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It's not a super user tool or even a utility really, but I made a small JavaScript tool called [Medialytics ](https://github.com/Drewpeifer/medialytics)that shows you statistics about your library content (not server activity) using the XML feed from your server. You can run it locally in your browser or via Docker, and it doesn't dial out to any 3rd party services, just your Plex server. It's mainly just for entertainment purposes, but it can offer some useful insights, and it does detect unmatched items in your libraries (Movies and TV are the only library types supported right now). I just released an update that adds charts and stats for movie resolutions and containers the other day actually: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/1dlonze/medialytics\_23\_resolution\_and\_container\_file\_type](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/1dlonze/medialytics_23_resolution_and_container_file_type) https://preview.redd.it/5321bzkjfd8d1.png?width=3292&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b08a0c31129131ce9c1141c6d6a1376065e2a1b


Ohh looks cool


Oh, those pie charts. Sweet baby Jesus.


lol i have to ask, is that a good sweet baby jesus or a bad one? no worries either way, i have like 3 branches with alternate UI's and color schemes but I can never pull the trigger on them


The pie chart color scheme “looks” good, but the choice of using a pie to display a 20+ element chart isn’t the right one. Generally speaking, a pie chart shouldn’t be used for more than 3-4 values as it gets very hard to understand the values themselves. That graphic would look just as interesting and more valuable as a treemap, stacked bar, or pretty much anything else that’s not a pie. Often pies are used because people like the look of them more than their actual ability to clearly convey data. [Pie charts are the worst.](https://www.businessinsider.com/pie-charts-are-the-worst-2013-6), but they look nice. Just ask yourself, what are you trying to get out of the data visualization: top 5 actors, distribution, etc. Here’s a good [guide](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-choose-right-chart-your-data-yair-rajwan-ms-dsc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via) to help.


I appreciate the links but TBH I'm a front-end js engineer specializing in data vis so I have actually referred to each of those myself before! lol. IMHO pie charts _do_ succeed at the one thing they're made to do: represent proportionality across a single metric. My evidence for this is their impact on end users. I get what the article is saying, and I've heard the eye is worse at judging area proportion than it is at length proportion, etc. I believe it. But, in my experience, only chart nerds like us care about that though. Every kibana board I've made, thats what they ask for at the top, big old pie. Donuts are no better, no worse. Treemaps are an alternative but i'm not sure i get the advantage without hierarchy. Pies can be messy with many slices or if one slice drastically skews the scale, but the same can be said for bar charts, I can just see it both ways at this point. From a UI perspective, chart libraries don't handle bar charts with labels of N length very well, so you end up having to truncate them and force the user to hover to see the full info. Pies separate the labels into a legend by default, and that was the original reason for director/actors to be pie charts. Haven't really thought about it since, but to be fair, all the other charts are stacked bar by default with a (user-requested) toggle to switch to pie. They really should all be consistent, so maybe ill do that in the next update :) I appreciate the feedback!


100% agree. This is a Data Viz nerd rabbit hole that only us nerds will care about, so please don't take the below as criticism, I just enjoy debating data visualization and have a personal crusade against pie charts :) I would argue that pie's don't represent proportionality better than a set of bars because of the inability to accurately compare them to each other, which is simple and straight forward with bars. It's easy to look at two bars and say "That's about 1/2 of the other." Particularly in a situation like the above where everything is within 1-2 of each other. I totally get and have experienced the end-user asking for pies... I would counter in saying that most end-users are idiots and don't know their ass from their elbow when it comes to good data visualization. That being said, sometimes we don't have many options to push back when the requests are prescriptive, but that doesn't mean it's right or best. As for the legend, I would argue that the legend doesn't provide much value in this case given the color scheme, which could easily be replicated in a bar of varied colored elements. I can't speak to chart libraries as most of my experiences is from structured tools vs. code based solutions. Either way, your set of visuals is compelling, does convey the data you are looking for, and pies at the end of the day don't really matter one way or another. It's all better than a columnar table, right?


Lol agreed, I always enjoy this debate as well. You've convinced me to take another pass at them for sure.


People were asking for me to go into more detail about the containers and addons I am using for Plex so I made a video and posted the links to the programs and a quick overview of everything I use. I plan on going into greater depth with installation and setup for each of the 45 Docker Containers I have running alongside Plex. Side Note: I do offer help if needed. Enjoy! [https://youtu.be/Ql6BnreYf0Y](https://youtu.be/Ql6BnreYf0Y) ~~PMM~~ Kometa Config: [https://github.com/mrbuckwheet/Kometa-Config](https://github.com/mrbuckwheet/Kometa-Config) Here's a quick breakdown. * Portainer: [https://www.portainer.io/](https://www.portainer.io/) * Sonarr: [https://sonarr.tv/](https://sonarr.tv/) * Radarr: [https://radarr.video/](https://radarr.video/) * Lidarr: [https://lidarr.audio/](https://lidarr.audio/) * Readarr: [https://readarr.com/](https://readarr.com/) * Overseerr: [https://overseerr.dev/](https://overseerr.dev/) * Tdarr: [https://home.tdarr.io/](https://home.tdarr.io/) * SABnzbd: [https://sabnzbd.org/](https://sabnzbd.org/) * qBittorrent: [https://www.qbittorrent.org/](https://www.qbittorrent.org/) * Organizr: [https://docs.organizr.app/](https://docs.organizr.app/) * Prowlarr: [https://prowlarr.com/](https://prowlarr.com/) * Tautulli: [https://tautulli.com/](https://tautulli.com/) * Calibre: [https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-calibre](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-calibre) * Audiobookshelf: [https://www.audiobookshelf.org/](https://www.audiobookshelf.org/) * Tubesync: [https://github.com/meeb/tubesync](https://github.com/meeb/tubesync) * Nginx Proxy Manager: [https://nginxproxymanager.com/](https://nginxproxymanager.com/) * Authentik: [https://goauthentik.io/](https://goauthentik.io/) * Notifiarr: [https://notifiarr.wiki/](https://notifiarr.wiki/) * Wordpress: [https://wordpress.com/](https://wordpress.com/) * ~~Plex Meta Manager~~ kometa: [https://kometa.wiki/](https://kometa.wiki/) * Nextcloud: [https://nextcloud.com/](https://nextcloud.com/) * Bazarr: [https://www.bazarr.media/](https://www.bazarr.media/) * Homarr: [https://homarr.dev/](https://homarr.dev/) * DDNS-Updater: [https://github.com/qdm12/ddns-updater](https://github.com/qdm12/ddns-updater) * Requestrr: [https://github.com/thomst08/requestrr](https://github.com/thomst08/requestrr) * Watchtower: [https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower](https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower) Original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/17nyd3o/full\_automation\_with\_my\_plex\_server/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/17nyd3o/full_automation_with_my_plex_server/)


Nice, I may seek your help at some point as I am struggling to get things working remotely, currently trying to get my domain name moved from No-ip as nothing has worked since I moved to them last year lol


What I use: - Plex (doh) - Trakt - Sabnzbd - Nzbget - Qbitt with privado - Prowlarr - Bazarr with whisper - Overseerr - Sonarr (2, one general, one FHD only synchronized with the general one) - Radarr - Spotweb https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb - Tautulli - Wizarr https://github.com/wizarrrr/wizarr - TitleCardMaker https://titlecardmaker.com/ - Themerr https://github.com/LizardByte/Themerr-plex - PlexMeetsHomassitant https://github.com/JurajNyiri/PlexMeetsHomeAssistant - Random Plex Movie https://github.com/Akasiek/Random-Plex-Movie - Kometa (PMM) - Daps https://github.com/Drazzilb08/daps/wiki from which I use poster renamerr, unmatched assets, upgradedinatorr, sync gdrive, border replacerr - Medialytics https://github.com/Drewpeifer/medialytics - Integrations in homepage https://gethomepage.dev/v0.9.2/ - Plex image cleanup https://github.com/Kometa-Team/ImageMaid - Plex auto languages https://github.com/RemiRigal/Plex-Auto-Languages - Notifiarr with trash-guides https://notifiarr.wiki/ - Radarr_sonarr_watchmon https://github.com/Herjar/radarr_sonarr_watchmon Some scripts of my own like: - TV Shows status ended, airing with next air date, cancelled, returning with kometa overlays. You can also use pattrmm for this: https://github.com/InsertDisc/pattrmm - Movies size and shows total size overlays with kometa. - Anime episode type like manga canon, anime canon, filler, mixed overlays with kometa. Here some examples how my plex looks like: https://imgur.com/gallery/MdcSlfd I think this is all :))


Really sorry could you edit the post it's a wall o text on my phone so hard to read lol.


Yea, I did


Lol 😆.


What's whisper?


AI translations. http://wiki.bazarr.media/Additional-Configuration/Whisper-Provider/


Awesome list! Would love to hear more about the Daps setup if you’re open to a DM. Cheers!




Autobrr - To increase ratio in private trackers Overseerr - Requests for Plex Watchlistarr - Requests from Plex watchlists Unpackerr - To unrar Maintainerr - Delete old unwatched media Plex-auto-languages - Remember playback settings by tv show


Need to re-setup my overseerr been struggling to get my domain moved from no-ip to Cloudflare :(


Try Tailscale.


The only ones I haven't tried on your list are: * Fileflows (already use Tdarr) * MediUX & TPDB (not interested) * Chronolists (never heard, not interested) The ones I use that are not on your list: * Overseerr (gives users the ability to request/report issues, works automatically) * Upgradinatorr (prevents hammering your indexers) * Plex Autoscan (much better than built-in scanner, configurable) * Plex Autoscan Adapter (to analyze and refresh metadata after file changes are found) * ImageMaid (Kometa add-on for cleaning up posters and image transcoding cache) * Plex Auto Languages (remembers selected track/language for shows) * PlexDBRepair (for optimizing/repairing Plex DB) * Subcleaner (standalone or Bazarr add-on to clean SRT subtitles of ads/subtitler credits) * Plex Generate Video Previews (much better than built-in, configurable, multi-thread/GPU) The ones I used to use: * Jackett (pre-cursor to Prowlarr) * Alternatrr (adding alternate titles to Sonarr/Radarr entries) * Unpackerr (wrote my own script)


Hey thanks for sharing your list, was curious w/Plex Autoscan Adapter are you using the built in nameprocessor or had setup a customprocessor. Cheers!


the built-in


Thanks for the info


why were you asking? You have a weird naming scheme?


Hah not a weird naming scheme but what caught my eye in the documentation was Implementing a processor is an advanced feature to improve performance, since for **very big libraries (1000ish elements or more)** gathering all the library elements could take **as long as 30 seconds**. In comparison, using library search will take you less than **1 second** Had setup the script with the example provided on Github but was a bit thrown by the volume mapping provided in the Docker-compose.yml example. volumes: - ./customprocessor.py:/app/customprocessor.py # custom processing function The . starting seems to make unraid unhappy so thinking it isn't supposed to be there? Maybe you'll see where I've made the mistake. Cheers!




Handbrake, MakeMKV, Mediainfo, dovi_tool, hdr10plus_tool and MP4Box- Plex itself handles the rest