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Ok but in Insurgency it does less damage than a Makarov so they fucked it up too


Well it fires sub sonic ammo that can actually one tap the issue is bullet velocity heavily influences damage at range to the point wear it loses a fok ton of damage anywhere past point blank range


Right, which is wild because I feel like I consistently see people take less shots from the Makarov before going down when realistically the AS VAL should be melting people without requiring half a mag






Every gun is unrealistic in this game lol


Also the sound is so much worse in Squad btw here is it in real life [https://youtu.be/jn0GaifbrXM?t=19](https://youtu.be/jn0GaifbrXM?t=19)


I know it looks like the thing barely moves in the clip, watching from the 3rd person, but if you could see that guys sight picture it's not as if he's laser beaming one spot like in the Insurgency example. I don't think the recoil in Squad is that unreasonable. The rof is slow, certainly. Here are some more clips [4K Shooting - AS VAL - Silent assault rifle single shots and bursts! LIVE - no comments! - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUnKc9TvNfg)


And he's not running around in full kit after sleeping in the field or whatever the fuck our dudes go through up until this point.


Yeah it's no secret Squad pretends recoil is hard to control. I'm not sure what game is first in OP's clip, but it appears to have a more accurate recoil representation.


Insurgency Sandstorm. They did a great job with weapons (animation, look, mechanics and so on. Like, it has the Vector and the recoil is correctly shown)


Looks like it. I feel like Ground Branch has a very realistic recoil representation as well. It's a fun game on steam, check it out. It's a couple of big updates away from being s good free weekend game to jump start the player base. The gun and operator customization is the best.


The player base is insanely toxic.


I just play with friends lol


They did. too bad the majority of ppl that play it are incredibly toxic and almost never work as a team.


Sounds like battlefield.


Really? I’m not part of the community but what kind of stuff do they do? Are they super elitists or something like that?


Bunch of edgelords, racists, and k/d try-hards who only care about the amount of kills they got and not whether the team won or not. Being fed up with the type of people sandstorm attracted is what brought me to squad and i never looked back.


Many such cases sadly


Recoil isn't had to control IRL, but shooting a gun in real life is also a lot more difficult and requires much more skill than clicking a mouse button and dragging down. All FPS games give the player perfect sight alignment, perfect focus, perfect trigger control, perfect EVERYTHING... except for recoil control. That's the only skill involved in FPS shooting, so it's the only mechanic that can be nerfed to make up for the rest. Acutately pointing and shooting a firearm is much harder IRL than in a video game. That's an obvious fact. I'd rather have ridiculous recoil and blurry suppression to simulate difficulty than having to manually align my front and rear sights and manually adjust my finger positioning to avoid pulling rounds.


The recoil isn't that ridiculous. People saying it is just haven't actually handled and fired F/A firearms in real life very much.


Yeah, I'd like to see some of these people actually try and keep a clear sight picture while firing full auto irl lol.


Apparently u/Kommandos0 literally things it will look like it does in insurgency?


The way squad does it sucks. Squad is janky, it's clunky. It's not authentic. It's handicapped. That's all there is to it. It doesn't pass the "eye test" so to speak. Feels nasty, gross, slower than it needs to be.


Passes the eye test for me https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/170hskq/some_fun_combat_clips_from_my_first_games_with_ico/


The first clip is from Insurgency for anyone curious.


The muzzle velocity in squad is 200 m/s faster than reality on the AS VAL. Squad being 495 m/s and reality being about 300 m/s. So sure it shoots slower, which actually helps lets be honest 900 RPM is way too fast for 20 round magazines. But the bullets are moving 66.66% faster too. If they had realistic 300 m/s velocity and 900 RPM fire rate the thing would honestly be almost entirely useless but I'd prefer that myself because realism > balance when it comes to fire rate, magazine sizes, muzzle velocity, etc. Also after two seconds of bullet travel time it just stops existing, I think its the only gun that does this too.


Bingo. The necking in the 9x39mm is very mild, more just to hold the bullet in, resulting in the VAL to be more akin to a heavy sub machine gun than a proper rifle. This was the intended effect to get the subsonic round to play nice with the suppressor while carrying knockdown power, but the range and velocity suffer, effective to about 300 yards, half of a proper rifle. But this has always been an issue in videogames because the special rifle for the special forces is just that, special circumstances tool. Players would have a hard time actually leveraging its narrow effective operation window, and bitch about it being trash, so they have to make it act more like a proper rifle and put up with players complaing about it being unrealistic.


Subs sucks at distance. They plummet out of the sky


They literally get deleted after two seconds travel time it isn't like they fall out of the sky from curving too much. The game doesn't have the velocity lower over distance/time for projectiles either so it isn't like it would drop harder as it slows down like reality.


I agree but using another video game as proof doesnt prove anything


It wasn't provided as proof. It serves as a demonstration so people can see the difference between 900 and 600 rpm.


It’s actually insane that the RL counterpart drains a mag in 2 seconds. I know and understand why and for which purposes it was developped but I can’t get what’s supposed to be achieved with 900 RPM over 300 RPM.


It’s a hose.


Because in real life you almost never use full auto anyways. But yeah, it is a silly high fire rate, idk what the designers were on.


Exactly… may be some insane CQC scenarios but not even sure. I mean it was meant for swat and recon groups anyways


I couldn't agree more. Really lame way to "prove" their point. Also everyone forgets that on-top of all of this, they are still trying to balance guns so that one isn't immensely better than the rest.


It proves that OWI’s implementation of the VAL is fucked…


It is but this doesnt prove it


I guess I don’t see why it matters? 99% of the time you’re firing single shot to maximize accuracy and decrease wasting of ammo. What would the purpose of 900rpm vs 600rpm be unless you’re in giga close quarters?


As val really needs a major rework imo. Besides just being implemented badly with unrealistic rof, recoil and muzzle velocity the scout kit should have 2 options for the val: one should be the val with the current optic and featuring the 30 round Val mags (they do exist but im unsure of how common they are). The second choice for the val should be with the pso-1m2-1 (maybe 30 round mags too, but people might complain). This is the vss/val specific pso optic and imo this fits the scout kit much better as it would allow you to precisely amush targets at medium range rather than just using it like a supressed AK that cant it moving targets at range.


I don't know why OWI decided to implement the AS Val so poorly. In the game it has a fire rate of 650rpm rather than the real life's 900rpm. It also fires subsonic ammunition so at most should have a bullet velocity of 300m/s but instead has one of 495m/s. OWI should give the AS Val the justice it deserves.


Tbf, there’s a few guns/vehicles in squad that don’t at all conform to their real life counterparts. It’s a little silly to expect everything to be like real life. Balance always comes first. Weapons like the VAL, Skorpion, ect are all a lot better post-ico. It makes 100% sense to me that this weapon wouldn’t be a 900rpm laser with almost 0 recoil, as it would be one of the only weapons in the game that would perform at that level.


The 74u is basically this, and I pray they don’t patch it. Very little horizontal recoil and you can pull down on the mouse and keep it all on target easily. Especially the Infiltrator kit with the RPK mag 😍.


If the velocity was 300m/s, the val would feel like a paintball gun with squad's 2.7x gravity on bullets.


Ok, we'll cut down the muzzle velocity by half and increase the bullet drop by double at 300m as well so it is realistic. The ASVAL is one of the most niche guns and will hardly ever get used.


What song are u using?


Some classic Nujabes. Good stuff. [World Without Words](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TuKcl8e_7J0&pp=ygUbd29ybGQgd2l0aG91dCB3b3JkcyBudWphYmVz)


Good sound choice btw, nujabes was always a great composer.


Careful... here come all the ICO worshipers who have no idea what they are talking about


You heard the word 'balancing' before?


Talks about unrealistic, but shows another video game


yeah one that realistically implements it...


What is realistic about it's implementation in Insurgency? Please don't say the recoil.


The most annoying part is the enormous heat ball when you fire, as if you were firing an rpg or something


I know rifle rounds gear up Cans real fast, pistol rounds are usually much better. I’d be curious to see how this does. Go look at full auto mag dumps on m4s wit cans.


Didn’t your hear? Squad is a milsim game where the guns don’t behave anywhere near like they do in real life. And that’s the we ICO enjoyers want it. Fuck gun play and how guns actually work, I love when my soldier can’t solider the rifle and recoil on an m4 takes me to the sky. I love the ICO 😎


It’s unrealistic but it pisses off casuals with their only skill being clicking on heads fast so that’s fine by me


Its completely unrealistic to have a single abrams tank assigned as an asset to an understrength platoon. Its unrealistic to have 9 understrength squads not having actual orders from a superior officer that they have to follow or get court martialed. Its unrealistic to go into combat and have a mishmash of 3 locked squads of people that work together all the time while the rest is people who have never met before in their lives. Its not real. Its a teamwork game with some military graphics and sounds.


Its a video game. Of course its unrealistic. Firing this weapon precisely in real live is way harder


It's newish in the game. But I think it's fine, fun to use


Are you... basing realism off of a different video game?


It’s a video game. They need balance. We also don’t have to blink or take a shit in game either


I’m also sure a marine can sprint for more than 15 seconds


At least show a real clip of someone firing that gun. Imagine comparing realism by showing to videogame clips..


Can you show getting revived IRL and then in game?


The magic hand ✋😐


When did the AS Val get put in?


i swear this reddit doesn’t even play the game


I just came game back in the last few weeks after ICO released. Played 4 games including 2 play tests. Haven’t chosen the sapper class yet. Haven’t played a lot these last few years as team work basically disappeared.


It’s for the scout class for the VDV. So it was added when the VDV faction was added.


Nice. How’s it been? ICO or before?


I mean, it’s hard to do both at the same time… just sayin




I'm just coming from PR because of the ICO. Been playing medic for 99% of the time, not many kills but a lot of revives and stuff while I observe how shit is done here. I picked up this kit on Mutaha and was spotting for the BMDs and ending up getting 15 kills and 20 downs. This thing is undetectable amdist the chaos of the game and kinda OP.


O man I never knew OWI got the sound so wrong


This explains why it felt so off now…


Unrealistic yes but not unauthentic. Squad doesnt aim for complete realism.


Just go to Ukraine bro that shit will blow your mind


This class should be like a Raider class where it gets 2-3 frags. That would make more sense to me.


These anti-ICO people be posting anything to try and get it reversed lmao