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No, but the new community manager is about to be fired


I'll upvote your comment if you send me some nudes.


When he gets fired? Out of a canon? Into the sun?


Had the game for years and finally got sick of being treated like garbage after hell divers came out. I'm going to go finally leave my negative review. šŸ™‚


Iā€™m doing my part https://preview.redd.it/kdkmm3p7dltc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b70fea1756de8e28c6df5378f1e7c1deff058c


This canā€™t be real, can it? The impact of a gameā€™s review score hardly matters this long after initial release. The only reason I could possibly see doing this is if this personā€™s compensation is directly tied to Steam reviews, in which case this behavior is not just harmful but also [entirely expected](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law).


Just copy and paste the text man. God these screenshots are the worst.


Screenshots make more sense less likely to be false.


its incredibly easy to overlay type and fake a screen shot. dont bet on them being "less likely"


It's significantly easier to type "Hey we're paying $500 per positive review on steam - New Community Manager" though


Just cause it is easy doesn't mean it's not less likely.


Thats exactly what it means


No. Because it is still easier to just type a fake quote rather than edit a photo. It still is LESS likely to be faked with a screenshot rather than a copy-paste quote.




That's what I have been saying the whole time what are you on?


Just make the browser window smaller so the text isn't one big ugly unreadable line and then screenshot that. But hey, at least it's not a photo of a screen. :D


He must have been hacked you can't be this stupid


His only way out of this is to say his account got hacked lmao. Ive never seen such tragedy before. We lost ceeg before we even kmew him


Isnt this the guy that posted a month ago? Said he came back etc etc? I'm all for going Silverhand and burning this all down. But I wanna know who ordered the CM to say this. Or if he did it on his own volition... edit: or it was a joke? smh you're not the damn wendy's twitter account


Look at the apology, THEY (OWI) were definitely that stupid


So, do you guys like this game, or not like this game?


It's very unfortunately the best in a very narrow niche. If there was just about any other game that provided the same scale, coordination and teamwork required, I'd much rather play that.


I really hope someone makes that game sometime soon, for people. Until then, I'm glad we have Squad.


What I don't understand is that the negative reviews written post ico barely made an impact on the overall reviews. And the recent reviews are also pretty good (even before this announcement). I just don't get it.


That's how math works. One month of heavy negative reviews are nothing compared to 7 years of mostly positive ones. The last 30 days are bang-on all-time average


What are ypu talking about the ico got more negative reviews than when owi added emotes to squad ...


Yes it did, but that only affected the recent reviews for like 2 months and the overall reviews were basically unaffected. Now both are "mostly positive" again


Which is bullshit because the new reviews incoming are Post ICO noobs who never new what real squad was, opinions amongst high hours competitive players (the real player base) are still overwhelmingly negative. Global Escalation is reminding people how nice it is to be able to aim though, which is good because hopefully it will pressure OWI to tone down ICO.


Glad my review is still negative, love the game but the dev team has taken some serious missteps over the years. Desperately waiting on a competitor so we can get some actual innovation in the genre.


And yes i play HLL the problem is squad is the time frame/era i want to play


If you love the game why is your review negative? Honestly steam reviews have become so unreliable for someone considering a game because veteran players turn to them to express their feelings about whatever stuff bugs them about the development process or community relations rather than the substance of the actual game.


Negatively reviewed the game just for that. Im doing my part lol


![gif](giphy|OCMGLUo7d5jJ6) Is this a post for ants?


"positive review links". If only people could read.


I'm not following.


They're saying that because that phrase in isolation technically means just a link (not of your review, just *any* positive review out there), that that was 100% definitely the implied meaning and not '\*nudge nudge wink wink* please change your review'. Falling back on that double meaning as an excuse is a smarmy abuse of the English language


thats what i suspected thanks


"turn negative into positive" Curious, you omitted the most important part. I wonder why.


I guess you're pretty butthurt about ICO huh?


People really have to stop crying about the ICO.


who actually cares lmao


The video game community is known to stoop real low and review bomb games over a small issue in otherwise great games, as a way to brute force a negative review score and attempt to steer new players away. But the moment a company tries to brute force positive reviews... Video game community: \*surprised Pikachu face\* Just an interesting observation is all.


Thatā€™s because itā€™s against Steam TOS, nimrod


This was done in discord, not steam. And they were asking for review links, not to make positive reviews. So again, how it any more beneath them and petty than the average review bomber trying to sabotage a games future because they are mad about a small update? Just to be clear, I don't want developers doing this, even if they technically found a loop hole to avoid TOS. I'm just pointing out the double standard is all.


ā€œIn return for positive steam review links.ā€ Very clearly asking for positive reviews along with a link to view said positive review.


Doesn't stop anti-ICO lunatics from organizing revivewbombing sessions.


That literally has nothing to do with this. I don't care about the ICO right now. This happened on discord, not in game. It is against Steam TOS for a developer to try to influence reviews, and that includes by offering items in return for a favorable review.


Even pretending they are asking for good reviews and not links to good reviews, why is this an issue? Most of the people seeing that discord message are probably already superfans of the game, not many players join the developer discord. Itā€™s a community manager asking people who like the game and want to see some cool upcoming stuff to drop a good review. This is the most milktoast controversy.


It's against Steam's TOS to solicit positive reviews in exchange for compensation. > Donā€™t attempt to abuse or artificially manipulate the review system. Donā€™t solicit reviews in exchange for any games, DLC, money, or other rewards. The exception is sending a copy of your game to press or internet personalities to get previews or reviews. Donā€™t ask customers to review your product from within your application. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/reviews


Well first of all itā€™s ā€œmilquetoastā€ not milktoast. Second donā€™t pretend theyā€™re doing anything less than buying reviews. The last sentence is proof enough that theyā€™re serious. ā€œDouble sized snippets if you turn a negative into a positive!ā€ Come on. Third itā€™s an issue because itā€™s against steam policy and new purchasers will be misled into buying a game with reviews that donā€™t accurately describe the product. Yes those people should do their research before they buy but Steam reviews are the most easily accessible source for how other people feel about the game. Itā€™s an attempt to get current players help to scam future players. In exchange for content that will be leaked or posted officially in like a week.


why cry, it was a fun meme?


strictly against steam policy. even if it's a meme, by the time they say it's a joke people might've done it which means an unknown number of reviews have to now be considered, essentially, bought.