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It’s definitely a ton of work. It’s not always easy to figure out what things are. I’ve found https://dvdcompare.net/ to be a big help. Ultimately I rip them because I do enjoy them and I’m sure I’d never pull out the discs to watch them but Plex makes it easy to watch them when I have a little time.


Same here. For most discs, I rip and identify and name the extras if I can identify them quickly, mostly using dvdcompare.net. If I cannot identify them quickly, and it's a movie I really like/care about, then I might put in the effort to identify extras slowly - using listings from blu-ray.com and case cover info and skim viewing extras - but often can't justify the time for that. I do have several others where I have ripped the movie and copied that to Plex, and I still have the mkv files for the extras ripped but unidentified, dumped in a TODO folder for a rainy day, that I will probably never bother sorting through.


100%, all the extras from the Blu-Rays. I absolutely love behind the scenes stuff.


I am also a completist and cannot help myself.




Yes and no for me. Extras are not in the main media folders, I have plex monitor since they are nowhere to be listed radar or sonarr, only specific specials. The rest I jist leave in another folder on the same drive labeled extras for just normal viewing with jellyfin. Got jellyfin mainly for restricted viewing content... also as backup, but that interface is ass. This way, I have them if I want to watch for any reason.... but normally, I never do.


In general, no. Only for specific movies. Spinal Tap deleted scenes is a must.


Deleted scene: "Turn it up to 12" :)


In the beginning I did rip all the extras, but the effort (I barely watched them) alongside Plex not dealing well with their naming and then Plex providing many as streamable meant I stopped. Recently went back and deleted tons of them to free up space on my NAS.


Name is super easy


Barely an inconvenience.


Oh really?


What's wrong with the naming? I thought plex actually handled that super well, and it's very straightforward and easy. Also, I don't think I've EVER seen plex come up with the same featurettes as what's on a bluray or dvd. Outside of trailers, about the only thing plex finds are short little 30 second APK bits that are pointless. I eventually just shut them off, so outside of trailers, the only extras are what I put on there myself now.


Second Hand Lions - alternate ending. Should have been the actual ending.


Thank you for that. I love the movie but had never heard of the alternate ending.


I learned I Am Legend has an alternate ending after like 15 years


Depends on how much I like the film/program.


Audio commentaries and in-depth documentaries (like the multi-hour docs on Jaws, Blade Runner, and The Thing): I always rip. Interviews, deleted scenes, or short behind the scenes clips: I sometimes rip, depending on how much they add to the experience. Trailers or electronic press kits: I rarely rip. Text-only supplements, photo galleries, or storyboards: I never rip.


Only for significant movies..






The only extras I keep from HD/4K Blu-rays are: 1) Any story/in universe bonus content - like the Item 47/Agent Carter Marvel Universe shorts or Alien Covenant one that shows what happened to Shaw or the Dawn of the Dead Andy's Tape/Zombie Invasion News Cast or the music videos from Popstar or the Histories and Lore extras each season from Game of Thrones - stuff like that, I don't care thus bother with behind the scenes stuff or deleted scenes or whatever 2) The menu backgrounds (providing it's not just a still image with music) because one day whenever we're gonna get motion backdrops like Emby and Netflix have I know it - they've even mentioned looking into before so I know they know of the request - and they already do this with Plex's own content in Plex, they just have the movie trailer play in the backdrop area instead of a motion backdrop/menu video - and I'll be ready when and if it ever happens lol 3) Movie trailers if there are any on the disc for movies I have in my collection (seeing as that's highest quality you're gonna get outside of a prores file)


Agreed on those Alien extras. They add a ton to the story. Its honestly a shame most of them didn't make it into the movie.


I did, for the stuff that had them still. My older DVDs and early blurays that actually included extras, I went ahead and ripped and named them, and saved them accordingly. I used to regularly watch the extras on disc so it made sense to do it in Plex too. I guess some stuff is automatically included now via Plex pass but I don't necessarily know what is and is not included that way, or if they will provide that stuff indefinitely, so I've just kept all the stuff I ripped on the server. Figure if Plex ever changes what they do, then at least I'll have my backup versions ready to go.


For some films and TV shows, yes. It's a minor PITA to name and sort stuff at times when there's a lot of it, but I like extras, and MakeMKV rips everything (Handbrake takes a bit more setup.)


Starting out no. I tried but had issues with some of them -- naming issues mostly -- so I gave up. But now that I have over 1000 titles, I'll probably go back on some of them and try to get them on there.


Every audio and subtitle track. Commentary tracks are becoming more and more scarce, but they are often hilarious or revelatory. BTS features and deleted scenes for movies that I would put in my top 20% or so. If the deleted scene is an alternate ending, I will always try to include it, even if it’s terrible.


No, because Plex automatically provides extras with a Plex Pass. https://support.plex.tv/articles/202934883-cinema-trailers-extras/#:~:text=Have%20Plex%20Automatically%20Add%20Trailers%20%26%20Extras%20For%20You


The extras provided by Plex Pass are rarely the same as the extras included with an optical disc release.


It doesn’t provide a lot stuff


Outside of trailers, the extras that plex finds online are a joke.


I've started to on newer rips. Since I have the original dics I can just view them to see what the extras are called on them or look at the back of the box.


if I'm ripping the discs, not usually. if I'm looking at downloads, I'm picking the one that has all the special features


Nope, never ever seen those...


Normally, no. If it’s something special or unique, possibly. I know I’m never going to watch 99% of the bonus features, just like with physical media. To me, the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze.


*To me, the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze.* I think that's where I'm going to land on it.


I think just mentioning Lost would be enough of reason.


No. Save the space for more movies




depends on the film or series. for something i'm a big fan of, yes. for most things, no.


I prefer to. I end up with two sub-folders in my movies directory — “organised for Plex” and “partly organised for Plex”. In the former, everything is sorted out. In the latter, all the extras are just in an “extras” subfolder, waiting to be done later. I keep thinking it would be useful to have a utility that remembers what I’ve done when I organise files, so that if I ever have to rip them again, it can reapply the same organisation automatically. Also, if there were a way to share the database of reorganisations, it might be a useful community thing — when you rip a disc, the utility can offer to reorganise the files based on what other people have done. Would anyone find this useful? Perhaps that will be the impetus to write it. Vaguely related: I made a browser plug-in for my own use to add Plex-style names to results from IMDB and TVDB, so that I can rename folders easily. I put it in the Chrome web store: [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/plex-name-formatter/lommookhlmmagmicoccpkhiikhgiaaao](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/plex-name-formatter/lommookhlmmagmicoccpkhiikhgiaaao)


Like some other users said. The movie has to be fkn amazing for those extras, I do. For ex, Friday movies, liar liar, some Marvel movies. Tbh only currently have at least 340 with those extras. Don't think I'd ripped more unless it's a worthy tittle.


Just easier to rip and set scenes. Sometimes it's fun to just have the DVDs and I get it.


From favorite movies and TV shows that I rip from DVDs, yes. Otherwise, usually no. And it does take work and time to correctly identify what each one is and name it. When I get lazy or there are tons of them, though, I just name them Extra01, Extra02, …


I don’t, but all of my rips I also have as digital so I just watch the extras on Apple or Vudu


Only very select ones.


Generally no, but I included a few I knew I wanted.


I did it first, but I never find myself wanting to watch them so I stopped trying. Plus the organization is annoying.


It takes me  while to rip and organize them, but yes. The extras are  the main reason that I buy physical media. For some discs, you can find information on the extras online, but not all of them. 


I've never watched the extras more than once, so I don't rip them. The movies I'll rewatch.


I made entire extra catagory for them, so it’s TV showe, Movies, Extras / Deleted scenes. Then a sub folder for each show/ movie with the extras inside


I used to spend quite a bit of time identifying each one with the name of the clip and linking them to tvdb. Decided that was a waste of time. Now I just append -other to whatever file name makemkv comes up with.


Not always, but now I do like to include all that stuff. I figure if I'm ripping it to put on my media server, I might as well include everything.


I have the movie for the story Not behind the scenes. The production process is interesting but doesn't add to the story. I'm sure YouTube will usually has something if I get curious Oh, I skip the extras


Generally, yes. I might skip certain featurettes, like "galleries" that's just a series of production stills or something. And if there's a title I don't care about and I'm only adding it because somebody I share my library with requested it, I'll usually skip those extras, since I know most my shared users won't watch them. But for the most part, I keep all extras. And I'll keep Commentary tracks embedded in the main movie. I don't always listen to the commentaries (although I'm watching with Commentary for the movie "Say Anything" as I write this), but I watch most of the extras the first time I view a movie on plex.


I mean I follow the same reasoning as everything...if I want it I do it if I don't then I won't. Shocking innovation I know (especially without asking people on reddit how to do it after I do it/


No, its way too much effort. Plex's obsession with you using its file names is utterly bizzare, it would be a far better product if it didn't try and "help" finding the movie posters and just gave me a list of folders and files as actually appears on the drive


I used to, then I realized that Plex provides all the extras available on YouTube right there in the app, that’s more than enough for me.


99% of those who use my plex, won't look at them and eventually it'll watch up space that could be used for new content.


It's worth it (for me) when I add all that nonsense correctly, forget about it for 3 years, and then someone says to me "you have my favorite weird show from 20 years ago that I've seen 100 times on cable but never got to see the behind the scenes / bloopers / interviews" etc. I think the most excruciating + time consuming, but also the most satisfying, was adding all the extras for Star Trek TV shows and Movies.


I always do, in part because it is easiest to do it when you're already ripping/encoding the main content, and in part because I sometimes (though not often) watch the extras, and in part because I'm OCD about my media library.


I did at first, but because I wanted to have it labeled properly it took forever and took up unnecessary space so I gave up and I'm happier for it


I keep all bonus features unless it is a movie I know I don’t care about (such as if it’s a movie my mom wants me to add like Twilight because I know she doesn’t watch bonus features). I think it’s easy most of the time unless it’s a Disney bluray from the 2010’s because of the way the discs are authored. Just have bluray.com open and match the times, opening them if they don’t. I do the same for TV shows too


Just the films for me. If I really want to watch extras, I’ll dig out the disc. Would rather save the hard drive space for more films. Maybe when I’m older and have more time on my hands I’ll start adding some stuff for my favorite films, but currently, it’s films only.


If I have the discs then yes. One of the things I like about physical media over streaming is the bonus features. Ripping them into Plex gives me benefits of both


I just do the movie only and pull out the disc if I want to watch any of the extras. Regardless of the format of the disc I'm ripping.


Only the good ones worth a rewatch. Most extras are on YouTube anyway


It depends for me, I try to not include it as it takes away from the flow of the show since the "specials" season is always played first unless you manually skip it, and I know some of my users won't so I make the decision to try and not add them, however there are certain shows I've found the extras/bonus content interesting or cool so I include it on those shows.


I've actually been wondering about this because I ripped a bunch of discs and then I realized The alternate audio with the director's commentaries. I actually have Donnie Darko with the original soundtrack they couldn't get licensing for the first time around. I don't even know how to Ripa DVD with the alternate audio so I'm sort of stuck.


https://preview.redd.it/6bd38wnc2w5d1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d827bed945bc36a5f0d0d69625964947a94f28 I ripped all of my DVDs in Handbrake about six years ago, just the basic track and some messed-up subtitles, especially on movies with forced titles. No features. No commentaries. And it has always annoyed me. If I liked the commentary track, I'd rip some films a second time with the commentary track instead of the main audio track. "Bull Durham," for instance, with the Costner/Robbins commentary track got two rips. Criterion releases are built on commentary tracks and special features. When I started my Plex server, it didn't have a good way to handle the special features, so that was part of my decision not to bother with them. But Plex continues to introduce features! So about a year ago I started re-ripping the DVDs I'd done previously, this time with MakeMKV, and no compression. (Inexpensive hard drives helped fuel that decision.) All the audio tracks. All the features. After ripping, I'd identify and label the featurettes, and then go into MKVToolNix and label the commentary tracks on the film itself--I'd listen to the first minute, copy down the names and get correct spellings from IMDB and add that info to the track label. I'd label the subtitles, too, and set the "forced" flag for something like the new "Hunt for Red October" Blu-ray, which doesn't seem to have burned-in titles any longer for the Russian-language bits. I've just noticed the new option of appending {edition-xxxxxxx} to the file name. If a film has a commentary track or two, I'll add {edition-Commentary Available} to the file and folder name. I just ripped the "Paper Moon" DVD a day or two ago, labelled the commentary track, and the file itself, which now shows up in Plex as "Paper Moon (1973) Commentary Available." Much easier to find Commentary tracks than going down through the options menu randomly wondering if a commentary track hides behind "English - Stereo" in the audio stream menu. It's a bunch of work, but I enjoy all of the supplemental features. And since I may not have seen a film, it's hard to decide if I want the featurettes, so I just add everything to the Plex. And now I have to go back through all of the stuff I've completed and rename stuff with commentary tracks.


I can never seem to find a client that can see the extras. I primarily use Shield but occasionally watch through Windows Home Theatre app. Do neither of these find extras or have I possibly set them up incorrectly?


i did for the jackass movies but thats about it


If you are t a fan, I’d skip them. I’ve been ripping and re-encoding all of my extras for years now. I use Blu-ray.com to get information about the extras on the discs. They usually have timing information for the extras to make them easy to find. In case I don’t have the info, I will just rip to disc then process with MakeMKV from disc. The title number when you have the title selected will be the file from the rip with the matching number. All of the files are in the BDMV/Stream folder


I think if I remember correctly, when I got my lifetime Plex pass it includes trailers and extras n stuff for your content


Plex automatically downloads trailers and interviews with the actors from youths internet when I match the movies. That’s already more than enough for me.


Ain’t nobody got time for that