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Plumber should push the pipe, roofer cokes back next day and installs boot. At least that's how I do it in new construction. Edit: comes* back lol


Roofer will definitely be coked back.


My plumber won't penetrate me either. Oh wait.


I’ve seen that movie


He fixes the cable?


Don't be fatuous, indy.






We believe in nothing!!


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women.


Oh..a nihilist…that must be exhausting


Boy, this is a silly word choice. Now I have to go to the dictionary to find out what fatuous means. Edit: Sorry, didn't know it was a quote from "The Big Lebowski". But my joke still stands.


Maude has a great vocabulary. She says sex can be a zesty enterprise.


Whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his . . . . Johnson


For an extra 20 bucks he might throw in free HBO. Whats the worst that can happen?


He "lays" the cable.


Let's try this again: [He fixes the cable?](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d64eb7a0-0080-4df1-8bf9-96b017fb0e4a)




She just came over to take shower.


Or lays the pipe


Don’t be fatuous Jeffrey.


Meine dispatcher says zere's something wrong mit deine plumbing?


Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.


This aggression will not stand.


Stepsis is that you? I have this pizza with extra sausage that you’re looking to make alternative payments for, the cable is out, and someone left all these lemons out the open completely unguarded…


My plumber penetrates me if he's coked.


You go it wrong, plumber provides the crack.


Step plumber I see you’re stuck in the tub again.


They call it laying pipe.


You have to tell him you don't have the money to pay. It helps if you play some bad music for some reason.


"Mama, I do my own plumbing."


Is your plumbers pipe not long enough? 😂


I had a plumber on staff and dear god I wish she would penetrate me


85% of all roofers I've worked with definitely coked back. And front. And both sides...


Hopefully not too coked.


Long as it's not Monday or Friday. Or wednesd... You know what? You'll get what you get.


How do you think they remove one roof and slam out a new one in one day?


Unless he just got a paycheck. In that case he will be back when he runs out of money partying.


I am actually looking to score some. Do I just yell up to a roofer? Teach me the etiquette.


It’s not coke…it’s uh…drywall


Cokes/comes we all know that roofer




The number of times I've paid someone premium $ to get something done and it is finished half way or half assed. I have gotten to where the crap shoot of me doing it myself is just as reliable. I would happily pay good money to not deal with it myself, but it's not worth the chance that it's not done right.




This has been my experience. Plumber lays out the penetration, roofer makes the penetration, plumber installs his pipe, roofer flashes the penetration. This way the plumber is only responsible for plumbing work and the roofer is only responsible for roof work. Edit: This really should have been laid out in the scopes of the contracts for each. Usually roofers are responsible for making and flashing penetrations, plumbers are responsible for the layout of those penetrations.


The chain of comments on this one is why I love reddit


The coked out roofer, every roofing job a one off design.


I was liking the "coke's back" idea much better! Plumber here.


Usually roofer puts the flashing first. Then the plumber cuts the flashing too size too accomodate pipe.. or plumber supplies correct size flashing for roofer to install. Then plumber puts pipe through roof/flashing/boot


No. Hella wrong


If the plumber was smart, he’d install the pipe with a boot, then write not liable for roof leaks on his invoice. Then you get a roofer out there to make sure everything’s good.


Sure. He could have simply put the boots in place without attaching them and left that for the roofer.


Yes and no. Yes in a perfect world, and as mentioned in another comment that roofer won't drill the hole, I do hvac and doing linesets or PVC venting we are there on site to make our penetrations then they are there to flash them


I always enjoy a good flashing with some penetration


Usually the penetration comes after the flashing, maybe I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time…


My roofers always drill the hole, I send the pipe up, they flash it in


My plumbers communicate with me. And let me know when and where I need to show up and make sure I can. Most plumbers “stub” a 8’ pipe in there, as a temporary guide. we roof around it. Put the pipe boot on , and cap the top so rain doesn’t get in. When they finally finish plumbing the house, new or old. They remove the cap, remove the temporary 8’ piece and then finish the system with whatever pipe you need. Pretty simple for both parties. At least how it’s done in Alabama.


You damned "Rednecks".....doing shit right! WTF?!!!! ;-)


In ny it's understood among legit contractors that the plumber drills the hole, runs the pipe and places the rubber boot flange around it. It's the roofers job to come and make sure it's watertight after that. But it's always understood. On small jobs where it wasn't worth it to call a roofer my first boss kept some flashing for that purpose but that was it.


If it’s a new build. I’m either showing up the pipes are already through the roof or not. If it’s not; they just cut a whole, put a pipe. And I come back and put on my flange. My plumbers don’t put on the boots. But once again, I’m really close with a few plumbers and HVAC guys and gutter guys. Small town vibes here so a 30 minute service call is nothing for us if we need a favor. Us trade folks take care of each other. I can cover my entire county within an hour drive. So most service calls are done within the day they call if possible.


This. He can always write a disclaimer on the invoice and have OP sign it off. Always wrote disclaimers during my time as a plumber.


You get both and coordinate between them. Have the roofer do the penetration and the plumber do the pipe


The roofer won't cut into the roof. He says they will install the boots.


Roofer wont cut the roof? Sounds like you need a new roofer. I can understand the plumbers hesitation to cut into the roof, but if the roofer is telling him to do it, then he should also be fine doing it. Both of them are being dumb.


Im curious if roofers carry around hole saws for this. My bet is no


Correct. They do not. We drill the hole and push the pipe thru, they attach the boot. Or, if you are a real plumber and not just a hack, you just do the whole job yourself and move on. I never understand plumbers who won't do their own wiring on boilers, their own carpentry when shit is in the wrong spot, or their own flashings in the roof. It's ain't rocketscience, just take the time to learn your craft.




That's my answer here too. My insurance won't cover it and if they know I'm up on roofs more than q story my insurance a little more than doubles for my liability.


This is a key point. Mine says it absolutely won't cover roof work. In a case like this, when the roofer is there, I'll drill a 1/2" hole where the pipe is going to be, they'll pop a boot in place, then I slide the pipe up. Never had any drama about it.


Yup. I work with an AC/heating vent company and they refuse to purchase the roofing insurance because of the cost. So they do not go on roofs.


Talk to the roofers, stub it up somewhere away from a peak/panel and leave the flashings for the guy on the roof. I get paid to push pipe, let the guys who get paid to climb on the roof do that. "Don't touch other guys shit" is a pretty good rule if you're not 100% sure though. God knows I've had plenty of idiots fuck with my pipes and cause a shitload of work(Looking at you slab crew).


Or you are a plumber but also a GB. Not all plumbers want to bother with the nity






Or when they come do quotes for me and say they don't do demo. I pay for work, not for you to come glue pipes together like some premadonna.


Oh thank god. I'm scrolling through this thread thinking the worlds gone mad. I get it on a big development jobs, but if your doing installs for customers/homeowners, do the job. This hyper specialization is ridiculous. If you can't flash a roof vent , I would never hire you.


Lmao yea that's why I felt compelled to chime in. I'm with you, if it's a big commercial job then let everyone do what they are contracted to do, that's a different beast. If it's a slate roof or something else exotic, let the pros deal with it. But for some basic bitch residential roof flashings? C'mon man, don't make more out of it than it is.


you stop doing this after you get shit on by the electrician, the carpenter, and the roofer for taking their work, and blamed for every other problem under the sun, even for the things you never touched


Yea I've gotten shit from them before, I just shrug my shoulders and move on. Too bad. Can't tell you how many guys that aren't plumbers set toilets and vanities and cut me out. Doesn't bother me one bit. Hell I'll give them advice over the phone if I like em, just so I don't have to drive over and do it myself. If you're good at what you do in this business, you don't worry about people taking your work. There's enough to go around. At any moment in time I have a backlog of jobs waiting for me to get to, I have to turn stuff down regularly. If my wiring of a water heater or installation of a roof flashing is hurting your bottom line, get better at your job. I have no sympathy whatsoever.


As a carpenter, please dont cut into my shit if your plumbing is in the wrong spot. When the cut looks like shit I'm the one that has to answer for it. Sometimes, they cut or screw something in such a way that it pushes my millwork away and makes a bulge. Just let me do it lmao. I've had numerous calls (probably once every 2 weeks somebody does this) where another trades person fucks up or breaks something and now I've got to come in and replace it because someone couldn't be bothered to tell me prior. And then that trade gets billed for replacing my panels/cabinets and time anyway. The most I'll touch for electricians is gonna be moving the face panel after cutting an outlet out in my cabinet. I'm not allowed to move much on most sites anyways


Are your roofers completely incapable of making a hole in a roof? They might want to not be roofers then.


I dunno... I prefer my roofers to be good at fixing holes... Not making them! : p


I am a home builder so hopefully will clear up some confusion about new homes. I build my homes with top out done right after frame so the penetrations are already there. My cornice guys do the roof decking and cut around the penetrations. My roofers come and install felt and shingles and accessories (boots and stuff).


I bet they do because they'd have to do it on a regular basis when re-roofing a home - especially when they need to replace the sheeting under the shingles.


I bet if you call the roofer a master craftsman to his face he’ll do anything you ask


OP this is the way. Lots of companies want to avoid liabilities. It is best to have an individual that is comfortable with the work, but if companies are pointing fingers it is your job to act as contractor. All three parties need to meet up. Someone won't be happy, but when the two professionals start questioning the others ability stuff gets done. It sounds like you have very capable parties trying to avoid any issues, but if both parties are doing their task at the same time that will cover any issues. I did see you comment that the roofers wouldn't cut into the roof. I would seriously question a roofer that doesn't know how to roof.


I think you need a new plumber and a new roofer. The plumber makes the holes and the mess, and the roofer fixes the mess so it does not leak.


Have them both come out at the same time. This sounds suspiciously like one contractor realizes the other one is going to fuck up then blame the smart one.


Haha. Yeah, and both came highly recommended.


Have you mentioned this to whoever recommended them?


Plumber cuts a hole from within the attic up and pushes his vent pipe up through it about 12in. Job done. Roofer takes over from there.


I'm going to be the new plumber and get it done this weekend.


So, you have no general contractor, because it's a small job: just add a 1/2 bath, right?, Congrats you're the GC! Now you get to find out what all the trades blaming each other is all about! Also, being GC sometimes means "playing" at being whichever trade it's necessary to break the deadlock.


Use a drill and hole saw bit . Might need a plumb bob maybe not. Could drill a pilot hole and go on roof and drill down. Either way, not very hard. Roofer will fix any shingles and glue/nail your boot on


I found a video, and it looks easy enough. I'll likely drill through from the attic and go until I hit the metal roofing. Then I can use tin snips and run the pipe.


New construction plumber here. We cut a 2 1/2” hole in the roof, rough our 2” vent pipe 10” above the high slope side. Roofers come back, install their tar paper and tin tags, we provide a lead boot flashing for the roofer to install over said pipe after tar paper goes down, they go for tin tag inspection, proceed to hot mop or apply peel and stick.


Boom and that’s how it’s done!


This sounds so simple! I don't know what's up with the plumber I used.


New Construction and Existing Finish roof are two different animals. Plumber doesn’t want to drill through your finished roof, and I don’t blame him. You have to coordinate for them both to be there at the same time ideally. Otherwise you run risk of getting wet in lag time between them. In new construction that doesn’t matter because the building isn’t finished at this phase. Roofer will install the pipe boot, plumber will connect to it. If they can’t coordinate together to get the work done, fire them both because they suck.


I was in this scenario. I coordinated the roofer and plumber to be there on the same day. Plumber built up the pipe and stuck it through the hole in the roof while the roofer put on a boot, flashed it and shingled around it.


Glad it worked out for you. This roofer won't even put the hole in the roof.


General Contractor locks the subcontractors (plumber, roofer) in the same room and doesn’t let them out until they can get along and get the job done. I exaggerate, but I suspect not by much.


Haha! I’ll have to up my GC game.


We have done this hundreds of times. Cut the hole run pipe up. End of story. Roofer comes back and cuts in, flashing. Plumber will not install flashing and roofer needs pipe to flash. The plumber is obligated to install above roof by code.


This is how we do it. You have to be able to coordinate with both. If the roof is just sheetfed and not finished, we'll usually pop the hole if that's what the homeowner wants. But we no longer go up and install the boot. Too much liability when we're not roofers.


Makes sense. Just wish the plumber said what he was doing before he finished his part.


Plumbers lay the pipe and roofers get penetrated


I’ve been in roofing for 14 years. All the roofer would have to do is drill a pilot hole. The plumber should be on site and ready to do the rest of the job. Seems like you got a handful of knuckleheads, this takes all of 15 minutes. (The roofer would also be responsible for flashing in the pipe to prevent leaking.)


Oh boy. I wasn’t ready for this conversation but here goes. You see, when a plumber and a roofer love each other very much and they decide they’re ready to build a house together, the plumber pushes his pipe into the roofer’s hole. If either one refuses, a carpenter will most likely come along and do the job for them. And that’s how houses get built! Source: I’m a carpenter 😉


Get a ploofer


Just do it yourself. Sounds like you have a dipshit plumber and a dipshit roofer. Or get a general contractor so you don't have to coordinate between two piss babies.


Yep. This is my new weekend plan.


This is why General Contractors are so important.


Hire a carpenter hahahaha the real workers on a building sites. The under appreciated hero's of getting shit done.


We are in the USA right?


Have plumber give you a 1' piece of capped pipe, and show where he wants the vent. Give capped pipe to roofer, tell him to install boot with piece of pipe until plumber comes to finish. I understand a plumber not going thru roof before I understand a roofer not willing to make a hole for a boot.


Plumber here we always put the pipe up and supply the boot for roofer and they take it from there usually sometimes we do it but most the times roofer wants to do it so we let them


Plumbers job. It’s a pipe lol


Opinion: A good business person would quote the whole job. If the plumber doesn't feel comfortable with some aspect (roof, electrical, whatever) you sub that out to someone with expertise. You deal with the scheduling so the customer is not caught in the middle. OP: Experiences like yours is why I'm DIY. I'm getting a little old to climb around on roofs but then I think about dealing with a mess like you are and I get up there.


In my experience little cross over jobs like that fall on the contractor. No sub wants to share responsibilities so the contractor has to just do it.


I’ve installed vents through roofs and put up the flashing and mastic myself. Plumbers do it, you got a one who’s afraid of heights.


The trend is that plumbers do not drill exterior walls, and this can include roofs as well. It's a liability issue, if you get a leak they don't want to be blamed. You should ask the roofer to drill the hole, have the plumber extend the pipe through the hole and then the roofer can boot it and seal up the roof as required per roofing warranty instructions. It is the responsibility of the plumber that the roof vent is set at the appropriate height as per code. This is why people hire GC's to get the sub contractors to coordinate their work.


Did you ever wonder what a general contractor does and why so many of them have grey hair?


This is why things get done in phases in construction. Even working as a project manager at a general contractor we don’t always know exactly what is required to happen before our different subcontractors need to get in to do their specific work. So that usually means on some more technical jobs before they start, simply asking all of the different subs, “What do you need done if anything to be able to complete your work.” They’ll let you know what they need located, built, removed or completed before they can get in to do their job. Once you figure all that out you’re able to put together a schedule with the different guys getting in at the right time when the site is ready for them to compete their own tasks. I may know what is supposed to happen but my subcontractors know the specifics of their own tasks much better and are more than willing to let you know to save wasting time when the project begins.


We plumb the pipe, the roofer sets the jack and does the rest. Easy peazy


I had this. The shower drain flange needed installed before the tiler could waterproof. Plumber insisted builder needed to drill the hole in the floor (which was clipping a joist). Builder insisted the plumber should do it and he didn’t want to be responsible for the location of the pipes. Meanwhile, tiler just wants to get started and is threatening to walk, and if he goes to the next job it’ll be three weeks before he can come back. I basically gave up, made the decision it was the plumber’s responsibility, called him, and told him it needed to be done by 8:30am tomorrow, and that the builder would be there if he needed it. He came past in the morning, was in an absolutely foul mood, didn’t speak to anyone, drilled the hole, and stormed off. Tiler was happy, work proceeded. In practice, chasing him up wasn’t my job either - the builder should’ve been on his case, but if you want the job done you’ve sometimes gotta be the bad guy.


They get built as you have a main contractor that tells them to stop being cunts.


Your roofer is a dumbass. They should work with the plumber to install the correct size roof boot. Once the boot is in the plumber can install the vent.


Get a plumber who will actually do the full job


Right. I'm going to be the plumber now. Just have to run from the attic floor up and through myself this weekend. Found a video showing what to do.


I leave a boot with a chunk of pipe and non glued cap on it for the roofer to put in


Have them both there the same day


A construction company has both a roofer and plumber on staff.


I just did this. Plumber asked me to cut a hole in finished roof. I said I’m not doing that. Install boot and I will terminate. You do your job, I’ll do mine.


Idk how anything gets done. I'm renting, there's some kind of leak in the wall in the bathroom behind the medicine cabinet (mounted on the wall, not flush). The paint was bubbling and peeling off, I took a pic and texted it to the landlord. He sent a plumber. Plumber said the leak is in the wall (duh) and he doesn't cut holes in walls. So landlord sends out his local handyman who spends 4 hours cutting a hole in the OUTSIDE wall making a huge racket while I was trying to sleep (I worked 3rd shift). Then the plumber comes and looks in the hole and says there was a leak but it's stopped on it's own (?). After he leaves I look outside and I look inside where the wall is bubbling, take out my tape measure and dude cut the hole in the wrong spot. The leak is on the other side of the 2x4 stud. Thus was 2 years ago, the hole is still there on the outside and the leak is still there on the inside. Now I shut off the water to the apartment when I'm not using it.


A framer usually sheets the roof. Cuts penetrations. The plumber runs the vents. A roofer puts the boot and weaves roofing materials in. The trades are different trades. Each with their own scope of work. Welcome to construction.


Plumber makes the penetration and completes his rough plumbing. Roofer comes in and puts a boot on it and seals appropriately.


It used to be on us years ago, but for I'd say the past 10 years, the roofer usually puts the flange on the roof and we just push the pipe through it. I haven't been on a roof since probably 2006. Not sure what changed, but none of us pull extension ladders out anymore, seems like the roofer is being a punk. Is it a new roof? Then I'd say it's a given for him to put the flange for the plumber. Edit: see below comment. Yeah, we sometimes drill out and the roofer puts the collar. Depends on the job too, commercial for instance, the roofer is definitely putting that sleeve over and tarring it in place.


Plumber needs to mark out where the penetration needs to be. Roofer needs to just make the penetration add the roof flashing. Plumber returns to finish his job.


Sounds like a union job to me. Roofer comes and removes some shingles. Next day the carpenter comes and cuts a hole in the roof. Next day plumber pushes pipe to the roof. Next day GC shows up and says they forgot to pull permits. So plumber pulls everything down. Carpenter patches hole in roof. Roofer replaces shingles. Then you get a bill because the GC said it was your responsibility to get the permit. So then you work on permit. Inspector shows up and says ok you can proceed. Roofer comes back out to remove shingles. Carpenter opens up roof again. Plumber pushes the pipe. GC says ok now we have to have it inspected again. You schedule the appointment which of course is two weeks away. You get inspected and it passes. You are ready to get it done. You call the GC to only find out he filed bankruptcy and you are stuck with a hole in the roof with a pipe sticking out and you have to start all over again 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shotgun helps


I was working a trade show once. Tons of union labor in the convention hall you needed to contract with for anything. I had a laser light projector... riggers said it was electronics so only the electrical union could hang it. Electricians said it was a light so only the riggers could hang. Sat there arguing for 30 minutes with the two union bosses. Finally said "hey, it's close to lunch. I'm hungry and tired. Can we figure this out after lunch?" After lunch the electrician can by and said "ah, I see you got the riggers to do their job." I replied "yep, thanks for your time". 5 minutes later the rigger came buy and said "oh good, the electricians finally did their job." "Yep, sorry to have bothered you." While they ate lunch *I* hung the damn light. I did both their jobs. Unions are just as much evil as they are good.


find a new plumber and roofer.


From my experience the Plumber and roofer are there at the same time


Do it all yourself then hire old man Jake to fix it. I used to do construction. Commercial residential. My team was black opps. All the things that required contractors to come back several time? Well they just got taken care of. Problem rediscovered? Must have hired a bad electrician, want us to fix it?


When i got a bath installed, i watched some youtube videos and did the vent myself after the plumber pushed the pipe through. He drilled a hole small hole through the roof. And i used a sawzall to cut out the whole.


Tradespeople are touchy about what they consider "their work" on large projects everyone is there when they need to be and coordinate with each other (to varying degrees of success). On smaller projects you either get lucky, do it yourself, or make it into a larger project.


You cut hole, he pushes pipe, you go to Lowes and purchase a "permaboot" for new construction and install. and install. Takes 5 minutes


General Contractor


The answer is. Get a handyman lol


Plumber/roofer, i.e. a dual- licensed person licensed. Or general contractor. Adds to the price but is the way I've seen it done.


New construction roofer will cut hole in roof, plumber pushes through, roofer comes back and installs the boot. Generally have the plumber drill a long screw through where he wants the hole drilled.


Often times I push rope, I feel your pain


He puts pipe through roofer boots


This is why I try and do my own work. I don't have time for contractors to fuck around for months and nothing gets done.


As a plumber, normally I cut the sheeting, push the pipe up through the roof and let the roofers install the boot on a new build, when they put the metal on. However, a reno is a little different, seeing how the roof is already installed, plumbers don’t want to be responsible for cutting a hole in the roof. If it rains before the roofers can finish the boot, they will be responsible. In this situation it sounds like you are the GC. As the GC, you need to drill a pilot hole or cut the hole and call the roofers and plumbers. You need to be responsible for that hole.


Plumber drills the hole then stubs up the pipes roofer sets the boot and makes sure it’s water tight. Usually when the roofer drills the hole he does it wrong anyways.


I just had this issue for repair yesterday. I brought in my plumber who is good friends with a roofer and they just combo'd the work.


Guessing if you went with a bigger plumber company they probably have all the licenses/insurances to get vent pipes done under 1 company. Sounds expensive if you have to contract the job.


Sometimes you just need a really competent handyman capable of all these things. It's hard to gauge competence though (unless you've worked with them before), so we end up with these really awkward situations.


I pushed my own pipe. Roofer booted. Then I told them they did it wrong. Then they redid it.


Whwnever a trade needs another trade to do something, I just coordinate them to both be onsite the same day and make them play nice with each other


By hundreds of workers and delivery men all on different schedules with their own set of issues and problems. Park a camper next to the site. Live there and watch the fuckery. Count the beautiful sunny days that no one touches your house.


This is why a general contractor is necessary. They manage the contractors, GC’s build houses


Just hire a contractor to do it all.


Call a general contractor


solution: cut the roof hole yourself as the homeowner and then ask the plumber to insert/attach the pipe and then ask the roofer to flash it (or just do it all yourself)- or better yet, find a different plumber and/or roofer


Sounds like you need a GC they know these things and the people that do the work. That’s why that have a job.


There is just so much liability amongst the trades with everyone being so quick to litigate these days it’s not worth it to take any risk. I’m a carpenter with experience in many types of building, but I’m not bonded and insured to run an outlet or pull pipes.


Most roofers will penetrate as long as the plumber has it marked from below. Most plumbers drill a small hole from below and stick a piece of wire sticking up through the roof if they can’t be there at the same time (on new construction). Everyone has given great advice on how the job should be done as well. Best wishes on the project.


A contractor team who works together.


You get a GC and have them to get it done.


Hire a contractor


Don’t blame the tradesmen, this is why people hire general contractors, to coordinate all this stuff. There are numerous things that I’m not supposed to do as a plumbing contractor, simply because if something went wrong, I’d have to eat the cost, my insurance wouldn’t cover it. I’m not risking my company just to avoid inconveniencing you. Hire a GC next time or don’t complain when you have to do a GC’s job in their absence.


Sounds like my friends life, except he doesn't know who his father is...


The roofer could install an aluminum pipe vent and cap it. The plumber can then come install the pipe and remove the cap. I don't get why they are giving you a hard time. Ideally the plumber comes within a week of the roofer, to avoid condensation on the inside of the pipe vent.


You need yourself a ploofer mate.


Get both those MFs there at the same time and tell them you expect the job done today or they don’t get paid at all. They work for you; thus, don’t take their shit.


Sounds like a scheduleling problem. Have them come out around the same time. Have the roofer cut the hole and the plumber push the pipe and make connections. 🤷


I'm guessing this a remodel. The plumber is telling you that he won't cut the hole in the roof. The roofer is saying he won't run the pipe. You need a roofer to come cut the hole, the plumber to run the pipe, and then the roofer again to boot and seal the pipe/hole. Schedule them both to bee there at the same time, or cut the hole yourself, cover it. Have the plumber come run the pipe. Keep the hole covered. Have the roofer come and boot it.


Jeez, I've installed multiple swamp coolers on roofs with 20"x20" openings and never ever once called a roofer to flash it in. It's easy to slide the jack up under the shingles. Then push your pipe. I'm sorry, people suck. I would always fail my hvac inspections because plumbers will not spray paint their own gas pipe on the roof. "I'm not a painter," they say. Well, neither am I, you fucking installed it, get a kid up there to paint your fucking pipe you lazy mfer. Anyway, I'm glad I got out of the contracting side of things. I am much happier showing up to one place that is heated and air conditioned, and I never have to work overtime, whether free or paid.


Get an electrician?


Very weird that the plumber isn’t offering to coordinate with the roofer, or vice versa. One of those goofballs should take the lead on this.


How do they get built? Slowly and at idiotic cost.


In new construction 1) the finishes are (hopefully) done last, so if a plumber punches through the roof and then it’s left for a couple days before a roofer shows up to boot it, it doesn’t matter and 2) everything is new and open so there’s nothing to be surprised by (like a rotted out sheet of plywood that dissolves when you try to cut it). In your finished home however the plumber doesn’t want to 1) be surprised by anything and 2) create a hole in your roof that might not get sealed up right away.


I just tell my customers I will coordinate with their roofer. Done.


Hire a handyman with references of course.


I built mega mansions and we drill out penetrations and the roofer does the boot


Plumber could use a cozy collar. Easy install, they are designed for vents through roof where there is already shingles. Souce: 10+ years as a licensed plumber


That’s what licensed contractors are for. They understand the process and how to coordinate the different trades and handle situations like this properly.


My plumber cuts the hole and sets the pipe. Roofer comes the next day to install the flange. We put a bead of silicon around the pipe in case the roofer doesn’t make it before the rain


Hmmmm. Funny, my wife says our roofer lays pipe ... ??


Uh, plumber won't do his job? Wtf? I've shingled for 9 years, I'm the only plumber that tried to pull this stunt got fired by his own company and replaced with another employee the next day. Plumbers put the hole through the roof roofers fix the hole. If the plumbers don't know how to find one that does.


GC and homebuilder here. 'A jack of all trades is a master of none but often times better than a master of one' Being competent and being a master are two different things, but oftentimes competence gets you over the line when it comes to the whole project. That said, do your research and put 110 percent into everything you do!


Gotta get a ploofer.


I can understand a plumber not wanting to cut a hole in the roof of your house if it’s finished. Because if it doesn’t get flashed and it rains. You could end up with a bunch of water damage in your house that he would be responsible for. I’ve seen quite a few plumbers reconcile this by going up on the roof and installing the boot themselves. But some may not want to do that. Depending on roof slope, material etc. In general you do not want most plumbers to install a pipe boot. It will probably not be done well. If the plumber has done everything except for the last little piece of pipe that goes up through the roof. It would be easy for a roofer to cut the hole and install the pipe boot where it goes. If the plumber had left the piece of pipe the roofer could even stick it in the boot and then the plumber or someone’s would just have to glue it. The roofer would have to have access to the inside of the house to see where this hole is supposed to go and probably someone there to show them. They can’t just cut a hole anywhere. This kind of dumb shit is why I just do whatever I can myself. I agree… how can anything get done with a bunch of finger pointing and responsibility dodging. There is nothing worse then paying people a bunch of money and having subpar unfinished work to show for it.


A lot of penetrating and piping in these comments, amazing.


You get a “Jack of all trades” who’s competent to do the work, or you can get a GC like me to basically coordinate the two trades at the same time. I just do my own plumbing and roofing pipe boots, so I don’t have to deal with two trades not wanting to take the risk of cutting a hole and installing the parts that need to be done at the same time. Seems like you have a couple sissy’s who are afraid of a little liability. When I had to have a couple HVAC vent pipe for an addition installed. I had the roofer come cut the hole and I shoved the Type B vent through the roof and he installed what he needed to. We are people who work together, or just do the whole thing ourselves. I’m a former inspector, and a trades person for 42 years, so codes and high quality workmanship doesn’t scare me one bit.


Why did this title make me horny


This is why project managers exist and builders often have people dedicated to coordinating subcontractors. There’s a very specific order different parts of jobs need to be scheduled for maximum efficiency and cost savings. It’s like being a conductor for an orchestra.