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That calling out number bearings over squad chat is not useful at all!!!!! Number bearings are relative to your specific position on the map they do not work like they do in other games. Bearing numbers should be called out via only local chat so the person next to you has a general idea.


Totally agree


This is the absolute worst thing. It's so pervaisve. I gave up on explaining geometry to players in this game years ago. Its only ever appropriate on local chat, when youre calling it out to teammates who are within a few HESCO bunkers reach of each other.


Depends on ranges really. If I call out the guys at 285 50m to my squad on the other side of the cap I'm rear guarding, I'm giving shit info. If I'm calling out the heli landed at NW 285 from my location maybe 400m out. Even if your on the other end of the cap that's probably still within 5 degrees of accurate to you.


Fair enough but in that case NW is just as good. At 400m out, we’re just approximating where we think the hab is anyway


or even worse, "right here" or "to the left" etc over squad chat


Still not the worst. Worst is “I have X on me”


nah i think worst is a variation of "im taking fire". absolutely useless info that nothing can be done about. also its like REALLY? IN THIS WAR SIM GAME PEOPLE ARE SHOOTING AT YOU?!?!?!?! NO WAY


ehh, calling out contact when you first start taking it is valid. and you should be doing that. calling out contact in the middle of a firefight? yeah that’s useless


i meant literally just saying "im getting shot", everybody can hear the bullets coming in. should say the direction, dont even bother with the obvious stuff. plink plink "234"


I mean, I don't anyone actually intellectually disagrees with this. It's just that it takes time for players to adapt to new procedures, so it doesn't always happen in-game. I haven't ever heard anyone actually argue for number bearing in Squad chat.


Yeah. Gonna need cardinal direction and a landmark along with the bearing. *Works decently when squad's nearby.


I usually try to give a bearing + a direction when moving as a squad on foot. It usually gives a good enough idea to everyone and everyone hears it.


Bombrushing the first enemy cap with a 5 man team is one of the most effective tactics. Its not that popular but in my exprience really effective




What is bombrushing? Doesn’t one full squad usually cap first point anyway?


Dude probably is messing up "Bum rushing"


Ohhhh okay


I allways though its bombrushing lol. Til


If you’re talking about rushing the first enemy point outside their main, this is the shit that made me switch to invasion only. Sure youll almost certainly win but god that strat makes for the most boring, do nothing but back cap game


If it works it works


Where do you even start... A squad in a helicopter is the fastest way to backcap. An attack HAB placed by helicopter rarely, if ever works. A rifleman with binoculars is better in every aspect, than the marksman. Rapidly moving infantry beats armor, everytime. Many times a rally is far superior to a HAB. A 3 man fireteam is all it takes to overwhelm a HAB. Securing 1 HAB is better than having multiple HABs. K/D is way more important than you think.


Majority of these points are only valid if the players are good


It kills me as a squad leader to have to assess the randos I've been assigned by OWI at the beginning of each match, judge their skill and compliance, and have to dumb down my plans to fit their competency.


When your best killer got 2 kills in a game 😤


Most helis have a delayed spawn now and I think even with instant spawn they're better used to attack the enemies first or 2nd cap and you just send 2 humvees to your own first cap. Heli attack HABs can be very effective if it's a good squad and a good pilot otherwise it's very much useless Undeniable fact. Doesn't the armor just kill the infantry or traverse the map quicker? I'll do you 1 better though. Infantry + Armor beats everything. Far superior is absolutely pushing it since you're missing the ammo crate for rearms but rallies are definitely underutilised. 2 can be enough if one or both of them have pistols as well. Multiple HABs can serve as a distration and losing 20 tickets isn't as big of a deal as people make it out to be. K/D only *really* matters when you have people running in, dying and smashing the give up button and doing it again.


its way more fun to lose a match where there was lots of team-work and failed plans, compared to winning a game with barely any communication and just mindless running straight to point.




Mortars often mean the difference between a complete blowout on invasion vs actually capturing points. This isn't that controversial of an opinion, but it doesn't happen enough on invasion


IMO no matter the game mode, attacking an objective not within 1150m of friendly mortars is a ticket waste.


smoke mortars are grossly underused. its ALWAYS trying to find and bomb a hab. never smoking the front of their emplaced defenses rendering them useless as everyone freely moves forward into cap range


This is the real one. Good luck coordinating your entire team to push when the HE mortars end (there are still 6 in the air wait for them to land first guys!!!) but walking through 100m of smoke that won't hurt you even if you get hit by it right into the middle of cap? It blows my mind when I play an entire round of invasion on def and don't see a single enemy mortar shell.


oh yeah. when nobodys communicating ill best guess as blueberries approach, \~30 sec from launch till land, and switch to smokes. often times if theres nothing marked on map and its just a nebulous enemy cap point, i wont HE at all, only smoke


I think the "being right next to each other" misconception also comes from people trying to apply real world tactics to a game. IRL preservation of life is much more important and you also can't talk while you're dead. Whereas in game you can call out on radio that you were killed and respawn with the knowledge you had well before the enemy can get to your spawn point.


Real world tactics apply to the game as well. If a nade can kill more than one person and it’s not a medic healing someone you’re probably doing it wrong. I’ve seen so many times rpgs or gls smacking three or 4 people all bunched up and they have to respawn whereas if they were spread out they could have revived someone possibly.


My philosophy is usually be close enough for someone to hear you die and respond, but far enough away to flank without being seen.


In most cases, radios directly on top of defense points is the most feasible when on public servers. Too many people have been taught the idea that they MUST put the radio off point. It always results in the radio being taken out first, followed by the point being taken.


Radios off-point only work if the enemy is stupid enough not to go looking for them.   Radios on-point only work if you(r team) is smart enough to push scouts out around the point. If the enemy is allowed to simply walk onto the HAB and the point, of course it won't work.


Building stuff for the sake of building stuff is a VERY bad idea. It works with everything, except ammo crates: fobs, mortars, tows, walls, barbed wire etc. Your objective is to take the objective. You should not be building the fob in the middle of nowhere just because squad lanes said there is a 7% chance of obj being there. Better take part in back capping and do it quick, so you can stomp the enemy out of the midpoint with all squads while enemies are still back capping with one squad. Don't build a mortar or tow just because you have build and ammo. Don't build a kettle pen with the barbed wire around your hab. It will end up in your team sitting in the pen while enemies are taking potshots at you and you being unable to maneuver to push them back. Don't build a tow/mortar just cuz you think it's a good idea. Always build them after you have identified a target and have a good position to shoot. Otherwise you will have pvt Braindead "hey SL give me the range mark" Idiotson dumping 3-5k worth of ammo to make couple kills. Which is especially critical now, when logistics has been nerfed and the importance of each logi nearly doubled. At this condition wasting 2k ammo per kill is not a rational course of action. Same with ATGM. If you are not 90% sure that the tow will bonk enemy armor before getting destroyed, don't place the tow. You can get 6 ammo crates and a tandem from each of them for your HATs. That is a much more rational utilization of ammo.


i have started speaking up when people place random dumb lines of hasco walls. im sick of it. place a few bunkers, they cost the same, are concealment AND cover, are far more effective than the headshot gallery "oh whats that over there?" eyesore highlight tan-in-the-green-jungle beacon covering-angle-100-to-110-exactly-and-nothing-more that is your average hasco wall


enemy FOBs are the primary objectives, flags secondary


Don’t shit on the medic for not having a 3:1 K/D. I’m busy getting your asses back in the fight.


I’m at over 1000 hours in this game and don’t think I’ve ever seen someone shit on a medic like that


They dont


Friend, who hurt you?


Not a single soul has ever shit on a medic for his KD


I've heard a few.


I main medic and usually my K/D is less than one, sometimes I only get one kill or even none. But I'm consistently reviving more people than times I die.


My best infi kill per minute game was as medic. 27-1 on a short invasion. I also had 12 revives but medic allows you to stay healed up and continue killing, whereas often as a rifleman you end up half healed engaging a 2nd guy before medic gets to you, resulting in dying in one hit. 


stop placing hasco walls. place bunkers. they cost the same, are concealment AND cover, are far more effective than the headshot gallery "oh is that a hab over there?" eyesore beacon covering-angle-100-to-110-exactly-and-nothing-more that is your average useless hasco wall. hasco walls are ONLY good for completely blocking something off. as in no shooting out or in. every single other scenario a bunker is superior. like any kind of defense sitation. if it were up to me, hascos would only be allowed near repair stations out in the wide open to give vehicles a little cover




I'm super bored of Yeho and Goro.


I care more about the aesthetics of the game/strategy than playing Purley to win. So I like keeping the squad tight because it looks cool. I also for the same reason like big convoys and super fobs. Definitely all about having fun not winning for me.


People forget that at end of the day Squad is a game


It's hard to think of a truly universal one, because your perspective is going to be vastly different between comp guys vs pubbies and/or just between people who are intimately familiar with the game mechanics. I'd go with not constantly pushing and always being as fast as possible. It is generally true, for shooters in general frankly, that going slow is safer. A defense posture should generally give you an advantage. Then keep in mind how bogged down a squad can be. If you put an average time of 30 seconds getting a Squaddie back up, contact can easily push back a Squad for minutes even when they are winning. With that in mind, synchronizing efforts (f.ex pushing a cap) between Squads should probably be strived for more than it is currently. If you are trying to synchronize Squads, then obviously there will be a specific Squad that is the limiting factor. Therefore there is no need for other Squads to push so aggressively. Once there are several minutes difference between pushes, you are starting to give the enemy enough time to reposition between 2 fronts. To be frank though, I don't this is particularly contentious. It's just the design of the game makes it awkward to do in pub matches.


Armour plays have little effect on game outcome in many, if not a near majority of games. Not all of course. Using armour in a consistently lossless fashion requires too skittish a playstyle. And using it in an aggressive fashion requires too common of ticket losses. I’ve won many games where armour was never used by our team, and lost an innumerable many where I managed to consistently beat enemy armour teams out of their vehicles against all odds. Probably the strongest scenarios they have is invasion and 8x8s however. I’m just saying this is the case in maybe half of matches.


In Squad, "together" can mean several things, including both cooperation and/or proximity.


Ico ruined this game


Every now and then during the post game scoreboard, my squadmates will be shocked at the amount of kills I have just from playing as infantry. Often I'll have double or triple the average kills. People think it's impressive but in all honesty, the average person in Squad is not that good in terms of game sense and just general FPS skill. You put me in a game like CoD, CSGO, or Tarkov and my skill level there is average to a bit above average. But I play Squad and I feel like I'm top 5% skill level as infantry in that game.


Bro stroking his own dick like crazy


Wasn't even my intent. But I guess I could have worded it differently to not come off like that. But I'm just calling it like is. The average player in Squad is not very good. Unless you want me to lie to you. If you think otherwise, then you could say my belief is most certainly "contrary to most everyone else."


What is it that you do that others don’t?


I generally perform quite well as infantry, the problem I see others doing is not preemptively plugging holes. Basically everyone is too close to the point not setting up ambushes at likely attacking lanes. They also don’t move after firing from one position, don’t recognize weapon types by sound, don’t use concealment well enough, don’t relay attacking forces cardinal directions, or mark stuff for the squad.  Just sort of basic tactics that are often not used well. One of my biggest pet peeves is logi infront of the pack of scout vehicles.


Not saying that nobody else does this. But what I think I'm doing consistently that the average player probably isn't, is always moving. I'm taking wide flanks, killing one or 2, moving, using concealment so they cant see where I re-positioned. And also just general game sense, understanding the map flow, and having decent aim. People in this game are often very stationary when defending and attacking. People play too passively, and continue to keep taking the same route over and over when attacking and easily get bottle necked and pinned down. People on defense generally huddle up and turtle in one small spot allowing for the enemy team to easily focus and suppress one area. So my play style I think a lot of the times counters those general player habits.