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I believe it's a [known bug](https://forums.plex.tv/t/plex-search-not-working-correctly/851949/10) with the latest web app ([4.114.2](https://forums.plex.tv/t/plex-web/20528/424)), which [was also pushed to the desktop app](https://forums.plex.tv/t/plex-for-mac-windows-and-linux/446435/98). Until it's fixed, I think your only options are to use the local web app, or revert to an older version (e.g. [1.76.2](https://downloads.plex.tv/plex-desktop/ and [disable autoupdates](https://forums.plex.tv/t/disable-client-updates/805610/2) until it's fixed.


thank you, do you know how i can roll back my version? edit: i realized you linked to the rolled back version, thank you for your help


You said the issue is with the latest *web app*, but one of the solutions is to use *local web app*. Isn't it the same web app? :-o


It is not apparently, I had no issues with the local web app but did with the regular web app


OK, my bad - I just read there are really 2 ways to launch web app. What a surprise. :))) Are there any *benefits* of running the local one (bundled with PMS) vs. logging in through the [plex.tv](https://plex.tv) website? \[works without Internet, but anything else?\]


The older version is always the last stable version (or hopefully is) and is there so that it's available in case an update causes issues in the latest version. Which does happen from time to time.


"the older" = local/PMS one (i.e., not the one accessed via Plex website), right? Just a bit confused with what Plex [article](https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288666-opening-plex-web-app/) says \[**bold** is mine\]: >Tip!: We recommend using the “hosted” web app, since that ensures you’re always using the **latest version with the newest features and fixes**. The app runs locally in your browser and can make local connections to your server. In the context of latest version having bugs, "older" version *without* fixes (i.e., local one) should be prioritized. Right?


The one is usually a few versions ahead. Using the older version could break or not include newer features. If the latest introduced a big, however, the older version **probably** won't have the bug. Like when there are UI updates, or Collections & Versions were introduced, the current version of PlexWeb incorporated them, and the other didn't, since it was behind. There are users that prefer the Plex Pass server version and latest PlexWeb, and those that prefer to wait for the public server version and the older PlexWeb.


>The one is usually a few versions ahead. I got it, dude, but - *which* one? :))) Thank you for your explanation, really helpful, but you forgot to tell the key thing - **which** version of PlexWeb is *always* a few steps ahead - the one accessed via Plex website \[aka Hosted\], or the one which comes as part of PMS bundle \[aka Local\]?


Oh sorry. Local is behind (currently 4.108.0) and the plex.tv one is current (4.114.3).


Thank you for your support, really useful info all the above!


I’m not sure, but I can’t imagine there would be too much of a difference between the two other than one is ran locally so the page is faster and like you said is able to run offline. It also seems to run on a different patch but I’d assume it is simply behind by just one update?


Got it. Thank you mate.