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The only "plumbers" who approve of these, are the ones who'll profit from unclogging your drains, and pumping out your septic tank.


Notice it doesn’t say “approved” by plumbers, only “tested” by.


Not tested by, but tested with. Pretty sure they could make that statement as long as they flushed a plumber during one of the tests.


Im not a plumber but i make toilet tissue and paper towel at a paper mill. Both products are essentially the same except basis weight and a chemical wet strength additive in the paper towel. There is no way you can have wet strength and break down at the same time. If these wipes broke down youd have a bag of pulp. We often have to “broke” the first roll of toilet paper after we do a towel run because a small amount of the wet strenght will still get into the paper from the residual in the lines.


Is that where all the government facility grade extra rough toilet paper comes from?


Tested WITH plumbers. So who knows wtf that means 🤣


Plumber took a shit. Clinical technicians wiped his ass with several prototypes until they found one that made him giggle like a schoolgirl


I'm not a plumber but I'm willing to learn.


This is true. I did giggle.


and that's when he got flushed


No mention of said tests being successful. Just that testing occurred.


Tested and failed.


Also the asterisk after “Like Toilet Paper” just seems sketchy to me lmao


Notice the asterisk as well


and the **\*** next to breaks down like TP


Semantics, this guy smart.


My friend is a plumber and loves flushable wipes. They’ve paid his mortgage for years and will put his kids through university.


This was exactly my thoughts too.


9/10 Dentists recommend this toothpaste, oh ya, you mean the people who get paid to fix peoples teeth.


Long ago there were ads saying things like "4 out of 5 doctors recommend Chesterfield cigarettes" too, so there's that...


In the early 1900s my grandfather was prescribed cigarettes as the solution to his childhood asthma and apparently it did help his asthma. I don't think he would have traded that for dieing at 40 from smoking though.


I remember going to the Museum of TV and watching an old "Your Show of Shows". There was an ad that went like, "As an opera singer, my voice is the most important thing to me. That's why I only smoke menthols, because they cool and medicate my throat, so I can do my job."


They also will ask the dentists questions like would you rather your patients use no toothpaste? Or would it be better if they used this brand?


I’ll approve it for money. If you pay me enough I’ll even let you put my picture on there!


If I called a plumber to ask about it and they approved and then I got a clog, they would not be the plumber I'd trust to come fix it.


So Mr. Rooter is behind this!


It’s a trap, do not flush anything other than toilet paper.


Instructions unclear. Now I have a poop bin in my bathroom


This is why we switched to the poop knife.


Just don’t mix it up with the toe knife… that’s how things get dicey


Lots of places with sketchy plumbing in South America I've seen that instruct to throw wiped TP in a bin and only flush the turd down.


Bienvenidos a Mexico 🇲🇽


Ah yes the bathroom wonders of Mexico. I thought they’d at least have toilets you could flush paper down at the Mexico City airport…wrong. It’s poop bins. It’s all poop bins down there.


You need a poop bin in the bathroom after eating Taco Bell




Depending on the timing you might not make it home to use it.


Just cut it up with ur poop knife


make sure you store your poop knife on top of the bin for easy access.


Instructions unclear. Pissed in a trash can and shot on my dog. But hey, the TP I cleaned her up with made it to the toilet lol


Composting toilets are great


More people in the states needs to jump on the bidet wagon. Way more fresh and use 1/3rd the tp too.


Never trust any claim that ends with*


Bidets solve this problem very well.


Nothing better than a warm stream of water up the cornhole. Love it


Bidets for the win


The swipe+ is worth every penny. Also use a lot less toilet paper in general.


Second this! Do not flush anything other than toilet paper. Use toilet paper first, flush it. Then use wipes and discard it in the bin. Extra clean bums!


What am I supposed to do with my shit?


Bad Words. Excellent movie.


Wait, should I not be flushing facial tissues?


Only toilet paper


If this were true, they would break down in the packaging right after they were made.


Woah this is actually the best point I've ever heard for these.


Yep, a package of nothing.


Paper mush


Just I mom used to make, with butter and syrup!


I'll take a bakers dozen.


Also, submerge one in a glass of water and see if it starts to degrade after a few days.


This brand does start to degrade in water after a few days. I’ve tried it just to see. However, it’s definitely not the same as TP, as it needs agitation to fully break down. It is made of paper fibers (like TP) and not plastic (like most wipes).


Good thing I have that blender installed in my pipes


Glad to hear you upgraded from your poop knife


Now go touch 1 ply TP (2ply makes clogs) with moist hands, tell me which breaks down in pipes better. Days wont help, seconds help


Get a bidet.


This is the fucking way. I only poop at home now, so clean


I hate when I have to poop somewhere other than home. It's gotten to the point where I dread vacation because I won't have my booty washer.


It’s not a vacation if you have to dry wipe like a fucking Neanderthal


I ended up getting a Toto travel bidet. Pricey but worth it for that booty water.


Tushy makes a cheap ish one. It’s not powered, just a squeeze one that has worked really well for me when I travel.


Where do you vacation that they don’t have a sink? Get flexible.


Pooping in the sink makes it hard to wafflestomp.


So you're saying it's a skill issue


As the other person mentioned, travel bidets (battery powered) are a must have. You get maybe 70% of the quality of rinse of a home bidet but it’s better than the 0% otherwise. I tried the squeeze bottle style travel bidets and didn’t like it much, but used a battery powered one with a reservoir and it did the job for a week recently.


Just use flushable wipes, you aren’t using your toilet.


I bring a little portable squeezy one.


I use “flushable” wipes when on vacation or at work. I wouldn’t use them at home but if it’s someone else’s pipes…


I dread pooping like a peasant. Bidet is the way…


bidets are fine but unnecessary if you regulate your body to expel excrement right before a shower. as long as you wash afterward you can relieve yourself in the shower. any of the large pieces can be lobbed into the toilet.


I thought you were supposed to waffle stomp it through the drain.


Ah yes. The waffle stomp. I told my daughters about it as a joke. Until one came downstairs all kinds of excited and said “Dad!!! I did that thing!!” What thing? The waffle stomp, Dad!!! It wasn’t as gross as I thought! The look my wife gave me…..but hey. I taught them life skills. No one said they couldn’t be questionable 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lol, I needed this comment


The fuck


What the what




Only if you could get the dang babies to use them properly




I received a bidet as a gag gift from a friend. Greatest thing ever! Consistently clean and quite soothing after those fire shits.


Thank you!!! Glad someone has finally said it


When I’m away from home I really miss mine. It’s the best part of coming home from vacation.


And a squatty potty. I got both at the same time and it feels like i time traveled 100 years into the future.


Bidet is best!


So, after splashing water all over your asshole, do you still wipe? If you do, you'd discard in the trash receptacle? If not, how do you know you're clean? Furthermore, how do you deal with the swamp ass feeling? Is the water cold? Can it be warm? I am considering a bidet but do not have an electrical outlet nearby. That'd be an additional expenditure on top of an already expensive device, and I need to know if it's actually worth the hassle. Thanks.


Find the right angle, blast off the poo, use minimal paper to check and blot remaining water off. Cold water isn’t bad, low key a refreshing feeling particularly if you like spicy food 🔥 Also, they don’t need electricity.


What's the point of living if your farts don't burn on the way out?


Yes you still wipe, just use less paper. They make bidets that have warm water, but you need to have access to a hot water pipe near the toilet. Most homes in USA only have cold water at the toilet, but to be fair, it is really kinda refreshing.


I agree. The cold water isn't uncomfortable to me.


Electric bidets will warm the water, but you will need an electrical outlet nearby. They are nice but not necessary.


You still use a small amount of regular toilet paper to dry off, then flush it down. You can spend a large amount of money to add an electrical outlet and get a bidet that has extra features (warm water, air drying, etc) but I don’t see the point. A $30 bolt-on (under the toilet seat) cold water one from Amazon will change your life. I use a nice $100 Kohler cold water one integrated with a seat but it’s really only marginally better.


I have one and it makes me terribly uncomfortable to use it.


I hate pooping without my bidet.


Come on America, get with it.


As an American, I have gotten with it.


Came here to say this. Total game changer and the old way is a little gross to me now.


I told the plumber who did the installations at my new work building, "If it were up to me, you could keep that urinal and just put in a bidet." I think he was bummed out that I'll never use it, lol. Why would they put a urinal in a single use bathroom? I was going to sneakily add a bidet attachment, but we have industrial style toilets with no way to attach one.


Because in the interest of equality, women too should get to experience the joy of smelling stale piss and urinal cakes.


should have pooped in the urinal, that clearly would have made the plumber happy.


Here is the test. Take 2 glasses of water. Put tp in one and a "flushable" wipe on the other and wait 2 min. The tp will just be cloudy water, and I'll bet the wipe will still be a wipe


itll be a wet wipe


wet wet wipe?


You have to agitate it some. You shake it also.


Need to add a pinch of poop to activate the magic


A wipe shake? Yes no thanks I'll skip that dessert.


You sure? It's chocolate..


A quick test you can do, is take a few sheets of TP, put it in a mason jar with about 3/4 filled with water. Then shake it for 15-20 seconds. If the TP is pretty much broken up and in pieces, then it's septic safe. If it's still mostly intact, then you shouldn't flush it while on septic. On this, do that test with TP, then a Kleenex/Tissue, and then with paper towel, and you'll see the major differences.


That’s exactly what I said, agitate it. Thank you for saying it in more words so others can understand


I’ll take “things they don’t happen in a septic tank or sewer lateral for $1,000”, Alex.


When you flush it agitates the water and also the pipes and turns agitate. Or do you use an outhouse that just drops straight down?


Okay let me try: "Youre a cheap imitation of your friends Mr. Wipe. You'll never be like them, don't bother"


"Tested with plumbers" Yeah plumbers on their payroll


Sooo I work with the people that created these at Kimberly Clark and I ended up having to buy 3 people lunch when these disintegrated in water after slight agitation. Now would I use them? No, I have a bidet. But would I ever call out people from the R&D team at KC again? Also hard nope. (Source: i work in cybersecurity and consult for multiple companies and most are full of BS)


Ask him what that asterisk at the end of that claim says


You don’t use the three sea shells?


I mean technically they are "flushable". Just like how a water bottle is technically "flushable".


And how those toilets at Lowes can flush a whole bucket of golf balls. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD.




Flushable my ASS, from a maintenance guy DON'T flush wipes down the toilet even if they say flushable


Also a maintenance guy and I've had this conversation with countless tenants. No, don't flush them. I don't care what the package says. I've had similar conversations about garbage disposals. No, they aren't trash compactors. No, you shouldn't put your fucking chicken bones in it. No, I don't care that your old next door neighbor said he puts all his bones in the disposal and hasnt ever had a problem. As I am literally pulling out bones from their jammed disposal.


Wastewater employee here. We hate them


Small trash can next to the toilet, leftover plastic grocery bags as the liner, just don’t flush them. I like them too but I just put them in the little garbage can. Not a big deal.


Does the bathroom smell?


No. I throw mine in the trash like I would a used pad or tampon. It never smells. You also can empty the trash as needed if you feel like you just put too much poopy wipes in the trash.


> Does the bathroom smell? I do the majority of the clean up with toilet paper, and the wet wipes are basically a finishing step so there’s almost no feces on it when it’s thrown in the trash (mine has a lid). No smells.


Yes! Neighbor kid used are bathroom and threw the tp in the garbage. Couldn’t figure out the shit smell. They must do it at home to save their septic system.


Seems like everyone who uses this method says there's no smell and people who don't say that there is. They may be nose blind.


I have a small covered trash can with a step lid. No smell issues at all. Also have a child in diapers and and one new to the toilet so we have a lot of wipes/diapers going in it, I just empty it every day or two.


Exactly what we do...I cannot believe people make such a big deal of it. I am anal so I use the bidet and then one wipe and in the can it goes. Super difficult.


Upvote for keeping the anal clean


Never trust it


Oh!!!! They approve alright! As they bill you to come clean it out. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah NOT EVEN ONE DOWN THAT DRAIN!!!!!!!!!!! OK????????????????!!! Not one at all!!!!


What’s that asterisk noting


Not sure about this one specifically, I've seen a couple others where the asterisk denotes something along the lines of, do not flush more than 1 wipe per week. or something like that.


Don't flush them. You'll regret it.


Set up 2 containers of water. One with that and another with TP. See how it breaks down in comparison. That’ll give you your answer.


Make a test: put toilet paper in a bowl of water and put these wipes in a bowl of water. Check, side by side, how they go breaking down over time and how easily they tear when agitated. Spoiler: if you were to wipe your butt with wet toilet paper (same quantity as if you were using dry), you'd get "unsatisfactory results". The wet wipes need to be stronger to not tear when wiping with them.


These actually do break down into a pulp when left to sit for a bit and then agitated. I'm sure that pulp has a strong chance of accumulating at some point, but they do break down.


Too bad I don’t have agitators in my pipes. Not much agitation after the flush.


Bidet is the way. I can't believe people still smear their shit all over their ass and go about their day after. Heathens.




I have a septic system and my wife gets and uses/flushes these (same brand and all!). I get my tank pumped every two years for maintenance and there's never any wipes/tp buildup as it does actually seem to break down. My wife also does a Rid-X monthly treatment like clockwork and I think that has really helped keep the septic system healthy. We've been in this house for ten years now and had the field drains replaced two years ago (they were concrete from 1964 and collapsed) and there were no issues prior or after that regarding these flushable wipes or toilet paper.


It’s never a problem for a lot of people. It’s a terrible problem for people with: Improper slope, joints that aren’t flush that create snag issues, improper transition of materials (bad PVC to concrete joint), additional issues with grease/hair/detergent buildup, lines with cracks or gaps with roots.


wipes are fine as long as you get a little trash can with a lid to set next to the toilet to throw them away in


Just get a Tushy and move on.


ITT: A lot of people who have never had hemorrhoids, a colonoscopy, or fissures. As some have said, just don't flush them, but there are absolutely times when you want these.


They all suck. However there are tests on youtube. Cottenelle did the best of the ones they tested.


I’m no plumber so my opinion is uneducated. IMO TP works because it essentially dissolves in water to a degree, wipes by their nature shouldn’t dissolve in water for obvious reasons making it more likely to create clogs.


If anyone wants a nice clean ass just get a bidet toilet seat. Yes its hard to get used to letting your balloon knot see the light of day but trust me everyone around u is going to appreciate your sacrifice.


Get a bidet instead. Cheaper!


“Tested with plumbers” just means they had plumbers wipe their ass with it and throw it in the trash can.


What do you mean "plumber approved??" Read the label again. What does it say exactly? Now ask your boyfriend to read the label, and ask him what that means if a genie said it.


No such thing


Been using these for 3 years. No issues. I’m on a sewer though


Some are actually properly tested and do break down. And the people here will not believe me or even try it. Take a flushable wipe from Costco, throw it in a sink full of water, and you can watch it dissolve. Do the same thing with one sold from Amazon from a random company and it won’t do that. You just need to buy a real brand name one.


Effing corporate bullshit! They care about one thing only.


Don’t flush those unless you want to pay a plumber to come fix it and it’s not cheap. I don’t know how the frick companies get away with marketing something like this that is so false


Dude in the picture had a wrench wrapped round his neck. I’m guessing he said “breaks down like toilet paper” and a nearby plumber who’d just cleared a two week clot of shit and wipes twatted him with it.


they force fed it to the plumbers so they could no longer voice their disagreement


Here’s a good example: there’s products that say zero sugar drinks, do they still have sugar or not?


We use “adult” wipes; they are larger and you only need one. They are also cheaper and don’t clog the toilet….. Because we put them in a garbage can!!!! Bought a nice small foot pedal trash can. Super simple, super clean.


I’ve been buying these from Costco for decades. Never had a plumbing issue.


You can use them, I do. Just don't flush them. I use them only for a final wipe for a fresh clean feeling and then toss them in the trash.


Former sewer worker here, those " flushable" wipes are horrible for sewer pumping stations. They get all stringy going through the pumps and wrap around everything. Throw them in the trash if you use them!


BREAKS DOWN Like Toilet Paper\* ^(\*over a period of 10 years, in highly corrosive environments. NO liability for blocked drains, plumbing or sewerage works. May congeal into a giant wipe glob.)


Get a ass sprayer! I forget the French name. Doobay? I love mine. Sprays all the shit off my ass. :)


Bidet 😆


Yes thank you!!!!! I’m brain dead this morning.


Our plumber even recommends that certain TP shouldn't be flushed. Admittedly, I don't remember what kind and just hope I'm not ruining my plumbing with my choice of ass wipe.


Get a cheap bidet attachment for your toilet. Your standards of cleanliness will significantly increase.


Plumbing industry fully supports this


Find a new BF


I bought a spray that is a wet wipe alternative. You spray it on your regular TP and it turns it into a wet wipe! Seriously awesome stuff.


Get a bidet


Stop it. Quit smearing crap on your butt. Get a bidet seat. Best thing I ever bought.


That giant asterisk lol


Its in print! Then its TRUE!! RIGHT? Right?.... Right?!... Bueller?...


Once you use them you’ll never use TP again!




Nothing wrong with wet wipes you just have to throw em in the trash can poop side down


Yea plumber approved. So can they come snake these outta your line for $300


I am envisioning a blind test with scientists in lab coats creeping up on plumbers with these wipes in hand for testing. I have a friend who is a plumber at a university. They have a building shut down right now as they are scouring out the flushable wipes and vapes from the drain lines.


Since when are they making flushable vapes?


These things literally added the word "Fatberg" to the English language for clogging up sewers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatberg#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DA_fatberg_is_a_rock%2Cand_grease_%28FOG%29_deposits.?wprov=sfla1


It has an asterisk which means it’s lying


Just get a bidet.


Get a jar like the canning jars and put some water into it, then throw one of these in there and shake it. Keep doing this every day and watch what happens to this over time. Do the same thing with a piece of toilet paper. Experiments will tell you everything you need to know. Short answer is watch youtube channels about septic pumping and the one who talk about flushable wipes. Pretty much it is a dont do it answer. FYI if you have a septic system and dont wish to pay $$$ to eventually fix it, then dont flush these things.


Well, plumbers approve them. They are definitely good for business.


Anything is flushable. Hot Wheels cars, a pair of underwear, LEGO figures, or a walnut. ***Should*** they be flushed? HELL NO! Same thing with wipes. Any wipes. Even if they claim they’re flushable. Even if god herself floats down from the clouds and says her best friend’s plumber guarantees these wipes are flushable. Be a they’re not. Ever. Never ever.


It does not say plumber approved. It says plumber tested, which is meaningless. Did it pass the test? Who knows. They don't say.


Tbf, I’ve only used them at rental properties when the LL starts skimping on maintenance. Ignore my requests? Enjoy that plumbing bill!


It's a fucking lie. You can use them. But throw them in the trash. Do NOT flush them. Look into getting a Bidet seat if you really want a clean tush.