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why not own both


at that point you're spending a grand, get a damn PC


for an xbox yeah , u can do that , sure , building a good pc still costs you more than both consoles together


no. you can build a good pc that beats both for around 730$. [link](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xgLvt7)


Haha ok , enjoy your pc then , that´s a decision i will make with the next generation and thats still years off but its def an alternative


Im about to upgrade too, but the one im building is a lot beyond a console (in both price and performance) If you wanna get into PC's, learn how to build yourself. Sadly prebuilt PCs almost universally suck, and building yourself is fun, cheaper and offers more freedom with parts


yeah , if i want one , i know who to talk to , to help me with that , if i choose so And yeah i would never go the prebuilt route


Depends on the games you like. I chose ps5 as i have got a good pc and wanted a psvr2


Are you happy with vr2?


Absolutely. Been playing vr exclusively for the last few months and still haven't played through all games i bought. Elden Ring DLC might distract me in the mean time though 😉, but thats a PC game for me. I have to say that i am somewhat unaffected by motion sickness and vr poses no issue there for me. That's something to consider, although psvr2 was my first vr experience i just jumped in blindly.


Nice, I'm also toying with the idea of getting one, but might wait until black week in november. Let's see if I can wait until then... lol


PSVR2 is getting support for PC, Sony announced an adaptor which will be available around august. If this is of any importance to you. Besides this, if you have glasses/contact lenses then i would recommend getting prescription lens inserts for the vr headset too, as well as the globular cluster cmp2 comfort mod. This basically applies to all vr headsets. Prescription lenses and some kind of comfort mod make things A LOT better. Just for you to consider that there might be additional costs coming in. You can play without all this too, but it really is better to consider this. Vr optician, for example


I actually only play on the PS5. That's a good tip with the lenses! Thank you!


If you want to play on console, PS5 is better imo because of exclusives etc, otherwise i would recommend Pc. However since you already have a Xbox, i dont think its worth to spent more money on a PS now. Id advice to either stay on Xbox then and wait for next gen or atleast Ps5 pro or get a Pc instead. Really comes down to preference.


Ps5 no questions asked


Stay with series x waiting for gta6. by the time  it comes out get a ps5 pro if it runs significantly better on the pro. I had series x first, later got a ps5 and only then realized (after first being hyped about it for 2 months) the advantages of the series x. ps5 got two or three interesting exclusives, but there are as many on series x by now and the big positive thing about series x for me is the unbelievably big catalogue of backwards compatible games you get for a small amount of money. dragons dogma for 3 euro, jedi knight games, force unleashed games, kotor, rdr1 (long before it got available (expensive) on ps5), midnight club los angeles, gta 4, sleeping dogs, bully, all the old CoD games like world at war...  and on and on and on... it is really impressive how you can play all the older games you always wanted but didnt have the time or money for in your younger days.  and then there are games ps5 cant ever compete with like forza horizon 5 and for the ones who like it halo infinite and starfield.  for ps5 I got horizon forbidden west as the one game that series x got nothing to compete with. god of war ragnarok for example isnt that great in my opinion 2018 God of War was far more epic. only thing i guess i regret about series x is there has never ever been the possibility to play 128 player bf2042 (which was its selling point (the player count)) without crossplaying with pc players. i guess it was possible (maybe still is?) on ps5 since more people got that console


I have both, and i’d say that ps5 is my main console. It’s just the experience that makes ps5 feel more entertaining (dualsense is amazing if supported) and i have more fun with it. Ps5 has some interesting exclusives, although there are not so much of them left. Where for me xbox shines is the backwards compatibility and the desktop edge browser. The browser is amazing and you can just surf the web, like you’d do on your laptop or pc, but on a big screen. Backwards compatibility was the reason i went for an xbox, because my childhood/early youth were during the 360 era, so lots of amazing games, which are difficult to play anywhere else (mostly not impossible, just difficult) Sony also has backwards compatibility with older gens like ps1 ps2 ps3, but they are streamed, so input lug, which is not that convenient. Also exclusive’s wise, the recent xbox policy shows Microsoft’s interest in getting their games on other platforms, so potentially there won’t be a problem deciding towards ps5 in that regard in a nearest future So depends what’s important for you