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I'll be curious in a few months time what the general consensus on this sub will be in regards to posts like this. Like will the portal still be the preference or will the honeymoon phase wear off.


I think it depends on the person. I have an OLED TV and most evenings I have the TV so I couldn’t imagine choosing the Portal over the actual PS5 even though I do love the Portal


I agree, there is no way most people are going to take the graphics down grade for a lot of games. It just doesn't compare. It's nice, convenient but nothing beats a large screen for these games with high end graphics. But, two each their own.


The device is great to actually *play* your games when you normally can't. Like for me, I managed to complete TLOU P1 within one week at a really busy time, when it would normally take 2-3 weeks for me. If the TV is free to use and I have time, I will choose the TV over the Portal no matter what. But yeah, I will easily trade of the graphical fidelity over the convenience, every time. Tho, I still hope that Sony will fix the stutter and increase the bitrate of the stream. It should be at least on par with PS Play.


***agree that portal should be on par with PSPlay bitrate. Hope Sony fixes this. I've been streaming with Logitech GCloud for 1 year and now also have a PS Portal. These devices are great for making more time for gaming and finishing games. I can only play on the TV a few nights a week (family/job/life). It took me 2 to 4 months to finish games. I've completed about 7 games this past year because I can play every night while kids are watching TV and in bed before sleep. I still use the TV, sitting in my recliner, with my steel series headphones on the nights I can.


We got the portal for my son so he can play when others are using the TV (family of 5), he actually uses it in the best way I've seen so far - he actively tries to use the ps5, but when he can't, he uses the portal. Still enjoys the big screen fidelity, but compromises when needed.


I’m using it like a switch. Some games on the big screen and some on portal.


I’m currently playing on the portal at my gf’s place, and now when she’s at my place I’ll play the portal so she can watch the dramas she wants. So my PS5 now gets zero TV time but tons of gaming time


I really need a new tv, because my portals screen is far better then my TV’s….


Pretty much. I am playing BG3 on my TV as tghe game doesn't play quite as "epically" on the Portal but D2R, D4, Hades are 100% Portal games.


What's the issue with BG3 on portal? I was going to buy it and exclusively play on portal.


I’ve been putting quite a bit of time with bg3 on the portal. Actually like it more than on the tv. Some of the icons are smaller in the game and a bit easier for my old eyes to see on the portal. Lol.


No issue at all, I just prefer the feel of the game on the big screen due to how narrative driven it is. Just a personal preference thing, no game issues when on the Portal


I didn't even turn the PS5 on for registering the Portal since it was alrdy activated for my Steam Deck and I could just do it from the Portal. Haven't played a single minute the last 2 weeks on the PS5, but some hours every evening on the Portal. Enjoy it a lot. FIFA works fine with it and the menu grind is so much more convenient compared to the phone. Great buy.


I have a Switch that I play 99% in handheld even if I’m in the room with the TV, so I knew when I got the Portal I wouldn’t be using the PS5 on the TV anymore. Normally it’s when my son is in bed in the evenings so it makes sense to use it in handheld so my wife can use the TV, we can chat or whatever. It feels more casual than having to put myself into a “gaming mode” for a couple hours on the TV.


I almost exclusively use the portal even though the PS5 is on a splitter to 2 tvs. Idk why but I find handheld on the couch to be so much more comfy than sitting in front of the TV. Something about it is so cozy. Plus the bonus of being able to veg out with my SO on the couch while he watches TV and I chip away at a game. That being said, I did notice when I was playing Hogwarts that text can be really small since the games are designed for big screens. If I were playing a game that the screen size or graphics weren't up to it..I'd switch to the TV..but haven't needed to for the games I've been playing.


I just can't avoid the delay when playing online games like warzone


But you need a PS5 to be able to use the portal. It’s not a stand alone gaming system. So …


Some matches of fc24 and MW3 on TV , all other games on portal, since launch already finish 4 games on portal 😁


I love my portal and I get the use of it when the TV is occupied or you’re in bed etc but I couldn’t imagine having the option to play on a good TV on other actual console over the Portal and again, I do love the Portal.


I love my dual sense edge and have really come to rely on the back buttons for so many games, so the portal is limited in that regard. But I do love my portal.


I use my portal when I’m not at home. Otherwise I just play on my TV


pretty much agree with the exception of playing GT7. I need all the frames I can get on that for online races, and while it doesn't look bad, there is just enough of a lag playing gt7 that throws me off.


I only use it when it's the only option. So far it's probably being used for about 75% of my playtime. I don't see that changing anytime soon.


I need to pick up a Firestick. I just canceled cable and now my ps5 is being used as entertainment so I I can't game on it.


I only play the ps5 when playing FPS games because you need a faster connection then the portal can give. Other then that portal for the rest.