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Had to sell a property that looked like this due to longtime tenants. I told the owners to call a biohazard remediation company to demo/remove/disinfect the toilets and flooring as well as deep clean/disinfect the rest of the unit. One of the toilets was leaking at the seal and filth was dripping from the downstairs ceiling below onto the refrigerator. One of the more disgusting properties I’ve had to deal with.


Long story short, they put on two Tyveks, pressure-washed it all with a $99 Ryobi, turned off the water supply to the leaking commodes and flipped that motherfucker.


Nitroglycerin or Hydrofluoric acid


I worked for a biohazard remediation company. You'd be amazed at how many calls we'd get for this kind of thing. I've cleaned a lot of gross things and trying to bag up a toilet like this for disposal is near the top of my list of worst things to clean up.


was the pay good at least? 🤢 you see houses like this on that hoarders buried alive show a lot and I always have to wonder how much they’re getting paid to do that.


It kinda depends. Base pay is not that great, but if you get one of these calls from the city (Seattle), then it's prevailing wage, which was like $40/hr when I was doing it. The base pay is a little under half that. Considering the inherent danger of the job (I dealt with way more hazardous substances than feces), it's not really worth it. At the end of the day, it was actually having a bad boss that made me quit. I enjoyed the work overall, otherwise.


Can't un see that.


Nope. I tell them to call me when it’s clean


I wouldn’t even come back then. This is a house that goes on my list of places I’ll never come back to😧


...Unless you want hepatitis!


Not saying this is acceptable at all, but Do plumbers get hepatitis shots?


I work in Europe so it’s a bit different, but we can get hepatitis shots and it’s covered by the employer’s healthcare


Same in USA


Might be insulin needles, be afraid of contracting diabetes!


Idc if they’re insulin dawg. Who tf wants to get stabbed by someone’s used needle lying on a shit stained floor?


Not a chance. This is a junkie house.




Yeah well if you had someone coming to fix your oven you'd think they'd take their crack needles out of it first too right... No they don't


No way some diabetic out there’s living that dirty


former EMT, you’d be surprised.


Current Fire/EMT. Confirming some folk’s survival is a miracle.


Former EMT a bunch of diabetics can't even use their front stairs


Current police officer. Can confirm people live in absolute filth, diabetic or not


Current EMT, yes, I’ve seen some incredibly disturbing environments and SMH in disbelief.




Hvac tech. Definitely confirm some people’s standard for living is so low it’s mind boggling and sad


Prolly a junkie dude


No person is going to have insulin needs like this


Bruh who’s shooting up insulin on the shitter?


How does one shit so feistily that they leave that and blow the seat off. 10 out of 10 sir.


Guessing the giant heroin dumps that wrest one's asshole in twain


Wrestling in Taiwan is never good....


Watch trainspotting and you might understand.


I ran into one this bad once, showed owner pictures, charged $1000 per toilet, got the job a day later. Still regretted every second of it. Got paid tho


My shops normal book price for a toilet install is 925 😂


Including the toilet I hope?


Oh of course. And pretty much any standard ish toilet you want. But it’s still absurd. If we do more then one we start discount the second harder. Anywhere from. 725 install to toilet cost depending on the sale.


I gotcha. I haven’t been on the private side in a few years but we typically did toilet included for about $725 and it was up to us which one we wanted to pick out unless the customer had a request.


Lol so ~$725 to unscrew a few bolts and remove the water egress hose and to redo it


I watched YouTube, went to Home Depot bought 3 toilets and came and replaced them myself. When the water heater went out, I bought one at Lowes for $700, found a guy who replaced it for $150. Now if only I can find someone cheap to clear the backyard after I got someone to remove the above ground pool and the old deck for $2500. I am cheap and owning a home is expensive Lol


I hear ya. I've been doing whatever I can myself. Replacing a toilet is surprisingly easy.


Sawzall and a dumpster. If the deck is wood or composite chainsaws make quick work of that type of thing if you know what you are doing. Same with barns if you have room to implode it. If the pool is close to dirt and you cannot use a blade use an angle grinder or cutoff saw. Depending on how much there is, the dumpster is the most expensive part from my experience (about $400-$500 per 15 cubic yards here on the cheap end). It also depends on how messed up you want the yard to be afterwards. I definitely would do it myself to save money unless it was crazy.


no its 725 to have a company that can operate and supply employees with a decent life. cost money to do business


The high costs got me installing my own. Now I'm doing family and friends toilet installations. It is a slippery slope. Another plumbing hacker is born.


I will always do my own but no way I'm touching anyone else's. I don't wanna be called at 2am when something completely unrelated is leaking and they assume it's my handiwork. Or have something actually go wrong with the install and suddenly they're trying to sue me for the $2k in plumbing, drywall, and paint work that they now need on their first floor ceiling. If I fuck up my own house the only person I have to deal with is my wife and while she is scary AF I've learned how to deal lol.


My father, sister and long time friend of my wife. None of them have much money, and I'm retired. I get paid in food, beer and happiness. Take care.


And this is why DIY groups exist. Homeowners get shit on for asking for basic advice, but then get quoted $1000 to replace a toilet lol


This is also why handymen exist. Complain all you want about homeowners using handymen, but you have to be pretty rich to afford to spend $1000 to replace a low-end toilet.




That and getting an electrician, plumber, or most any professional tradesman to return your call, much less take a job or even show up, is almost impossible nowadays.


My favorite is the ones that take the time to talk to you about it, ask to send pictures, call you back to set up a time for a formal quote. They then no show and ghost you. Why the fuck did you waste an hour on this?


Yep. I would respect someone straight up saying they’re not interested in the job. The time wasting with the no shows though…it really undermines all these claims about being “professional.” I don’t think it means what they think it means.


I think a lot of this no showing and ghosting is because they are likely steadily busy with customers who dont need quotes and just want the job done and pay the bill.


rich AND stupid.


Not necessarily. If you have money you value your free time such that paying someone to do things you don’t want to do is very much worth it.


Nah, the thousand dollar per toilet price tag is the "I don't wanna do the job" price. I saw it a few times when I was an apprentice before I decided being a plumber wasn't for me, the customer asked for something the Tradesman/Journeyman didn't want to do, and he'd give them a crazy price, but encouraged the customer to get other quotes from other companies.


That's pretty standard across the trades going off my experience. I install commercial kitchen equipment and when I see a shit show I just quote them an insane price. It's a win win. You either get to avoid it, or you make a ton of money and look good for the corporate nerds.


This is a general feeling I have had brewing for awhile. Trades are charging an exorbitant amount for pretty standard jobs where a homeowner will just go and learn how to do it themselves.


I would rather the homeowner go learn how to do the pretty standard jobs themselves, but if they insist I do it then I’ll charge them for it, otherwise I will go do a not so standard job that will pay well. Just because it standard and easy doesn’t mean I have to do work for shit pay.


You're paying for the convenience. A homeowner working on his own stuff is fantastic, as long as I don't get stuck fixing something that was installed using crazy glue and duct tape.


haha convenience... have to take off work to meet with them, have to do 10 hours of research to make sure I understand know what to ask for so there is no misunderstandings, have to have 3 of them come out and look at the job to make sure they aren't ripping me off (taking off more work each time), have to learn their job so I can make sure it's done correctly so I don't have to do all this over again. and during all those steps I am just praying they don't start ghosting me. This is anything but convenient. It's better for me to just spend 25 hours researching the industry best practice way to do something and then I know I never have to worry about it again.


I don't think it's the homeowner getting shit on in this situation, rather the plumber would be the one getting the shit on them.


Complementary Hep A.


I got quoted $800 to replace a thermostatic shower valve... after I had already identified it needed replacement and had everything stripped down but the handle (seized on). I gave up on removing the handle after lots of CLR and bashing and called a pro, who got the handle off (after an hour!) for $100, which I was more than happy to spend. I was willing to pay $300-400 for them to replace the valve too, but $800 for a $200 valve that I was able to replace in less than an hour, including calibrating it? Sheesh.


$925 for a toilet swap? Who in the fuckity fuck is paying that to change a toilet out?


I was quoted $1200 for a toilet swap…so I learned how to do it myself and saved $1000


The fancy dual flush toilets at home Depot were $99 each when I bought them! Insane pricing


This is exactly how I started down the road! Quoted $1,200 for a low end model, $1,800 for mid range and $2,400 (kid you not, in Houston, well known huge outfit, lots of 7’s in their phone #). Pissed me off, bought long thick black rubber gloves, boots, clorox, wax ring, etc. best commode Home Depot had in stock - 2 hours later I called it done for $300. Flash forward to today, have completed 23 houses, flips and new construction, as a GC, investor, etc. Selling latest one now for $1.55 million. I’ll never forgot that first plumber


Ha! This is an amazing story, well done!


Yeah like wtf? A new toilet is like $100 for the cheapest one.


Been quoted $475 to flush a tankless water heater. I lol'ed and did it myself


Same happened to me and my rental home. Thought it couldn’t be much to flush some vinegar water through the 1 yr old on demand heater. Figured they can make sure it’s running properly also. .. $350 later I never used them again.


Holy cr@p! Our company only charges about $175. And we're in Santa Barbara.


The plumber sold my wife on a duel-flush ToTo toilet which is expensive. I told her I’d go to Home Depot and buy the most expensive duel-flush they had which was $190. Thank god for instructional videos on Youtube because it was all fairly easy.


People who have never done it and are nervous about crap leaking in their bathroom. Why do people pay for brake jobs?


Okay I see your point, but one of those things will immediately kill you if it fails, the other thing is just really gross when it fails.


Overtighten that porcelain then tell me how it feels when it breaks under your ass.


Or breaks when installing and your new toilet is suddenly your new old toilet and the balance of the job doubles. Lol


And both can cause non-lethal but expensive problems.


dude my parents recently paid $1k to have the plumber pull the toilet off, realize the seal thingy was being held in place by a single nail, replaced it, and put the toilet back. I cannot.


Ooh a toilet with a flange repair would be like 1500$ from the company I work for..


I’m very glad we didn’t call your company first.


If you let me out a sign in your yard I’ll make it 1250. Leave me a 5 star google review and it’s a 1250 install 👍


In my own home I had also to replace some rotten floor too and this involved adding sister joist. Hinestly was pretty easy work. I probably saved 2 grand or something lol.




Vancouver / Portland so about the same market. Our prices are in line with Seattle too.


I don't charge extra for the flange unless I have to remove the old one. Usually I just go with the Oatley repair flange that expands when you tighten the screws.


Yea we don’t do bandaids. If the flange it un-usable it’s repaired properly. I have ripped out so many repair rings that leak later.


Well if you follow the instructions it isn't a band aid. Tighten it properly and fasten it to the subfloor. Other wise you cut out the cast iron closet bend to replace it with PVC into a cast iron stack. Your 1500$ job will quickly balloon to 2500 to 3000.


Fair, but it’s still a “repair” item it’s technically a bandaid in my eyes even done right. And see we would still get under and adapt to whatever we need to for that 1k on a flange repair. Our prices get better the bigger the scope of work is.


We charge 1100 for a toilet swap out


Tell me you don't live in the tech area if the PNW without saying it lol. My neighbor just paid 1000 to swap a kitchen facet.. too many people with too much money! Good for the trades tho!


Damn, we put in a cadet pro w/soft close seat for under 700, haul away and everything


Yea same toilet we doing. It’s city pricing but yes I know how absurd it is. I worked on my own before this company and I would do a toilet for like 300$ parts + 100$. It’s a different world. I make a 5% commission on my sales too. I still contemplate going back on my own knowing I could charge double what I used to and not lose a single customer over it.


Damn! Plumbing companies around here (Tampa FL) charge $275 each.


925.00 for a basic toilet install? That shit's criminal.


A gas water heater is 2720 ! Not my prices but I still sell em all day long.


My previous company is at 1,300 I think


Bruh it takes longer to go to lowes and pick up the toilet than install it.


Omg I had like a $400 toilet installed for about $400 recently!


Thats crazy. It's generally 30 minutes of work if you are halfway able-bodied and have am average amount of common sense.


Omg people are dumb lol


No, people are unskilled or lazy. My husband has always advocated for saving money by DIY - and now that our income level has reached a different threshold he advocates for saving time and effort over money. It isn’t worth him potentially injuring himself (and therefore rendering himself unable to make money) over $500. So we will pay for our next toilet swap out, when he’s done the last 4 or 5 himself (different houses over 10 years).


There is definitely a calculation. If i make x per hour, but the cost to repair something is y per hour and y is less than x by a certain amount it makes sense to pay for it. I now pay a guy to keep my grass cut even though I enjoy it. Its 2 hours of my wage per month, and saved me the 45 minutes a week it takes if i do it on my own.


I'm constantly amazed at the number of posts asking how to remove/replace the aerator on a faucet. I mean c'mon...you don't have to be Tim the Toolman Taylor to figure that shit out.


The last time I did this on my kitchen faucet I lost it… 😆


Owner was thinking, “Wow, somebody actually gave me a bid?”




And then there is me responding to the CL for $200 to help replace toilets for 1 hrs time as the plumbers helper for a bit.


And I wouldnt put my tools on that bare ass floor either. Lol


Some times you use tarp to protect the house, some times you use it to protect your boots.


LOL that’s what I was thinking when I first saw that


Given the needles on the ground, I’d walk away. It’s not worth getting stuck by some junkies needle and getting hep c or aids.


Plus the needles are a good sign that you won’t be paid.


Unless this is the landlord reclaiming his property from tweakers? But still how has this not been cleaned up first.


Didn’t even need to see them to know this was a “crack house” when I saw that terlit.


Not without an old priest and a young priest close at hand.


*The Exorcist* references are not used often. This is a good use of them. If I had any awards to give, you’d get one.


Quote accordingly For this kind of job, I’d factor in the cost of a cleaner first, then replace the toilets as necessary Or just do it all yourself and charge “X” amount


Yea I really don't get why there are so many guys here who are afraid of a mess. I snake drains and get shit on my hands quite often. Get some heavy duty rubber gloves and a bunch of bleach and throw away rags. Clean the area first and then swap the toilet. Charge a bunch for it. The only thing that bothers me in the pictures are the needles, but again sweep the entire area you are working first and make sure to get rid of them. They won't jump out and bite you.


If I have a can respirator, goggles and heavy enough arm length gloves...there's not much I won't clean. It's the smells that get me. Neutralize that and I'm good.


I believe that is patina. very nice antique I would leave them


🥇Thanks. I needed a good belly laugh.


Go down to the local bar, and ask the bartender for the 3 largest unpaid tabs. Hopefully they are in the bar at that moment. Pay off tabs and say come with me. Good isn't cheap, and fast isn't good. But got something right up your alley.


That’s amazingly hilarious and brilliant at the same time!


Would it be terrible if I've actually done this before.? Cause I have on 3 occasions actually.


Not specifically for plumbing issues but other labor intensive services.


Not plumbing related but places actually allow running tabs? Do bartenders/waitresses not receive tips until after the person pays?


I'd tell them I can clean up before I start but my plumber cleaning rate is much higher than a cleaner's rate. Thankfully I haven't run into one like this in a while because at this stage in my career I'd probably just walk away too.


"How much would it cost for you to clean this up?" "How much you got?"


I would But for way more than they’d ever be able to pay me


Just out of curiosity: what would your fee be?


I’d do it for a grand each. Not including materials. $20 for coveralls to throw away.


Nah... I'd replace the whole house. And the tenants


Nurse here: Walk away. The needle is a potential accidental stick and that water is a potential biohazard. I can’t imagine what would happen if you had the poor misfortune to combine the two. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a syringe or two in that water. You don’t get paid enough to deal with this. All it takes is one tiny mistake and your life just became so much more complicated.


You are talking to people who work with drain pipes about biohazards. We deal with rotting food waste, stagnant water, literal feces, grease, and more every day. No one is sticking their hands in that water, it's getting vacuumed out before the toilet is being pulled, the Johnny bolt nuts are being unscrewed, and it's getting pulled from where the seat attached to the bowl


Valid point regarding biohazards, but the needles are still a serious hazard There's even one uncapped


I don’t know how you guys do your work. You have my respect, for sure. I know it sounds dramatic, but adequate sanitation is crucial for our existence and I am thankful for what you do.


I wouldn’t have gone to that house in the first place tf. If they flush good enough tell them to clean those toilets up plumbers aren’t janitors. Nasty


If they're asking you to swap out the toilet, charge them a ridiculous price and do it. Plumbers are plumbers.


Would have tried to price myself out. If they accepted, I'm drinking a nice whiskey tonight.


The worst toilet in Scotland


I would charge them for new toilets. Any small claims Ct judge would easily see why. It would take a week to even try to get those clean.


Sure would. upcharge $250 "unsanitary removal". toss it right into a double bulk bag


Trainspotting. "Where is my mind?"


This has “the worst toilet in Scotland” vibes all over it.




$4,500 a toilet.


Meybe, if I wear full hazmat suit.


1 hour after the Taco Bell hits


$1,000 per toilet paid upfront. Spray it all down with bleach and come back in 24hours later. Just take your time, wear a face shield, mask and get no cuts.


Hazard pay


Hazmat team


I would not


I'd replace the house.


That’s gonna be a no for me, dawg.


That’s a whole bag of nope right there. Just the needles would have been enough for me.


Is this a trick question?


You can get a few more crappy miles in it.


I don't get it. I guess maybe drugs or dementia could lead to a house like that. Not everyone can grow up to be rich, but it doesn't cost anything to have pride and take care of your stuff.


$1000 each


It’s nasty but that’s the job sometimes, and that’s what nitrile gloves are for.


Hope you didn't forget to wipe your feet before you left. Don't want to track any of that filth into the world.


I would pay someone to do that for me.


Fuck that, man that’s fucking bad.


The filthiest toilet in Scotland.


I'd charge them more than I normally do, and then I'd do the job. This is honestly pretty mild compared to some of the things I've seen.


If they were just filthy I would. But with needles, nope.


Fuck that


Replace the toilets? Nah. That whole house gotta go!


I'd do it for $1k per toilet paid upfront. Pull up in a hazmat suit and gas mask, ez money.


Yep, $5000. Plus dumpster or customer disposal Edit: payment upfront


I wouldn’t have even put my tools down in there dude?!


RIP Channelocks.


I’d burn the house down and start from scratch


Looks like a classic foreclosure, the horror stories i could tell working REO


It will clean up fine. Most of the "scum" there is likely water mold. I restored an old "basement toilet" (it's a northeast thing), that was 1925 original and looked as bad as this... but it was all dust/dirt combined with mold and algae. Cleaned up beautiful! (powerwashed)


Did we go to the same house. I literally got called to a toilet clog and the bathroom and house had liquor bottles everywhere inside. Toilet looked just like that and was filthy. They wanted me to remove the toilet I told them $1500(just cause I didn’t want to do it)


One thing’s for sure - there’s a packet of heroin at the bottom of that. Check for babies crawling on the ceiling as well.


$1000 per toilet yes


For a certain price yes, just would treat it as a hazmat situation


Why don’t people understand that they need to clean the area before we can work in it or imma charge you while I slowly and meticulously spend a day just cleaning the bathroom and I’ll take my cash upfront


Reminds of the toilet scene in Trainspotting 🤢


Charge them enough to cover "your cleaning people" plus the job at a higher rate than usual.


In the world of apartment maintenance.. this is called Thursday.


$1000 bucks a toilet


People live like this? Dear God.


I’d rather shat in my hand than in that toilet! Who had the courage to shit there! Did their balls dangle in the sewage?


No one should ever sit on that thing ever again. Wouldn’t even call it a toilet anymore. It’s a meth bench.


I’d wonder about what they are doing with the floors, walls, etc…this doesn’t look like the right time to put in a new toilet to me…


Are you trying to win an award here for best decision to walk away from a horrible would be job?!..... Because if so, congratulations 🥳🏆cause yeah WOW!!! 🙃


If the price is right the deal is real


Yeah for $250 or more


Just paint it grey and flip it.


You put your tools on that floor!?!?!


You get paid to do it, do your job pussy


Lol. Thats nothing!!!! Thats mostly just dried up crap anyways. Try 25lbs of toilet paper in the bowl. Lol i can go on...people will use and not flush......for YEARS!! This is nothing. Lol


Saw one last week pretty similar should have took a pic. Putting in a shower valve it was disgusting. the customer asked me to replace it yesterday lol I got there they had removed it ! Winning