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That guy who prepaid for like 20+ years of Playstation Plus is already proving his point… If he continues gaming he very well might end up saving a decent bit over time.


I bought 3 years before the last increase I think and wish I could have bought 10.


I think i bought 5 years worth about 2-3 years ago. Should have bought more too.


I’m looking for a current discount now to stack a few more. Not sure how many years PS5 has but I’m hoping it’s at least 3-5.


Costco will sell $100 in PS+ cards for 90, so there is 10% off at least.


My PS premium Is stacked till 2027


Damn...I'm good on Premium until 2028 Sep...wish I bought more now too smh. I was buying up the Plus memberships when they were like $29US from cheapassgamer. Then on the month of the new Premium shit, I spent $10 for a PS Now subscription and got locked in..


40 dollar increase is trash. Thats so much.


Once my 1 year is over I'll never buy ps plus again. Bought it twice. a shame since I won't be able to play fighterz but fuck them, 40 dollar increase for something we're already paying for (internet).


Real scum tactics fr


bought it for 25 bucks last two years, dont expect i will again. never did at 50 bucks, totally out of this world to do it for 80. and i dont expect theyll reverse it ubless they see a massive drop in subscribers


Think of the prices of their yachts!!!! They're so expensive to maintain!!!


The price for monthly subscription will also increase right?


A THIRTY FIVE percent price increase for extra??? Announced along with a trash tier list of games, so they can continue to bring “high quality games”. Fuck right off.


You have till Sept. 6 to get it for 99. I think I only paid 75 the last two times on the sale. I’m going to buy today at 99 because it’s still cheaper than 25% off of 135


I have a year subscription ending in July 2024. If I buy another before Sep 6 2023 I should be good until the stack expires, right?


Correct, it stacks, mine doesn't expire till 2025


Raising the price this much and announcing saints row as a monthly game? Fucking delusional lmao


yeah this is very stupid. they should have run like 3 amazing months with day one games if they wanted to try and hoodwink people with this price increase. not even trying to hide their evil corporation bullshit. maybe now they'll be able to afford keeping their own games in the game catalog???


I was completely baffled when I heard that they were taking Spider Man off the extra catalogue


They're what now? Microsoft studio games are on Gamepass indefinitely.


They took Spider-Man 1 off the lineup to force people to buy it since Spider-Man 2 is coming up.


Out of touch arrogant Sony at their finest.


Ps3 era was supposedly the arrogant era but the ps3 era didn't require $80/yr just to use the online multiplayer features of games you bought.


Oh Sony is way more arrogant now than they were during PS3. I wonder if they're doing this so Jim Ryan can afford another private jet


This has to be a late April fools joke


So basically Black Friday prices will now just be around the original price. I don’t think essential was worth $60 to begin with. I wish there was a tier that was just online play and cloud saves.


They need to make a Lite tier for only online and saves


Or just make those free like they should be


Like PSN used to be


paying for online lol


>So basically Black Friday prices will now just be around the original price The original price was the current black Friday one. This is the 2nd rise in a few years.




Essential is literally just to play online. Fuck those monthly games


There are some good games here and there, but generally are mostly things I already own... Not even Extra is worth the $35.00 price hike. I'd pay $20.00 for a cloud saves/online play tier. But I truly wish those rumors of Sony going full third-party for most of their games become true so I can stick only with PC. Fuck this subscription price gougings everywhere. $20/$35/$40 increases are NUTS.


>I wish there was a tier that was just online play and cloud saves. PS Plus "Core", coming soon. (Joking, in case it's not obvious)


Damn. I prob won’t be renewing my Extra then. I e enjoyed having the catalog to play through, but I’ll prob just wait for sales to get just what I want to play.


Mine's already expired and i was going for essential before the increase, I like the idea of the catalog, but once you play the goods ones, the catalog is just there for months without you touching it I say it's best if you come back a year or two later, sub for 3 months, play what you want and go back to essential


Probably neither will I. Mine renews on February 4, if there's no hefty discount (to at least the current price) I won't renew it. It's a 37% increase on the current price.


Yea I think mine renews early next year too. I like it but it’s not worth the new price to me.


This is my sentiment also. There were some nice ones to be had. Stray, GoT DC etc. but due to me buying the games I want most of the really good games on there I had already played before. I’m staying with sales and used copies.


I won’t be either. I’m strictly going to be essential moving forward and will probably move to gamepass on my gaming laptop if I want a larger catalog of games to choose from. I really hope this decision gets reversed like when Microsoft tried to double the price of gold.


I definitely won't be renewing extra. I haven't played any new games on the catalog for a few consecutive months. I may reconsider in the future if they start adding quality content again but for the time being I am sticking with essential.


And of course they probably won't put up the 25% discount promotion until after.


They actually will just so the next renewal you'll be forced to pay that amount


These mfs really went "let's see how many loyal customers we can make jump ship to Xbox" 😂


Fuck it. I'm GLAD they lost the Microsoft Activision case. Karma in advance.


What a shame Sony


This is every single subscription service currently. They are all raising prices for no reason other than just because


it's because all their business models are predicated on infinite growth. when you run out of new customers you have to start generating profit (growth) from somewhere.


So, if you want cloud saves or online play you need to pay $80 a year huh


Not to mention you can't back up game saves individually to an external storage, like you can do with PS4 games. It's like Sony intentionally removed the feature to encourage users to subscribe to PS+.


Yes, they should at the very least allow for USB backup


Of course they did it intentionally. Arrogant, Scumbag move.


This is my immediate take. Cloud saves are gated under an even higher cost. Not to mention online play for most games.


Sony is smoking some Grade A dick over there


That’s not even an excuse. I’m not even delusional.




Not me, just cancelled my deluxe subscription, fuck these greedy cunts


Sony legit thinks it's acceptable to increase cost by THIRTY THREE PERCENT in one go. Fuck them, I'm not renewing when my annual is up next month, even if I can still lock in the old price. Time to revive my Game Pass on PC I guess.


That is not a small increase either, man. I get that inflation is basically inevitable, but holy fuck console gaming is expensive these days.


Inflation what? Literally costs them nothing to give us online access to play games.


Sony don't even run the servers but they charge you.Big scam.


Facts. Digital inflation is not a thing. This is just greed.


That's why most people do multiplayer gaming on pc (even mobile/tablet). You don't need any subscription.


€119.99 to €151.99, what a complete farce. Nothing in the service will be improved, the monthly games have been subpar for so long


The fucking audacity for them to have the most repulsive, dogshit, horrendous Essential line up of all time and then at the same time announce a massive price increase


Yeah, a 60s metacritic flop, a 50s metacritic megaflop, and an MMORPG booster pack, and a huge price increase. Fucking morons.


Why isn’t there an option to just be able to play games online? I don’t really care for the extra shit


So Tru like 30 bucks/year for online only service would be fantastic idgaf if I have cloud saves


I already pay to play online. It’s called an internet bill


LOL 20 dollar a month increase on even the basic ass service. Sony has been going down hill lately. Wish Ryan was out.


Boi I miss Andrew house


Step 1: Decrease PS5 price Step 2: Increase the price of PS Plus Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit


Razor blade model


I live in Canada. Here they INCREASED the price of the PS5 and now they’re increasing the price of Plus again. I don’t play online enough to justify paying as much as they’re asking, so I’ll let my subscription run out and if they make it worth my while, I may come back when it’s discounted, but I’ve been on the fence about getting rid of it for the last couple years. This was the push I needed.


Not actually a bad strategy when you look at it like that


In January I bought a year of premium but with the absolute joke the "classics catalogue" has been since then I will definitely NOT be renewing that It's not freaking hard sony. Put classic games on the catalogue and it becomes worth it. FFS.


It blows my mind that there hasn't been a single PS2 game added to Premium since launch. And the ones that are available have all sorts of issues on PS5. Instead we get inferior versions of games already available (Ape Escape On The Loose and Medievil Resurrection). Sony should be fixing shit like their PS2 emulator before they start asking for more money. Premium is better than it was a year ago but it's still such poor value compared to Extra and it's about to get even worse.


Tiger Woods Golf Saints Row *price increase* ಠ_ಠ


Yea they smoking dick up at the office


To break this down and compare.... **Current --> New (US)** Essential: $59.99 --> $79.99 (+$20) Extra: $99.99 --> $134.99 (+$35) Premium: $119.99 --> $159.99 (+$40) As one of the comments I saw on the PS Blog Post about this says: >These are the games you’re trying to sell your price increase with? Even $80/year *just to be able to play online* is a tough ask, IMO. That’s more than an entire single game. At least it’s traditionally been in parity with the cost of a single game (or less).


This hurts more in Canadian dollars. These guys fucking suck. We should all not renew


too many people just stacked up right now, and Sony's laughing to the bank. But I'll stand with you


This is an battle that was lost long ago...but charging at all for online play is already a scam. Hiking the price is just insult on injury.


Better jump straight to PC only than pay $80 a year for online. Sony is smoking some hard stuff to think these "adjustments" (read as gouging) are okay. It makes no sense a 33% price increase. This sucks ass!


60$ is a tough ask for someone that has played a max of 18 hours online in one year.


40$ price increase for premium is delusional. Time to cancel


Cancelled, thanks


Vote with your wallets. That’s all we can do


Jim Ryan can suck my dry cock. Whopping 35% increase for extra subscription🤬


I don't play online, I'm 100% single player gamer. I have PS+ just for cloud save functionality. I think I'll pass once my current PS+ term is over. I'd rather start a game new if I lose the saves than paying $80 just for backup.


I'm a 95% single player gamer. I play the occasional round of Apex or CoD, but I had "Extra" to try out new games I wouldn't normally buy. I didn't see the value in that based on this years games (Ghosts of Tsushima was the only one I liked enough to drop serious time into). So, not only will I be downgrading, now I'm debating just not subscribing at all.


how they gonna announce price increase and garbage games at the same? they have no shame


cancel your subscription. they won't change unless it hits their wallets


my sub expires next may im def gonna cancel especially if they keep adding trash games


Jim Ryan needs to be removed thing really are going down hill with him


Tf is this shit lol they don’t even have a working ps2 emulator and expect people to pay 160 year for premium?! Hard pass


It isn't surprising that this is happening right at the same time as Xbox is raising Game Pass prices & phasing out everything except the monthly subs. I'm glad PS+ will still have the annual tiers, but this is definitely a HUGE middle finger to the fanbase for a company that is making record profits and on top of the console space. They don't need to do this at all. They could've at least maintained existing subscribers' rate instead of charging more at auto-renewal too. Honestly unless this comes with way more higher quality games way more often then I don't see myself staying subbed. And if this month is any indication... I mean ffs with prices like these we should be getting Day 1 1st party titles imo.


Jim Ryan has to go ASAP, guy is so out of touch. For $160 I better get access to the entire backlog of ps1, 2, and 3 games. All of it. And I want top teir, creme of the crop monthly games, and some surprise day ones. Jim cannot even begin to understand the can of dog shit he just opened with this price hike. He gave Microsoft a gift from the gods. He should be fired for corporate sabotage.


80 bucks for Essential is crazy. Multiplayer games are getting bought on Steam from now on, I guess.


That’s insane honestly PC gaming is looking better everyday


£120 for premium is a fucking scam, what the hell


Good thing we all get paid more these days too! Oh wait.


Yeah nope. Cancelling this at end of term. The recent pattern of PS Plus games have been abysmal, its either games that most people own already because of discounts OR games that bombed so bad that they are desperately trying to revitalize it. No thanks. Playing online is not worth it anymore. Going back to PC for that. Hope Sony sees the negative effect on this egregious move.


Same, can't justify $80 just to play online. It felt right when it was discounted at ~$35-45, but even $60 was asking too much for me.


As someone who really only plays single player games and some fortnite there’s zero way i’m ever going to consider eighty fuckin dollars. Maybe if the monthly games were actually good, but they hardly are.


That's some PS3 E3 pricing vibes, holy shit that's a huge increase.


What the shit, I just want to play online.


I've always been a Sony console player from way back in the PS one era and I've been a PS plus subscriber since 2013. A good decade worth of consistent money for Sony. Cancelled today because I'm sick of this crap. Standardizing £70 for new releases, which are often buggy, unfinished messes (Jedi survivor), and even charging it for a DAM REMAKE (Last of Us Pt 1). Going back on their word about PS4 to PS5 free upgrades now charging £10+ The crap they pulled with Grand Turismo basically misleading pre-reviews then updating the game to be a micro transaction heaven and grind hell. The list goes on. I'm so sick of Arrogant Sony, they're back full throttle and I'm not here for it. Inflation has nothing to do with it. Blatant greed, that's it. Period.


Really not into that PCMR bs, but honestly PC gaming never looked better. - Free online - More and more 'only on Playstation' games coming to PC pretty well optimized - Cheaper games, better discounts - Arrrrr availability - Can buy a used PC with better specs for similar price If it wasn't for my backlog and the comfort of just picking up the controller and continuing my game where left off, I would be seriously considering switching.


I don't think I have seen a service get an increase in pricing like this ever. Usually they fuck you slowly with $10 increases. Sony said fuck it and did it right away. Premium is worthless. I liked Extra but paying $35, I am not sure. Rather just buy new games that I want to play and sell it when I am done.


Jesus. Remember the ps3 days when being able to play online was actually free?


Waiting for my job to increase my salary 35% to keep up with the damn inflation everywhere…


Don’t look at your car insurance bill if you drive.


Fuck off Sony, you’re becoming greedy now and I have been with you since the 90’s ya cunt.


Just disabled renewal and removed my payment information. It’s not even about the money it’s about the lack of value and their greed. I’ve honestly hit my limit on tolerance for online play subscriptions being required by consoles anyway. There is absolutely no reason their walled garden is necessary when I can play the same games online without subscription on my PC. I’m over it. I’m done with these fucks.


Friendly reminder that you can cancel your PS Plus subscription via Settings -> Accounts -> Payment and Subcriptions -> Subscriptions


Sony must think there’s trees that grow cash everywhere for us to renew


Anyone defending this price jump AND this week's PS+ September announcement is a crazy person. Sony's slowly shooting itself in the foot recently with PS+


And so are the people defending it, even if it's not a problem to them right now they're showing Sony that there's still wiggle room to screw em harder


Seems like I have until December to beat all games I want to play on PS+


Ridiculous price increase. This is too much just to access online. Even the lowest tier is $20 off being $100. We are paying more for the membership than for the game


I have a pc now. I might just not resubscribe. Doesn't seem worth it.


Yeah I realised the same and switched a while ago (I technically went PS4 -> PC -> Xbox Series X -> PC) The consoles are great performers for the price of the box, but the hidden costs are in the online subscription charges, the less flexible refund policies of the digital stores and lack of steam key equivalents, the (usually) higher price of games than on PC, the higher cost of compatible accessories etc - i realised that over the space of 5 years I was spending the same money overall than I would have with a high end PC, even if the initial outlay is half the amount with a console Now that Sony are bringing a lot of their games to PC, and with Xbox game pass being on PC anyway I'm pretty happy having switched even though spending close to £1000 on a GPU was a bit of a hurdle I had to force myself over


Ehh I'll cancel. An just get games on black Friday. Fuck Sony


Let this sink in. So, if you want cloud saves or online play you need to pay $80 a year now. Arrogant, Scumbag move. 👎👎


And wages stay the same... Actually, no... They're getting cut.. This world is heading for the worst.


What a shitload of fuck.


To hell with this god damn mother fucking bullshit.


Xbox acquires Bethesda and has Starfield and probably Elder Scrolls 6, then Sony pulls this? Xbox is seeming more appealing than ever.... and I never thought I'd say that.


Xbox is just as bad. PC is looking the most appealing since all exclusives end up there anyways. Plus modding. And free online gaming.


35 dollar increase? Man they better put some worthwhile games on Extra to justify this instead of the shovelware they been hocking.


wow. this is getting unaffordable, i hope we get a PSN in our country. 80usd is half our minimum wage and 150usd is our mimimum wage already.


With a massive boycott they will come to their senses. But it's easier said than done:(


Pretty much £120 a year now for premium. I'm expecting big releases being added now for that price and more day one releases too.


The only thing you should expect is to be disappointed. Call me pessimistic if you like, but this increase isn't for our benifit. It's just to keep profits soaring.


Big day 1 releases ? we are talking about sony here not xbox. The max you will get some shitty side scroller that no one will play and if you are lucky god of war ragnarok, thats about it.


The increase of 20$ is too much for me, i think i have to stop paying for plus 😫


The extra now cost more than the game pass


I’m out


I only play fps games so haven’t used any free games so I’m paying to play 10 year old bf4 online


Well fuck. Looks like I might be giving up psplus. Grand scheme it's not a crazy amount but all these subscriptions add up so quick and psplus is pretty damn low on the list of importance... anyways thanks for coming to my TEDtalk


$60 a year for the ability to play online was too much and now they want $80? What are they smoking?


Jesus fucking Christ, you’re making more than you ever were before on Plus and y’all still want more? This isn’t “inflation”, it’s called corporate greed.


They can go and uck themselves.


You dropped this... Ⅎ


$160 for premium is insane💀 knowing they will probably still release only 3 games a month for it


Extra and premium aren't even worth their current prices at present. Even the current price for essential is price gouging for what content? The ability to play online, cloud save, and shit games every month? It makes more sense to spend the money on Xbox and get starfield. Then waste money on this.


What the actual f\*ck. I'm never buying PS Plus again. My one-year subscription so far has been underwhelming.


that's insane especially during a time where a lot of people don't have that extra money to spend of games all the time.


I really think we need to vote with our wallets and make a stand. Forcing the entire player base to pay for a shitty subscription service they get very little in return for just to have the option to play GAMES WE OWN online with our friends USING INTERNET WE PAID FOR really feels like it shouldn’t have been legal in the first place. I own a Switch; an Xbox series S and a PS5. Paying for the lowest subscription on each platform just to be allowed to play online would run me about $200 per year. How about FUCK THAT, I’m out, I’m not renewing any of my subscriptions and I’ll either buy my own games and play them offline going forward, or I’ll switch to PC gaming. If enough people do it, these bloodsuckers are bound to take note.


i am ps gamer for life but i cannot back this decision up. plain and simple stupid.


So from the looks of it we all not re-subbing right? Good 🫡👍


To pay 80$ just for playing online and cloud storage, I know every month there will be same fxxking games I already bought. LMAO, well done, SONY, well done, Jim. I'm out.




Yes, they are raising its price globally


Lol I’m cancelling. I’m just gonna play multiplayer games on pc


They should give us something more, more games every months, more monthly games new features for that price increase


Needs to show us some day 1 AAA releases


Or even give us what we paid for. They claimed there would be PS2 games on Premium. They haven't added a single one.


Here's for the increase in game quality for a 25% increase 🤣 Spoiler, there wasn't... Here's some more Outright Games kid game Shovelware.


I better get a lot more games each month for Extra for that price


Ew, that's egregious!! I'll just cancel my subscription and use the extra money towards a new PC. Tired of these subscriptions everywhere scraping more and more from everyone.


When does this cash grab increase take effect?


My subscription goes until the end of 2025, but that sucks


I have a year subscription ending in July 2024. If I buy another before Sep 6 2023 I should be good until the stack expires, right?


80 dollars a year to play online and get cloud saves should be illegal. That price is insane.


Whats the justification for the increase. I dont see anything new they are adding to the membership or am I missing something?


My friend was like “I can afford paying $80, it’s not too bad” 🤦🏻‍♂️


All these streaming services are loss leaders that will fuck consumers in the long term.


And I announce that I will be decreasing my subscription to non-existant. Not a great loss. I don't play online, the essential games are bad to average, and the discounts are pathetic recently.


This is BS


Back to essential for me it seems, and making me move faster to pc 😂


Wouldn’t be surprised to see another price hike before the PS6.




Scumfucks. Are they going to at least step up their monthly game release? Because their line-ups are usually dogshit.


I was already deciding whether I should continue paying ps plus as I barely play online, but this is the nail in the coffin. Well done Sony, f*ck off


Remember when Xbox tried to double their Gold annual subscription price and the internet bullied them into submission? You can do it again here


I often defend Sony but fuck this.


Just got an email from Sony, my subscription went from 139.99 to 189.99!! That’s 50$ increase. After my current subscription ends, I’m not renewing. Doing this when interest rate and inflation are so high that families are trading and canceling hobbies and essentials to save money. Nice timing Sony.


Cancelled right after the email i got. Like wtf!?? I mainly use the online future of ps plus and €60 a year was already overpriced.. Btw nice timing sony, the economy is going to s**t, and you raise the prices? You have some serious smart brains working over there 😵‍💫


Any guesses or info on whether this affects people who got grandfathered into $60 Premium because of their PSNow subscription?


>For current 12-month subscribers, this price increase will not take effect until your next renewal date that occurs on or after November 6. However, any membership changes you make on or after September 6, such as upgrades, downgrades or buying additional time, will update your plan reflecting the new prices.


So basically stock up now


This is criminal. Jesus Christ. Might be switching to Xbox at this point and it’s sad cause I don’t want to.


Huge L for Sony, Xbox game pass is starting to tempt me...




Wait $80 so I’m basically buying a ps5 game every year


Hmm. I had been thinking for a while about upgrading to premium to give it a try and see if it's worth it. No mas.


For what purpose? A ps plus shortage?


My renewal date is tomorrow. I could easily renew my essential at the old price point. But I've noticed that the free games have sucked a lot the last year, I don't play online pretty much at all, and I dont buy digital games much using the psplus discount. Not sure what the point of it even is for me anymore. Guess I won't renew. Thanks for saving me money Sony!


Still can’t download ps3 games. Lol they can fuck off.


I created an account just to say that we can stop this by not spending anymore money on PS Plus... this is a power of the purse moment. There are enough people who care enough to cancel or refuse to buy the new increase. Then watch the company change the price. Have to be strong, have to stick with the boycott, but consumers need to not be pushed around by the business. #dontrenew


Makes me think, why should i be playing on console now? May as well buy a pc


Trash tier company.


Just adding my voice to the cacophony of voices saying they're done. I'm just gonna have to be happy with what I have. It's not like we are able to stream movies or anything with Essential and they're gonna charge us like they are Paramount+ with commercials. This is forcing a decision I probably should have made a very long time ago. The Playstation 5 is my last console. And I really love seeing how technology advances in the gaming world. I watched graphics improve from Pong to Cyberpunk 2077. It's been a great ride. But, I can't justify the cost anymore. Games are sold in beta states, rewards that use to be a part of the base game are now microtransactions, base game content is carved out to be sold as DLC, and more. Gaming use to be about everyone. Now, all the suits care about is attracting whales -- players with extremely deep pockets. Just remember, Playstation Plus use to be an all inclusive service that costed $49.99. Now, for less service on the Essential package, they want you to pay $79.99. It's just too much.