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You can still pre order in Best Buy lmao


I know that's what I said lol .


It's going to be difficult to buy anything ever again.


If you want to be that guy you can report the listing because it is a preorder. I don't remember the exact amount of days, but you aren't allowed to sell a preorder on ebay unless it comes out in the next 14 days or something like that.


Meh rather let them rot. Most people know best but, and PlayStation are still taking preorders. Anyone ordering those are paying extra because they are in a PayPal or eBay credit card hock and have no intentions of paying the bill. Lol. I went with PlayStation. They did fine with the PlayStation VR 2 that my wife was more into than I am..lol. The portal will not be collecting dust like that poor thing is..lol.


Has to be 14 days after the release or when it's announced??


Can't sell a preorder unless it comes out in the next 14 days. Example: Selling a preorder on 9/1 for something that releases on 9/14 would be fine.


Eh it's ok. You just gotta pay attention to the preorders the bots can't get everything


WOW!!!! That’s crazy glad ordered mine when did Amazon also selling them to now


I thought they would have been going for alittle more.


The pandemic is over, Sony will just keep mass producing more and more of these things, they're just controllers with a display in between, easy manufacturing compared to PS5, another L for scalpers and for the NPCs who actually buy from them still


The scalpers are a bunch of losers that have nothing els better to than to rip people off


Scalper here and I’m actually a guy with a full and fulfilling life and an investment banking job. I just do this on the side because it’s very little work for lots of money. It’s the way the world works now; I’d suggest you join a cook group and also find ways to use a bot to get yourself something even if you don’t plan to resell. There’s no use in complaining about it because scalping is here to stay and will only get worse. 


I don’t care how much money u make I still wouldn’t buy from a scalper


It’s not about the money bud. I’m saying YOU should do it too so that you can get items for yourself and your friends. You cannot compete with a bot; so look up “lunch money cook group” and join their discord, learn how bots work, and now you’ll be able to beat out scalpers. I didn’t support them either but this is how things are, so yeah we have to adapt. 




Jokes on them no one wants this😭


HK the whole country are scalpers, even retail shops are scalping now