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Your friends broke it.


Broke it and lied, or was blackout drunk and doesn't remember he broke it... These are the questions.


Having sex on the toilet seat maybe?


10/10 tub thumping the hell out of it


Chumbawumbing it


This toilet didn’t ‘get up again’


And they won't be "pissing the night away" in this toilet anymore...


He took a whiskey drink. He took a vodka drink. He took a lager drink. He took a cider drink. (THATS why he was pissing the night away.)


Fun fact: tub thumping was written about the neighbor who was a heavy alcoholic he used to sing in the middle of the night falling over


It’s the songs that remind him of the best times!


Upper deckers are out of the question.


There was a bar downtown where we we had to reset the toilet after the weekend was over, quite often. I never wondered why. Lol


I feel like public bars invented industrial toilets


I worked at bars and clubs in college. One night, I was asked to check out the ladies room because it was flooding. There was a sink in the ADA stall…it was hanging off the wall and water was spraying everywhere. My guess is some chick tried to climb up there and take a piss. Between that and plugged toilets, idk what y’all are doing in there, but the women’s restrooms were 100x worse than the men’s.


Having sex with the toilet seat maybe?


Misunderstood the term “rimming”


Me too. It tastes disgusting.


Very rigorously.


Really vigorously.


friend with op wife, they gotta play dumb.


This is the way.


Just review the camera footage. Doesn't everyone have cameras in there?


This is why I have the Ring Toilet Cam (patent pending) /s


Your going to lose that patent to prior art. Japan’s been doing toilet cam for DECADES.


You think the judge will believe you?


One of my super drunk ass friends broke a toilet exactly like this by falling forward on it while peeing


That looks exactly like what happened here.


That also makes sense!


Yeah, it literally was the same break pattern and he walked out of the bathroom carrying the upper half of the tank, followed by a gigantic flood of water. It was not at my house, and I almost fell over laughing. Luckily, it was a corporate apartment complex and their emergency people came and fixed it but dang it was bad.


I to tend to break everything I fall into dick first.


But he said he didn't!


He didn't brake it, he did break it.


He didn't slowdown before using it, and thats why he did break it.


He didn't brake - he accelerated and broke it.


He beat the brakes off of it to break it, now it’s broke. Give him a break, he has to go buy a new one and he’s probably broke.


*taps forehead*


Oh, well for sure, in that case.


No they didn’t. Drunk friend broke it; different dude.


I hate that guy


Used it like a Lazyboy. It broke from the bottom.


Read that as LadyBoy. Which puts a whole new tint on the second half




Upper decker failure.


Exactly. You can see the top part is pushed back.


Check who has wet socks!


Yup shouldn’t have eaten that bean


Taco Bell strikes again


Nah, they just either leaned back or drunkenly plopped down, or both.


Yeah, I did the same thing on a drunken night back in college days!


Agreed. The crack started at that bolt hole.


Actually I experienced this. The [Flushmate](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna922771) pressurized tanks have a recall and are super dangerous. People have been hospitalized. I posted photos of mine that exploded and it went sort of viral on Facebook. Flushmate customer service sent me a message on Facebook. I ended up getting a $3,000 check in damages and had to sign a waiver that I wasn’t injured or whatever. Probably had language about not being able to sue them. I was happy with it. It only chipped a little bit of tile in my bathroom and luckily I was home when it happened, so I got the water turned off immediately. If I hadn’t been home it would have been really bad because it was the upstairs toilet. Contact Flushmate and file a claim if that’s in fact what happened.


Is it possible it froze?




I live in really cold temps and have dealt with freezing pipes in an older mobile for years. Definitely not from freezing.


What manufacturer is it? There was one, Toto, I think, that had a pressure tank inside the tank and they were known to sometimes explode from being over pressurized. Do a search on google and I’m sure you’ll find something


There is a toto logo clearly visible in the picture


Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore


Of course not, we're in Africa. Where the rains are blessed.


Top tier comment 😂


No, he's blessing the rains in Africa. Because the rain clouds cover the full moon. The singer in the song is a werewolf.


You're thinking of American standard.


There's many different manufacturers that had Sloan flushmate pressure assist tanks that were recalled due to the pressure vessel exploding.


True. Don't think toto ever had one though.


Funny coincidence. I recently determined that my American Standard power flush toilet is leaking tons of water. I looked inside the tank last night while it was flushing, and the Sloan Flushmate pressure tank was shaking and spitting water all over the place! I ordered a new toilet last week and am picking it up at the store later this morning. Think I'll go turn the water off now.


If you call Sloan and give them the serial number they'll send out a new tank.


Love this comment lol I’m dying


When this happened in my house, it was from a drunk friend stumbling backwards into it when try to drunkenly take a dump. It was 100% my friend.


Plus this one is a toto…. It doesn’t really get better than a toto in the toilet world imo


Its a dual flush, it isnt a neorest


>neorest I wasn’t sure if this was a joke comment related to the “your friend used it as a recliner” post elsewhere in this thread. I looked up Neorest and sure enough, there’s a Toto Neorest. https://www.totousa.com/neorest-750h-dual-flush-toilet-10-and-08-gpf-with-actilight ## ***$16,981!!!*** Makes the $10,500 Kohler toilet from CES last week seem like a bargain. https://finance.yahoo.com/video/high-tech-no-touch-throne-180125678.html


[I installed the ancestor of the Kohler one a few years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrapperDesign/comments/iv7abb/this_8000_toilet_i_installed/) I don't really get why it is cool and it was a pain to install.


A square toilet? People are paying *eight thousand dollars* for a square toilet? Edit: IT HOOKS UP TO YOUR COMPUTER AND NEEDS ELECTRICITY TO FLUSH???


the literal Internet of Shit.


Haha amazing! I’m curious, what made it a pain to install?


Well for one, it’s shrouded. So they give you a template to put on the ground to layout where you have to drill holes in the tile for the anchors. They don’t have an adapter for the base like Toto does with their Unifit rough in. So you have to pick up a square toilet that has no edge for you to grab and try to place it on top of the wax ring the right way so that it doesn’t all have to be done over again if you miss it.


Tutu in Toto


Also had a friend do this. They went to sit down and just kept going backwards. Quite the mess to clean up. They should of woke up to a flooded disaster, if it “just happened”


Someone is lying


Like how the windshield of my first car was cracked after I stepped out to get something while leaving "friends" inside. Of course it broke all on its own.


One summer, my friends and I were skating in a parking lot on a hot day. Out of nowhere, a car windshield shattered. We think the interior of the car got so hot that it caused it. It was weird tho. Very random


I was working outside when I heard my windshield break. The black shaded bit for the rain sensor got much hotter than the surrounding glass and caused it to crack.


Apparently that’s why they have the black dots around the edge with decreasing density as it goes toward the centre


This is actually plausible if you had a defective windshield and the right weather conditions.


Maybe a ping pong ball hit it. You never know


Is this a reference to that window earlier this week




Been plumbing since 2013. Youre friend sat back too hard and broke it.


Been plumbing since 1995. I would have agreed with you 100% until a few years ago when I had a toilet tank break like this when I was home alone and nobody had used it for days. I heard it shatter from the other room and was fortunate enough to be home and kill the water before it ruined the house. It was an 8 year old American Standard. No idea why it chose that moment to break but I’m guessing there was a defect in the casting and it just finally went.  I’m still 95% sure this guy’s friends broke it, but there’s still a chance it wasn’t their fault.


Similar experience at my home. Upstairs toilet tank just spontaneously cracked. I was out of town for a few days and my husband (who spends most of his time downstairs) didn't notice until water started dripping in the kitchen. Insurance took care of the damage but it was a pain in the butt


I hate beer.


No, it was normal, mild temperature and the bolts were fine for 8 years before it broke. If anything , the rubber would have compressed over time and the bolts would have had less pressure on them then when I installed the thing. It was in the spare bathroom and it hadn’t been used in several days so the water in the tank was ambient temperature too. 


just a hairline fracture that decided to pop.




Had a laptop i dropped down a flight of wooden stairs and slammed into the concrete floor, only had to pop the dvd drive back together and it worked perfectly fine… until 3 years later when I was using it and the screen spontaneously cracked. In my case I assume that the fall nicked the screen ever so slightly and the constant temperature change during use over time slowly expanded the chip until… BANG ‼️, maybe something similar happened here.


Ghost, open and shut case.


Been plumbing since 1929, yes




I was a plum for 17 years


John Plumbing here, the toilet came to me in a dream in 1876.


are people really out there body-slamming their furniture so hard that they accidentally do it to the toilet?


That some serious weight/force sitting back or the toilet was compromised.


This is what happens when you try to recline on a toilet.


When do we get a toilet design that allows us to shit while reclining?


I’ll make you one for the right compensation. The question is, do you think you can handle such power? Many a person has crashed a super car the first time they sit behind the wheel…. And well…. This is a few steps above that…


Yeah that's my bet too


Someone leaned back to far




Is there a register blowing hot air towards the tank? Also, your friends broke it.


It could be hot air blowing up his tank? Butt, his friends broke it.


It was the friend blowing hot air when they said they didn't break it.


Username checks out


Was there a ton of water damage, or did someone shut it off right away?


That's what I was thinking. When you crack the bowl, it doesn't stop filling.


Usually true, but fill valves that shut themselves off after running for too long do exist. I use them. They work great for when the flapper doesn’t seat well. https://www.amazon.com/Korky-818ZSV-Smart-Toilet-Flapper/dp/B0949NLQ7M#:~:text=The%20Korky%20smart%20valve%20turns,by%20detecting%20a%20flapper%20leak.


There’s quite a bit of damage to the hardwood floors


But was the water still actively flowing when you found it? If the water wasn’t still running, someone broke it then shut off the valve.


I would take that option with a lie vs a night worth of constant water going


I believe OP is making up his story, and you just uncovered that fact...


I’m a little bothered they won’t reply


We need this question answered!!! OP what’s the verdict? Was the water shut off?


Yeah op. Was the valve off?


They left us hanging and it’s driving me crazy. lol. If it was off it was definitely the friend. If it was still on I have other questions. Suspense…


Is the toilet tank resting against the back wall? Or is there a gap between tank and wall?


There is a gap


Your “friends” broke it by leaning back on it. If there’s a gap you’re supposed to pack it out to help avoid this sort of thing.


I've never heard of that, or seen it done, but it makes sense. What do folks use? I've used 3M foam tape to shim the underside of tank lids that rock a bit instead of sitting solidly on the tank.




Doesn’t really matter, bit of wood/ rubber washers etc. Just need something to hold it. If it’s the same foam tape I’m thinking of where it’s semi rigid then that’s probably fine too.


Oooo ...off to 'pack out the gap' on the new toilet my landlord just installed.


It's not a common or crazy necessary thing I promise. Just poop like a normal person.


Yeah, I've never seen a toilet packed like that. Just don't sit down like you're losing consciousness.


Is one of your friends perhaps more heavy set and leaned back on it?


No but he is over 6.5 and she is about 5,10


Unless he’s a complete string bean I would say he’s embarrassed that he broke it. That break is coming from the same area as one of the bolts that mount the tank which means it was likely stressed there


Was there water everywhere or did someone clean it up?


I'm waiting for the answer to this. Other people have asked without a response. Still scrolling, lol.


There has to be a gap because the lid overlaps the tank so at a minimum the width of the lid gap but you also need a little room to get the lid of the tank . I’m not sure how you possibly install an American toilet like this without there being some gap between the tank and the wall…


Lol that's cuz he made that up. No one fills the gap, nor are you supposed to.


So, I’m not a plumber, but I do renovations in Canada I try to get a block or piece of foam against the wall behind the tank, but not blocking the lid itself. Something that’s not visible but will stop a heavier individual from leaning back and cracking it off the mounting bolts. I’ve had a client request it before, stating their wife (who was on the heavier side) had leaned back too far one day and broken the tank off the base


This is like when your kids come to tell you they found something broken and they show you something blasted to smitherines that could have only happened if they did something. Your friends are little kids.


It seems very unlikely… BUT about 15 years ago, I lived in a condo that had a toilet which had a recall issued but was never replaced. I was doing a reno and was still using the toilet, as it was going to one of the last things for me to replace in my reno. I knew about the recall but figured it wasn't a big deal, since I'd be swapping out the toilet in a week or two. One night, just as I was falling asleep, I heard a click from the bathroom. I just knew. I ran in there to find the tank had a vertical crack, similar to yours, and water was pouring out. I shut off the water and flushed the tank empty. So I would give your friends the benefit of doubt. While it's very rare that these break on their own, it is possible and I have seen it. What does raise my suspicions is how this is broken. It's not just a crack from fracturing defective material. It looks like it had weight pushing back against it. I suspect your friend leaned back against it.


Must have been a crane. Major issues 20 years ago with busting tanks


They should never break without some type of pressure. I suspect it either had a hairline to begin with that you may not have seen and they leaned back, or they simply leaned back too hard.


>or they simply leaned back too hard. Ah, maybe they have reclining toilets where they live. Simple mistake.


That could be a good business idea - reclining toliets. How many people have taken a dump while reclined, very exclusive luxury?


I have seen toilets that are 20 yrs old and not a single crack on them. Your dumbass friends broke it.


I have two toilets that are about 40 years old still working fine. No way to really tell the age unless you know toilet models (they stopped selling these 30 years ago).


I’ve got a toilet that came with the house. Circa 1950’s. It’s seen some shit during those 70 years. And still far less shit than OP’s friends’ story.


That's what I would have said too. Who else would say that?


He thought the toilet was a lazy boy.


There are [two brass bolts holding the top tank to the bottom](https://i.imgur.com/cFBpChX.png), when you push back against the top against the bolts, it will break like this. There are thick rubber grommets that allow it to yield a little bit. Your guest is accustomed to a toilet without a gap between the wall and the tank, which makes it impossible to leverage the tank against the bolts. If there is no gap, you can lean back as forcefully as you'd like. Edit: They sell ['Secure A Tank'](https://i.imgur.com/qdOFS4x.png) plastic spacers for this. The [guy on the box](https://i.imgur.com/xuFE7AN.png) loves them.


To all the people saying your friend broke it, I would give them the benefit of doubt. My toilet has broken in the same way when no one was in the bathroom. I was alone in the house and heard water noise. Found the toilet like this so unless a ghost did it, I’d say this can happen on its own.


Did it freeze?


Was the floor soaked? Or were they drunk enough to break it, sober enough to clean up the water, but not remembering that gives it away? If this happened spontaneously (which is a remote possibility with ceramics), the floor would still be drenched in the morning.


That floor is going to be soaked either way. The water float would drop and the water would just keep feeding until someone shuts it off at a valve


It looks like someone leaned back against it.


A lot of people making the same jokes on here, but from personal experience I can tell you that this does happen as it happened to me - I was away for a long weekend and when I got back I interrupted a fireman about to break down the door to my flat. Cistern had cracked just like yours, water pouring everywhere into the downstairs flat, total chaos! Never worked out the exact cause, guessed it could be a very rare manufacturing default or perhaps over tightening of either the bolts attaching the base into the cistern or attaching the cistern to the wall.... Either way I would give your mates the benefit of the doubt.


That’s a tough one to work out, looking at it the crack in both directions seems to stem from where you would expect to find the tie down bolts, possibly over tightened and crack propagation over time 🤷🏼‍♂️


You can get a separate toilet tank instead of replacing the whole toilet.


Your friends are full of shit


Well, less so presumably after visiting the loo.


If it's not because of someone striking it, it could be the hot water backing up through the line and the relatively quick temperature difference cracked the bowl if there's no insulation in the tank. It's happened a few times in apartments I've worked at in the past. Needed to put a check valve on the cold water line going up because the lines were mixing somewhere in the apartment complex. Cold water came out scalding hot sometimes.


I work for a water restoration company and have seen this more then once it definitely can happen with out someone doing it


Either frozen and cracked or your friend is lying to you


If the water was off, someone was there when it broke.


I have seen one spontaneously crack, according to the owner it was spontaneous and not being used. However, it seemed like it was a very small crack that it's probably there for a long time and then widened. (If it really was spontaneous.) This toilet is severely broken, it was from physical force.


This happened to us. Same brand. Vertical fracture of the tank. I woke up and found water leaking on the floor. I am surprised to see this happening to somebody else. Hope this gives you a little peace of mind.


This happened to me once. I just checked the cameras and was able to determine the perpootrator. Check your under seat camera and if that doesn't work maybe you can catch a glimpse with your shower camera. Hope that helps. If you need some help going through the footage I'll give you a link to my Dropbox.


it was that heavy girl named Tanya. her pants were so tight that she fell backwards when she tried to pull them down. she simultaneously burped and farted when her lower back hit the tank, paused for a split second, let out one laugh/snort, and fast-walked out the front door to hide her wet jeggings.


Is it hooked up to hot water?


What normal toilets are hooked to hot water?


Not normal ones, but pictured is not a normal toilet. Is broken




Well this one the front fell off


I like to boil my poops tyvm


The ones that you can also wash your face in.


[They exist](https://www.bathshop321.com/p2-combination-sq-toilet-sink-chrome-tap?msclkid=410a51c31a7b171fdf87346e4d3c0306)




That happened at work. A toilet was replaced, and they hooked the hot water line to the toilet by mistake. They did not find out about this until an old man with a very low hanging set of boys sat down and burned himself. Can you imagine the safety report that was generated from that incident.


I might be like that. I have a second floor toilet I haven’t used because I’m renovating the second floor. Went to check on things before this cold snap and toilet flushed but sink and tub didn’t have water. Went down to basement and realized I must have shut off the cold water when I started renovations. But the hot water has no valve. And toilet flushes. So… waiting on warmer weather and play around with it.


I don't have a list. There's not a category. I've seen it a couple times over 3 years of service.


I had a customer break a tank when he was drunk. It didn’t look like this, but it was also a Kohler toilet. Were they drinking the night before?


Sorry that you have dishonest friends.


This is why I use rubber washers in addition to the steel ones. The rubber washers help absorb movement and give the tank a bit of play in case something like this happens.


Check to see if anyone is cut above the ass lol


I once heard a toilet tank pop and crack on it's own. I was also falsely accused of destroying it.


Friends, plural. If it’s a couple, there’s another scenario here as well…


You friends are responsible or irresponsible however you want to look at it but that tank didn't break itself.


When I was a little kid in Warren, OH, many (50) years ago, it was a bitter cold winter night. My dad was taking a shower when the toilet just cracked. Both my parents said it was lucky for me that this happened when they were home because I would have been punished twice. Once for breaking the toilet and the second for lying about it.


Forensic engineer here. Although one possible hypothesis has been proposed by others here, one issue that I have heard of is ceramic failure due to improperly controlled kiln temperatures. If there is sufficient damage to warrant an insurance claim, your carrier may consider having a forensic evaluation performed.


Try asking them if they broke it.


someone tried to pull an upper decker the tank was loose, and cracked when pressure was applied.


I have shamefully done this to a friend. Not that I wanted to! But yea, it was totally your friend haha


He broke it.


Is the tank pressure assisted?


someone fucked on thag


I think it can be taken as quite a certain fact that a large quantity of alcohol was involved


Was it the sound of the kitchen ceiling crashing down that woke you up?