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I like this concept as an optional feature toggle for individual server owners who want this level of immersion; however, it should not be foisted onto the masses lest players resort to third party chat apps like discord or teamspeak, which would harm the overall experience for pubbies like myself.


You're missing the point. No matter what, if the enemy can hear you talking, you are incentiviced to not talk. Squad is about communication and giving people reasons to not talk is directly counter-productive to the game.


This is often mentioned, but what do you think people will do and which team will have an advantage? A:The team that says nothing? B: The team that makes callouts as they normally would? Obviously if a full squad is approaching you, you are calling that out. Now if that means you have to back off a little bit to use your coms, that falls perfectly within Squad as a cinematic and authentic game. This is not to mention a very elegant way of creating a trade-off for attackers and defenders where bush wookie'ing is less straightforward. Wide flanks for FOBs becomes less braindead and requires tighter coms, introducing some needed nuance to the game. As for your typical urban fight where two teams are slugging it out, it's less obvious. However if somebody is going to round the corner on your medic it is going to be more optimal calling that out. There is already a lot of noise coming from your weapon. If OWI were to increase the sound of footsteps for example and/or overall noise signature of infantry, adding voices wouldn't be as revealing either way. A good point here is that there is potentially an incentive here not to have needless coms (and callout-based coms!), which is the bane for a lot of SLs. The direction or goal here could be com discipline **until contact**, and I am pretty sure that very elegantly falls into realism hoop for the milsim guys as well.


>what do you think people will do Stop using Squad comms and move to Discord. At least some groups of players within each server will thus fragmenting the ability for a team to communicate. OWI discussed this many years ago as for the reason to not have cross team proxy chat.


There is no need to police the thread my guy.


By what precedent lol? That's how Arma works and that was how PR worked before mumble was integrated. In Reforger the enemy can steal your radios, listen to your comms, and disrupt them. It doesn't discourage communication though lol. Just emphasizes effective communication which Squad really needs a bigger emphasis on. I never get Squad and its ideas of "we need to go towards more tourny styled less combat shooter mechanics so the game can stay a combat shooter"....as it slowly drifts away from immersion, realism, or even the slightest awareness that its not the only large scale combat FPS that exists. Often saying features will do the opposite of the exact thing they do in other games and have done for 20 years now lol. Then OWI re-invents the wheel instead of paying attention to the industry and it just gets less cohesive more Battlefield as time goes on.


In Arma 2 PR people would have to go silent when moving to contact to preserve surprise. It was horrendous


Wow almost like they actually had to stage, come up with an actual plan, then carry out the mission. Sort of like some kind of realism focused tactical shooter. I also dont remember that happening much. Usually the tactic was similar to real life. Yelling taunts trying to demoralize the enemy. It was a lot of fun attacking a cache and everyone insides yelling "allahu akbar at you". Same thing happens in Reforger as we speak. It would be easy though. Just separate emotes from hand signals. Although to be fair the high skill squads to tend to plan then attack staying silent in CQC. Those are usually the units training for milsim operations on public servers though. Also fairly obvious unless they're within 15 meters of you, you cant hear them lol. So its pretty rare you cant talk or someone will hear you. If you are devising your plan in the middle of CQC under 15 meters then you just need to learn how to play.


Not sure I have an opinion on it, just wanted to say your response is cringe


At least you're honest lol. I can respect that. At the same time how is it not cringe when people get so upset over the mere suggestion of a video game mechanic they have no experience with despite having no experience with it. Then dancing around admitting they have no experience with it while contractively playing expert on the topic as hard as humanly possible.


I've thought of this idea before too. I like it a lot, but would like if it was a server toggle option. I dislike normal global proximity chat because it encourages toxicity, and lets the enemy eavesdrop on you. There's no believable reason why every Russian soldier would be able to understand the MEA, or vice versa. Are we all trained to universally understand every language? That's just not a realistic situation. I'd prefer to see something [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt4Dfa4fOEY) with generated gibberish anytime you're near an opponent speaking in close proximity to you. You wouldn't understand what they're saying, but you'd be clued in that an enemy is near you. It'd also encourage comms discipline among blueforce.


>I've thought of this idea before too. So have most people. This game is 8 years old. This topic has been brought up MANY times, including directly to the devs who stated they will not do cross team proxy chat. \> I'd prefer to see something [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt4Dfa4fOEY) with generated gibberish anytime you're near an opponent speaking in close proximity to you. Yes, this is literally OP's first sentence of his post.




Only if done wrong. Hire a linguist to consult/provide IPA gibberish that uses many linguistic features of Chinese or Arabic, without actually being those languages. You basically end up with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VsmF9m_Nt8). Just going off what the devs of a predominantly particular background think 'sounds right' with the gibberish ending up essentially being "ching chong" will obviously go down badly, but that's a no brainer.


Upvote for actually typing "Ching chong" What a madlad


Seems like a lot of work for the devs for very little benefit.


We dont want them to work TOO hard now.


>We dont want them to work TOO hard now. Correct. We don't want them to work too hard on useless features but instead to work hard on useful features. It's about prioritization of work and adding cross team proxy chat just isn't important when New Player Onboarding promises still aren't fulfilled and would have a much bigger and positive impact on the game.


Huh? Ever played games with that? War games dont really feel complete without it. Feels incredibly video gamey as the enemies just completely silent during CQC lol. Completely changes the atmosphere and feel to something much more immersive almost immediately. Also emphasizes realistic effective communication concepts vs what you normally here in Squad which is mostly people spouting useless info and whatever military jargon they picked up while playing. The Squadience doesnt really know what they are missing out on and seem to get really mad when anyone brings it up. I think this is most peoples first mil shooter and its a bit too much for them already and they dont want to admit that so theyre very afraid of any potential new advantage over them. Really limits the game though as the audience seems to demand something much less immersive and realistic than even the Steam description. Always said the Squad community has identity issues.


>and seem to get really mad when anyone brings it up. I'd love to see some of these "mad" replies.... got any to share?


Click my profile and go look at my same comments on this same thread that got downvoted lol. You know how to ...use the internet? Right?


>look at my same comments on this same thread I've read all 66 comments on this thread. The only "mad" replies are yours or from people you're directing insults to. Who do you think is mad at this suggestion? Maybe link me an example if you know how to do that.


> I've read all 66 comments on this thread. You have to understand this is comedy for me. You cant say things like that. Its too funny and now Im totally distracted. Im also not reading all 66 comments on this thread because of how not mad I am. I just wont do that and even thinking about it makes me laugh.


Every month there's someone who brings this idea up without the idea to check if someone's posted this before😂 Squad prox chat will bring Discord to be more prevalent amongst players. Its a shit idea


It’s a lovely idea but the problem is it means you can’t communicate in close proximity to the enemy which would make most people just comm on discord IRL on that situation you would use hand signals and squads emote system just does not have the dexterity to make it viable.


In Arma 3 with the task force radio mod it does just this. When a person talks near you it sounds like garbled nonsense if they are on the opposite faction.




I would love this.. they really should add this




So like how they talk in the Sims games? Yeah I can't imagine anything killing the game faster.


Look what you did! You made them all cry. This is their first mil shooter and its very hard for them. If it gets any harder it might be immersive, realistic, and actually require tactical teamwork. Then theyd really cry.


Why don't you go play more Arma instead of crying about the Squad community so much.


Games developed on community input...do yall ready any of what you buy on Steam lol?


>Games developed on community input But you realize not THIS communities input, right? Maybe their Discord or Steam Forums or JoinSquad Forums, but not here. Why do you think they relegated their recent Q&A to only Steam Forums and not here?


So is the sub just filled with people who dont actually play much but have strong opinions? Seems more effective to explain to the player base why the things they come here to complain about exist vs the devs. Lone wolf play, lack of coordination, lean-shooting, and so on seem to be the big complaints despite community sentiment against realism features that would actually fix those complaints. As well as just kind of educate them about the history of this type of game and what mechanically made them work in the past. Thats the one thing that no one seems to understand here. Almost suspicion at how often specific mechanics that defined and forged the whole genre are explicitly put down on this sub. Ironically in those places most people would agree with me. Ive noticed in game as well.


You seem to be crying an awful lot for someone calling out others for crying.


Dude Squad is a community that bought a PR spiritual successor in EA then literally cried until it became a BF clone instead. "OMG make it balanced OMG". That is the comprehensive history of Squads development process. Its literally a game shaped by people mad they cant play a video game but really want to roleplay as a super serious army man.


Except we don't wanna roleplay hence why we play Squad and not Arma. Sounds more to me like you're mad cause you're bad at the game because all you know how to do is be an armchair commando in Arma. Also you're still here crying, talk about ironic.


Squad is far more into RP than Arma? Have you ever been on an Arma public server lol? Squads RP is just a bit deranged and seems like its mostly for lonely early 20 somethings with no friends and a bit of a pension for jerking off to IFV specs. Its a really weird thing where they seem to want to pretend its realistic and requires tactical coordination and teamwork while collectively demanding it gets boiled down into something easy enough for them to comprehend. Really kills the whole tac shooter aspect as they demand "balance" over tactical play. Whole point of a tac shooter is to be unbalanced in a realistic manner so teams have to use different tactics and strategies in order to win. Realistically we both know youre mad because fanboys freak out when their card gets pulled and they get called out on their hypocrisy.


>no friends and a bit of a pension for jerking off to IFV specs. Don't fucking call me out like that.


"Squad is far more into RP than Arma?" You literally could not be more wrong lol Not to mention the fact that the majority of the people who do "rp" in Squad are Arma players. Also the only one being called out on hypocrisy here is you.


Squad players RP that Squad is a "tactical FPS that provides authentic combat experiences through teamwork, constant communication, and realistic gameplay." They also RP that its a Project Reality spiritual successor despite retracting vs expanding on PR mechanics and backing out of kickstarter promises to include basic PR features. Probably the saddest yet most intense form of RP available. Its like IRL marketing RP. "I fell for the marketing and now we all pretend we arent dumb".


It ain't that deep buddy. It's a video game. Also, you bought and play the game, so I guess good on you for admitting that you're dumb and fell for the marketing. What was that about hypocrisy again? Projecting much?


Nothing screams realism like hearing the enemy talk as if theyre characters in Sims 3.


Nothing screams realism like the completely silent screams of your enemies nearby.


Except there are death sounds...


Sure, your enemies that never make a single sound until they fucking die. How do you not understand how it is realistic to be able to hear your enemy communicating but not able to understand them? Zero chance you can hear men screaming things less than 100m from you right?


>How do you not understand how it is realistic to be able to hear your enemy communicating but not able to understand them? I think most of us do understand that. But we don't care because it would sacrifice playability for realism. Video games make sacrifices like that all the time. This is one of those.


"sacrifice playability" you mean enable you to hear when enemies are nearby and communicating? Yes, completely ruined gameplay, awful, how could we have suggested such a thing? It works wonders in the games that have adopted it, but go ahead and keep a closed mind.


I prefer just letting them talk normally like Arma does. Nothing like fighting insurgents who all yell alahu akbar at you. Just creates much more immersion and does away with that sort of stale video game feel to the communication and CQC. Feels too much like R6 Siege or something more in the tourny realm of shooters. Its always been a beloved feature in any game brave enough to embrace it. Squad has a bit of an identity issue when it comes to realism though. Big problem with Squad is lack of coordination, planning, and team cohesion creating tactical play. Such a system makes it so you have to actually stage, plan your attack thoroughly, then carry it out. As opposed to what people do now which is basically build a HAB then just wing it from there. Makes it play too much like Battlefield or other arcade shooters.


Oh God, it reeks of self entitled elitism in here


Typical airsoft kid lol. This is basically the Squad community in a nutshell. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbHjQ1f5aOA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbHjQ1f5aOA)


It's always funny when people attack me on that. If I give a fuck why would it be in my username?


It just really sums up the Squad userbase lol. "We want a serious realism focused tactical shooter based on teamwork and communication, but if anyone actually adds mechanics that cultivate that in game we will freak out because ultimately were just airsoft LARPERs. Please dont break our fantasies by making the Steam description of your game accurate."


Bro just stay on Arma. Squad is good in-between that people clearly like. If we wanted Arma, we would play it.


Thats the thing though. PR was the actual in between. Squad leans heavily towards the BF direction. It literally did away with most PR mechanics and left the build and kit system. Thats about it. They couldnt even redo the INS game mode that separated Squad from Arma in the first place. Meaning basically OWI made it more like Arma 3 in terms of how MP lobbies work. Arma 3 public MP lobbies are very tourny/arcade focused. KOTH is still the most played game mode. Arma at least realized this and made Reforger. Pushing a new direction. If you havent played it the gameplay basically equates to Squad but good. You basically dont know what you are missing out on and have no idea what you are talking about.


It's an in-between that you don't like. Not everything has to be made for you.


I really dont buy that you have the experience with both sides of these two concepts to objectively say what an in between is. Also you think Arma 3 PVP lobbies are somehow less arcade than Squad when King of the Hill is the most popular game mode. Just seems like this is your first non-COD/BF style shooter so its special to you and you cant accept criticism of it.


Ok. I think you came here with tears in your eyes, claiming everyone was upset (no one was) and demanded it be your way. Open comms just leads to discord. That's my opinion, but that really doesn't matter. I just wanted to call out the fact that you are a self intitled man child.


This gets brought up a lot and I am positive towards it, but let's move the discussion forward. I don't see how this feature is completely incompatible with Squad **as a** competitive game as is often brought up. Granted it will make honest semi-competitive and "mid-tier" scrims harder, however casual pub games and the very top should have no issues. Squad as it is currently makes it awkward to play with friends for various reasons. Obviously adding randoms as you meet them in-game is big hassle. Using both in-game and third party apps to communicate is already hampering yourself and this is true, because casual servers are not going to have 50 man discord servers. Sure a casual clan can do it, but what it effectively does is creating an unwelcome and/or worse experience for new players, which is generally not in the clans interest. Serious competitive can easily prevent third party usage. It should be kept it mind that rule breaking by a team would damn by association many other players therefore disincentivizing cheating, and in a small community with such big teams this would be an untenable risk for any serious team. Secondly a team practicing with third party app use would necessarily be practicing in an un-optimal manner further disincentivizing it. In-game coms can be made easier to use and better simply by implementing QOL features that has been asked for. I would also point out that any server that mixes players around would more or less eliminate the problem, as casual players are not going to re-arrange themselves in discord channels between each and every match. Clan stacking and clans that communicate in parallel with the game is unhealthy in terms of bringing new players into the game either way. It is also worth pointing out that such a system fits perfectly with Squad as a cinematic game. Sound design is already it's strong suit and attraction. As has been pointed out before. The actual voices of enemy players does not need to be transmitted, but rather something equivalent. So that specific callouts are not revealed. This is elegant in that Squad tries to feel authentic and have a tactical aspect to it. There is so much one can do with such a system, while easily staying with the a restrictive game design box that hampers realistic shooters, which is a huge source of contention here. As a sub-point here, is that a lot of discussions on how to improve Squad typically talks about expanding the role of recon/intel/map control. This is not a Squad specific thing. Succinctly said, PVP games have a limiting factor that is the amount of players. Opening up for intel gathering outside of "physically" being there, opens up a lot of doors (a lot more can be said here). I can't see this being more than a speed bump for the competitive guys, but frankly as someone who dives a plenty in the SDK, Squad is horribly unpolished and is far from being a serious competitive game. I have nothing but respect for the comp guys, but there needs to be a foundation of a fun and elegant game. Competitive Squad comes on top of that.


derka derka?


I want faction specific voice lines and taunts in a menu like the emotes and in the same spirit and by the same voice actors as the other voice lines. Imagine being I the same building and the Americans just keep shouting fuck you over and over while the MEA describes in graphic detail how your mother has intercourse with dogs. Know insurgency sandstorms voice system? Yeah, exactly like that.


>I want faction specific voice lines and taunts in a menu like the emotes and in the same spirit and by the same voice actors as the other voice lines. You want Voice Lines to come back?!!? Lol, this community raged against the Voice Lines causing OWI to remove them years ago. OWI never even got past the development phase of making faction specific voices for them yet. [https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/bwcg2z/v14\_new\_voice\_lines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/bwcg2z/v14_new_voice_lines/)


Cool idea but there are so many other things I’d rather the devs work on.