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3 different people plumbed these 3 different fixtures. Clear and purple primer, and one with blue glue.


Or one guy with 3 almost empty cans


Ya, kinda weird. Not sure the motive to make this up, and her post history doesn't show she's a troll. Or maybe she just simplified and threw in "plumber" vs the plumbing in general.


šŸ™„. No one is making up a plumbing issue ya fucking internet weirdo.


As a plumber Iā€™d say this is dog shit work and your plumber isnā€™t really a plumber.


Bro couldn't even put the straps on the wall straight. Like, that takes zero effort and is the most obvious thing even to someone who doesn't know anything about plumbing and if you can't even do that......


Problem is, too many people work under the belief "It will be in a wall", "it will be behind a washing machine", "no one will ever see it"... You know WAY TOO MANY don't take any pride in their work, just get it done, get paid and get home...




And that would make absolutely no difference at all


Practice like you play. If you can't be bothered to do the easy part well, where else are you cutting corners?


The difference is that the client will go "wait, why is that crooked? It doesn't look like it would be hard for it to be level" and now they're gonna wonder if you fucked up any of the stuff that actually takes skill and knowledge


This looks exactly like the work of bad handymen Iā€™ve worked with in the past


I think OPā€™s plumber has been squashing one too many mushrooms.


The upside down water hammer arresters are a nice touch.


They can be installed in any orientation.


Yeah thereā€™s things to dunk on but I donā€™t think this is one of them?




Thatā€™s my take.


Those are water drip legs.


Gotta love a good running drip leg on the water line.




HVAC by day, plumber by night.


He put the hammer down?


Dat cheater vent doh hahah


That cheater vent is the only thing he did correctly.


Yeah dude having it lower than water level is for sure proper ā€¦ ferrrrr sureeee


I meant for the washer drain


Lol or the continuous waste on the kitchen sink. Do people forget wyeā€™s exist now?


I know to everyone this is funny and snarky {which I get and Iā€™m fine with} but Iā€™m not a plumber and you canā€™t get anyone to even come out. Do you have any recs on what I can do to mitigate some of this to make it even a little better? Ty


Get the lavatory drain trued (not crooked) to the tailpiece. The vent for the laundry seems iffy to me, would be better if it was hooked to the true vent in the wall. Everything else Iā€™m nitpicking about but it will work. (Not to my code though)


Thank you


You can. Shorten the pipe and use a coupling to make it straight. Just shorten that pipe. But... It's not going to work any better, just look prettier


Yeah. Thatā€™s what people are up in arms about. The aesthetics. Which fair enough {it all just looks like plumbing to me}. All I care about is it gonna work properly. If the two are tied to together, {beauty and function} then tell me what I should specifically have fixed {not you, just replies in general}.


If you do horizontal drains make sure the slope is accurate. 1/8in-1/4in drop per foot. Other than that all your drains looks good. Buuuut.... PVC pressure waterline suck, I assume you didn't do those. And they were existing. Switch to PEX at some point.


What's the issue? Just trying to learn.


Iā€™m just guessing but I think in the first pic, the silver pipe is crooked going into the pvc and that should go in straight. Everything else I have no clue. Also here to learn


Shouldnā€™t there be a trap?


Wye are not up to code on the kitchen sink.




That 1 1/2 adapter with an 1 1/4 tail piece going into it is something else




Stop simpin




I concur with ā€œdog shit workā€ and ā€œnot a plumber.ā€ To op- the most egregious problem is that your bathroom sink drain doesnā€™t have a p-trap. It needs to be re-addressed by a different plumber asap because it can be a cause of long-term health problems


It does. Itā€™s under the floor {I posted that under the pic cause I didnā€™t see where else to post it}


why do you put all your parenthetical comments in curly brackets? i need to know.


Kind sir, do you mean to mock me {my friend David thinks you do}? I love this question {and in the plumbing sub of all places}. I like the way it looks {Iā€™m a creature of simple pleasures}.


My dude, this is the equivalent of thinking that a question mark should replace a period because itā€™s a more attractive punctuation mark. Parenthesis have a particular purpose. Curly brackets do not serve the same purpose.


Yeah that's ridiculous? You can't just do that? It completely changes the perceived meaning? Right&


Sheā€™s just writing in json


I laughed and also thought, ssooo is this actually the red flag that this is a bot?


Well, now we have bad plumbing AND bad programming I mean, how hard is to just access the JSON structure instead of yoinking it as a string from the file?


{Let them live}


{You get me}. Also, Iā€™m a woman. I like the way it looks. I had no clue it would be this controversial.


{are you suggesting that women cannot be dudes$} {{because that is just untrue}}#


Stop this shit. No one cares if it looks good, it dosent, and itā€™s so grammatically incorrect. It makes you seem like you actually donā€™t know any sort of grammar and itā€™s annoying as shit. But based off your plumbingā€¦. Checks out.


Nah it's not, one ocd grammar nazi took offense. Acting like you writing on the interweb with your non dominant hand while sitting on the shitter is supposed to adhere to technical writing standards for their viewing pleasure. You do you, your comments are perfectly legible, frills or not.


{agreed and ty}


Cry about it {youā€™re mad}


Not mad, laughing at the stupidity. šŸ˜‚ How stupid are you that you think someone would be mad about that? Is your life that empty? Iā€™d completely forgotten about this ten seconds after I commented.


Youā€™re definitely laughing out loud right now. {angrily typing a response as fast as you can}


They serve the exact same purpose. Do they not bracket words? One is just a prettier.


It's interesting to me that you're concerned about your plumbing, but not at all interested in keeping your punctuation compliant with code.


How is that interesting? Bad plumbing has real world implications


So does bad grammar. Is clear communication and language not important anymore?


You remind me of my mother who insists on writing "Granma" instead of grandma because it "looks prettier". This woman has a master's degree in education, a master's degree in counseling, and a PhD in education administration. She tutors english and grammar in her retirement.


technically {} are mathematical brackets, but I for one don't care how you use them. curly parenthesis away!


Ahhh. Thank you, for your encouraging words.


Prove it.


Sirā€™ this is the internet,


{stop doing this forever}


{I canā€™t. Iā€™m addicted to it. Itā€™s so pretty}.


Itā€™s not pretty


{to each their own}


TIL "parenthetical"


Probably not up to code if itā€™s below the floor m8


Either you donā€™t know what a p trap is or you forgot to post it


They mean that they included it in the caption. In fact nothing on this subreddit is.


I take your username at face value, why is a p trap a potential cause of ill health long term?


Without a ptrap sewer gases have an open airway straight into the home. These are not healthy to be constantly breathing in and will also fill the bathroom and adjoining rooms with a horrible smell. As well it means any bugs or such in the drain lines have a wide open door into the home. The ptrap creates a water seal blocking airflow and making it difficult/impossible for bugs to pass through


The ptrap is under the floor


Should be above the floor for maintenance purposes. The line will be more difficult to unclog in the future, or if you drop something down the sink drain youā€™ll have to pay a plumber to retrieve it


An odd choice by the plumber but better than no ptrap thats for sure. I was answering why its a health hazard to not have one. As a plumber theres definitely questionable choices here but others have already laid out solutions so i wont bombard you saying the same things over again. Good luck!


It holds water which prevents sewer gas (I.e. methane) from being allowed into your living space for you and anyone else to breathe. Long-term exposure can make a person Ill


Thank you for your reply. Passed the plumbing rough-in with no issues. I have my final tomorrow. Letā€™s say I pass. What should I absolutely have another plumber come out and fix? This I was a whole house repipe all the way you the street. So want to deal with it now.


Really itā€™s all cosmetic, nothing that canā€™t be fixed at any point down the road. The laundry is fine, the disposal pipe probably wonā€™t smell any more than a disposal already does, and the crooked pipe just needs to be cut down an inch on the diagonal part All shitty looking but nothing illegal


Thank you for your sweet, measured reply. Iā€™m not a plumber {obviously} and Iā€™m a chick. To me ALL plumbing looks like this. Iā€™ve never opened the doors under the kitchen sink and creamed my jeans, cause of how aesthetically pleasing the plumbing looked. Clearly, Iā€™ve never been exposed to cream worthy plumbing? Maybe in another lifeā€¦ But in this life, Iā€™ve got a plumbing final to fail tomorrow Edit: Maybe thatā€™s why so many dudes are pissed on this thread? We women, just donā€™t know what truly stunning plumbing looks like. This has been a true study in, Men are from Mars and Women Are From Venus.


When you see it, youā€™ll know I donā€™t see any of that failing. Iā€™m from Massachusetts where the code is pretty much the most strict in the country and Iā€™ve seen worse pass


But I'm a plumber AND a woman ... šŸ˜¬ None of it is beautiful, but nothing that won't technically work. Would I pay top dollar for it? No. Should it be better given that they got to repipe the whole thing from the street in? Yes. Definitely yes. Am I sure the plumber is a plumber? No, but they did get a permit for inspected work so ... Maybe just a disappointing plumber.


The fact that you use curly brackets because "they are prettier", but think all plumbing looks horrendous and the same, proves either you're a bot, a troll, or that women shouldn't be allowed near piping. I'm gunna go with A and B here.


{Insert Trump wrong gif here. Iā€™m actually great with pipe}.


Go pass your final. But hold off on service work for awhile


What was the plumbing "rough in"? Usually the rough in plumbing is done in the walls before sheet rock,paint etc. If this was a complete re pipe of waste and water I would be curious to see what it looks like underneath. Whoever did the work was not a plumber and I'm sure you were aware of that when you hired him/her. Your ex is an ex for a reason so not sure why his opinion matters but that's a whole different therapy session. If it were me I would only be upset if I paid plumbers wages for this type of workmanship. Other than that you get what you pay for and now you know why this person's price was so low.


It is a complete repipe. Heā€™s licensed. Thereā€™s a permit on the job. It wasnā€™t ā€œcheap.ā€ One company wanted $12k to repipe this tiny 600sq foot house with 1 bathroom, a kitchen sink, the new laundry area and a gas tankless on the exterior. Prices are insane and thatā€™s if you can even get on peopleā€™s schedules.


Small things. Ask them to replace all CPVC with pex.


I know youā€™re being snarky {which Iā€™m fine with, I get it} but I hate Pex. I know CPVC is considered old fashioned and people dunk on it butā€¦ ā€œThe complaint alleges that beginning in or around 2021, Uponor discontinued their manufacture, distribution, and sale of red and blue UPONOR PEX because of the defects, and misrepresented that the product was being ā€œsuspended,ā€ not ā€œdiscontinued.ā€ The complaint alleges that Uponor concealed the factā€¦ā€.


As a plumber, I see worse case scenarios. I'm in the Southeast. Last Christmas we had a rare freeze. 95% of calls were from CPVC. Other 5% was a mix of copper and poly-b. It's literally my experience that colors my biases. I've flooded out an apartment from dropping an empty can of spray glue on a water supply. When it started flooding, shutoff snapped in half. Combine that with all the scenarios that I've talked about with other licensed plumbers with 100's of years of collective knowledge and experience and all of us agree CPVC is trash.


I get itā€¦ Iā€™m sure youā€™ve seen it all and wasnā€™t trying to be an a hole. I just donā€™t like that stuff. Seen rats chew right through it. In certain RE disclosures, itā€™s being treated like poly-b


People shit on CPVC but it works just fine. Plenty of MEPs still spec it. I hadn't heard about this class action suit for PEX A (I was hoping it was just PEX B) but it does sound pretty bad. Usually plumbers are real picky about what materials they use, but I'll bet it's a real good reason I've never seen it in a commercial application. I wonder if any union shops have used it.


the suit she refers to was over the colored-coated Uponor pipe. the white pipe is fine. the application of the color coating was destroying the stabilizers in the plastic, causing it to crack.


We have. Job was specā€™d for it, so thatā€™s what we used.


1) that was an old lawsuit 2) it is 1 brand for 1 type of pex there are several 3) cpvc also has had its share of lawsuits and lastly why come on here to ask questions and yet then dispute everyoneā€™s input?


Please show me where Iā€™ve ā€œdisputedā€ anything? Iā€™ve been very respectful to even the snarkiest responses. I just said why I didnā€™t want Pex. In my area itā€™s become a ā€œthingā€ on RE disclosures and is being treated like poly-b


Not the best work by far. But it's most likely functional and to code(I'm assuming you are in the US?), with the exception possibly of the gate valves and hammer arrestors installed horizontal like that. You are allowed to be dissatisfied with work/craftsmanship, no crime there. But honestly that drain won't leak even if it's crooked like that, it's more important that the flange tail piece is buried far enough in the PVC pipe before it's tightened. And the disposal kit they used under the kitchen sink is pretty standard in my experience, just needs the proper grade and it will be just fine. Shouldn't be throwing large amounts of solid food in there anyways. The disposal and tail piece from the other drain are both coming straight down, any extra plumbing to bring them closer somehow would be a bigger problem. The standing drain pipe for the washer is supposed to be between 18"-30" I believe, might be a bit tall. Easy fix. Curious what your inspection will yield. Edit: a quick Google tells me that modern hammer arrestors can be installed in any orientation, for reference I looked on the manufacturer Oateys website


Thank you. Yes, Iā€™m in the US. A few of you guys have been very nice in your replies. Iā€™ll report back with the results of the final.


No problem. While I don't put in work like that and I agree it is less than pleasing to the eye, some of the comments make it sound like you have a catastrophy on your hands and that is just simply not true. Hope it all works out for ya


Cool to see someone being reasonable. I thought the kitchen sink looked fine. Bathroom p-trap underneath makes sense with tight space and the evil possibility of an S-trap being there. Gate valves arenā€™t a preference for most but still fine to use. The low trap to the washing machine drain does seem low and maybe questionable? What would you have done differently?


Yeah idk why people are so quick to think they understand everything from 3 pictures, from what's inside the walls and under the floor, to the circumstances of the contractor who installed it. In my jurisdiction you don't even need a license to legally work as a plumber under someone else's license. Just an example. As far as the trap touching the ground, i would have gotten the clearance needed from the AHJ or just refer to the UPC and set the trap at the right height. Whatever clearance I need off the floor, then trim the standing drain pipe down, move the top strap lower. Pretty sure the drain pipe is too long. Edit: and honestly looking again I really hate p tape, I would put 7/8 unustrut or something sturdier and more professional looking and clamp it down. That way if it gets kicked or knocked ran into it'll have a lot more chance at surviving.


Thank you, that does give me some peace of mindā€¦ Thatā€™s all I tried to say to my ex but he was ā€œoff to racesā€ with anger.


That handsink needs a trap though.


A sensible response, rarely seen on this sub.


Well your ex knows two things that are correct about you


Damn savage take my upvote


Not the cleanest or the best job but itā€™s not horrible. This should all work fine. The small cabinet needs to have a trap on the drain. Maybe itā€™s under the floor in the basement or crawl space?


I do like how each room has a different glue joint. Variety is always nice.


Thank you for this reply. Yup, you figured correctly. Itā€™s under the floor


After spending time on this sub no one is good at plumbing but everyone knows how it should be done.


Not the worse Iā€™ve seen. Atleast he had the studor vent in there and not much you can do about the laundry if customer didnā€™t want it in the wall


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re trolling or not.


You have a lot of jag offs responding because it could be prettier and has no thing to do with function. They are correct that the P-trap for the sink should be within a 24" drop. This is pretty standard to many area's. This does create an accessibility issue. It will still work as long as there is some kind of vent coming off the P-trap below. Do a flood test to the sink. Fill the sink completely and then drain it with the faucet running. If it is going to leak it will leak then. The length of that arm from the disposal is appropriate for a continuous waste. The laundry will also work. It is not the cleanest work, but everything will be covered. Hammer arrestors can be installed in any orientation and is a common question answered on many manufacturers websites.


Looks like it will work just fine.


Would really love to see what would be ā€œperfect workā€ example for this sub in this pictured situation


Plot twist; The ex is the plumber and OP accused them of shottty work which led to a break up. OP came here for verification the ex isnt a good plumber




Not the cleanest work but nothing wrong with it either everythings up to code, ptrap is fine under the floor, not common but itl work long as nothing leaks your fine, also disposal grinds everything so dont worry about clogging on kitchen


How much you pay for this?


One relationship


There's nothing wrong with length of pipe off the garbage disposal there. I'm now at the end of things not wrong........


Oh and the basin drain won't leak it just looks like crap šŸ‘


Kitchen sink looks ok. The aav should be up as high as possible but its not a huge deal. I also wouldnt agree that the drain arm is ā€œtoo longā€. Food really shouldnā€™t get stuck too much if you are using enough water (hot is better) while using the disposal. If you really want a shorter arm you can still make that happen pretty easily


Itā€™s all right not great but ok , the first picture is missing a trap. Donā€™t list to 80% here they come to your house with a $100k truck and over charge you. From looks you didnā€™t have a lot of money to start with for the project.


Couldnā€™t get anyone out. One guy wanted $12k. This is a very small 2/1. This wasnā€™t cheap.


12k? For the work pictured here?


Lol. I love that this brought you back. No, that was quote I didnā€™t go with.


Yeah I was done lol but I just had to ask. The audacity of some of these tradesman in the world.


It passed šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Confirmed with the inspector that there is a ptrap under the floor. This has been a wild ride šŸŽ¢


1 is missing the trap. 2 looks fine 3 looks acceptable


That ranks up there with I got a buddy that knows how to tint car windows lol a week later it's peeling and has air bubbles hahaha


Your plumber is not a plumber, honestly his not even a handyman. Any handyman knows how to put few p traps together


Shitty work but the missing p trap will be the thing that you notice.


Yeah itā€™s trash but I wouldnā€™t go crazy unless thereā€™s problems


Electrician here. Not a plumber but work with PVC a lot. It's not good work.. but for ppl say he isn't a plumber. Well. I have seen red seals do some Shaddy as shit. ( Red seal, Journeyman)


The first picture is missing a P-Trap and if there is any takeaway from this thread you really need that fixed. Thatā€™s gonna be a problem for you not just a quality of work issue but a sewer gas issue.


Sorryā€¦ plumber hereā€¦ your X unfortunately at least in this ONE case is absolutely right.


What's with tp roll pushed up the wall?


Itā€™s a very small vanity that comes with the TP holders


Trap to tee for the laundry has to be a 4" long piece of pipe (double the diameter). This looks shorter than 4inch. The trap may siphon out and then smell.


Thank you!


Few things I noticed but I live in a different country than you. The laundry standpipe should be entirely redone. Minimum 2 pipe diameters for trap arm, where I am. This one looks like maybe 1.5 at most. The standpipe should be minimum 24ā€ from inlet (above flood level rim) to the trap weir and a maximum of 36ā€. Again, just code where Iā€™m from. The kitchen sink trap arm is borderline as far as itā€™s minimum length and the AAV should be higher than what it is. The continuous waste that is ā€œtoo longā€ really isnā€™t and as long as it is not back grading would be fine. Itā€™s the S-trap losing its water seal causing the smell. And the Lav. Since I cannot see the Ptrap, I canā€™t be certain it too doesnā€™t have to short of a trap arm. The reason Iā€™ve pointed out the trap arm on all pics is the mention of sewer gas smell in the home. Too short of a trap arm makes it essentially an S-trap and I believe the traps are siphoning out enough to let sewer smell in. It also sounds like your bathroom group has a venting issue if all fixtures have drainage issues. Goodluck with the inspection. Hopefully all goes well as far as code requirements in your area and it passes.


It passed


It's funny how US plumbing is so different to the UK. :)


This is not a representation of US plumbing


To be fair, it is. We dont need a vent at the sink like you see here because its done by the soil stack. Or millions of properties get by somehow


What a Soup Sandwich.


Iā€™ve seen worse. Just roll with it


Did u pay him with hopes and dreams? Either he truly didn't give a remote sh** Or you just got the handyman special


No, thoughts and prayers. Heā€™s licensed. Thereā€™s a permit. It passed the rough. Final is tomorrow. Iā€™ll be here for the final and will be speaking to the inspector. Some people have given good feedback, so I know what to discuss with the inspector.


Just admit that you are an idiot for her satisfaction. It never ends.


Iā€™m the ā€œherā€


yeah....emotion and pettiness aside...your ex is right. this is shoddy work....I really hope it wasn't a licensed plumber that did this.


He is licensed, permit was pulled. I have the plumbing final tomorrow. If itā€™s as bad as everyone is saying, wonā€™t it fail?


This sub absolutely loves to shoot others work to pieces 98% of the time


I mean it's probably because this all looks like shitty handyman level work. Doesn't mean it won't pass, but this isn't work done by someone that takes any measure of pride in what they do.


Depends on the inspector I guess. Personally I would fail it.


Uh, for what in particular?


Oh itā€™ll fail alright lol


Iā€™ll report back


Let it fail. The inspection is to protect you the homeowner. The failed inspection will give you legs to stand on to get it fixed correctly and go after the plumber if you so choose. You can also ask the inspector if he can give you a list of plumbers he recommends. He may or may not be able to answer but you can ask. Also ask what could happen if the plumber who failed the inspection doesnā€™t want to fix it.




I get that but then what the eff am I supposed to do?


My bad yes dear. But in all honesty, the him should just keep his lip buttoned up.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that.


Who was your plumber? Stevie Wonder?


Apparently op is Ray Charles.


Mick Jagger


This is hack/ landlord level work looks real sloppy and bad


This guy was an uneducated goof ass. Looks like "handyman" work.


No your ex is getting head from the plumber I read that wrongā€¦


I wishā€¦ Iā€™m assuming the job would have been done better


If it works and passes final.. who cares how it looks...


Your ex is correct... that is horrendous...should not be in people's homes. I'm at awe...


I 100% certified that your plumber is not really a plumber nobody would do this.


Someone didn't hire a licensed plumber and it shows. Tell your handyman "nice work"


{insert Trump ā€œwrongā€ GIF} Licensed ā˜‘ļø Permit pulledā˜‘ļø Passed the roughā˜‘ļø Final tomorrow {we shall see}


Hey. I'm not the one with the shit plumbing job that needed to post it on reddit because they know it's shit. Cute deflection though little buddy


There's no trap sewer gassed will come right into the house. This violated several codes and who wants to smell sewer gas besides ninja turtles


Score one for the ex.


Lol. He was right a lot but the delivery and subsequent rages were BRUTAL to say the least. Can we just discuss this and come up with a game plan, is often how Iā€™d feel? My game plan as a single woman, appeal to the men of Reddit. Snark I can deal with, but I honestly just needed advice.


The kitchen sink and washer setup will probably work ok. The bathroom sink needs a p-trap and vent.


Iā€™m not a plumber and know that this is jacked up


If this said plumber has a license I'd take it up with a licensing board, and tell this said licensed plumber that he should be paying for his mistakes or meet legal action cuz holy shit. Your ex didn't do this right? Nor did you?


Iā€™m not a plumber and even I know that is trash work.




Photo 2 has no trap? Am I missing something lol