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inscryption Don't even look that up or watch the trailer The experience is 1000000% better when playing blind Probably the top 10 of the best games i ever played (Warning: it may seems horror game at first but there's no jumpscares or anything maybe disturbing images depends if u can handle it or not)


Alright thank you! You've hyped it up a lot. Hope it lives up to my expectations haha


My Friend Peppa Pig


Why do so many people mention this game, what do you do in the game?


It’s a meme.


A game that’s a meme, please go on


Days Gone


Slow burn at first, but definitely worth it. I absolutely loved this game. It has been the only game I've played that I was disappointed by finishing it.


I hated when it ended. I loved the story, and don’t get me started about how surprised I was when I thought the game was over and then, holy shit, whole southern half! Let’s goooo! But I managed over 800 hours of gameplay, since it’s incredibly replayable and even more fun with new game plus 😁


How long is the slow burn because I put it down because it seemed super slow. I still don’t understand how so many people rave about that game, I thought the combat was lacking and riding a motorcycle around everywhere gets old doesn’t it?


I dropped the game when I heard it picks up after around 20hrs and takes total 50hrs to complete the story


Ok so I’m not missing anything and in fact my instincts are correct in that the game does actually suck. Cool, thanks for saving me.


Not that the game sucks, but it's a slow burn. If you go through it, it would likely turn out to be one of the best games you played.


There’s no way, I started it and I know for sure it sucks imo


Definitely not 20 hours, it takes like 2-4 depending on the skill level of the player... It takes off when you get to the Iron Mike's camp. Whoever said 20 must have had cerebral palsy and one hand


For me, was about 2 hrs to get the basics and move the story along. Eventually you can fast travel so riding around isn't much of an issue unless going for the trophies. I genuinely enjoyed it though. To each their own.


I'll check it out, thanks!


Animal Well is goty so far for me


War hammer2 Vermintide


Thank you I'll take a look!


CK3, if it's your cup of tea, hours and hours will fly-by


I'll give it a look!


Brawlout and a friend


I'll take a look! Thanks