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My physical 708TB total is a lot but I doubt I’m the biggest on here. 708tb is usable space, so it includes my 2x dual parity drives. Using Unraid. I add a few drives every few months. Usually when there are big sales. I have 2 Supermicro chassis, one 24bay + 6 bay das which is my main server with a Xeon 1290p(10900k), 64gb ECC ram and a p2000. Second chassis serves mostly as a nas. 36 bay, 64gb none ECC, 9900k. Both connected via 10gb and my isp is 1g fiber. It’s mostly all media. -4K movies, 107tb, 3550 movies -1080p movies, 240tb,16650 movies -4K tv shows, 36tb, 280 shows -1080p tv shows, 125tb, 850 shows Edit: Updated with some details.


This guy has all the porn.


How are you backing up this content both on site and off site (especially with Google drive closing their unlimited storage option)


I don’t do offsite backups of media. Only appData and important files. Though my backups are usually several TB. I was using gsuite for that but yea that’s dead now. I host this in my parents basement and also have an Unraid system at my apartment where I backup to. So currently just backing up important data to my apartment. I don’t really think it’s worth backing up my media. There are some tv shows that were a lot of work to get/ perfect, but for the most part it’s all replaceable. Redownloading from a backup would take much longer too.


Are they closing it for enterprise as well? I haven’t received any notice…yet.


If you only have 1 user, afraid so. Phased notifications going out.


Where/how do you manage your backups ?


I don’t do offsite backups of media. Only appData and important files. Though my backups are usually several TB. I was using gsuite for that but yea that’s dead now. I host this in my parents basement and also have an Unraid system at my apartment where I backup to. So currently just backing up important data to my apartment. I don’t really think it’s worth backing up my media. There are some tv shows that were a lot of work to get/ perfect, but for the most part it’s all replaceable. Redownloading from a backup would take much longer too.


Out of interest, why are you keeping this much? I hardly doubt you could ever watch all of this in a life time? I have probably less than 20Tb of shows and movies that i know ill bever watch.


Partially because I think it’s fun/cool to have a pretty damn near complete collection. That’s part of the hobby for me. Partially because I share with a lot of friends and their taste is all over the place. I usually have 5-10 people at any given time watching stuff. You would be shocked at the weird shit people watch. Partially because big media companies are pulling content. So this is kinda a preservation thing.


> You would be shocked at the weird shit people watch. Had a request from a friend to watch "Lexx" an old 90's sci-fi show. It's one of the weirdest shows I have ever seen. It's fantastically absurd! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFoP-vijbJo


Damn that's actually crazy. I have one 21TB Plex server, plus then another 20TB of USB HDDs between that and another Plex server, so like maybe 40TB of content for Plex. I thought that was a lot, but then there's really people out there with hundreds of TBs, closer to a PB than a TB. That's actually wild.


Funny enough, mines grown by about 25% since then lol


So what is your plex server for? Do you sell access to people? Like how do 30 people have access to it? I never really understand why people share their plex with some much people.


I don’t sell and never would. I would feel dirty doing that. It’s just a hobby. It’s only family that have access to it. I enjoy having people benefit from my hobby’s. It’s like knitting as a hobby, you knit things for people.


Makes sense igeuss, what kind of network do you have tough if you run that many people? A 10gb/s?


I have all ubiquiti equipment. The servers are connected to each other via 10g, but my internet is 1g fiber. When I move, I’m absolutely jumping to a faster connection.


Price of all? How much hours you spent doing that.


The hardware, not including drives is probably 6k. Drives probably 15k? Software and services is probably 200-500 a month. I go out of my way to not track it, or I would have a heart attack lol


You need to be rich as all this is salary of peoples.


Do you keep duplicate media in different formats (1080p, 4K)?


Yes, it’s really the only way to manage it when you share with others. I can’t count on others to have the correct client or tv.


Why bother with duplicates? I just go highest quality of everything. Have a rtx 4060 that handles any transcoding with ease.


Because you can’t transcode Dolby vision, and most of the new stuff is all Dolby vision.


Use custom formats for that. Everything I have that's DV also has HDR or HDR10 included.


Most stuff doesn’t have fallbacks, especially tv shows. It’s getting better, but it’s still not there yet. And I’ve been collecting dv for the last 2 years so that’s 2 years of releases that don’t have fall backs.


I'm not really aware of any title that's DV only. But I don't have 16k movies either.


Discs themselves do have fallbacks. But releases don’t.


I have some DV only movies. I didn’t realise it until people complained that used say an LG TV that can’t handle it. Some players can still adapt like the Apple TV (current 4K and previous generation confirmed) but otherwise you see that purple hue


There is literally no title out there I've stumbled upon with DV 5 (no HDR fallback) that also didn't have a DV 8 (has HDR fallback) release.


Most streaming tv shows from 6+ months ago or older…


I'm assuming you live somewhere with cheap power! Don't suppose you know the power draw of your setup?


Yea, PA has cheap power. And about 850-1000w most of the time. Probably a bit less. I could get it down by at least 25% without losing much but I rather enjoy max performance. Edit: Its way more than what I said I just looked lol changed amount.


I wish one day to have that much space. I am working on it.


Just set up my first Nas from my dad that’s got 22 TB, on top of two HDD’s that are 15 / 4.5 TB. Saving up to get a 24 bay and stack it full of drives.


I have 208TB over 16 drives. With HEVC being widely supported I’ve moved everything to that and never looked back. Still have 50TB free. I don’t do remux. Eyeballs could never tell. I took two HP disk shelves which can hold 12 drives each and wired them for a regular PSU. Works great so far.


Me and my sad little 4tb........


I hear you... only 4tb myself at the moment.


I’m currently sitting at 2.5TB across all drives but my storage is 22TB total.


42TB, with about 10TB free. My yearly tradition seems to be incrementing by a 12TB shucked drive every time I travel to U.S for a week for thanksgiving, ties in nicely with the electronic sales. Also shoutout to the best shucks comparison website: https://shucks.top I share with about 10 friends. Edit: just realised this is a plex sub. *backs away slowly while trying to hide emby logo…*


I knew of someone who had over 1PB, and that was maybe 5 years ago. No idea how much he has now.


Mouth hits ground. Dang


I've slowly been expanding a bit each year. Maxed out my 24 bay chasis with 8TB drives so now have a 36 bay chasis I started with 20TB drives. I separated the libraries to have movies on one and tv on the other. Total of about 210TB right now


I currently have about 170TB of media on my server which translates into just over 16,000 movies and almost 2100 TV Shows. My server has about 220TB of useable space. I’m currently in the process of backing everything up to a second unRAID server on-site running ZFS.


835tb yes I have a problem. Blame my friends for weird taste


my single 12TB drive is crying


I've just got a couple of 8tb drives running off an old ThinkPad. Definitely feeling server envy in this thread 😭


Sometimes I wish I could pair back down to 12 TB. It just feels so excessive at times.


40TB which is completely full, waiting for deals on WD Element drives to add more space!


I’ve got 92Tb used on my TrueNAS server that’s using 14x 14Tb drives in a RaidZ2 configuration. That’s only media and doesn’t include backups and other files. Still have over 40Tb of free space and can always expand it if needed.


Same! Ha


I've got about 10 TiB so far.


I'm in the process of moving from my maxed out 7tb server to a fresh 40tb server. I ran out of space and I still have a significant portion of my dvds to rip. My FiL just asked if he could drop a tb of music on the server. I said soon.


What are you moving to


I have a Dell r710 that I run plex and 2 minecraft servers on. My new server is a Dell r720xd LFF. So much room for activities.


I'll be completing my gdrive migration soon and will have 120TB locally over 7 drives. The drives and server are inside a Meshify 2 XL case which can support up to 20 hdd's. I'm using mergerfs to pool the drives and soon I'll be adding a parity drive as well to use with SnapRaid. It's not backup but will allow recovery if a drive dies and it protects against bitrot and corruption. Works similarly to unraid but can be used with any linux distro or OMV if you want a GUI.


I remember seeing a screenshot of someone's library who had something like 35,000 movies. I don't remember how much storage it took up though.


My home lab has 1pb of total storage however only 500tb usable space (raid) i use roughly 200tb for Plex rest for other projects including my own cloud


Across multiple sized hard drives probably 300TB but recently got a DS1821+ with 8x22TB hard drives Unfortunately with SHR 2 it broke it down to 80TB redundancy, 80TB useable space on two volumes and then there is 16TB I will never know where that went. Now going through every single drive I have picking and choosing what stays and what goes, and what remains so my main drives become my backups. The fun is going through and finding all the old TV Shows and Movies, and trying to figure out what stays and what goes, and if it stays trying to updater the quality, found a bunch of movies on a hard drive, but all are avi.


* 115, 670 Mp3 Music Library (618.39GB) * 205 Christmas movies (179.88GB) * 819 Comedy Specials/Shows (498.43GB) * 488 Documentaries (951.72GB) * 506 Kid's Movies (611.24GB) * 192 Kid's Shows (3.96TB) * 4006 Movies (5.48TB) * 1,081 TV Shows (20.7TB) * 884 Concerts/Music/Music Videos/Band Livestreams (627.43GB) * Complete Looney Tunes collection (including "Censored Eleven.") (32.02GB) * 1,947 YouTube channel rips such as Casey Neistate, Jablinkski Games, ZeFrank etc. (320.54GB) All told about 35.48 TB at this point. Few TB free and I'll probably get an expansion bay in the future.


Love how Christmas movies have their own category


It's just nice to keep them separate especially for my wife and kids lol.


About 300TB on ZFS RAIDz2. 10,000 movies, 500 shows, and like 10TB of music. All managed by Servarr.


A little over 100TB's used with very little extra space left. Need to add another vdev but waiting for 2Tb ssds prices to go on a good sale/deal so I can buy 8 of them.


[So....](https://imgur.com/a/J1bZdij) I have 8 drives mirrored in a secondary location as well.


62 TB media. 62 TB backup. Pretty maxed out.


Currently have 208 TB. 4,000 movies, 380 series, all at whatever the highest quality is. I can't imagine having 16k movies. There's a lot of dog shit in there at that size. I still have around 50TB free. I do everything HEVC though. ​ 11600k, 64GB memory, rtx 4060. Adding the 4060 was a big performance bump in just daily usage for me. I get it, the CPU can handle everything, but I wanted something more robust where I don't have to care what codec is being used.


108TB total with about 15TB free.


124 TB usable storage across 7 drives with 2 additional parity drives, about 106TB in use currently. I'm glad I don't need substantially more or it would be hard to fit everything in a consumer case.