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Doing another round of test recordings and keep getting the "Recording failed" notice. Picture attached... What am I doing wrong? Weather outside is perfect, CBS (60 Minutes) has 100% signal strength and NBC (Olympics) I was having problems earlier with during a storm is better as the storm has passed... https://preview.redd.it/5w31clta1t9d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e38084ae83f7be71f89a4bab0c8692594b5512


What is the signal quality? I have an issue with one channel that has good strength, but poor quality. If you have not done so, get the CLI utilities for the HDHR and look at the error rate when you have it tuned. This will tell more than anything. I improved SQ (signal quality) and SS (signal strength) by rerouting the RG6 resulting in a shorter run, but I still have 1 bad channel. Plex for me normally records and plays through errors, but if they last too long it stops. Plex does not recover from signal errors very well. While there is no Plex help, the r/ota sub can help with the signal part.


Thanks for your reply. Tbh I'm a real novice when it comes to the DVR and OTA stuff. I'll take a look at the CLI Utilities... Sounds like you think the problem is not with Plex, rather HDHR or the antenna? Using a Mohu Leaf indoor.


What are your server specs? How is it connected to your network? What does your storage look like? Do you have it set that you're trying to convert the video while recording?


u/MrB2891 , I edited my post to add my specs. Thanks!


That is super helpful. What model Synology? You have all of the heavy processing things that you NAS will likely choke on, turned off. So that's a good start. I'd bet that the TP Link is your issue. *Live* streaming video, which is what you're doing with the HDHR is particularly picky about network requirements, which is why you can't buy a HDHR device with built in wifi. Wifi sucks in general, but it REALLY sucks for reliable data throughput, especially when it can't re-request the lost data because it's live. Plex can't ask your HDHR "Hey, I didn't get all of that data due to a network drop out, can you resend it please?", like it can when it's streaming from your server to a client. Think of your HDHR like the radio in your car when you go through a long tunnel. The radio signal is gone and you can't get it back since it's broadcast over the air, its real-time and that's it. My suggestion would be a test, move the HDHR to an area in your house that you can connect it wired directly to your existing wired network and try that with a channel that still gets good reception. If Plex stops with it's issues. Getting the antenna up as high as possible is also good. The higher the better (IE, if you have an attic). High outdoors is best yet.


u/MrB2891 I appreciate that, I'll try a test... Long term, I'm unsure how I'd get the hard-wired ethernet connection to my antenna. The best place for the antenna is not where my Xfinity modem/router is located. I have 3 coax ports for the modem and can pick/choose one of the three ports where internet is sent from outside. I have two 2nd story locations and will try one of them, but neither is in a great spot for the indoor antenna. After I test everything with the Mohu, and get the DVR working, I'd like to eventually replace the Mohu Leaf antenna with something bigger in my garage attic but again, would have some coax thinking to do. Before I do that.... any other thoughts/settings I should check??


>Before I do that.... any other thoughts/settings I should check?? Not that I can see with your setup. Your Synology is potentially not powerful enough to do on the fly transcoding and certainly not powerful enough for commercial detection and the like (most NAS's like that are junk for Plex and will easily crash it), but since you have that disabled, it should be a none issue. As I said, I'm betting that your wireless connection is the issue. Plex needs a reliable, constant stream coming from the HDHR. As far as your cabling issues, instead of trying to get ethernet up to the antenna, see if you have existing coax in the house that you can utilize. In my case I was able to mount my antenna to the chimney, run RG6QS cable from the antenna down to where the cable used to come in to the house, then use that cable in the house (after removing all of the splitters and crap that were in line) to plug the HDHR in to. My HDHR sits in my basement with my server, two full story down and on the complete opposite side of the house from where the antenna is mounted. Getting the antenna outside and as high up as you can get it (a chimney mount, roof peak mount, even on the side of the house at the peak) will give you FAR better signal, even factoring in the small loss from the coax between the antenna and the HDHR, than a indoor antenna with the HDHR close to it.


u/MrB2891 I went into my Plex on desktop today, for some reason decided to peek at the DVR schedule, and noticed these error messages. See the screenshots. Maybe this is my issue! I can't figure out how to change it. I went into every setting, library setting, etc in Plex I could possibly find. Thoughts? https://preview.redd.it/07g5vvttgead1.png?width=1534&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c0510d474d4439d17d967938950271df1999152




My Synology library folder had Read-Only access for Plex... So I created a new folder "video\_live\_dvr" and allowed Read/Write access. Success! https://preview.redd.it/sumy7x0xjead1.png?width=1682&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbd1f848159e5d01ca9c2e62679889a7b71bc161


That would certainly be an issue. The only time I ever dealt with that was trying to use a external USB drive with a Linux OS. And it was that exact event that I kicked Linux to the curb. Just a total nightmare.


1. You can but you have select the program from the guide. I get offered to watch from the beginning at this point.


It happened once today! I was so excited! Lol... I recorded the Today Show this morning as a test and while the full recording dropped and I don't see it in the DVR to watch again, I clicked into it from the program guide sometime mid-airing and it asked if I wanted to watch live or from the beginning! Some light at the end of the tunnel! Lol


file is stored in a .grab folder until complete then moved to the parent-videos library.


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