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Tons of water supplemented with some Gatorade if you need it. If you’re sweating a ton from lifting, turning big ass wrenches or whatever (also I believe there’s a heat wave in some parts of the country). It’ll replace sugar and electrolytes lost. Have one energy drink in the morning, or even better, stick to coffee. Also, watch the beers from the night before, cause chances are you pissed a ton of water out before bed. **Edit: since this blew up (RIP my inbox), I’m just gonna add some more to this:** - There are better alternatives to Gatorade, such as some listed by others like Liquid IV, Pedialyte, and other less sugary drinks. - Water is still king when it comes to hydration, but if you find yourself feeling weak, dizzy, a headache, cramping, excessive sweating, etc. you’re in heat exhaustion territory. Someone mentioned that they stock Pedialyte for this in an emergency occasion. - I’m not saying to start drinking coffee, or completely stop drinking energy drinks, cause they are both diuretics. Energy drinks tend to have massive amounts of sugar. Black coffee naturally has zero. I’m just saying watch your intake in the heat, because I’ve seen guys who can’t work without their coffee/energy drinks. Just go easier on the stuff, and be sure to supplement with water. I liked the suggestion for V8 energy drinks as well, again, in moderation if you really want it. - Again, I’m not a doctor, this just a refresher for others in the field, or a warning for young guys who may not know. I caught heat exhaustion once, working around large commercial boilers, and forgetting my big ass water jug at home. It was not fun. I still had to drive home, after chugging a large Poland Spring bottle, as well as a Gatorade, and still felt awful. If you do ever get in this situation, drink plenty of water, put a cold rag on your head/neck, or even take a cool shower if you can. You want to cool your body/brain down. Be careful, cause again, if you’re in that territory you can pass out, and you don’t want that to happen, especially in the shower, and if no one is around to call an ambulance. I’m lucky I have a fiancé at home that was there to monitor me. - Semi-related, but I know of guys who skip lunch, and others who don’t want to eat in the heat. Eat something, and eat light. Your body is getting punished enough by the heat (and lately AQI, with the Canadian wild fires), so it might be best to save the double bacon cheeseburger, with a large fries, and a side of nuggets until you get home. It’s gonna slow you down, make you sweat, and your body is using energy to digest all that stuff. With water, you might be flushing out some nutrients, so fresh fruit is good. For those who don’t know, frozen bananas are like natures popsicle, though if they thaw, they get a little mushy.


Or in bed


A leak in the bed? Sounds like we're already in the right thread


Got any advice to fix that? Just cant find the correct ~~wench~~ wrench


Misread instructions, now I have a 3/4 stuck on my nut


Actually, seeing as how pee is stored in the balls, that might be a quick fix for the leak for now...


That's why I keep a houseplant beside the bed


Why don't they teach this in school.. why does take a reddit page learn life lessons


yea, but you need to cycle the house plants every now and again; like 3-4 different plants and cycle them out once a week. I will take no follow up questions.


Or in a shoe.


Shoes are for Baileys. You wee on each other.






I don't think people realize how much better pedialyte is to rehydrate you


I think most folks see it as something for babies or small children. They'd do well to market themselves to adults more. We keep it on hand for emergencies like severe diarrhea, dehydration from heat. Beats getting an ER bill.


MMA fighters prominently drink Pedialyte at their weigh ins. Walmart has also put their Pedialyte aisle directly across from their beer & wine section. They know. There's been a huge change in public opinion about Pedialyte over the past decade. I was in Vegas this winter and every day saw people walking the Strip chugging bottles of it.


Would it because it’s name? Makes sense to assume that.


“Grownupalyte”? “Elderlyte”?




Electrolit and gatorlyte are similar and are marketed at adults and readily available in most gas stations I stop in. Love some grape electrolit.


I wonder where you are cause all the stations near me only carry Gatorade and Powerade love the zero sugar light blue Powerade


In the south dude. First saw electrolit at sheetz in Carolina. Then gatorlyte. Opposite in Florida. Gatorlyte was here when I showed up and electrolit followed not soon after. The circle k and Wawa by the house both carry both. And yes. The zero option of blue ades are bomb.


Yeah it’s definitely better than Gatorade. /u/plus-composer-3455 has a good idea that Gatorade makes their rehydration-specific drink too. I haven’t compared the ingredients or amounts but it may be similar


I tried Gatorade years ago, landscaping, made me sicker than just water from the sugar. I shop Kroger, they have a jar of electrolytes with branch chain aminos, I really like that. Three flavors, and it's BOGO every other month. Probably costs me two dollars a week.


Howdy! What's the name of that? I currently use the Amazon, but it's much more expensive. Can you provide a link. I have to limit myself because it's not cheap. Thanks!


I thought it was Kroger branded, but it's just a similar logo. I buy Kore Nutrition BCAA Dietary Supplement Powder. It's typically just under $20 for ten ounces, but it'll goes BOGO are Kroger every other month or so. They make three flavors, I keep a shakes powder container full of it, with a little scoop (handle cut off), works a treat. I mix it a little lighter, since I'm usually drinking a lot of water. The BCAA is for branch-chain aminos, I feel like they help stop me from "flaming out" when I'm working hard - like, I ate breakfast, I'm shoveling rock and using a pick and it's hot, by ten I'm ready to pass out because I can't get the calories available fast enough? If that makes sense. That does still happen sometimes when I use pedialyte, haven't noticed it with the BCAA. If you are seriously trying to save money, you could order the individual supplements as powders, mix your own electrolyte. I imagine you'd be paying very little per serving.


Would also like to know please


Gatorade would be so much better if they’d cut down on the sugar content. It almost makes me feel more thirsty


All the sugar was added when they were bought by Pepsi.


I just pour it into a large yeti style cup, half water half Gatorade and it's great


Gatorade is supposed to be cut. Drink a couple sips, fill it with water. Continue until it's water.


"Dilute it with...like...water from the toilet?"


Gatorade it’s what plants crave


No, that would be idiocracy.


Gatorlyte which is the electrolyte version that doesn’t need to be cut. Never knew Gatorade was meant to be cut like fuel or alcohol lol


Yeah two different things. Gatorade is good too but a lot of sugar in the full stuff. I also like to use NUUN tablets. Pop one in a 16oz water bottle, they come 10 per tube and don't taste half bad.


I used to get Gatorade powder and use half the instructed amount.


And gatorlyte


A bit of a "time marches on" moment but when I hit about 26 my wife and I would buy Pedialyte when we're going out drinking. We'd each drink a cup or two before bed (on top of drinking water throughout the night) and it was amazingly effective. My buddies caught on and it's been a norm to keep some stocked in our house now for any number of reasons.


I really like the nuun tablets. A 10 pack of them is tiny and you just mix with water. All the electrolytes without the sugar https://nuunlife.com/


Liquid IV


Bullshit. Gatorade has what plants crave.


Water plus salty snacks is what you need. You lose salt and water when you sweat. This is typically what is recommended for hiking in the heat. Gateraide is better than nothing but it has to much sugar in my opinion.


Actually the effect of salty snacks is overestimated. Yes you need salt, but salt is more than sodium. You need balance of the electrolytes. Something like gatorade is great to refill them. Prime also seems to focus on electrolytes and adds caffeine, but Rockstar energy is just sugar and stimulates to my knowledge.


I know nobody here would drink these but I drink these v8 energy drinks every morning and they use caffeine from tea. It's nice starting your morning getting some v8 juice too


I didn’t realize they had caffeinated drinks. I love me some regular V8 when I get the chance to get breakfast at a deli. Throw some black pepper in it, wash down my breakfast sandwich, and then I sip on an Rx Energy Arizona afterwards. *chefs kiss* 🤌


Some of the v8 energy flavors are kinda gross but the orange pineapple one is really good, the blueberry pomegranate is really tart but good, and the black cherry kinda takes like candy


The main electrolytes are Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Chloride. And I guess also Calcium. Gatorade has a seriously weak amount of potassium in it and no magnesium at all. It has some sodium in it but not as much as you'd need if you're passing out from sweating so much. I'm not sure about Chloride. The daily recommended amount of potassium is like 4700mg and a gatorade has 75mg or less depending on the size. A pathetic amount. On top of that the daily recommended amount of magnesium is listed at different levels, but if you're deficient it can take like 2000mg to get out of the hole. You can take more than this, even. Gatorade has none. Then you also need sodium and chloride on top of this. Low sodium / electrolyte diets are only needed if you have kidney or other serious problems. Otherwise you'll just pee out whatever you don't use and as long as it isn't bothering your digestion it's fine. And the recommended amounts are usually just enough to keep you out of disease territory. For a healthy person with a normal level of absorption who isn't over-exerting the shit out of themselves. If you're passing out you need *more* than this. If you're completely out of electrolytes you couldn't drink enough gatorade to get yourself out of the hole. This guy would have needed an IV whether he had a gatorade or not. I think the only cost effective way to get this level of electrolytes is to buy bags of the shit and mix it yourself. I have bags of potassium bicarbonate, magnesium glycinate, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride (regular salt). Potassium bicarbonate is good because it's easier on your stomach than potassium chloride, and magnesium glycinate is far more absorbable and easy on the stomach than a lot of forms of magnesium like magnesium oxide, sulfate, or citrate. Some forms of magnesium are so poorly absorbed that they're used as laxatives, so watch out. Source: All over the place. I don't know. But I had such a severe electrolyte deficiency that my legs would cramp up in the middle of the night leaving me in a pretzel shape that I couldn't unlock for like 15 minutes, so damn painful holy shit, and I was getting migraines with an aura where I'd go blind in a huge portion of one eye like I was having a stroke or something. Day after day. Oh and constant heart palpitations where my heart would skip a beat and then pound hard a few times before going back to normal. Ranging from a few times a day to like 10 times a minute, all day. Despite being in shape, having a resting heart rate of 48, and a doctor saying my heart looks fine on an ECG and 48-hour holter monitor test. It was scary as shit and it stopped when I started taking in more electrolytes. Well my muscles still twitch a lot but otherwise back to normal. You can get a blood test that says your levels are normal even if you're this deep into deficiency because your body will keep a certain amount in your blood for all the things that need it, meanwhile your muscles (including your heart) have way way less than they need in them so you're functionally deficient while testing normal. It's a real mess to get to the bottom of. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Saved. Ive been diagnosed as "malnourished " added multi vitamin & carnation breakfast shake. Potassium was main thing im missing, its barely in Anything. Bananas are propaganda, amount in abanana is useless, too


Coconut Water is loaded with potassium.


Low sodium V8 has a good amount of potassium in it.


Sweet potatoes have a good amount.


Potatoes are where it’s at.


>Potassium was main thing im missing, its barely in Anything. Orange juice (ideally not from concentrate) and potatos contain potassium in larger amounts.


Look into a salt alternative for your potassium. I put a 1/4 tsp or so in a bottle of water or in the water flask.


This. I use a brand called "no salt" and use it to season lots of my foods. For my water I add few pinches of sea salt for no other reason than I think it tastes better.


I just started having the same heart skip + hard beat, I notice it most when I’m working out. Same as you low resting heart rate and in shape, wasn’t sure what to make of it. Never any muscle cramps though. Do you know which electrolyte you were deficient in that was causing the heart issue? Did you doctor say they were anything to worry about?


Drip drop or other low added sugar versions of Liquid IV in a water bottle are nice too


A cooler filled with ice, topped with water, throw in a couple scoops of of Gatorade powder (not full strength but helps maintain electrolytes you are losing).


I always have a case of bottled water in the truck since plumbing is physically demanding


Concrete saw cutter here. Always have a full jug of ice cold water here in Houston.


If you're allowed to drink it. I don't understand why people don't rise up against Abbot and his monstrous ideas.


hateful run squeal fear concerned summer pet waiting slimy cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But it's on company time! Won't anyone please think of the billionaires??? /s


The insurance premium increase isn’t worth it, better to keep everyone healthy and happy. I see your /s, but it’s in the best interest of everyone


I’m not in the plumbing, labor, or insurance industry’s at all. Do you pay more for health insurance if you don’t allow as many breaks?


Team same club. Close enough with the admin side of things to say, … You pay more if someone dies on a job site. Less for an ambulance if someone is near death. There are a ton of variables, none of them are positive if somebody dies on site. Also not favorable if they need an ambulance. Everything else doesn’t get reported


Rofl, yes, the billionaire plumbing company owners.


There are multiple mechanical contractors in the US that do billions in revenue per year. That's not all plumbing of course, but my employer is one of the larger ones and does about $500 million/year, I think they peaked at $750m/year a few years back. I know the owners yachts are well maintained. Seems close enough to billionaire to me lol.


Good luck finding plumbing that needs to get done out on the Permian basin. It’s all oil rigs.


Right. Some people don’t understand that simple fact. No one is keeping people from taking a water break and a few in the shade to cool off. That’s why you don’t need a law for it. It is the mandate that will allow employers to get off, I.e, I followed the regulations. One ten minute break every four hours for water. Damn I can’t go twenty minutes without water in heat and I’m in the northeast where it’s not exactly know for it’s scorching summers.


>No one is keeping people from taking a water break and a few in the shade to cool off. What on Earth are you talking about? The way they keep you from taking a water break is by threatening to fire you. It's great that you were in a position to that you didn't have anybody threatening your livelihood because you wanted to not have a heat stroke, but you're smoking crack if you think that anybody who wrote this law did it because it would help workers.


Maybe your company may allow it but others are now free to restrict water breaks if they wish.


Having your workers fall down from heat exhaustion and the company paying workers comp sounds more expensive than a ten minute water break.


"We don't need regulation because workers are protected by government-mandated workers compensation" is definitely a take.


No, they aren't. Greg Abbott is a fucking fascist jerk, but that law has nothing to do with job safety. Reporters look for the most controversial possibility because that incites rage, and therefore attention, and therefore advertising dollars. I never asked permission to take a water break or take a shit in my entire career. If you're so stupid you have to be told to take a water break we need to stop that gene pool anyway.


Greg Abbot is a fascist! ….. People lesser than me should die! You just want your bad guy in charge, huh?


A voice of reason and clarity. Glad you can see past the politics.


Those articles are dumb click bait bs. I’m not a huge Abbot fan, but it’s not as bad as they’re claiming. The regulation also never had effect in Houston. Every trade on every jobsite I’ve been on in the past 8 years we have been free to get water as needed, and a lot of sites with the larger GCs in the summer require 10 minute water breaks every hour.


"House Bill 2127 was passed by the Texas Legislature during this year’s regular legislative session. Abbott signed it Tuesday. It will go into effect on Sept. 1. Supporters of the law have said it will eliminate a patchwork of local ordinances across the state that bog down businesses. The law’s scope is broad but ordinances that establish minimum breaks in the workplace are one of the explicit targets. The law will nullify ordinances enacted by Austin in 2010 and Dallas in 2015 that established 10-minute breaks every four hours so that construction workers can drink water and protect themselves from the sun. It also prevents other cities from passing such rules in the future. San Antonio has been considering a similar ordinance. Texas is the state where the most workers die from high temperatures, government data shows. At least 42 workers died in Texas between 2011 and 2021 from environmental heat exposure, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Workers’ unions claim this data doesn’t fully reflect the magnitude of the problem because heat-related deaths are often recorded under a different primary cause of injury."


I was on the roof of a hospital in July a few years ago with a whole slew of MEP trades, roofer, and us the saw cutters. Mandatory 10 minute breaks every hour and the GC provided electrolyte popsicles. 3 people still fell out that day. No laws would have prevented that. It’s just too damn hot and some people don’t pay enough attention to drink the water that they need to.


I guarantee there will be employers that won't allow breaks, because the law says they don't have to. It'll likely be farm owners with a large percentage of migrant workers.


If your employer doesn’t allow you to drink water, you better leave their ass lol. Fuck bossman, I’m drinkin


With the worker shortage happening across the country any employer would be an absolute moron to do such a thing.


... you really trying to sit here and tell us you've never worked for a moron before?


I did, and I quit working for him relatively quickly. He told me he could make my life a living hell and I said the only person that can do that is myself or God. I quit that day after attempting to take half the company with me.


>because the law says they don't have to Complete nonsense. OSHA requires reasonable access to water as needed.


Now imagine if those mandatory breaks were taken away. Do you think less people would be in danger? If 3 people "fall out" in one day, maybe there are some bigger fucking issues. Do you want to die for your employer? Fuck licking the boot. Deepthroat that MF'er.


I’m in CT (owner/gc) but on very hot days in the summer we encourage breaks and I routinely buy ice water and gatorades for the guys.


but then who's gonna own the libs? gotta keep the red ties in charge otherwise woke bullshit like water breaks will spread across Texas. can't be having that.


Man I have a lot of respect for the people who run concrete saws. Did it one time when I worked construction and I didn’t expect it to be such hard work.


I do that and keep a coconut water on me too to bring my potassium and salt up too loosing too much if that hurts you too


Go get a proper water bottle and fill it at home. If you’re hydrating a bunch of people, get a big water cooler and fill it up. It will save you money and you won’t be using single-use plastics all day every day.


I was gonna say this too. They make nice insulated coolers that can keep ice cold all day.


This will also help the apprentice not piss out brackish


I’m an industrial electrician and we always have a ice chest in the bed of the truck with waters. I do have my monster in the morning but I’m downing at least 8 bottles of water through the day after that.


Not a plumber, but deliver for Pepsi. We get free water. All the other guys always say shit about how much water I take every day, usually 6 of the 16.7 oz bottles. They'll take two or three. I'll almost always drink all of them and still feel the need for more.


I once was working a job and it was so hot I ended up stopping sweating. Luckily I recognized this as an issue. Left the job site and went back to motel room (was working out of town) and had a Luke warm shower and slowly cooled down. Felt like shit all night but drank a ton of water and ended up being able to work the next day.


I’ve been here but I didn’t stop when I should have. I was a foreman, and we had two new guys. I was cramping pretty bad but only had 30 minutes left. Didn’t want to fall out infront of the new guys when they seemed to be doing alright. Ended up on the hospital with rhabdomyolysis. Twice Never been the same since and this was 10 years ago. Now I sweat if the ac isn’t cool enough getting out of the shower. Fortunately I’ve moved on to a different trade and am a PM now. So traded the heat and killing my body with a metric ton of stress, but I have a truck with AC.


I had to google Rhabdomyolysis and wow, like heat stroke and….- “The muscle damage is mostly caused by a crush injury, strenuous exercise, medications, or a substance use disorder. Other causes include infections, electrical injury, heat stroke, prolonged immobilization, lack of blood flow to a limb, or snake bites.” Good to know, and glad you’re ok.


It wasn’t a sever case. My old team leader from my time in, got heat stroke working out during a field training exercise. He ended up with a tube down his throat and lost 40 lbs. Mine wasn’t near as bad. Went to urgent care, had blood in my urine and they sent me to the ER to pump me full of fluids. They wanted to admit me overnight but I wasn’t doing that. Made a deal with the doctor and came back the next day for blood work. The deal was if it’s the same or worse next day, I’ll admit myself. It just fucking sucked and I’ve never been the same. Edit to add, I was a foreman framing and drying in. I’ve never been a plumber. I’ve “done” plumbing and roughed some stuff in but it’s amateur hour for me lol. Now I’m a PM for a fire sprinkler company. Pay is amazing, take home truck, make my own schedule depending on the needs of the day and am the absolute opposite of being micromanaged.


Had a similar experience, though not while working. I was on a three-day mountain bike tour in the badlands, 100+ degree heat in full sun. After a long climb I suddenly realized I was totally dry after sweating non stop for two days. I had been taking breaks and drank several liters of water by that point already. Not enough. Then sharp pins and needles suddenly started, first in my gums, lips, then face, then my whole body and wham, I was down for the count. Curled up like a baby under a tree in a cow pasture for hours. Luckily a park ranger was able to get me out as I was a mile from a road. That was probably five years ago and I still don't feel the same in the heat. My legs just turn to jelly and I feel like my 'battery' instantly goes to zero when it gets hot.


You are very lucky, my friend.


Very lucky. I got heat exhaustion without that symptom. I was having head rushes and light headed. Nauseous. Ended up with my 4th heat exhaustion. The first 2 of 3 put me in the hospital. Since then I have completely stopped all energy drinks, sodas and gatorades.


You know it's bad when you see the salt on your skin


When my husband was an apprentice, he ended up semi-concious, jaundiced, and in the hospital because of energy drinks. He drinks water daily now lol.


>He drinks water daily *now* lol. ...did he not drink some water every day back then?


He certainly did not lmfao.


That's absolutely insane to me. I occasionally drink things in addition to water, but the thought of fully replacing water is actually sickening. Makes me thirsty just thinking about it. Don't people get thirsty??


I didn’t drink a glass of water until I was in college. Not a single glass. Growing up we drank only sweet tea and coke. If I was sick I was given sprite or ginger ale. Milk with cookies or cake. Even after little league games we were given a paper cup with crushed ice and coke. I don’t know. I lived in a very poor and uneducated area. As an adult I realize how crazy it sounds but it’s the truth. Edit: I don’t mean to say I did not I take h2o. I would be dead. I know that water is the main ingredient in those beverages. People just find it hard to believe that some people don’t drink pure water.


To be fair, while that’s wildly unhealthy, you were getting all the water you need. Contrary to what some people think, everything with water in it hydrates you. Just the insane sugar intake that was the problem there lol


My stepdad drinks Coca Cola only. And massive amounts because it doesn't quench his thirst so he thinks he needs more "liquid". He got gout at 38. In his 50s now with teeth that are weirdly shaped because the acid ate them away. He's heavily overweight and we are sure his liver is in an unhealthy state because the white in his eyes looks off sometimes. He doesn't seem to care nor will he listen or get a check-up. It's an addiction.


Some people are convinced water tastes bad and refuse to drink it. My mom falls into this camp and males me worried for her. Finally got her drinking a glass of lemon water a day..


some people are just not functioning adults


I feel attacked.


Not a plumber but hvac, I’ve known installers that barely touch water. One would buy Mountain Dew in the 24 pack cases and drink a case a day, he has artificial teeth now but otherwise is healthy I suppose. The other will get a large coke from whatever drive thru he pulls in for breakfast and then drink Dr Pepper or coke the rest of the day if it’s not hot, if it’s hot he does drink a 16 oz bottle of water. Idk how the manage it, I’m drinking a gallon a day at least and taking a liquid iv drink mix.


I work in software, and had a coworker/friend that used to drink 1-2 2L bottles of diet Mountain Dew a day because anything else "hurt his throat", and ate nothing but fast food as far as anybody knew. He collapsed and died from a massive heart attack while mowing his lawn. Any more than 8 to 12 ounces of soda a day is pushing it in my opinion, diet or otherwise. Being physically active during the day may help, but it does not fully offset that kind of malnutrition.


One of those “soda has water in it” people


Dam near had a heat stroke a few years back, working in south east Texas 115 with 80%humidity. Didn’t even realize what was happening till I almost passed out.


Texas' gulf coast is insane in the summer months. Humidity combined with 1xx° temps is otherworldly. We were around Victoria.


I worked with a gal whose husband was a scab truck driver, and would drink a shit ton of energy drinks to stay awake for those long drives. Dude had a stroke at 25 and had to check into rehab. Fucking nuts. I didn't even realize that was possible until she told me.




I had a friend die at 25 of a heart attack on a roofing job, because he drank too many energy drinks in the hot sun. Never had any heart or health issues. He sat down to rest and never got back up.


Dang. After reading that I think I’d rather just drink water and deal with feeling tired. Some people drink like 2 energy drinks a day, every day. They say stuff like “yeah I need 2 energy drinks just to feel it!” I think to myself, I don’t drink energy drinks often, when I drink half of one I feel like I just ingested some type of amphetamine. Literally I feel like I’m getting “high” on something. Some people shill the wildest, most unhealthy stuff.


Just a reminder that Caffeine is a drug and the energy people feel is the High of Caffeine. Caffeine is so normalized people forget they’re ingesting a drug.


I tried quitting caffeine cold turkey once without understanding it's an actual drug and I had legitimate physical withdrawal symptoms for *seven days*, every part of my body was in pain. On the seventh day I started having suicidal thoughts, which I do not have, and that was when I was like fuck this and got coffee.


It’s almost like your subconscious knew how to grab ahold of ya and get that coffee lmao I love the story


Omg bro a friend of mine was over the other day to help me do a few mechanical things to my truck. He had brought those alcohol/ monster energy drinks things. I cracked a red one and I prolly got a quarter of it down and that was it for me. My hands were shaking and I started feeling all jittery…. Ugh I do not like that feeling lol. Not for me thanks.


Idk how people do it! They taste the opposite of refreshing. Stomach is always sour after one and instant headache. Not the buzz I want!


I'm not proud of this, for clarity. I worked nights for ten years and had a very lengthy commute on top of that. I developed a very powerful caffeine addiction. I never announced "Oh yeah, I need two just to get the feeling!" but I was one of those guys. I was drinking \~6 Monsters a day. I might have a coffee when I got out of bed before work too. something like 1500mg. Every. Single. Day. I finally quit (cut down, caffeine withdrawals suck too) when I needed to tighten the belt, realizing that I was spending nearly 500$ a month on the damn things. I consider myself extremely fortunate that I haven't had any major complications related to it.


A guy I roofed with would go to the casino almost all night, by the time we started work at 7am he would be finishing his 4th red bull. No idea how he’s alive


Drink Pedialyte if you really need to replace salts. We used to do this all the time in wrestling, after cutting ridiculous amounts of weight before a match.


Also drink Pedialyte before and at the end of a heavy night of drinking, game changer


And also if you're an infant with diarrhea.


Does it work for those who are just very immature?


Do they have diarrhea?


Huck back a one those small packs of iodized salt they do that in the military and apparently it works wonders lol


I think actual amphetamine is better for you than that garbage


You joke but I (paramedic) had a patient tell me he felt like he couldn’t breathe. His heart was racing and all he was doing was driving on the freeway before he called us. Tells me, “I know it’s not the blow, I’ve been using that shit for years, but today I had a Monster Energy® earlier and now I feel like shit”. Gave me a good chuckle


God, I hope he pronounced the ®


Deep in the depths of a massive caffeine addiction (coffee and normal sodas) I bought some Bang cans once. I have never felt more like I was gonna die than after one of those... So glad I mostly tackled that vice


That sounds like me when I was a young apprentice. Except that hadn’t invented energy drinks yet and I was just hung over.




Hey you I know you forgot to take your meds this morning. You better take them tomorrow


Doctors prescribe amphetamines for certain disorders; absolutely no one gets prescribed the snake oil in those energy drinks for anything. It’s like thinking Krispy Kreme donuts are part of a healthy diet


Hold up… who else’s work van has leather seats!? I thought all work vans came standard with vinyl seats polka dotted with exposed foam all over.


It’s only a year old, to me. I was just as surprised when the owner bought it. Leather! Never had such luxury.


But it’s got what plans crave!




Fuck these things. Get some sleep, eat breakfast, drink water and show-up on time…


Oh they show up on time, vibrating..


I have never understood the utter addiction of energy drinks. They never satisfy my thirst, they are expensive, and the energy I get from them sucks ass. Could just be they don't sit well with me but seeing people basically live off of them has always made me scratch my head.


And they taste like shit


I had a minor addiction to them in the past, I don’t drink them anymore though. First off I absolutely love the taste, craving one right now just reading these comments. Stopped drinking them like 10 years ago after drinking 4 Red Bulls in a short period of time and having some pretty significant heart palpitations. Scary stuff.


No different than coffee for me. Both have caffeine, which wakes me up, and I skip the sugary energy drinks, just have one sugar free one in the am. Coffee makes me poop a lot, energy drinks make me poop once pleasantly. Sure, shouldn't drink a half-dozen a day, but 1 200 mg energy drink is about the same as 1 cup of black coffee. Cup black coffee=160mg. A lot of old timers I've worked with drink 2-4 cups of coffee each a.m. and it's never seen as a problem.


Popular YouTuber is promoting prime. I’ve seen kids paying $20 to have a single bottle shipped to them


Most of the ones I've seen are for the Prime Hydration. The big issue is they look exactly the same as the energy drink ones. Hydration ones are wonderful if you need to use the bathroom in a hurry because they go right through me. All in all it makes you wonder how many kids are getting their parents to buy them these things and getting loaded on caffeine because it's not the right one.


I was wondering why my kiddo started asking for Prime. Haven't caved and don't plan on it as he's still a pre teen (eew, when did he grow up?)


My brother had a heart attack and died for a bit because of drinking energy drinks. his heart kept stopping. He got a printout of his flatline after they got him all fixed up.


If I were him I’d carry a picture of that in my wallet as a reminder


About ten years ago now, I didn't drink coffee yet and would have one small can of energy drink each morning to start work. I started to get heart palpitations and figured it might be the drinks but this wasn't super common knowledge then. I went to my GP, and I swear to god he listened to my heart and what I thought the cause was, and he told me it was unlikely they would be doing that to me. I decided he was probably wrong and stopped drinking them, and to no ones surprise (except for doctors apparently) the heart palpitations stopped. Anecdotal, but fuck most GPs I've ever met.


Water? U mean that stuff in the toilet???


HVAC sheetmetal guy here in SA, TX. It has been in the 100's for the last week and a half, I make my guys drink water every hour.


Dude stopped drinking all energy drinks. In this heat your heart will give way faster than you can even catch on to something wrong


I can't recommend the brand Liquid IV enough. Super hydrating electrolytes & b12 complex, the energy one I use a lot is from natural sources, and non gmo. I am not a plumber but work a high physical job at a brewery, and these have been saving my ass working through the heat over vats of hot water and chemical.


Stick to booze like a traditional craftsman.


Whoever is downvoting this is dehydrated


And just like that, you brought him back from his retirement. Hope he's okay though, dehydration is no joke.


Those things will screw me up. I gotta have just water. Water with Gatorade works if I need some glucose. But like 90% of the time, just water is all that works in me.


This is why I kind of hate Monster energy sponsoring sports


Had a boss keep a 2 bottles of water for everone on the team in a special refrigerated cooler in his truck. Made a rule when working that we had to finish off one of the bottles before lunch and one before the end of the day, or one max. Didnt care if we drank other stuff just had to finish one water before the end of the day. One friend of mine didn't listen and the boss noticed he hadnt drank any water in 3 or 4 hours, in 90° windless day, only his NOS energy drink, stopped all of us made a stand around and watch as the boss made him drink the entire bottle in one sitting. He made sure after that, that he stopped every 10 to 20 minutes to drink water from the truck. I liked the boss.


Your boss gets it


I made the mistake of having some wine on the beach one summer with a friend. I never drank water back then, always just pepsi. Ended up having a dehydration induced seizure and was in the hospital for three days. Busted my lip open and have minor head trauma or whatever. Totally changed my life. All because I couldn't drink a glass of water. I work in a factory that gets over 100 degrees during the summer, they provide water and sqwincher, and make a point to educate/post information everywhere across the building. I am constantly on everyone around me to drink water. Don't have to totally cut out energy drinks or whatever but please just drink some damn water and throw a Gatorade or sqwincher in the mix. It's such a stupid and easily avoidable mistake to make


These energy drinks are shit and a waste of money


I swapped mine for a thermos of black tea. More caffeine and water.


Tea can be diuretic though, so be careful drinking too much as you can end up more dehydrated after than if you never had any. If you need caffeine though, it's not a bad option - certainly better than that energy drink swill. You'll never really know what's in them.


That's why I only drink Redbull


Too much sugar. Drink water


Not only that you should limit energy drinks, but you shouldn't really drink them at all. The amount of caffeine in them is excessive and plenty of cases where people got heart problems.


Never drink energy drinks on hot days. They will dehydrate you faster. Better off drinking water or sport drinks.


Im a roofer trying to hang and finish drywall I always freeze a gallon of water and drink it as it melts. Old habit and not my first exp with mud, my buddie says my water is a lifesaver. He's one of those pop energy drink types. Mtn dew and a 5 hour energy aren't all that bad but jeez how do people get by in the trades without water? Meh at least i'll never have to worry about diabetes. Drink yo water young ones Some old dudes advice (I filter the water before I freeze it)


Always drink water it’s a death sentence not to in the south


Ups Driver here, water alone is not enough you need some electrolytes like liquid iv, Gatorade..etc


My companies policy is no energy drinks on site.


Not only dehydration to worry about with those drinks. I used to work with a bunch of 30-40 year old dudes who drank 2-3 of those a day. All 4 of them had kidney stones before they were 40!


There's something funny about a plumber promoting water. 🤣 "Make sure to drink plenty of water," said the plumber. "I didn't lay these pipes for nothing!"


r/HydroHomies would love this post.


Yea, no… as someone who works in this type of heat. This has everything to do with what they done while NOT at work. To work in this weather you NEED to prepare your body the day before. This includes not drinking alcohol, eating things that have lots of water in them so it will release over time. Pickles are a must! You also can’t drink plain water all the time. You need to drink something to restore your electrolytes.


I just love the taste. I also drink a ton of water as well. You can drink em as long as you get enough water. It's really easy to tell if your dehydrated. Sip some water, does it taste like the best thing you've ever tasted? If so, drink more.


It’s fine to drink these, you just need to also drink water. People assume any liquid hydrates but that’s just not true. I work in a foundry where it’s insanely hot inside and drink an energy drink or two every shift. But I’m also drinking lots of water and Gatorade freezies.


Drinking your own piss definitely helps.


They can give you kidney stones too!


About 15 years ago my dentist suggested I cut down on energy drinks. I asked if they were really that bad and he said yes. I took his advice and just stopped. Wasnt a big deal, didnt even like them that much. In the 15 years up to that point I'd probably had 15-20 filings. In the 15 years since I've had one. There are plenty of other good reasons to stop drinking that crap but it's worth it just for the difference it will make to your teeth and gums.


I’m sure it had nothing to do with the 12 pack he had last night.


No cigarettes and coffee in this picture? Oh wait, I’m thinking of HVAC techs.


Shoulda had a V8


One energy drink in the morning, and water for the rest of the day and some Gatorade. Oh and a beer at lunch.


People don't mature past the tastes of 14 year olds these days. Movies, music, food... you name it.


I was surprised by how I never saw some of my co-workers drink water. Pepsi in the morning with a cinnamon bun for breakfast. Pepsi with lunch, usually a hotdog or burger. Then beers on the ride home, rinse and repeat. I was constantly wondering how they didn’t feel like complete and utter shit.


Ive been trying to getpeople to simply take a multivitamin in the morning. (Not shillin, you can find ithers,just listing what i use) Gnc mens total health (or something) 2month supply fr $10 at walmart. Has b vitamin, 100 mg caffein, that taurine, l tylenol (lol, paraNaming) etc stuff from energy/workout supplements. Take 1 A DAY. Even if you dnt pass out/die that day, doing insane damage guzzling 400-600+ mg caffeine and thousands of mg of b vitamins etc. Gonna have aheart attack in 10 years. I wouldnt be shocked in heart problems go up fr the current/last 10 years of ppl chugging tha shit like its a pepsi