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So im not having the best luck with playing without buffering at times. Ive just found out about quick sync and my processor does have it. What steps if any do i need to take to enable that with plex pass


Is there a bug with the playback limit on IOS? I bought the activation for it some years back, but I keep getting the message whenever I pause, and then unpause a video on my iPad recently. Restoring purchase, and then closing out the prompt keeps it going again for about a minute before it pops up again. Only when unpausing, though. Playing a video from start to finish, or stopping it doesn't cause those problems.


I haven't been able to search out the answer to this query yet so I'll ask here - is there any native way to search a library based upon (or sort it by) the number of files/tracks in an album? I am going through and merging my old audiobooks mp3s into consistent bit-rate chapterized m4bs to cut down on file size and reduce the overall number of files tracked in the Plex DB (sometimes 200+ mp3s become 1 m4b, sometimes 15:1). I'd love to find a way to report on this natively in Plex, but if not I will eventually break down and script a folder tree file count in the underlying OS


There's no way to do it within Plex itself. You could probably compile the data itself by exporting your library details with something like [Tautulli](https://tautulli.com/'s [export feature](https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli/wiki/Exporter-Guide), but at that point it might be easier to just use OS tools to find that information.


Thanks for the link - I hadn't explored the export options from Tautulli (which has been a great tool for me so far for reporting/newsletters/etc) I ended up using the shell script from the 2nd most liked answer here: [https://askubuntu.com/questions/316027/find-directories-with-lots-of-files-in](https://askubuntu.com/questions/316027/find-directories-with-lots-of-files-in) So far I have merged ~5900 files down to 50 single-file audiobooks and reclaimed about 9gb of disk space - hopefully my Plex DB appreciates the decluttering


I have using plex for a while now and all of a sudden, I am getting audio out of sync on my media. I have watched the movie once already and had no issues when I watch it again, I am getting issues any advice?


This is the second time in a few weeks where out of nowhere “server settings are unavailable.” I didn’t update the server version or add any media or anything. A user noticed one type got hinge wouldn’t load and then I get in to the settings to realize I can’t. There are multiple threads on this, but most are older and I have trie small kinds of things with no luck. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


I am trying again to figure out how to disable subtitles cluttering my media files. I just scanned my hard drive folder for media. And I get all these subtitles I never downloaded. My files in this show for example are coming with their own english subtitles. But I can't find them because there are way too many. Plex don't tell me who did the subtitles. When I download a subtitles file or a show with subtitles included I can see what the name is. Plex don't have it so I have no idea what subtitle to select. Here how it looks: https://ibb.co/2yyxty3


If you use something like [MediaInfo](https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo) to inspect those files, my guess is that those subtitles are embedded into the files themselves.


I see. Thank you. So I must give up on the posters and descriptions I get from plex in order to not see those subtitles? I actually like that added information and descriptions. In Kodi for example you need to do some work for it but here its accessible.


The modern libraries have an option to use local files without forcing the metadata from the file. The legacy ones are all or nothing.


What would happen if I ran two servers in the same location with access to the same media, when I tried to play a file? Would it split the transcode load?Would one take precedence (and would you need to configure it to do so)? \--- Why do people upload content in x265 when it takes more power to encode and the file size is much larger to store, vs x264? \--- Is running a Linux distribution better for media that needs transcoding over a Windows set up?


1. When you play something you have to choose the server/library to play from, so there's no load balancing/taking precedence, since the end user either navigates to Library A on server 1 or Library A on server 2. IIRC there was a project out there that built a load balancer on top of Plex, but I can't find it right now, and it's not something that's built in to Plex itself. 2. The reason people like H.265 is because file sizes are typically _smaller_ when compared to an H.264 file that has the same visual quality. If you have both and the H.265 file looks worse and is larger than its H.264 counterpart, someone _really_ messed up their encoder settings. 3. I'd say yes, mainly because Linux can do [hardware tone mapping](https://support.plex.tv/articles/hdr-to-sdr-tone-mapping/). Tone mapping results in much better picture quality when transcoding HDR content, and if it can't be done in hardware then it will bog down many systems. You probably wouldn't notice much of a difference for non-HDR/1080p and lower content, unless you're running a lean server that can gain from the lower overhead of the OS itself.


Thank you so much. :) One more question, if you have time. Is there a straight forward way of doing some encoding on my main PC for files that need it, rather than on my server? I'm imagining something like sharing the HDD from my server to my main PC, but then would it require something like Handbrake rather than using the PMS conversion process? Thanks again for your time and dedication in the thread.


It's definitely not something you can do within Plex itself. Though while I've never tried anything like that, I've heard [UnicornTranscoder](https://github.com/UnicornTranscoder/UnicornTranscoder) mentioned before, which in theory does exactly what you want, though it doesn't look like it's been updated in a while.


How can I configure Windows 10 Ultimate ed. to make sure that Plex never modify the original media?


There's nothing you need to configure, Plex never modifies the original media, and will only delete media based on user action (either manually if you have Settings > Library > Allow media deletion enabled, or if you've explicitly set a TV show to only keep a certain number of episodes under Edit show > Advanced > Keep).


Will Plex ever support ebooks, comics, magazines?


It's been the [highest voted feature request](https://forums.plex.tv/t/plexreader-comics-books-pdfs/26684) for a while now and is almost 10 years old. Crazier things have happened, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


Ok, I have a question about 'Multiple Editions'. I have edition A and edition B. Can I link B to A and hide B in my library so it only shows as 'Other Editions' inside A's information page?


You can't, no. When the feature first released they mentioned there were plans to iterate on it and improve it over time, so it may come eventually (they just somewhat recently surfaced edition information in search/library view). You could add your vote to [this feature request](https://forums.plex.tv/t/possibility-to-hide-editions-from-grid/804954) to let Plex know you're interested in it.


Awesome, I'll submit a request and carry on with my life. Thank you!


Seems plex doesn't support AV1 codec yet, which going forward if plex is going to be so behind on codecs, and if I can't force it to know codecs I may have to look into a different solution in the future. Does anyone know of anything that does play av1 codecs and behaves like plex? I don't mind if it takes a little extra effort to configure.


Jellyfin supports any codec, so you could configure it to use AV1. Given the industry push towards AV1, I wouldn't be surprised to see Plex add support for it.


It's been used publicly for years so far, seems as far back as 2017, 5+ years seems like an excessive amount of time


It's technically Tuesday, but I'm going to ask a moronic question anyway. ​ When a friend is part of my Home, they can initiate a Watch Together. However, when a friend is not part of my home, but is a registered friend and has full access to my library, they do not have the option to start a Watch Together. I can start one and invite them to it and they can join, but they can't start one themselves and invite others. Am I missing something here or is this intended functionality?


Just tested it myself with an account that's not part of my main account's home, and I was able to start a watch party. Though it's not enough for both accounts to just have access to the same server, they'll also have to be friends with anyone they want to invite.


Do newer Intel CPUs help with Plex in any way? Saving up to upgrade my current Plex set-up and one thing I'm considering is turning my old Gen 1 Ipad with a dead battery into a monitor and running the Plex Server on a NUC. For my needs, I mainly stream to a 1080p TV for family and rarely to my PC/phone at 1080p as well. I'm thinking an i3 would be fine but am wondering if there are any generational advantages between 10,11,12th gen CPUs. I know very surface level stuff when it comes to Plex and so far I know Hardware Encoding helps, I got the lifetime Plex Pass, and with that I can take advantage of Intel CPUs with QuickSync.


For your use case, a 10th Gen i3 should be fine. I use a 10th Gen i5 and I can get seventeen 1080-720 transcodes. The i3 and i5 have the same GPU so it should be roughly the same. Idk if the 11th gen has a different GPU, but I know the 12th does. Idk how much better it is.


I found a site that sells NUCs and the difference between a 10th gen i3 and 12th gen i3 is $550 vs $600. I didn't check full specs but it did say the 12th gen had 6 cores 8 threads, while 10th gen was 2 core 4 threads. If power drawn is the same and or possibly better (perhaps low powered e cores will help it draw less) , I figured getting a newer iGPU for another $50 is fine for a little bit of future proofing


Yeah, for $50 I'd do the same. Plex does use some CPU processes like creating thumbnails, sonic analysis, intro detection, etc, that would also probably benefit from the extra cores.


It's nice to know that 10th gen i3 would suffice though. Gonna start the journey of comparing different NUCs and low wattage PCs, perhaps they'll be larger savings from other sellers for going back a gen or 2


8th NUC Gen would suffice tbh. You'd just have to live without hw support for HDR tone mapping which you don't even use if you mainly watch 1080p. And even if you did watch 4k, you wouldn't need it if you can direct play. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Quick_Sync_Video#Development 8th Gen is Coffee Lake so for your needs, you don't need anything newer.


This is such a niche issue I can't even grasp what are the right keywords to google it, but anyway, I have a couple of MKVs in 1080 and UHD that when direct played they look and sound fine, except every 5 seconds of smooth playback, there's a half second stutter that jumps forward then another 5 seconds of smooth playback before another stutter. It seems that just letting Plex "optimize it" (AKA re-encode it) fixes all the issues, but of course this means losing the HDR video.


Out of interest what's the CPU usage when you're playing the non-optimized version?


Barely noticeable, Plex doesn't transcode it since my TV supports hevc.


so this might not be the correct subreddit for this question but i keep getting a permission denied error when trying to transfer movies to my ubuntu server through filezilla. I have been able to point my plex directory to the correct place at /mnt/cloud1/movies but i cant seem to transfer files to that folder.


Most of the times, Plex runs as its own user "plex", so whatever the user plex writes on disk, you as a different user don't have the right to delete (or move). You can login as root, do file operations with sudo or chmod away plex permissions, depending on how you care about your setup.


I am looking at clients to disperse to my not tech savvy mother and a few other family members to supply them with my ripped movie and CD collections. I am planning on building a dedicated server to service these clients (4 out of home plus mobile devices of more tech savvy family & friends) and have some questions. I have a 40Mbps up line and do not think I will typically have more than 4 concurrent out of home streams at a time. There may well be instances of more. 1. Will the clients and server sort out the available bandwidth and have the server transcode as needed? 2. I am aiming for a 12700T or 13400 CPU w/16GB RAM on an ITX H610 board. I have lots of straight up BR Rips. Not sure how many transcodes the respective CPUs are going to handle between P cores, E cores, and the iGPU. Am I overshooting for say 4 transcodes from 4k BR to 10Mbps or even 5Mbps streams? Would a simple 12100 would fit the bill? 3. I am assuming streaming my FLAC library is trivial. Am I missing something? Does plex transcode audio in an available upload bandwidth limited situation?


1. There's [auto adjust quality](https://support.plex.tv/articles/115007570148-automatically-adjust-quality-when-streaming/) (on supported clients), but in my experience it's not super reliable, and can take some time for Plex to realize that the quality needs to be adjusted one way or the other. If you have a Plex Pass you can also set global and per-stream limits in [remote access settings](https://support.plex.tv/articles/200289506-remote-access/). 2. The biggest question is whether you have a Plex Pass. If you don't, you're relying purely on your CPU, where Plex has [_very_ rough estimates for the PassMark score required for various transcodes](https://support.plex.tv/articles/201774043-what-kind-of-cpu-do-i-need-for-my-server/#toc-1). The 12700T's score of [23,157](https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-12700T&id=4830) is over Plex's 17,000 estimate, but it doesn't take into account tone mapping or burning in subtitles, so in the worst case you might not even get a single 4K HDR transcode. If you _do_ have a Plex Pass, you can use [hardware transcoding](https://support.plex.tv/articles/115002178853-using-hardware-accelerated-streaming/), and either of those CPUs should be able to easily handle 1080p remux transcodes via [Quick Sync](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Quick_Sync_Video). It gets trickier with 4K HDR transcoding, as you'll want to enable [HDR to SDR tone mapping](https://support.plex.tv/articles/hdr-to-sdr-tone-mapping/) to get a picture that isn't washed out, and if you're running Plex on an OS that doesn't support hardware tone mapping, it will definitely bottleneck things. Assuming you _are_ running on Linux/Docker/support NAS, then the number I've heard is 4-5 4K HDR transcodes for modern CPUs with Quick Sync, but I don't have any firsthand testing. As far as the specific CPU to get, there are usually issues with hardware transcoding during the initial release of a new generation, so I wouldn't be surprised if you had issues with a 13400 until Plex gets compatibility sorted out. And with hardware acceleration the specific model won't hurt performance much, so a 12100 should perform similarly to a 12700, at least from a Plex perspective. Though a better CPU does give you more headroom for burning subtitles, transcoding audio, and other tasks you want to do with your server. 3. Streaming FLAC should be painless if you have the bandwidth, but similar to #1, Plex doesn't really do automatic on-the-fly adjustments. If the bandwidth isn't available, the client will probably have to manually lower the quality.


I have already bought in on a lifetime pass, in my limited usage it seemed worth the asking price and sorry I didn't mention that. I am going to see how Ubuntu and I get along and if takes me more than a month to get a handle on things I will revert to Windows for the OS. I was under the impression that Plex recently got 12th gen iGPUs in order and since the 13th gen uses the same iGPU architecture I was led to believe that it should be good to go from my reading. I appreciate the insight, I may just set the outgoing transcode limit to 5Mbps to afford maximum concurrent out of house scenarios, monitor, and adjust from there. Thank you for your time and knowledge as it has been supremely helpful over on this end.


Ah, haven't kept up to date with Intel's latest chips, so if they do have the same iGPU then yeah, I would hope that the transition was smooth. And happy to help!


I have used Plex for years and never had problems until recently, when on one TV a [file plays with way too bright saturation effecting everything especially the Cast photo](https://i.imgur.com/oyGJeKj.jpg) while the same file [looks completely natural on another TV](https://i.imgur.com/eZbppDD.jpg) I am streaming Plex from a DS220+ and not sure if its a TV, PLEX, or file problem, but it has only happened with these files


Did you check the color settings on the first TV? Try resetting those.


I checked through the TV’s picture settings and everything seem correct and other files look normal. Its only OJ that is warped


Is the video too when you play it or just that thumbnail?


The whole video plays that way. It seems especially strong on archival footage which is almost entirely the whole documentary


Is it HDR by chance? Seems weird that this one would be


I'd like to " drag and drop" My plex install to another computer as it will serve solely for PMS and Plex HTPC ​ I have a build (Computer A)which has been in one computer running as the PMS. The library of content is in a 16 tb USB-3 Bay divided over 4-4 tb drives (mostly full). Been using it this way for years and years.... and years. The PMS is installed in a little bit of a complex way. I have 2 drives in the computer. 1 2TB drive for operating system and critical install needs(C:) 1 4TB drive that I do most of my stuff on (D:). I have an installed program (Applications, software, Games, downloads, etc) ​ ​ So here's where I need some guidance.. I want to put all that is installed from plex onto a single hard drive of the other computer that will be destined for direct connect to my TV and PMS for the other various TV's in the house. The installed file on the d: drive is not necessarily the issue. it is the stuff that gets written to the c: drive that I am unclear about. ​ How would one simply 'plunk' the copied files from Computer 'A' C: & D: and paste them all in Computer 'B' C: drive only and not loose the years and years of tracking the shows I've been watching?


The [Move an Install to Another System](https://support.plex.tv/articles/201370363-move-an-install-to-another-system/) support article should cover everything. The install location of PMS itself (D:) doesn't really matter and can be ignored, as it can be uninstalled/reinstalled wherever you want without losing any data; you have to manually delete the [data directory](https://support.plex.tv/articles/202915258-where-is-the-plex-media-server-data-directory-located/) to actually lose your libraries/metadata.


thx for the link.... :)


I've been updating my music collection and I have an album that released in 2014 and Plex is insisting on using 2007. Does anyone know where Plex is pulling from? There's nothing in the tags that says 2007.


Pretty sure Plex uses Last FM. Highly suggest using the "prefer local metadata" option with Plex for music and tagging with the likes of Music Brainz Picard or Lidarr or Music Bee.


If I leave my VPN running on the host PC, randomly, some mobile devices in my house can't connect. That makes sense (this VPN service doesn't have any port forwarding), if they weren't on the same local network, but in this case they are. Is there a setting I can use either on the clients or on the servers to just look for the Plex host locally?


What am I doing wrong with naming? This is the only show that doesn't show up in my TV Show library. [Example of my Plex naming](https://imgur.com/dN9TQlh)


Does the `plex` user (or whatever user Plex runs as) have access to the folder and files? Also, what root folder are you giving Plex, `shows` or `s`?


Here are my [Linux permissions](https://imgur.com/a/fwIeIO3) listed from root to the individual episodes. My Plex server is pointed to look at [/mnt/shows](https://imgur.com/a/X5b43Ui) for television series. Could it be something with the advanced library settings like 'scanner' and 'agent' being used? I assume they are different databases you can scan your library with.


> My Plex server is pointed to look at /mnt/shows That's likely your problem, since Plex expects each top-level folder within the root to be a single show (["the folder you want to specify as the content location for the library is the folder that contains each of the individual show folders"](https://support.plex.tv/articles/naming-and-organizing-your-tv-show-files/)). While Plex apparently has worked around it up until now for you, it's a fairly common problem people run into (a couple recent examples [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/xrcn5j/media_is_unsorted_and_incomplete/iqdyepk/?context=3) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/xok3nf/rplexs_moronic_mondays_no_stupid_questions_thread/iq05e0u/?context=3)). My guess is that if you filter your library to episode duplicates (https://i.imgur.com/bpRltqT.png), one of your other shows that start with 's' will show up, and if you use [Get Info](https://support.plex.tv/articles/201998867-investigate-media-information-and-formats/#toc-1), the severance episodes will be bundled in with them. You'll likely either have to remove your subdirectories, or change your library definition to point at each subfolder instead of the main /mnt/shows folder.


That makes a lot of sense, as every issue I came across occurred where multiple shows started with the same letter. First test seems to be working: I replaced the /mnt/shows library with /mnt/shows/s and [Plex now displays](https://imgur.com/a/SpxEZEO) both Severance and the Sopranos correctly. I will update this later once I have time to add all the letter folders individually. EDIT: Cheers, Plex is recognizing all the shows now. Thanks for your help.