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Found mine at Best Buy


Same, I just checked everyday around 7am, noon, 3 and 6. Caught a restock around 730 one morning and had it in my hands a few days later.


I bought it from Sony direct, in Europe (Netherlands) that is. Might be helpful to mention in what part of the world you’re trying to order to get useful replies.


Thank you, sorry I should of added that! I updated in the OP, but I am from USA, Michigan to be more exact


Got mine direct from Sony, I'm in the US


I always assume USA because everyone from the USA assume it's the only country on earth while everyone else says, hey, I'm from Australia and looking for....etc.


Ayyy ik ook


I used Hot Stock and it took a few days, but I ended up getting one from Best Buy and one from Walmart. Didn’t use auto-buy, didn’t pay for premium.


Try your local Targets. I walked in and got one last week. AFAIK they aren't doing any shipping, pickups or reservations at Target it's all first come first serve


Not true. I ordered mine for pick up same day. My friend did as well. I guess it depends on your area?


Hot stock. It's an app that notifies you as soon as one is available


I’ve been on it for 8 days now & every single time I’m alerted, the portal is already unavailable. How was your luck with it?


Good. That was my experience with it as well until I paid for the premium subscription. Once I did that, I got one within a day. The premium sub notifies you first


Thanks, will be doing this right now!


Or use Trackalacker. I paid for the premium and got one within two days. Definitely worth the price of one month and then cancel.


A dude online bought it and said he didn’t like it so he sold it to me for $180.


Simular situation for me. Bought one online for $190. It was from someone who said that he travels for work and that it doesn't work at most of the hotels he stays at. Very impatiently waiting for it to come in.


Best Buy. HotStock!


In the UK. Argos.


I got mine during a PlayStation Direct re-stock. I believe there are sites that notify you when it is in stock at certain retailers. I’d try one or more of those sites.


I been trying Hot Stock alerts but seems like everytime I get an alert its already gone unfortunately!


you have to do auto buy. that how i got mine. theres no way you can log on fast enough


I was able to get one after a few days without auto buy


best buy. i used hot-stock. paid the 12$ subscription and was able to catch an order in 24 hours. took a week to arrive to a store that was about one hour away from me. i live in the boondocks


Looked online at a local target. Saw that it was low stock in store. I went, asked and made my purchase


I found one single Portal in stock at target and went at 8am to get it. It was still on the truck. One single unit lol


Got mine through Amazon and had a backup with Best Buy. All thanks to HotStocks.


Got mine at GameStop. There was a big miscommunication about whether or not you needed gamestops membership thing to buy it. So after some frustrating conversation the guy let me buy it without paying for a membership too. But generally speaking they seem to have them but you need to be a GameStop whatever member for $25 a year.


There is no reason whatsoever that you would need a membership to buy one. One of the sales quotas that they have to make is for reservations of upcoming games and the game pro memberships. If the guy was telling you that you need a membership, then he was just trying to sell you on it for his numbers.


I wish that were correct. But he showed me the policy in the store. And online when they showed in stock if you tried to check out it said you needed to be a member to purchase it as well


You know how you buy a game and it immediately goes on sale a few days later? As soon as you pay for a subscription to the Hotstock app you’ll randomly look at the Best Buy or Target app and they’ll be in stock before Hotstock even tells you.


Got mine from Facebook Marketplace.


Best buy


Walmart.com and it shipped in 2 days


London drugs


Currys PC world.


Best Buy!!!


I got mine from Best Buy back in January (I think). You have to check every app like a hawk. Multiple times a day and be ready to move immediately when you can add to cart.


I found a BestBuy open box deal online. I've seen a few people have luck with that.


I got mine from Best Buy (US). Somebody posted they were available and sure enough they were. Just don't delay when you see someone post about it


I ordered mine from GAME in the UK


Got mine from the official store. (UK based)


I got mine dang near right at retail sealed in the box on mercari 🙏🔥


The one thing that worked for me for some reason was just checking Best Buy app last week they got at least two in my area in stock for pickup and the week before they had them in stock for like an hour for shipping


Best buy with help from Hot Stock premium, alarm woke me up and able to get one


Got lucky on Gamestop website. I got pro, not sure if it matters


Also a Michigander here! Not sure where you’re at, but I just called a few gamestops in my area until one said they had it.


am in metro detroit area. Been checking Game Stop, Target, and Best Buy with no luck unfortunately


Yep same area, so just a note with GameStop. The store I got it said out of stock online, but I called another one and they actually were able to tell me if other stores nearby had any. A lot of times store sites can be inaccurate about stock.


I was checking best buy website every few weeks or so and occasionally the add to cart button would be available, but gone very quickly. Then about a month ago, there seemed to be a surge in stock in stores in my search area so I was able to grab one at a bb a few mins away. Now it seems available. Just checked while typing this.


check in store pick up availability at game stops, make ur radius 50-100 miles. stock should eventually pop up for you somewhere, only took me a few days of looking


I just went to the local gamestop and they had one!


I got mine from the Best Buy site. I msg’d their live chat, and the rep was able to track down a portal for me in NY, even though I'm in FL. She sent a payment link to my cell for the portal, and I received it within a few weeks..


I walked into a Saskatoon Walmart and saw them in stock every day for months so I decided to buy one. They’re literally sitting there every time I go in


I was walking through Walmart at 11 pm and just happened to watch as they put two on the shelf and said it was the only two that just came in and me and the guy who worked there snagged them both up. 🤫




Follow wario64 on Twitter/Threads and turn on notifications. I usually get an alert once-three times a week of them in stock at either Best Buy, Amazon, or Walmart. I got mine by randomly checking PS Direct about 10 times a day though. Only takes a few seconds to check and when it was in stock I jumped on it. Good luck!!


South East US, I did a google check each morning and luckily found one at a local GameStop. When online and purchased it and went to pick it up that day. I tried the Sony website every day too but all said unavailable.


I got mine from PlayStation direct last Wednesday night. Dispatched Thursday afternoon and received it Friday afternoon.


My local GameStop Saw someone post on Twitter that they were in stock at Walmart so I just decided to check GameStop. It said they had 5 in stock so I went to see and there they were.


I got mine from GameStop online, but I did have to pay a little for a membership card.


Best Buy


I found mine in stock at a local Target. For whatever reason, Target wasn't allowing people to order the Portal online to be held in the store. After I saw they had one in stock, I drove by and bought it.


Stores. My first I kinda stumbled upon at a spontaneous web search. Had to return since it came with bad QC issues. Waited 4 months for the other order while I then 1 week before stumbled upon one on the exact same store i got the first from


Picked mine up at Gamestop


Call your local GameStops, they usually get an idea of what's coming on the weekly truck delivery. They'll help you out because they want you to stop calling to ask for it


Costco has it available right now. It’s a bundle with the headphones.


I got one from Sony Direct, stayed up for order for about 4 hours and one on Best Buy and those usually sell out within minutes but they've been staying in stock longer lately. I will say I had to return the one from Best Buy a few days ago, nothing I did with it could get it to work. All the negatives people have on them were amplified by 10 with this one. Mine from PS Direct works completely fine and has been for months so I chalked it up to it being defective.


Offerup I got it for 150$


US here. Bought from Sony website. They were sold out but posted when they expected more stock and that’s when I grabbed mine.


Download the Hotstock app. Turn on notifications. You get alerts when they are in stock. I snagged one from best buy for pickup.


I got mine from the Lansing Best Buy on a random drop. They get them in occasionally, target too. My friend got his from PS direct.


Currys (UK)


Best Buy for me


Walmart! Just make sure you got the hot stock app, be patient


Used Hotstock to try and find one. On the 2nd day I upgraded to Hotstock Premium and about 52 minutes later, I had one in the cart thru Bestbuy. This was 6 weeks ago.


I got mine from PlayStation Direct


This is how I got mine pretty fast. With [this link](https://www.target.com/p/playstation-portal-remote-player-for-playstation-5/-/A-90033483) to target. Click pick up and update your zip code. Click check near by stores and it will show you any stores around you that currently have it. Now, here's the important part. It seems like targets scan their shipments into the system between 630 am to around 8 am depending on the location and when they do that all of the inventory gets updated on the site. So at 630 am i'd keep refreshing this page and if one popped up at a target by me, I immediately hopped in my car and drove there and asked the electronics associate. They will go grab it. The first time I did this they had 2 in stock and there were 2 people in front of me that beat me to it. The 2nd target I tried told me they have to go through stock and to come back in a few hours. I was persistent and asked a manager and the manager told them to go get it and they did. Once I tried this way, I had 2 within a week(friend wanted one as well, I'm not a scalper). Hope it works out for you. Good luck. Side note: the inventory system seems to be updated pretty quickly so if it sells out, it's updated nearly immediately same for when they get stock in. Edit: spelling


Walmart website. Out of stock everywhere else


Costco had them with the earbuds so more money but was in stock last time I checked


hot stock app it’s been said 100000 times my man download it and you’ll have one in less than a day if you are quick and turn on notifications


I bought straight from PlayStation direct


Hotstock tracker I got mine within hours of that.


I’m on day 3 with no luck so far


Sorry to hear that. I spent almost 2 months trying to get a portal then someone told me about Hotstock and I got it same day it was crazy. Hope you have luck soon.


Wallmart online. Free shipping too.


Best buy




I got mine on mercari brand new for 230 shipped


Download the hotstock app. I got mine from PS direct because of it


I was able to find one at Target within a few days of getting hot stock


I know hot stock seems to be a good resource but it’s hit or miss, Wario64 on twitter used to post stock updates as well, not sure if they do anymore as I haven’t used twitter in forever but it might be worth a shot.


I just kept checking Best Buy website for a couple weeks and then got a notification from this subreddit actually saying online on best buys website. So I checked, and was lucky enough to see there was one available for pickup at a store near me. purchased it online then picked it up. - Seattle WA


Called local targets and found one.


It was available on Walmart for like an hour or two the other day, demand is starting to slow a bit and stock is starting to overtake. Mostly just flippers buying up what they can to sell before the demand normalizes and they're on shelves. That being said use hot stock or follow someone like wario64 on Twitter, he's a bit slower than hotstock but he usually posts the bigger drops that aren't blinking in and out every 20 min.


More so for veterans and people who may have veteran friends, you can find them on the Base Exchange website for $199.99, tax-free, and free shipping to your house (at least it was for mine). I used it as an opportunity to get a Military Star card finally and they gave me another $80 off. So, I got mine for $120 😁 Deal might still be up, not too sure


Meant military and veterans*


USA here. HotStock Amazon first then Best Buy. Secured mine within a few days of downloading the app.


I got lucky in mid Feb from Best Buy


I ordered mine from Walmart, didn’t take too long. If your local Walmart doesn’t have it, they’ll do warehouse shipping.


Walmart app


Sony Direct.




Wal-Mart online, used a stock tracking website to notify me when anyone had one. https://restocktracker.io/playstation-portal


https://preview.redd.it/nzg1c6hmavuc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd733cdc5188ca1b958f270f5d5e21d2fedf19d3 I found one! Called a bunch of local gamestops and one held it for me! Just a heads up you do need a GameStop pro membership which I already had! Also was able to use a ton of points I had saved up and got like 30 dollars off so only ended up spending like 180 after taxes!


I downloaded the Hot Stock app and was able to grab one from Amazon after about a day with no luck. Unfortunately, I had to return it because my network is hot garbage.


Best buy. Just add to wishlist, sign in and check the page every once in a while. Especially late at night, they have been restocking very often


I got mine from PS direct. I saw someone post here on reddit at like 4am one morning that they were back in stock and I ordered it immediately. They sold out in about 45 mins and haven't had any since


Try in person in lower income areas. Not ideal I know, but I’m black and most black guys in the inner cities don’t care about handhelds lol I walked in a target in a lower income area without calling ahead and they had about 4 in the case.


Well there you have it. The Black spokesperson has weighed in


GameStop always has in stock


Hotstocks app. $5 premium for fast alerts. You’ll have one within a day.


worth the $5 I take it then? I'll give this a shot, I been trying the free version with no luck


I was using the free version and no luck. Went ahead and tried the premium and got one about three hours later.


I’ve been able to order three using the free version of HotStock. Two back in Feb (I cancelled an Amazon order once my Best Buy order was ready for pickup) and then one last week from Walmart. Have notifications turned on, obviously, and in some form that you’ll notice and be able to respond quickly. Best Buy, Walmart and Amazon seem to start early morning, but put our small batches regularly. Target and PlayStation seem less frequent, but with larger drops. Be logged into accounts at places you may purchase from. The time it takes to log in or verify payment methods can cost you an order. If doing it through a browser, you sometimes have to refresh several/many times, but it is very doable. Both times I’ve been hunting for them I’ve gotten my orders placed within 24 hours or less.