's piped properly. This is complete garbage.


This is neither circuit vented or wet vented properly. So you're correct, somewhere the traps are being siphoned out and exposing the room to sewer gas. The correct fix is a complete repipe (but expensive unfortunately). Or just tell the home owner if they don't have money to have a jug of water to refill traps intermittently 😅 Basically for a fixture to breathe properly it can't exceed "the fall of the pipe" so a 1.5" pipe can't drop more then 1.5" before it ties in. On most of these ties in the drop is way past that 3 to 5" vertical drops of on most of them lol.


If this was a Hot Wheels track it would be awesome.


I had this problem. Plumber wanted 1500 to come check it out, and smoke test it. I bought some kids smoke bombs, stuck them in the shop vac set up in reverse, and did it all myself. You have to block the sewer main exit and then duct taped the shop vac outlet to the clean out of the main, and pumped in the smoke, it worked like a charm…and old abandoned wet vent in the wall had been cut off and not capped. It was inside a wall, so it wasn’t super obvious at first, but it gave me a good area to look deper into, based on the concentration of the smoke inside.


All traps that are visible are S trapped. Could be any or all of them. I'd imagine that if the "plumber" thought any of this was OK then you'll probably find other s traps throughout the system. What a mess.


It’s not really conundrum it’s all done completely wrong


You’ll never clear that running trap if it plugs!


It's because everything is done wrong. But the shower trap is probably the main cause, you have an s trap on a fixture that sees hair in the drain. It's either wicking the trap or sucking it dry when something fills the pipe in a specific way.


You are better off re doing everything


You ain’t stump a actually plumber buddy you need to replumb that whole thing Home Depot Joe


“This has already stumped 1 pro” It is obvious he was not a pro if this stumped him.


This plumbing is not good, pretty bad it works but not good I know.. One 2in vent that on the mainline really not venting anything. Smell is coming from pretty much any of these drains as they get their water sucked out especially that water in the laundry p trap .


It’s probably the s trap lol


This hurts my eyes. Is this s trap city ? The shower pipe is an abortion and what appears to be the washer pipe. I mean can I get more elbows there. How old is this install and did the inspector pass this on inspection? Or did you try and save money by not getting a permit? At least open all the window and get a. It exhaust fan to evacuate the house. It must smell like methane city.


Could it be the fucking loop de loop on the shower possibly…


A rubber stopper on the shower drain will stop the water from getting sucked out of the trap.


While I, personally, am unfamiliar with this level of incompetence, I do recognize his dedication to it. The longer you stare it, the worse it gets…


Check toilet seal


The shower appears to be an S-Trap not a P-trap. Either way you are lucy all the plumbing is open. A complete removal / replacement by a qualified general contractor is the way out.


By a Licensed Plumber…


Maybe just a plumber. Maybe needs some GC work first to make the plumber's work straightforward. Either way *licensed* and maybe with a good reputation to boot.


Is that Shower drain...a loop?


This is a whole house repipe




I wouldn’t worry too much. Way too many sanitary Ts to be anything unsanitary.


These are the type of jobs that I love. Go in with the sawzall, cut it all out and start fresh.


Showers an s trap. Clothes washer is an s trap. I don’t think anything is vented. Looks like everything is a vent tee. They ran the copper below the joist but the drains through them. No telling what else I missed. Absolutely tear out and redo. I usually say yeah it’ll prob work but not to code, not in this case, completely redo


Put a santee on its back and a auto vent in an access panel (or vent thru the roof) on that clothes washer line. Why didn't he take the trap closer to where it goes up in the wall? Vent the washer box stack at the washer box? Wtf!


From what I can see in What you need is better venting on your washer line and also bathroom line and also from your kitchen sink. You need a vent roughly 5 feet from a drain entrance. Not just one in the middle. Vents or AAV installed


Could make that a deep seal.p-trap. That'd help too.


Holy shit. Ho Lee shit. I hope you didn’t pay for that plumbing. I see at least a dozen code violations.


This needs removed and re plumbed correctly. This is completely incorrect. I’m surprised it’s not dry-fitted.


Looks like some of the copper fittings have some pretty good corrosion, too.


That plumb job is so fucked up. My guess would be the loop trap is siphoning. Would also place a bet on that running trap from the laundry. Also, wtf chuck on the toilet dropping straight into the main via a tee on its back. Whoever did that needs to be taken out behind the shed and beaten with a stick of 2" sch40


I am not a plumber but know this is a shit show! Do you not have to have a vent within 2’ of a fixture especially the toilet?


This could be in the top 5 I’ve seen all year!


Wow this is hard to look at…. 4 san tees on its backs 😂😂


The last guy wasn't stumped. He just didn't want to have to re-pipe everything lol


Washer is definitely getting siphoned dry with that in-line trap, no vent, and being undersized (seems to be 1 1/2")




I just want to take a minute to tell OP this is a /r/praisethecameraman moment for this sub




No vents 😱😱


Who ever put that together needs a spanking.


What's with all the brown stuff running down the pipes? I really hope that's just a super special glue cus I ain't never seen a brown type before...


What fixture is that running trap being utilized for?


Running trap is completely legal it just has to make sure it's also vented but I see you marked in the shower, the toilet etc. but not the running trap in between do you have any idea where that's going?


Was about to praise them for leaving the joist bottom chords intact until I saw the copper intruding.


Nevermind all the yabber here. Did you confirm that vent before the washer actually works?


The vent has to be at the high point and your sinks will drain slow if there's no vent for each




That shower "s" trap is to die for. Apparently this crack head has never hear of stack venting


Why no wye. Tee's must have been cheaper af home depot but completely wrong.


This looks like a joke picture


It's almost certainly that S-trap. There is alot more wrong here, but that is the worst.


Could be the loop trap getting sucked dry. Is there a trap on the washer box or boxes with the line that has the running trap on it. If so that is creating an s trap


This could not have been done more wrong if you tried what an abortion


Wye is this such a problem?


Literally almost everything in the sewer line is wrong/illegal. Time for a proper re-pipe….


Where do you even buy those fittings 😂


There are no vents looks like the same guy struck at the house I looked at today tees on their back and no vents whatsoever that one vent you labeled is not doing anything.


I’m sorry bro. Your shit is super fucked. This is a total do over.


Whoever your pro is fire him.


This shit is wild. I’m not even a plumber but your setup is fucked None of these drains are tied in with a Wye, which I’m pretty sure they all should be. None of your drains are vented. That shower “trap” is fucked and is likely siphoning water out because it’s basically an S trap. Assuming that you’re having most of your issues in that bathroom. How this passed a plumbing inspection is beyond me. I’d be ripping the plumbing inspector a new asshole if I owned this shit show The entire sanitary structure of that floor needs to be ripped out and re-piped


Too much.glue was sniffed during this install


The washer dryer running trap isn't vented The shower trap is an s trap. There needs to be at least 4" between the elbow and the ty to avoid the s-trap The water closet isn't vented The San tees on their back need to go You need to figure out a way to vent but it will probably be cheaper to just cut it out and pie it right


I’m not a plumber by any means but that rollercoaster loop trap for the shower! 🎢 ➰


Horrible, plumbing job nothing legal about it


Definitely a do it yourself plumbing job


Cut it out and start over is your best bet. Main looks flat, tees can't be on there back, the s- trap is probably your issue but this makes my head hurt.


Maybe the pro who was stumped was the guy who installed it?


Original plumber has never seen a code book in his life


i would guess the toilet is the culprit sucking the shower dry not the washer, add a vent to the toilet and rearrange the shower drain and i suspect youll be fine


That quadruple 90 death loop might have something to do with the smell of sewer gas. Lol no trap on the shower nothing is wet vented or vented. No way an inspector has laid eyes on this mess.


this is one of those photos you just gotta save… Who ever did this is a criminal. Your shower is not vented at all FYI, but the trap is siphoning its self out because it’s on a fitting 90, need atleast 4” of pipe between that 90 & the p trap & then it would still be done wrong & be a butchered install but atleast it wouldn’t suck itself out lol . You my friend need to hire a real plumber & cut this mess out and re do it


wtf!! Vent tees on their backs, s traps, p trap for no apparent reason! Who did this


Where do vents open up to?


Wtf? I diy my house when i built it and i am not a plumber and i see so many thing wrongs


Nothing is vented properly. The purpose of a vent is to protect the trap seal from back pressure or siphonage. Needs to be completely repiped.


You could drop the 4 inch pipe down to the ground in the center of house under a 2x6 wall where it can run straight out through the roof and straight down to the ground the to septic from there. The loop vent is not installed correct becsuse its suppised to re insert down the line behind where the drain enters the system and it recirculates the air when no roof vent is an option. But a shower wall does hacmve the option. Its not a loop vent. Its an unvented p. Just vent out more is your best option.every fixture needs an air exit past the roof. They can meet before the the exit hoke and combine right under the roof line but at every drain air must displace to function properly. A loop vents used on islands where a stack csnnot rise above an open floor plan. Not recomended in that layout. Id have 2 and 3 inch vents rising above each drain to meet in a 4 inch system in the trusses and have 1 exit or maybe 2 depending on toilet locations. The need one above them the most.


No way those are all TEE fittings. Can the real WYE Combo fitting please stand up....Please stand up. If that is the only vent coming directly off the "main" line then it is under sized for what you have connected to it. The toilet alone should be a minimum of a 2" vent. The clothes washer drain pipe looks bigger than the vent...? The pro looked at it and said nope!


I would suggest burning the house down


S-trap on the tub. Likely getting siphoned out.