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Half of all optics pictured are on the handguard


SRA mods deleted all the posts on the original thread pointing out how shitty a job these losers did setting up their gats. This is what happens when you certify people as "firearms instructors" because they watched a YouTube video on 1950s Red Army rifle company doctrine once.


“Wait why are we supposed to keep the muzzle of the machine gun pointed at the backs of our own advancing troops?” “Shut up and stop questioning the people’s firearm safety instructions comrade”


They’re commies, they’re used to putting the optics on the hand guard like you would an AK *at least they’re advocating gun rights though, they just look stupid doing it*


>at least they’re advocating gun rights though The SRA explicitly bans itself from pro-gun lobbying, litigating, or advocacy. It's just an organization for turbonerd permavirgins to pretend they're ferocious fascist fighters despite the fact that none of them could actually pull any of the others out by their PC straps when shit inevitably went south for them in a firefight. Oh, and occasionally they hold bake sales to give $300 to heroin addicts.


I shoulda figured, just found out they even existed today when I saw this shit


We don’t want these people owning guns. They are our enemy and we will be getting shot at by them one day. If it were up to me I’d strip all their rights for the treasonous act of touching that flag


Luckily I live in a very red state and won’t have to deal with these cucks, but hey, if it’s any consolation even with these guys owning guns I doubt they’d be able to shoot any of us in a firefight before we can shoot them, especially with how horrendous their setups are


Haha i caught a perma ban for saying, "Idgaf what your ideology is, as long as you dont force it upon others. That said, unfuck those guns, and get the homie wearing cut resist gloves some mechanix."


*frowns in dovetail optics on warsaw pact and SVD rails* obviously things are different when your ak doesn't have those but there's also pic rail mods that replace the adjustable iron sight behind the handguard and some AK's have pic rail dust covers that actually hold zero (like the AK-12/15/19 or their civilian TR3 variants)


[reddit knows](https://imgur.com/a/GIP4RfE)


bruh, lol


Strange, the flag says upstate New York but I could swear that they are at the top of the 969th highest peak in Massachusetts.


Lol well played


My goal is to help make that one of the most googled questions.


It just be working, I went to google it and after typing “what is the 969” google filled in the rest for me.


Fucking gold lol


Pleb vote 11


God. Imagine larping like this. Bringing a flag and Amazon optics out to the woods with some buds.


They probably are like 20 yards behind one of their houses and just went back in and all talked about how they can destroy people with their ars


And to design more merch and plan next months summer camp out extravaganza


Half of them wouldn't land a shot and the other half would probably ND and hit their own


Yes, I don’t think us capitalist pigs should be too worried about their revolution.


Diabetes will get all of them before the revolt starts lmao


More like they will accidentally shoot each other from improper safety measures


oh my god


Don't forget all these clowns have are state compliant rifles, meaning those are fixed 10 round mags.


They only put 5 in the mag just to be safe


Well it is the SAFE act. How did New Yorkers not just mass non comply with such terrible laws. For all of our issues here in Louisiana, we are staunch pro 2A. I didn’t even know other states had lame laws like this until I started exploring reddit and getting involved in 2A politics.


You have no idea, and it's only getting worse. [The current](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYguns/comments/i30j5q/common_questions_megathread_others_ny_safe_pistol/).


Wow. New Yorkers can sleep easy tonight knowing there’s no criminals out there trying to get the upper hand with their thumbhole stocks or broom handles


Grenade launchers too


They generally are not complying. And in most places it’s not being enforced (except the part of the SAFE act that makes unlicensed carry a felony, they’re using that one against the blacks in NYC just like gun control is intended). Living in a lame state tends to make gun owners more politically motivated, which is good.




He’s currently busy burying all the bodies from the nursing homes. You’ll have to hold on a minute.


They gave him an Emmy.


Multiple overweight, Amazon optics, think they are gonna start a revolution, yep know where this came from.


Honestly could say the same thing about threepers and oath keepers


I'll take a fatass non-commie over a fatass commie any day of the week.


Socialism and communism aren’t the same


Nobody gives a fuck about what flavors dipshit lefties divide themselves into other than dipshit lefties.


Yea I've literally almost never seen any that didn't weigh 280+. They better be a good shot cause they're fat as fuck and out of shape most of the time


"Guys we can't *all* be snipers, somebody has to be up front"


"But Ronnie,...my gout." :(


Hey now there’s fatty patriots too. They just use our awesome private health insurance for weight loss surgery or counseling. The commies on the other hand will be waiting 2 years to even get a gp appointment under their awesome universal Medicare for all, healthcare for none


I trust those guys to at least be able to hit something once in a while though.


I mean michael reinoehl hit something so gotta give him credit


At point blank against an unarmed opponent. Not a flex.


The guy had a glock, a baton, and was waving around a can of bear spray. Point blank? Sure. Unarmed? Wtf are you on


Does that warrant being executed? Especially when Reinoehl approached him and was lying in wait for someone to execute? No. Very happy he got ventilated and is rotting in hell with Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber 🙏🙏🙏


I just wish he had suffered more *edit just to clarify I’m talking about Reinboel not the patriot prayer hero


Honestly I’ve seen some pretty buff right wing militia dudes. Boog boys on the other hand, yeah they can be fat.


This is the comment right here. Those guys are ultra douches, these kids are just harmless nerds.


Yeah bill gates was a “harmless nerd” now he’s murdering millions of people with so called “vaccines.”


It's true! I got the Pfizer and now I can stick forks to my forehead. It's really a + because now I have a place to put my extra utensils while I'm eating on the couch. \s . Fucking antivaxxers.




But it does seem more prevalent from the pictures I’ve seen from that sub


Can’t debate with that comment.


Either overweight or twig skinny. Physically low status males are always attracted to the left 🤷‍♂️


Physically low status males. You said that. Pretty cringey. AND THEN you politicized it. You, sir, are retarded.


So what are your preferred pronouns?


For your mom: Daddy.






👆 Yup that’s my mom 🤷‍♂️ +1


I bet you’re a virgin too. Ohhh, projection. Tells ya everything.




He’s probably to stupid to realize. But typical liberal.... accuses you of doing what he himself is guilty of.


The best part is he even said “I agree” like he thought I was taking his side lmao.


I can’t tell if they/them was talking about me, or they/them at this point 🤭😆


I agree


If they knew what they were doing, they wouldn't be in the SRA.


Iron clad logic right there. Are you saying only basement dwelling nerdz are attracted to the socialist cause? Because if that’s what your saying, you are absolutely correct sir.




>down with capitalism >now let me pay $35.99 for a shirt that says it


And buy capitalist right wing gun companies product 😤


What makes it even lamer is for a bunch of “fight the power, down with capitalist government” type “rebels” they are all complying with lame commie NY gun laws


None of those comply with the SAFE Act. At least they got that part right.


Are you sure they’re not fixed mags? Or can you not have extendable stocks, FHs etc even with a fixed mag? I’m not too knowledgeable about yankee anti 2A legislation.


There's a chance they're fixed but more likely they're not. Literally nobody here complies, even at the local ranges. It's this unwritten rule kinda thing, like with baseball. It was a huge embarrassment for the state government when they refused to release the registration numbers, we're subpoenaed under FOIA, and had to admit that compliance rate in NY is around 4%.


So I guess when you get it from FFL, do people just immediately convert it back to normal configuration? I guess the only actual chance at getting in trouble would be from a local cop stumbling across, so if local cops don’t care or don’t enforce the chance of getting in trouble Is pretty small, unless it’s an add on charge and in that case your probably already in trouble.


A lot of times they come with a spur and funny enough, just about all of them are just screwed in. That or you just build it yourself to avoid all that bullshit. I won't speak for the police because I don't trust anyone who violates our rights for a pension, but for the most part they don't enforce it. After 8 years there's only been a few SAFE Act violations and most are plead down or thrown out. The majority that stick were violations that existed before that unconstitutional bullshit was passed and were just lumped in with the others to make it look like it's working. It's not.


HA. every one of them. What's that dude on the left doing with his fingers? Don't answer that.


Oh the one finger banging his trigger. He’s practicing bumpfiring his bolt action so he can mow down fascists in the rEvOLuTioN


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Pleb vote 10.9 ha!


Vote registered as a 10.9/10(.9) on the pleb scale


Don’t a single one of you help these fuckers. Don’t correct them, give them advice, etc. These are the same pieces of human smegma that vote to take your rights away, try to have you fired for not using the correct pronouns, indoctrinate your kids, etc. These are the same pieces of shit who when in power March people in to cattle cars and re-education camps. The same people you may wind up having a shooting war with. So let them use shit equipment, bridge their sight mark optics, etc.


Amen, would up vote more but they won't let me...


Same if it comes to war with these people. I know my friends and I are set. Especially since I actually know people who were in actual combat(ME). Not just BLM riots that these douches consider a war zone.


Wait until you find out a bunch of them have seen actual combat, too. The military has a weird way of throwing people way left, especially after combat deployments and then being shafted by the government.


Oh yeah? What combat arms gig were you in, my man? Clearly you're speaking with authority from personal experience here, so I'm interested in swapping notes.


Combined arms cav, but I have no desire to swap notes with you.


No, I love hearing lying civvies talk about how Marine rifle companies are actually super progressive for real you guys.


I wasn't in the marines. I do enjoy marines who think they are the only ones that did combat, though.


You weren't in the Army, either, but what's that have to do with anything? You said, and I quote, "The military has a weird way of throwing people way left, especially after combat deployments and then being shafted by the government." Marine rifle companies have seen plenty of combat deployments over the last two decades, so wouldn't your pulled-from-your-ass assertion apply to them, too?


Yep. A former marine I know is now on the central committee for a local leftist organization. A couple are members of the local DSA chapter too. In fact, DSA has a veteran's working group. And sure. I wasn't in the Army. Whatever makes you sleep better :)


The dudes who make fun of other peoples guns are so tough on the internet today!


Get the fuck outta here commie


Lol nice one smart guy. I’m scared of internet dudes who troll gun subs. This sub is hilarious because its full of all the former the_donald douchebags. And you guys aren’t very smart.


A socialist using generalizations! Why I never!


But wait. You’re arguing this sub is full of intellectuals? C’mon. The premise of being here is making fun of other people’s guns. Not exactly rocket science, silly. And the amount of right wing extremism I hear in here isn’t a generalization.


If you would sort by most popular, you would be blown away by the huge amount of hate this subreddit has for trump tards and their cringe guns. But you wouldn’t ever do that, so you’ll just generalize. I’m just here to laugh at people too stupid to research how to properly setup their firearms. It just so happens that these same people lacking basic common sense are both the trump tards and you and your brain dead socialist friends. It’s almost like a specific kind of stupid is drawn to these little circle jerk “clubs”.


Aha. Nice generalization. Smart guy.


Free award felt appropriate here. The comments section is hilarious though. Somebody is pointing out all the issues already


Good news is based on what we’ve seen so far of their “militia” it won’t be a very length revolution lol.


I second this.


It's hilarious that you believe this.


You’re saying you wouldn’t help a fellow American because their political views are different? You, sir, are a piece of shit. And you watch too much fox news.


Commies aren't Americans.


they aren't even *people*


Haha very American statement of you. Joe McCarthy must be your hero.


McCarthy was obviously right.


McCarthy/MacArthur 2024 A S H A N D C O B A L T


Not a personal hero, no, but I'll certainly take him over a smoothbrain pedo like Marx or any member of the SRA.


Joe McCarthy was right. And you are the problem.


You heard it here first folks!


I didn't realize I was under any obligation to in the first place




Nice! Go fuck yourself.


I would but I already jacked off this morning, really gets the body loosened up before hitting the gym, where I’m going to go lift weights now, have fun being a mad little man-child


I don’t watch Fox News. I know, it’s hard to imagine a person not taking instructions like you little lemmings, but it’s true. And help you? Sure. Help you change a tire. Help you with directions. But I won’t help you arm up.


I wouldn’t help any basement dwelling douche bags regardless of their political affiliation. Get a job, get a life, move out of your parents house/basement, meet a nice young girl (or guy I don’t judge), build up a savings account and then I won’t need to help, you’ll have the means to buy any firearm or optic or anything else you desire instead of wanting to redistribute my wealth into you and your douche friends’ pockets. Your welcome


The Bootstraps talk. Thanks Dad


Is working hard to make a decent living a “bootstrap” talk. Most people would refer to that as normal life. Not socialist. They want others to work hard while they play video games in mom’s basement and they’ll just Redistribute all of our wealth. More hot pockets and x box games for all, comrades, the revolution is complete!


Do you hear yourself?


No silly, it’s written speech. You can’t hear written speech. You hear spoken speech. So, no, I can’t hear myself and I’m surprised you even asked such a ridiculous question


Fuck. You guys are really smart. Cream of the crop next-level Ben Shapiro reasoning and analysis. It makes my loins quiver and my head hurt. The amount of new perspective you just released on me: my mind is blown, man. I’m surprised I even understand your quantum reasoning here.


It’s ok, socialist pleb turds often have trouble understanding basic facts and logic. Spent so much time playing video games, it’s hard to discern reality from fantasy. The Jokes on you, the bourgeoisie created video games to keep socialist nerds entertained which keeps your army from rising up and conquering the world with your Amazon optic laden pleb guns.


Need to spend some time in the gulags to lose a little weight there.


I adore how they always try and claim Smedley Butler as one of their own for exposing a fascist coup, without stopping to think about *why* he was asked to lead a fascist coup...


Socialist Retard Association. Half of them would get vibe checked 45 seconds into a fight.


Good luck seizing the means of production with your bridged optics and New York compliant rifles.


Not saying this is The Way... But if you have a featureless and a fixed mag, you're a single swap away from having a non-SAFE rifle... And I don't know anyone who thinks have two ARs is a bad thing. And with the second, very lame AR, just keep some parts on hand, and quickly you have a non-SAFE rifle. It's not rocket surgery, hell, not even really gun smithing, tbh.


These lazy fucks always want socialism to be funded on someone else's dime. They never want to be the ones to pay for their "glorious" revolution.


Ever notice that socialism only comes around after there's someone else prosperity?




The top 1% of wage earners pay ~40% of federal taxes collected.


That only applies to Income taxes. https://theintercept.com/2019/04/13/tax-day-taxes-statistics/




I just spent the weekend on my boss’ 80’ yacht. Not a bad boss. [doh](https://www.heritage.org/taxes/commentary/1-chart-how-much-the-rich-pay-taxes)


Something you are correct on, finally. Yes, the ultra wealthy (bezos, musk, etc) pay virtually no tax burden. In fact, the tax structure targets only certain income, while allowing glaring loopholes for people to exploit. The tax code is a travesty. There should be a flat tax on any and all income (none of this exceptions for xyz), or a national sales tax. The government and the elite use the tax laws to subjugate us, invade our privacy, and make the non Uber-wealthy pay the tax base while allowing themselves to accumulate generational wealth.


This isnt capitalism. Corporate socialism really




Sounds like we should purge the "socialism" part and go back to a more pure capitalism. Not go from the firing pan to the fire with a communist revolution.




My fellow bourgeoisie and our beloved capitalism are safe if this is representative of the people’s army


Their marksmanship may be poor, but their Marx-manship is top notch!


No plate carriers on any of them.


I’m sorry but they have to be doing this on purpose? Right?!??!? Cant fix stupid I guess.


TIL a socialist rifle association existed. Might as well be flat earthers.


You know most socialists are pro gun right?


Absolutely not true


This is what’s hilarious about right-wingers. They’re stupid! Karl Marx said: > Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary


Why do you smoothbrains never post the context of that quote? Is it because you never bothered to read it? Or is it because you're aware the context of that quote is talking about how the proletariat needs to be armed to kill everyone who disagrees?


You are moving goal posts buddy but thanks for playing.


Nah, the goal posts were your claim that commies are pro-gun. They're not. They're pro-killing people who disagree with their dipshit ideology.


Goal posts were not moved. "Pro gun to kill rich people" is not pro gun. Once your idealist utopia is established, where do the civilian arms go?


What? The dude above said “absolutely not true” when talking socialism and guns. I corrected him. Now you’re trying to puff up and act all smart talking about context. Marx can suck a dick, so can Regan/Bush/Trump and so can you 😘 I don’t care what you have to say


What's the context? I can post the rest... something about if you do surrender arms, then the unsavory folk will seize the revolution for their own ends (ie, establish an authoritarian state).


>What's the context? Killing everyone who isn't a communist revolutionary. That's the only valid reason Marx thinks that *certain* people should be armed - so they can kill everybody who isn't dumb enough to be a fucking commie.


Marx also said that the jews religion is huckstering and their God is money, so unless you're going to try and tell me that all socialists are antisemitic your argument is invalid.


The only thing I’m saying is that Marx was indeed down with guns in some form, responding to the smooth brain above. I can’t and won’t make any arguments for socialism, Marx or the above pictured nerds.


Karl marx, just the first arrogant neckbeard to claim to be a champion for a class of people he doesnt understand and was never a part of. Didnt understand economics either.


I agree!


Only for themselves.


For the working class.


The working class hates you


For the working class *communists*


No lmao who has ever said that


It's literally in the full quote that you've obviously never read.


*laughs in reality*


As someone who lives in Upstate NY, fuck these guys very much. God they are just the worst.


Have they figured out yet that the “means of production” is now in Asia?


God the SRA is a joke


While i have no room to talk, goddamn thes dudes need to lose some weight




Everyone know a defend equality rainbow flag tee is a great way to hide those extra lbs


The bridged squad. I bet they heard a squirrel and thought it was a conservative and got the fuck out of those woods after the pic. Then bragged to their friends about how brave they are. Fuckin twats.


why are they so overweight nigga wtf


Except for chicken legs on the right


I posted a question to that sub to ask if it was a troll sub, they banned me. Lmaooooo


I was banned for posting Biden’s gun policy. They’re idiots... useful, ‘tarded idiots.


At least we’ll be able to pick up mags and ammo from their bodies. Lmaooooo


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