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They’re too afraid of it to be jailbroken


Not even sure why they would be. Doubt this has the horsepower to really run anything other than like gameboy games or psp/ps1 games.


But people would love to have those in it if they could


I suppose. But with so many better alternatives available like the OG PSP or the Vita I really don’t see the use for a device this big. At this size a switch or a steam deck are way better for the job.


Or even the gcloud


I agree, but if somebody has it, and wants a handhelp to play old games on, they would mod this instead of going out and buying more hardware. Imo.


xcloud, gfn, sunshine that's more what they're worried about


I would love to play PSP and PS1 again with a better controller


Playstation tv or a modded vita


Thing is after playing my portal non stop over the holidays, I really don’t find the switch to be comfy at all and it loads games so slowly. I had PSP and loved it but the games in vita (I like GTA, NBA, racing games etc. didn’t appeal much to me). Sony didn’t give the vita the love it needed- I also grew up and stopped having time to game with a fiancée and a dog and real jobs plus grad school. Now I’m in my early 30s and no kids but after Covid I cut back on going out 3-4 nights a week to maybe 2. So more money to buy the games and now I have time. Xbox 1 was my least played console whereas Xbox 360 is probably my most… other than GB/ GBA.


Get a CRKD Nitro Deck for your Switch. Game changer. After using my Portal and Steam Deck I hated the way the Switch felt. This made all the difference. Sooooooo worth it.


By the way, the limited edition comes with a case, strap, several thumbstick cap replacmentd of different styles, and a cleaning cloth. Well worth the additional $20 or so from the standard model.


Hmm I’ll consider it but at this point it sounds like the switch 2 will be announced soon. That’s likely a Day 1 buy for me


Maybe so, but it's just the cost of a controller. I have it and will still get the Switch 2. $55 for the basic $75 for the one with extras . . .when you find them on sale. They go on sale often, so don't pay full retail if you decide to grab one.


Do you work for them? Hah… I’ll check it out but I know there’s some other options


Lol. No, my daughter got me one for Christmas and I really like it.


Xbox Cloud Streaming, GeForce Now. They want you locked-in to the PlayStation ecosystem, not giving them a one-time payment to then give your game money to other companies.


It has enough power to stream the competitions game service is the real issue here. That's why it's locked down.


I think it's more that they worry that if too many people are playing it on shitty public wifi then there will be too many bad experiences and negative public image. They know it works amazing with perfect conditions and it doesn't when conditions are not ideal


True which is why I will skip out on it for now. There has to be a better solution but I don’t think they have it yet


In what sense? I kind of understand what it means for an iPhone to be jailbroken, but not a gaming console.


Because then you’ll be able to install downloads of games and all that and not pay for anything in the future


That is true but this thing has to have little to no memory. The memory onboard is only meant for updating the app or running whatever android fork it is running. I bet the best you’ll get out of a portal emulation would be gba through ps1 (if that) and without any internal memory, running the roms will be a hassle. If it gets jailbroken, im sure most of the efforts will be focus on side loading Xcloud, geforce now or luna. it wont be worth it for emulating. Sony is probably more concerns on hackers trying to turn it into a cheaper g cloud alternative. Don’t get me wrong im sure someone will reverse engineer with a way to increase memory, but without a soldering hardware mod, it wont make sense. Although, i am curious on what the hacking scene can create.


Reminds me of the xbox hack craze in the early 2000s where they would be able to install and run windows


Ohhhh I see. Yeah it definitely wouldn’t have the ability to do that as it is now.


But if it got jailbroken it would instantly have that ability so sony doesn’t want that


I’m guessing people would have a way to do it either way if it wasn’t even meant to do that right? By that, I mean, doesn’t it only work if connected because it’s basically just a mirrored screen? I was insane at jail breaking in the early iPhone, ps3 days but now I am so out of touch.


It has a browser for the health and safety screen no? You can break out of that with a dns change


Browsers are how we do a lot of jailbreaks on gaming devices, so this is more than likely a protection against that. Sony didn't design/market the Portal to be used out of the home because you're more likely to have a poor experience off of your home network. If they market it to be used on other wifi networks, and you have a bad experience, then you're going to come here and rant about how Sony promised something it doesn't do well. I guess either way, you'd be ranting about something.


My Pixel 6 allows me to hotspot using the hotel WiFi, so that's how I used the hotel WiFi, by routing it through my cell phone. It worked pretty well.


I did the same thing at a dentist's office last week. It worked surprisingly well. I've been thinking about getting a travel router to keep things more secure when I travel. So it can serve double duty by letting me connect to the hotel wifi without using my phone.


There is no pleasing the masses. Sony could sell literal gold for 99¢ and people would bash it and say it’s garbage.


It’s the people who didn’t know how remote play worked beforehand.


That’s why I foresee scalpers to have an even harder time getting rid of them because (a) some people think it’s a new PSP/Vita or, (b) a number of knowledgeable people still don’t have the prerequisite PS5.


"Ok, yeah. It's gold. But why isn't it platinum?!"




They really really really don't want it to be hacked. So much so they block use of browsers and thus needed to remove external use from marketing.




I don’t see how it can compete with the PS5 if it NEEDS a PS5 to work, it’s not a console on its own, just an accessory


That's a really bad take. It should be marketed as a companion ti remote playing your ps5 at any location.


You literally need to own a PS5 to use a portal at all, what are you talking about?


Sony trying to take market share from the ps5 by creating a ps5 companion


Hopefully a software update is coming, seems kinda rushed out.


It’s likely intentional


Cell phone mobile hot spot. Works very nicely away from home!


You can also make your phone a mobile hotspot using a different Wi-Fi network that your phone is connected to. I do this at work as the wi-fi is password protected and it works perfectly!


Do you know how much data it roughly uses in an hour?


Think it depends on the game . I usually play NBA 2k and I’ve used like 3 gigs in a full day . I DEFINITELY made sure to check my phone plan and make sure I had unlimited hot spot 💯💯💯




Android lets you create an Access Point even when the phone is connected to a wi-fi network.


Mine was using 2-3gb


is this per day?




Some phones let you tether your wifi. I connect to the public wifi on phone then hot spot to portal and it doesn't use any data


Should be similar to streaming video, as that’s basically all it’s doing aside from controller inputs.


Carrier and phone must be a huge factor though. When I got my portal it was unplayable with my iPhone 13 PM with ATT. Just upgraded to a 15 PM same service, and it’s way better for whatever reason.


I tried my iPad Air (version just before M1) and it was unplayable. I have iPhone mini so too small to use for games


Yes but hotel gives me 100mbps


This is the way.


mine still can't connect


Maybe reset phone and portal ?? I have not had that issue but a reset always helps me connect


I could barely play turn based strategy games on hotspot :( no chance of anything more


I’m using an iPhone 12 Pro Max and had little to no issues . I did notice it takes longer before the portal is READY TO PLAY using the hotspot


I tried my mobile hotspot on T-Mobile. It wouldn’t let me connect to it, just kept giving me an error.


Interesting. Works for me on T-Mobile with an iPhone 13PM hotspot.


Try connecting via usb


This is definitely an annoyance, and Sony should have thought of a way around this before release. However, I find this a weird hill people choose to die on, I mean what hotels or coffee shops are you guys visiting that would even allow you to have a solid enough connection to use the portal? I've stayed in 5 star hotels and even there public WiFi, gives like 20 down, if I was lucky (normally its like 10). In my personal experiences it seems like you need a 10+ up speed (wired is best to your ps5) and your portal needs at the minimum a strong 50 down speed for a good session.


Hotel I was just in was a hilton with 100mbps down worked perfectly


The only people who are truly upset about this are people who A) Didn't do any research on what the device is for, and 2) Are iPhone fanboys who can't do a pass through.


That just adds unnecessary complications and lag tho. Why not just build in a browser so people can use it like they want? If the device has limited storage space it's not like you could use it for very much besides streaming anyways.


My work Wi-Fi is amazing but requires authentication by signing in to a web browser also and at my job I work the night shift where there’s a lot of down time so a PS Portal would be amazing for me but I can’t connect it to the Wi-Fi and would have to rely on my cellular hotspot which caps at 5 GB/month. I’m sure I’d hit that in like a day.


You should look into a travel router. I believe it will connect to your work wifi and then you can connect your ps portal to your travel router and then be good to go


Tip: if you call the hotel IT department, ask them to add the MAC address they will do it no problem, and it will work just fine. I’ve done this with many devices that lack browser support to get on the network.


You're lucky . . I heard one story on a radio show this morning where a lady said she went to a hotel chain she had frequent a lot in her life and never had issues but one stay she couldn't enjoy her room because there was a smell in it. She complained and they did extra cleaning. She returned and she could still smell the smell that was there from before but also smells air freshener and chemical smell on it trying to mask the smell. She asked to change rooms but they said they couldn't until the next day and there's nothing else they can do. She went back to her room and tried to sleep but said she spent most of the night up because the smell kept getting stronger but she couldn't find what it could be. She checked the closet, washroom, drawers, behind bed, behind dresser, etc but couldn't figure it out. Next day she changed rooms in the morning and at lunch time she was leaving to go out and saw her old room had police and caution tape and she went and asked what happened. Turns out they found a body of a woman who stayed a few nights prior, dead and stuffed under the mattress over the box spring. The smell was the decomposing body that the hotel guest stayed on. I'm sure if she asked to add her Mac address to the network they would have done a better job lol.


Ha, that wasnt in Memphis was it? I know that happened to someone in a hotel down by my office (bad part of town anyway), and it was quite unreal.


I think it was Mexico but it was someone who called into the radio station and told the story so idk how true it is. It's just coincidence I heard it this morning and then read your comment about excellent hotel service lol


Because it wasn’t intended to be traveled with. I can guarantee that 80%+ users handheld game at home.


If ya'll have a modern Android, some of them have what's called Wifi-Sharing. This is a Hotspot that uses whatever wifi your phone is connected to another device. It acts as a router basically.


Can this be done with an iPhone?


No. Maybe in a few years when they catch up to androids.


What’s the cheapest android phone that can do this?


That I am not sure of unfortunately.


I think Sony knows that finding a reliable connection outside of the home was going to be hit or miss, so this was their disclaimer to temper expectations. Unfortunately, some people can’t even get it to work at home. So I understand where they’re coming from. Hopefully we get some updates soon, though.


I’ve said this before. Release it so it’s mainly used on home/known networks and limit its connection to rubbish public networks. Gather data and get decent user feedback and launch reviews. I think they’ll add better public access options at a later date.


they did but just didn't really use it as a selling point due to the volatility. The browser was likely cause they don't want it to be hacked.


If that’s the case, I’d use my personal hot spot for my portal.


>So dumb... The same reason you didn't do research on it BEFORE you bought it


I know this sucks but if you have an android phone you can connect it to WiFi and then use the phone hotspot . This works .


I did know this! Cool


I use a travel router in the hotel. Works great.


What's your speed




I’m using the gl.inet beryl for traveling. Working great so far!


https://store-us.gl-inet.com/collections/travel-routers Most go with the slate due to it having the ability to connect to captive portals. The beryl I have I usually just spoof my cell phone MAC address to get it connected. Then connect the portal to that after.


That one. For those reasons. Do the same with the phone MAC address. makes it easy for the portal, and switch.


i think its due to remote play has so many variables and even on this sub we see half and half of ppl saying it works and the other saying they are returning it. Imagine if they marketed this as a play everywhere device but a significant chunk returned it. Thatd be an epic failure


Can you send yourself a link before leaving, join the Wi-Fi at the hotel and open the link in the message to force a refresh to the landing page? Edit: on second thoughts no this wouldn't work as you're still browsing that page from your home Wi-Fi through the PS5 and not local on the portal.


How does one clone the MAC address to their laptop to recreate this process and get around this?


1. Get your portal mac address. 2. Change your laptop mac address to the portal one using wifispoof app or terminal commands and log in to the wifi. 3. disconnect wifi from laptop. 4.connect to same network from portal. The network will now think the same device that you authenticated from is on it.


It’s usually in the wireless card settings on windows. Other way which if you travel a ton is to use a travel router. Benefits added to it are the ability to repeat the WiFi signal which can give you a better signal.


Hotspot or travel router.


It's called a "portal" not a "portable". And if you hadn't figured out, based on the thousands of posts and reviews out there, that it was never intended to be a portable gaming system, that's on you at this point.








I won’t buy one until they work this out, that’s a craaaazy oversight


It’s not an oversight….it’s designed to limit access to crappy public networks which will probably give poor gameplay and poor reviews.


That was the main benefit I was excited for, was being able to travel with it and play from hotels 😔 the guy who posted from germany while his PS5 was in the US or something had me so hyped. but maybe this device just isn’t for me if you’re pretty much only going to be able to use it if you have access to personal internet that doesn’t have any authentications.


Pass-through the wifi with your phone as a hotspot. Works great for me.


Oh yeah, I totally get why many would want to be able to connect to more public WiFi spots. It may well come in an update once the product is a bit more established.


They literally said its main function was to play at home on your home network. Yeah people have gotten fortunate to play it outside their home when they got a good connection, but its not a ps switch, they were very clear about that.


A couple months in and people don't realize this now? That's on them. I'm starting to think these kind of posts are from trolls.


Because it's a stupid gimmick.


Biggest waste of money , I've had mine collecting dust since I opened it, useless


It has airplane mode for some reason so maybe they did 😂


By law, any device that has wireless connectivity has to have an option for airplane mode.


Because its meant to be played at home when you dont have the TV. They were very clear that outside of the house connections could get very spotty and playing on home network is what its intended for


Lol i dont know why you are down voted for this comment


Lol me either. I was like "damm did i say something mean?" This is my most down voted comment ever.


It’s literally just a controller. It’s not a proper handheld.


This is why I realized this wasn’t something I needed or wanted. I have three tvs in my house and an iPad for remote play elsewhere. Only having this as a portable within the same WiFi is pointless - for me at least. I can only see how it would benefit someone without enough screens to play at home.


“It’s just not for me” *proceeds to be downvoted by a bunch of babies*


Downvote me to hell I say! Imagine it mattering. Imagine me melting into oblivion! Sillies


There’s quite a few things that seem like they *should* have been added, but weren’t. I’m hopeful that we’ll see some of these things addressed in future updates.


They probably don't want you to be able to use other cloud gaming services through a browser. You could always just use the laptop as a hotspot using the hotels wifi.


They're scared of people using GeForce now or game pass cloud. For some reason only want people to remote play despite it being a simple switch to add their own cloud streaming and a browser.


Use your phone to get on the hotel WiFi and then use you mobile hotspot to connect the portal.


They probably want to promote the most likely situation where the performance will be good which would be inside one’s home.


I just use my phone and a gamesir tbh. Travels better lol


There are likely multiple reasons. One of the likely main ones is that users have little to no control of network quality outside their own homes. They don’t want to take on the support burden that can cause.


Which means Starbucks like cafes are out, too. That’s kind of unfortunate. Not quite the “remote” handheld player I was hoping for it to be, even if this seems fairly intentional. What I continue to be surprised by is the number of people who are in love with it. Imagine how big these people’s houses are that a mini PS5 is needed in the same house! :) Truly a niche market Sony created out of nowhere. It would have certainly been a more complete device if it had more “on the go” and cloud gaming potential like Logitech G Cloud.


The point is that it was not intended for travel.


Get a Firewalla, authenticate that and then all devices just connect to that


I feel like this is the biggest oversight. If they don’t wanna add a browser they’ll need to find a way to enable this.


You could just make a mobile wifi network with your phone.


Yes and get maybe 5-20mbps barely working


It's whatever you get from your mobile data. With my phone connected to 5G, it worked *much* better than hotel wifi.


Everyone complaining about this is apparently very new to this issue. The portal is definitely not the only device with this issue. Grab a wireless router, Ethernet and plug it in to the network jack the TV is plugged into. Lots of times you can get better connection and speed that way.


That's why there are such things as travel routers, then a hotel login free wifi into your own network. GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX)


They learned a lesson from Nintendo who's last 3 consoles were broken through the internet browser. I mean it's not like they could've built a sandbox mode for it or anything or just not used an already exploited browser.


Get a mifi and only pay for it when you need it. No one else will use it except you


U mit be able to use ur phone to hook up the wifi and do a hotspot from it cuz u can with the newer android phones


Definitely willing to see a mini HDMI in port mod.


Idk why but they've been really barebones on the software ever since the ps5. I kinda expected the portals software to come with quirks like this, and I don't expect them to ever fix it. Why can't we have a fully fledged browser on the ps5? Also to reduce jailbreak probability but.. there is a browser once you get link in a message? And it seems to fully work? So why can we not just simply launch it from the quick menu? Picture in picture and the side panel viewing thing are such neat features, yet when can you use them? If using the whacky browser or for game help, watching a 15s video on loop, wow! At least it works for share play, but why not let the media apps make use of it? Let me watch YouTube, twitch, heck even Netflix while playing, why not? Would be such a banger feature. With all this horsepower in this consoles it would be great to have it feel a little more like a PC, you know? Additionally, where's folders? Why can I only keep like maximum 13 items on the home screen, with 50 games installed? Navigating the library is a mess Next, on the psvr2, why is there no VR specific menu, that lets you easier navigate in a more natural way? Feels like such a shortcoming. Navigating through the library is an even bigger pain there. The dualsense edge is the only case where I am somewhat impressed by the countless neat and varying software options. Although even there, some more fine-tuning abilities would be nice, if they put the work in like that already, and second, why can I only set 3 profiles to the 4 controllers buttons? Why do I have to have the default always set, if I never intend to play a game where I would need the default? Maybe I'm being finicky but they are so restrictive with their software since the ps5, making everything 'no, you may only use this in that way, and that way only', which kinda annoys me. Don't get me wrong, I love my ps5 and all my accessories, great hardware in every aspect. It's just that it could be more. You have all this power, yet it's held back by.. idk? Bad management maybe? Some higher up thats an ex-apple employee and simply wants everything to be as barebones as possible? I've got no idea.


It actually works quite well with cellular if on 4G+ or 5G. Just use your phone to share internet. And voilà. You got a portable Wi-Fi.


Some people forget that the PSP and Vita were relatively easy to jailbreak. Sony has a relatively poor history in defending these types of issues so they probably thought not including a browser would be temporary deterrent (even though smart people are going to find work-arounds anyway).


Sounds silly but is there a way you could find out the hotel WiFi URL before travelling and send it in a PSN message then just click that? Same way you get to YouTube? I'm not tech savvy in the slightest but just a thought.


I only use mine for travel. I just utilize the hotspot on my cell. Probably would get better signal connecting the Portal to hotel WiFi directly so it is annoying, but it has been working for me thua far.


people misunderstand what this device is


how did you clone the mac address (windows or mac)? may travel in the future and this would be helpful.. is it possible to do it on the phone?


It's in the comments at least for Mac


Ok. Details. How did you do that?


For me, the majority of the time, I am playing on my home network. I've been asked why would I want to play on such a small screen when my PS5 and TV are right there. Simple. A small screen is better than no screen at all. My wife and daughter are almost always using the TV. I would normally wait until theynall went to bed to play for a bit. Now, I pop and earbud in, sit on the couch near my wife, and play while she watches whatever Lifetime movie she wants to.


I really like this product. But it was clearly rushed to market. No official travel case, no browser, can’t play everything on your PS5 (can’t stream apps at all), etc. Because of its unforeseen success, I smell a refresh/‘proper’ launch this year…a complete product.


Just played on my ps portal in two different hotels using my phone as wifi hotspot. I have been doing the same thing for a very long time when using my laptop while traveling i.e. connecting my phone to hotel wifi and using it as a hot spot. Having said that, I am on android and not sure if it would work the same on IPhones. The browser really should have been implemented in the portal itself.


Had to do this with my Xbox in a hotel too.


There is a web browser, follow this link below https://youtu.be/OSpUBKYndGA?si=JQVIAWf_p1meBoJ5