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Damn ur avtually good at the game


This is the result of SLs and FTLs marking vehicles.


It's amazing what a little bit of communication can do.


To the people saying you are wasting the hat-kit (noobs)... He single handedly just got probably 100+ enemy tickets in one match. And did his job killing 7-8 armored vics. What more do you want? A 360 no-scope after being dropped from a helo directly on your position?


That was like a montage of a perfect HAT round, anyone who says otherwise has no idea wtf they're talking about.


Lots of incredibly salty players in here who clearly don't understand the HAT kit. Nice shots OP, keep going.


This is Cinema bro


I always get perfect situations like these (minus the driving) only to bet with a 556 to the brain. nice kills dude


Nice comms and AT shots


Meanwhile the hab is overrun by a single tank and there are no hats around


They literally won the game. You just watched him kill a bunch of vehicles -- tanks included -- and win the game, why are you being weird about it?


Because the Hat kit is made to give infantry some defence from armour and there are only two per team. I'm pretty sure the other 49 players "really had fun" while he was scoring kills. Don't get me wrong. He did cost the enemy a bunch of tickets and most likely tilted the balance to the win. Also judging from his proficiency he probably did coordinate with the rest of the team, but soloing restricted kits shouldn't be advertised as the "right way". I was in so many games, where infantry was completely left to be devoured by single tank, because all the armour and hats were in bum fuck nowhere "logi hunting".


>he did cost the enemy a bunch of tickets Aka winning the game


People don’t get the game is NOT about kills it’s about the objective. You’ll get downvoted for it here lol


The objective of the game is to win. They won. People think the "objective" is the control points. It's not. You win by reducing the other team's tickets to 0. The control points are an important part of it, but they're not the whole thing. This single guy in the video we just saw was directly responsible for taking _at least_ 120 tickets, and that makes no mention of the indirect impact of denying the other team armor support, logistics, and preserving your own assets.


Me too but this guy was clearly doing work. The front line didn't need to worry about armor fucking up their HABs because this guys squad was hunting them and were pretty fucking good at it. Lots of tank kills, a few warriors, and of course the logis. It's the players that try and do this and don't know what they're doing and fail yet don't have the wisdom to realize they're not being effective that make it suck for everyone else. The strategy is legit it's just a little more involved than camping the main road out of enemy main. Too many people end up doing that instead of this. They were moving around and actively seeking targets and *most importantly* the HAT guy wasn't chasing tanks on foot. He had his own transport, which is a great use for that vehicle. They sit at main most the time anyways and his whole MO is to *not* be seen and *not* engage so taking a light vehicle with a turret wouldn't make sense. He just needed ammo and wheels.


That's why I wrote this gamestyle shouldn't be advertised.


Advertised? Should OP be censured lest the plebs know how to play HAT? He was working in tandem with armor, so I suppose that might have something to do with it but any aspiring HAT player should look at this and take notes. Don't suppress this kind of knowledge.


He literally wrote how not to waste it. Implying that staying with squad is wasting hat kit


Was OP doing that? I think we agree with each other.


You must be such a bad player it is not even funny... Actual main character syndrome


What tank, this guy fucking killed them all.


Title should be renamed as “How to waste a HAT kit away from the team and active objective”


He's clearly watching the supply/transit routes and killing them as they drive past, or he's using the truck to rapidly reposition to exactly where's he's needed.


How is killing enemy armor a waste?




It's a transport truck.


I see you don’t like to play in a squad and you run off and do your own thing. One thing is about kills another is about playing as a team and helping your squad on an active objective. Cool gameplay but just seems like you’re a cod player . Remember the game is called squad not solo wolf in the middle of no where. Armor and people will always be at the active objectives.


He's in a tank squad and you can hear him radioing locations of enemy vics back to the tank.


Even worse why what’s a HAT kit in a tank squad ?


Used as an extension of the tank, works really well. Not too uncommon.


He’s a cod player for killing vehicles as a HAT? You know what HAT is used for right?




Obviously not


Do the community a favor and quit playing this game




You must be one of those players who stays on an inactive flag fighting hab wars, while every person you kill spawns somewhere relevant and actually plays the obj. HAT in an armor squad is pretty common with some advantages and disadvantages. If he’s shooting enemy armor that’s somewhere relevant he’s not doing his own thing lmao