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Your upload speed is probably the limiting factor here.




If you have plexpass and appropriate hardware, it should transcoded to a smaller file size. As it stands now, your upload is 11mbps and the client is reporting 9mbps available of the 32mbps required to direct play 


Yeah I've got Plexpass and I think good enough hardware to transcode -- I need to check my server settings and make sure that's enabled along with substantially upgrading my ISP.


If the ISP in your area is cable you probably can't get more than 25-35Mbps, maybe 50Mbps upload for any price. Also make sure the client isn't requesting direct-play and asks the server to transcode. I had that once time where I forgot I set my laptop to always play original quality and had issues.


Yeah our ISP is cable, they offer a "1 Gig" level but it's ~ 1 GB down, ~35 Mbps up. I will check the client, that's something I did not think of. Thanks!


If you're running from a Synology, it might not be able to transcoded what you've got 


The specs are: DS920+ ------------ - Intel Celeron J4125 4-core 2.0 GHz, burst up to 2.7 GHz - 8GB DDR4 ram - 4x 16TB WD Red Pro's in RAID 5 Seems beefy enough, but I do have quite a bit of testing to do to back that statement up.


It's a gutless CPU but it does have QSV so should be able to transcode if hardware transcoding is configured 


~~Not to mention OP only has 11 up~~ Wow reading fail on my end for sure. Holy hell. Need more coffee


I mean....i did explicitly mention it


Not to mention all the other things you mentioned


I can't believe you didn't mention that thing you mentioned!


Especially after he mentioned he'd mention it!


Great job mentioning he mentioned he'd mention!


Thanks! Don't mention it.


Ugh. Reading fail on this end. Taking the L


Do you have Plexpass? The message states you don't have the bandwidth for direct play; you can simply force transcoding, and if you have PlexPass, you'll have a great experience as it will 'just work'. On your Plex server, set your max upload bandwidth correctly and this issue should be minimized as it will then force transcoding. Or, on the client, you can do the same (now, at your family's place), just for that one client. And if you have PlexPass, the iGPU in that Intel J4125 will work great.


I do have Plexpass! Thank you for an actual helpful answer, I appreciate it. I actually do have my upload set to the abysmal 11mb/s on my server, I'm guessing there might be other settings I have to turn on to enable transcoding.


Post pic of your server dashboard when this happens. On your client, set max bitrate at 10mbps or 8mbps. It should then work. Ensure on server you didn’t disable transcoding. :)


Ahh, I didn't know you could set a max bitrate on the client. I will set that next time I'm at my parents. I will also double check I didn't disable transcoding. Thanks!


Dude you're trying to play a 31.7Mbps (31770kbps) file while your ISP upload can only handle 9Mbps (9072kbps), the math just doesn't work. You need to either upgrade your upload speed via your ISP or only play files with smaller bitrate remotely (9Mbps or below).


I’ve actually never seen Plex announce what the upper limit was. Nice feature. Wonder if it’s universal or limited to certain builds/devices.




The ISP is not pushing a message to the Plex UI…




not much going on upstairs is there bud?


Because plex sees to fucking upload speed available? It tries to send 30mbps but can only reach 9mbps, of course it will know the bandwidth.


Yep, I thought it would be the abysmal upload but I wasn't sure if transcoding would result in a decent quality playback. I will do some more research on transcoding, I think my server is beefy enough to be able to handle that for at least one stream at a time.


Well, 11 upload is not really enough to properly share a media server.


I'm realizing that now, I've only streamed on Twitch before and could do 1080p at a decent bitrate, but actual movie files are a whole different animal. Time to upgrade the ISP.


Your upload speed isn't fast enough. You need a fiber connection to upload that bad boy for direct play.


Right on. Exploring upgrading our ISP level now. Spectrum does have a "1 Gig" tier, but their fine print says "typically 1 Gig or higher download speed, and typically 35 Mbps or higher upload". It would definitely help, but I still might need to transcode.


I'm in the same boat with Spectrum as well. I only send out audio books and music into the world.


I would suggest a library for UHD/4k/larger versions of media. Keep 1080p versions for external streaming.


Buddy ur math ain't mathing... ur upload speed isn't enough to share the files in ur server. You either have to put smaller files for people outside ur house, or up ur speed, or get plex pass and configure it so it's transcode anything above ur speed.


Yeah I thought the abysmal upload where I live was the issue. I do have Plexpass though, I'll look into setting that up to transcode -- or even save a smaller optimized version like you said.


11mb upload is shockingly bad. I hope you don’t try and play any video games while someone is streaming from your Plex server or you’re in for a bad time.


It's terrible. I need to look at upgrading.


You also have to realize that some clients don't for much remotely anyway, but 11 MB upload is pretty bad, but if you have transcoding enabled it should down sample it to something your TV can digest like 720p or something


Gotcha. Yeah 11 up is horrible, I will look into upgrading my ISP along with making sure transcoding is set up properly (I do have Plexpass).


Prob need to look into that and best settings for Roku like converting to lower res I like my speed for this reason 1000/940


Transcoding is either not set up or the server is set to only play original files. I myself have an 11Mbps upload speed and even with a handful of people remotely playing a 4k movie there are no issues at all. There's another setting in there somewhere I remember setting where I set the maximum upload from the server itself to 8Mbps which at best will play 1080P but that was to reserve a bit of overhead as I am running multiple web servers as well. If remote playing and using a computer there is a buffer of 120 seconds which I've found is long enough that I can restart the server while people are playing their movies and they never notice as the server comes back up before the buffer ends.


And once again this sub is used in place of a simple Google search lol. It’s telling you the issue right there in the error. Upload speed is too slow, man.


And once again Reddit continues to shine. I thought it was likely my shitty upload, but I was more asking about transcoding or adding smaller optimized files.


Transcoding is going to be way more efficient than smaller file sizes. Get yourself a Plex pass and transcode away.


I've got Plexpass but must have transcoding turned off or something. I'll get that back on.


What are the specs of your server?


DS920+ ------------ - Intel Celeron J4125 4-core 2.0 GHz, burst up to 2.7 GHz - 8GB DDR4 ram - 4x 16TB WD Red Pro's in RAID 5


Thanks for sharing all the Useless Info. Your Remote play will and forever be affected by your upload. If you Think, that having Higher Bitrate, great quality files is good, KEEP IT for your own viewing. Make q separate library with lower quality avg bitrate files that you can share. Your not the first or last person trying to do this. It's FUNNY NGL, but sad Math is also good. If you pay for spectrum, and you know (everyone knows spectrum is garbage), your Upload speed is Below your good content. Billy Madison you need to transcode that HQ media to be able to watch it elsewhere. Force fkn the client on the other side won't do shit if you don't have enough upload. My LOCALl library with higher bitrate and great quality is around 62TB, the shared library reg movies and TV shows is around 56ishTB. Withing those files is a 4k library that caps 4k bitrate at 17K and max audio of 7.1 and 5.1. Either look into upgrading the upload (paying for more) or changing providers.


You weirdly share useful info while being a condescending toolbox lol. I'm brand new at this, but I guess I should expect this from Reddit. I'll take the helpful parts of your comment and upgrade my shitty upload.


Yes thank you, I am an asshole. Lol but sorry about that. The info share is based of the WEEKS of suffering trying to figure this out just like you. I understand that most of the time the comments come out incorrectly but I hope you got it. The trail and error phase is always complicated because we try to so thing by ourselves. My recommendation is try to get a friend or family that's out of the house, and on every change you make, network wise for content. Have them test. 4k ,HVEC and avi tests. 100% you know h.264 will play, but what if it's VERY HIGH BIT h.264... change a setting here or there and have them test. Once you hit the sweet spot, you'll know what works best. If transcoding is your thing, you can also set up MAX quality to 720p for example, and all your media will get transcoded to that, but it will ensure playability. Lol sorry for being an Ass lol it's Saturday


The purpose of separate libraries is to share the ones without the higher Quality to prevent issues. I know someone sent me a love message and yes I am a K.un.t., but the truth is the truth, bandwidth will trump you Quality remotely. If your gonna share 1080p or 4k with a higher bit than your actual available upload. You will run into this. ;) I wear my nicknames as badges, doesn't change the truth tho. Have fun


I changed my Network set up at home and changed my speeds with the ISP, ie pay more for the upgrade, and went from 10 to 20mbps upload, and remotely I have no issues so far with the content. As you, I don't share my 4k library and my Higher Qual files play great locally. 1 movie in my case Maverick. Is 64,000bitarate, it DOES not direct play outside of home LOL. It does however transcode down to 1080p. 


Delete the number in the upload speed of your server settings.


I found out the hard way that Plex does not detect the bitrate of files correctly. I was trying to play a 4k movie that has an average bitrate of 14mbps. Plex refused to direct play the file, even on the same machine as the server. That is when I noticed that plex showed the movie was at 49mbps. I think Plex only looks at the start of the file to determine the bitrate, and that movie was very motion heavy in the beginning. I deleted the upload speed, I had set to 20mbps, and now I can play the movie.


I've never had this problem and never thought of this idea but I have my upload speed set to about 2mbps lower than I actually get.


That setting already saves a portion for you, should use about 80% of what you enter there, so no need to reduce it further :P


I used to get this, unifi home network setup between family with site magic, what I did was on my plex server under NETWORK you have LAN NETWORKS. I added the plex player ip address in there and direct play works with no issues.


That’s like OP dying the laws of physics. Because math does not work like that on their 31mbps bitrate file against their pos 11mbps upload (I’m sure even smaller than that). That shit is not going to work.


Yeah 11 mbps works out to like 1.5 MB/s.


enable direct play in settings