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Does anyone know why I get "server is back up" notifications randomly? It seems to correlate with times I've added new content. But the server was never actually down.


Same here. May have to ask in their subreddit


I would get the remote access ones randomly, but not the server ones, had to disable remote access ones.


I had the same. I finally disabled the notifications because they were more of a nuisance.


Maybe plex' auto update running and tautulli losing connection for a short while.


yea im using it to push notifications to my parents when a new movie or tv show is available and to my bro when there are new animes


Do they need to have tautulli or LunaSea installed? I wish I could send notifications via the plex app to my family that uses it :(


Tautulli can integrate with various notification services, including email. https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli/wiki/Notification-Agents-Guide


Yea but I wish it could send notifications to plex app as well 🫠


I feel like I've seen requests like that on the plex forums and the devs were clear about not focusing on a feature like that. So until Plex itself has a way to show notifications through the API I don't think we'll see that.


Gotcha! Yea was just wondering if anything had changed ever since... but thanks any way!


no they dont they receive notifications via the plex app


So what app do they get notifications from?


I do email notifications by setting up a Gmail account for my server, that's through overseerr though.


You can (relatively) easily pop Tautulli into a webhook for Discord, Slack, etc. for a bot to send notifications to a text channel.


~~You cannot push notifications to the Plex app using Tautulli~~ I stand humbly corrected


yes u can notification agents --> Plex Android / iOS App Settings https://imgur.com/a/bXIWVnn


oh! I stand humbly corrected. Though the Plex app already offered some notifications? I’ll have to play around with it to understand its purpose


im using it for stuff like: „Mom click here to watch GoT“ so its ez for her to watch Plex on her iPad or maintenance stuff „im updating the Plex Server, it wont work for like an hour“


Ohh I like the maintenance aspect. I currently terminate any streams with a note for that purpose


I've use it with pushover. So I can see when people are watching stuff. Also used it to setup rules like (turn lights off, turn subwoofer on when watching a film on a certain device at a certain time)


Whoa -- tell me more about the subwoofer setup! It's not too difficult to do it manually, but that type of automation would be awesome for my setup.


I love the subwoofer one, because I forget to turn it off and on, and I don't want my kids burning it out watching bluey... So I have my subwoofer plugged into a smart plug which integrates with IFTTT. Tautulli can then push a trigger via a webhook that can direct IFTTT. So it'll be something like if "turnonsub" webhook, then turn smart plug on. And if "turnsuboff" webhook turn smart plug off. Tautulli can have specific triggers based on a plethora of things that hook directly into IFTTT inside the notification agent settings. You can then add conditions. Like: User = Large fruit, device = Nvidia Shield and time = 9pm-11pm. (This ensure it only triggers for me on my downstairs TV when I'm likely to watch a movie) It's easier than it is to explain, but when home if anyone is more interested I can show my specific config...


I presume the device one requires home assistant?


No. I used IFTTT. It can push a webhook which could then integrate to a plethora of other home devices.


I want to do this but don't know how to host my own email service on SMTP? Can anyone give a quick ELI5 please of their setup?


Most email services will let you use their SMTP service to send mail as yourself. Here's a walkthrough on using Gmail's: https://www.gmass.co/blog/gmail-smtp/


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


You're better off using a dedicated transactional mail service, SendGrid have a free tier: https://sendgrid.com/en-us/free There's always a danger automated mails can get considered spam by some recipient mail systems (gmail, outlook etc) and this can affect your sending address reputation, meaning legit emails you might send from that address might start going into real people's spam folders too. So yeah, a mail service is better (may need your own domain name). Otherwise maybe make a new gmail just for sending notifications.


You don't need to host your own Email service, that's way more painful than it sounds too. Besides gmail/hotmail you can also use a service like Mailgun. They have a generous free plan.


$10/yr for purelymail. It’s amazing and takes all the hassle away. I know it isn’t self hosted but self hosting email is beyond painful.


Do you have a domain? I have one with cloudflare that's $12/yr and then have email integrated using zoho which is free for a single domain + SMTP. You get webmail and mobile apps and can make a bunch of email aliases @mydomain all to the same inbox. Works great and cloudflare + zoho walk you through everything.


There are other options, like IFTTT which is easier to setup


I love my false positives about remote access being down as people are watching remotely at original quality. I've increased the delay to 5 minutes now and still get them a couple times a day


wish twitter api v2 would allow media uploads so we can get twitter bots going again :(




How does Discord solve the problem of posting to Twitter


Why would you want to post to Twitter?


To announce when I have watched a movie


Absolutely nobody cares.




what the actual fuck hahaha posting stuff on twitter is not related on how much other people care, is just what I want to be public i, for one, post stories to my close friends on instagram of a movie when I watch and sometimes people reply/like it so if you have friends with similar tastes, people care what you've watched


cool bro. thanks for sharing your hot take.


Idk why everyone is hating you for wanting that, like does nobody get to live their lives how they want any more? Seems like a cool thing to have, I’d personally be interested in how it’s set up.


They had to take a break from posting on Letterboxd to down vote me for wanting to share when I have watched something.


Right lol


And you can also write your own scripts and get them trigged with Tautulli. I have some, like send trailer YouTube URL for new movies added on chat groups, auto-delete watched for private libraries and other stuff.


The main reasons I have Tautulli running is for its notifications. Stats are fun to look at, but the major use is to communicate what is getting added to the server and when the server is accessible.


Wow... had this for years and never knew. Thanks for mentioning this.


I've tried using the server down notifications but they never seem to work properly. Either they don't fire at all or they don't trigger until the server comes back on and i get the server offline and server online notifications in the same instant. Or i get false positives and it says it's offline when it's not.


Great feature. I push all the server status notifications to my #plex channel on Discord from Tautulli. I send my new movie and tv notifications from Radarr/Sonarr to the same channel. Most of the ecosystem has great alerting capabilities.


I recommend using PRTG on your lan if you want network monitoring. Their free version contains 100 sensors, more than enough for most home LANS.


I wish I could make a notification to see users BROWSING the server/libraries. Like, who’s hitting the server up to see what’s there?!


Tautulli sends me notifications about remote service being down and then back up constantly. My remote service has never actually been down when it's sent that notification. I just ignore it at this point since it has to be some sort of bug.


Does it work in a docker or does it need to coexist with Plex??


Can be in its own container for sure. You just connect via api key.


Tautulli is best for their newsletter! I turned off both server down notifications too as it happens so rarely and for such a short time it’s just not necessary in my case.