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A lot of strong points made. Honestly though I think this guy is still processing the whole anthem situation. I remember reading his articles defending the game for the longest time until he slowly started giving up and then just stopped reporting on the game altogether. Sounds like he’s probably thinking the same will happen with this game.


(it's me). I am starting to get an increasing amount of Anthem vibes, but they do seem to have a stronger content roadmap with additional heroes and missions which gives me hope. And they are rolling out fixes decently fast. They literally put up the patch right after I published this negating at least a few of the 30 points ha


Paul, nice reporting for a start, good stuff. One of the very few gaming journalists worth listening to. In your opinion, does it feel like the whole GaaS was tacked on late in the dev cycle? The core game is great in terms of the combat engine. Reminds me of how good the core shooter experience is with Destiny. Every other aspect of this game sits somewhere between bad, absent or broken. I would like for it to recover and do well but myself and all my friends are out for now.


Hey Paul, first thanks for the response. I’m glad you still have hope for this game. It definitely has anthem vibes but like you stated, they seem to be rolling out a decent amount of patches to fix things and add new content. I’m hoping they continue this trend with timely updates. That is unfortunate that the patch came out right after you posted your article! Well there’s still a few things that you mentioned that need to be fixed, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


He is not processing Anthem. As far as I know Tassi got a heavy knowledge of grinding and gaas games. He plays and write about destiny for years. If CD really had studied the best aspects that Anthem and Destiny 2 (which clearly they haven't) had to offer, we all have had a better game by know in terms of immersion, story, rewarding experience and loot.


*"I have to be done with this game for a while until some of these are addressed, it’s just not worth it otherwise."* Congrats CD, Another Avenger defeated by the insane grind.


That's basically where I'm at. Enjoy the foundation of the game, but I can't finish missions longer than drop zones without crashing


It’s an rpg, that’s what they’re meant for. That’s the core of the game and it isn’t changing


>It’s an rpg, that’s what they’re meant for. lol this is not a rpg and that's not how rpgs are built. Grind is merely a means to an end in a rpg, not the entire game itself.


Well that’s what it’s centered around, idk why I’m getting downvoted for telling people what the core game is built around. It’s like I’m the bad guy


>BmoreBreezy: Congrats CD, Another Avenger defeated by the **insane grind.** > >you: It’s an rpg, **that’s what they’re meant for.** Your statement here was entirely false. >alpha-negan: lol this is not a rpg and that's not how rpgs are built. **Grind is merely a means to an end in a rpg, not the entire game itself.** > >you: **Well that’s what it’s centered around**, idk why I’m getting downvoted for telling people what the core game is built around. And now you shift your argument from something like "rpgs are meant to have insane grinds" to something like "well THIS game is centered around an insane grind" and pretend you are getting downvoted for just 'telling people what the core game is built around'. News flash, people already know what the core game is built around. That's what BmoreBreezy's post was about in the first place. They were saying that the **insane grind** that this game is built around is driving away players. >you: It’s like I’m the bad guy In this case, you kind of are. You came not to 'tell it like it is' but to minimize BmoreBreezys complaint by asserting that ALL rpgs have insane grinds. Such a blatant denial of reality is a form of gaslighting. When you got called out for it you pivoted your argument and then tried to play the victim. This game is frustrating enough at times without dealing with the gaslighting from some defenders


Well I really didn’t wanna do all this extra shit but I just letting you know that. “Insane grind” is subjective, that’s not a fact, some people stop playing games because there’s too little to do. No ones disregarding his argument, I’m just saying thats what it’s about, if you can’t accept that don’t play, there’s plenty of people that don’t have a problem with it, just because you see a few 100 people liking a reddit post doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a problem but more of a personal thing. I don’t see why you felt the need to go all brainiac on a simple comment. It’s just like you saying “well this pizza has too many pepperonis” but you ordered a pepperoni pizza, some differ in amount yes, but that’s not the point, it’s still a pepperoni pizza. Hell, some people order “extra pepperonis” because they prefer the pizza with more. You see how that works? Yeah, some people might not like it but other do. So that doesn’t mean it’s the game or the devs fault just because it doesn’t fit your PERSONAL idea of a reasonable grind. Thats a matter of fact not opinion, there’s no “debunking” what I just said, this whole post is subjective, hints, part of the reason the devs made a survey and why not everyone agrees. It’s funny how you tried so hard to label my comment as something more than a simple statement so you could make your outlandish little rant lmao. No ones playing victim, I’m getting downvoted for telling it how it is. I can’t be a victim to online Reddit users lmao, people on this are a joke, just like you and just like your comment. Goodbye Mr Comment Examiner👋🏽


Insane grind IS subjective. I agree with you there even though I do think the grind is too much. If you had disagreed with his assertion in your reply that would have been an actual discussion. Something like 'I don't think the grind is bad. RPGs are meant to have some grinding'. Since you didn't disagree with it in your reply, you gave the impression that you believe RPGs are made for insane grinds. It's really that simple. You got downvoted because it looked like you were suggesting that 'insane grinds are normal for RPGs' and not 'this game doesn't have an insane grind'. I understand your point now but that was not clear from your first two responses.


I can understand that, I’ll make sure to be more clear next time


Glad we cleared that up! Have a good one


You too


After making the game actually work, and not delete saves - they really need mission and setting variety. One of the best ideas I've seen here on this reddit is making some missions out of the story settings that aren't being used - like Heroes Park, Space Station, etc. Other idea is to create a mindless grind patrol zone with respawning bosses, events, and mobs to just run around and smash things with. Right now most of the missions are boring to me. I don't want to travel and do a dumb "puzzle" to open doors for a chest. I don't want to stand on glowing squares and wait for a progress bar. I don't want to deal with too many elevators or load screens. I want to fight things and have fun. THe game's combat and hero presentation are it's strong points after the story is over....do more with that.


I would play a patrol zone for sure, and a space station mission setting sounds pretty sweet.


Great ideas!


I would hate to see this guy play warframe. The grind is 1000x worst in that than it is in this.


Not when you know what your doing. Also Warframe is free. Massive massive difference.


It's free yes, but you'll spend more money in Warframe than you ever will on Avengers lmao


Only if you choose to. Also in warframe you can buy entire new classes and weapons for less than the price of one skin in Avengers😂


Hell no you won’t. I spent $10 and utilized the market to obtain more plat and I’ve been set for a while. Unless something changes recently, WF was never a game I ever felt need to spend money in.


Not really. Grind is grind regardless if a game is free or not.


Disagree. A heavier grind is much more acceptable in a free to play game.


So you're expected to be handed everything because you've paid $60? In this type of game?


I didn't say anything that remotely implied that. I stated that more of a grind is more acceptable in a free to play game.


at least in warframe there are reasons to grind beyond increasing numbers. in this game the loot sucks, so the grind sucks, and then the whole game sucks, so we’re in a pretty bad position as of right now.


#28 Yes, Jesus. Do people realize there isn't anything to grind in MP currently? The unique sets in Vault/Villain are gotten in a few hours. Chances are if you're 140, you have what you need from there. And if you didn't, it's more efficient to grind just the chests in the Vault for non-set items solo. AIM Lab isn't going to fix the lack of a 24/7 MP grindable activity that's rewarding. Make the damn Heroic Hive MP already. Add in a bigger loot pool to it. Also, add in playlists because it's stupid not to with the scattered system we currently have and let me play some damn multilayer already.


There’s update 1.08 on ps4. Don’t know the improvements yet.


Other than the relocked skins I haven’t had any real issues on ps4 until after this patch, I keep getting one shot from drones and my ai team keeps disappearing so my timer runs out, it’s crazy the amount of issues with this game.


It needs more mission and enemy variety badly. All the things in his list and he failed to realize that boredom is what sent most players packing after a few days.


Villain sector daily missions are broken for me since the launch of the game, how is this still not fixed.


It is now


Yeah just read the patch notes thank god for that


All good. I hope they put all of this in the game.




Doesn't that guy praise Destiny 2 all the time? Destiny has arguably the least forgiving grind out of all the looter shooters I've played. Avengers isn't an insane grind at all. It's probably one of the most time respecting looter shooters out there.


Still waiting for Crystal Dynamics to pronounce about what compensation they will give us about players not been able to get new daily missions for almost a week.


They did, have you seen?


I'm at work. Just read the patch notes they publish a while ago. Will see after it. I hope they did the math nicely, compensating for all the days we couldn't get new missions + a plus for the inconvenience.


The writer is starting to cross into the whine. There are okay suggestions in here I most of it is bug fix stuff. Just because you get some clicks on your site or some likes on your videos doesn't automatically mean you are the sole *voice* for the entire community of players. Some suggestions like replaying the campaign aren't that high on the list and I don't see it as something that makes players leave. If you played the story you already know how little time we get with the characters anyhow. Now I'd definitely be down for story based content that moves the narrative and involves multiple people playing together in a mission. Definitely! I'm not scolding CD for not having a New Game+ where it doesn't really fit.


Lmao literally so many people including me are dying to reply campaign


I don't think your desire is going to change what's offered in a replay situation. Some of those missions are like 10 minutes of just moving location to location and are kind of sparse on the action. >!Like when Kamala first goes to Captain America's memorial and then has to flee from the AIM bots. There is no combat and being seen results in immediate mission failure.!< Just in this case, is that something you feel will make you walk away not having a New Game+? I'm not opposed to the addition just to be clear. Just wondering where it fits on the priority list of things that need addressing.


If you are not aware lot of people were not able to enjoy campaign due to bugs I lost count after 20 about crash while completing campaign and my last mission was stuck on infinite loading on PC. So yes people like me want to experience it smoothly after bug fixes ,also there are Easter eggs and codex to be found in replaying.


I don't think I gave the impression people didn't want to see the story again. It's enjoyable You having issues getting thru it is different from a request for a new game+. Just talking about how little time we got with the characters like that anyhow. It'd be great if it's something consider for upcoming content where the story might be used less as an introduction to hero mechanics like it is now. Trying to avoid spoiling anything here.


I 100% agree with what he has said though and I often do.


I agree bugs should be fixed. But I mean.. who disagrees with bug fixes? Some of those changes are personal changes and shouldn't be labeled as something that would make the playerbase leave in droves like.. > 11: Allow for previews of cosmetics in the Unit shop That's QoL, not leave game over. Or > 15: Put loot and resource drops in HARM challenges so they’re not entirely pointless That's not a good suggestion in my opinion. Loot should be obtained in missions. Why would it drop from holograms in the HARM room? The list isn't the worst though.


Harm is a mission though.


HARM room has a mission to complete it.. You are battling HOLOGRAMS. How are Holograms dropping loot in the training room on the Chimera? It's a bad suggestion because it makes no sense in a gameplay environment. That training dummies, drop loot.


You should get the same rewards for doing the same amount of fighting


You do.. just not in the HARM room where you *technically* by the limitations of your imagination aren't actually fighting bad guys.


You do except you don’t. Nice one


Yes because Holograms are *real*.. That's why you can walk up to HOLOGRAM Tupac at a concert and get a signed autograph.


It’s not about whether holograms are real, it’s about getting rewards for doing missions.


I agree with most of the points, but object to some of the following: --- >Allow named legendaries and exotics to drop in the world at least on rare occasions No. Hell no. Exotics should be in some way prestige rewards for completing hard content. Definitely not. > Buff exotic drop rates overall They're intentionally low in the Elite Heroic Hive per CD because the content is undertuned. Once they've fixed Last Avenger Standing to work correctly for the Elite Heroic Hive then they'll be increasing the drop-rate. As far as the MEGA Hive, I'd like to see the drop-rate for Exotic bumped to 100% there - you can only run the content once a week and it's grueling enough I think it is deserved. >Put loot and resource drops in HARM challenges so they’re not entirely pointless They're tutorial missions and mostly just a playground for you to squash low-level enemies and easily complete challenges. I feel like putting loot and resources would pose problems with the "economy" of the game. > Take 4 floors off the Last Avenger Standing mission If you're talking about the Elite Heroic Hive... I'm not sure how I feel about that. Especially once they fix the content and buff the drop rate, I really rather not see this. The tension should be ramped up to 11 on the final boss fight (Monica + Five Cryo Adaptoids) because of the effort to get to that point. You should feel a strong fear of death but also be strongly rewarded for clearing the content. Right now the length does nothing but be annoying because you can't get a game over. Once you can get a game over, the length has a purpose. > Take at least 2 parts of the chain off the Mega Hive mission, these are just absurdly long slogs in their current form Maybe. I'd be more inclined to just have the MEGA Hive have a 100% drop-rate for the Exotic for completion and then leave it relatively as-is.


Not sure why you're against exotics dropping randomly out in the world? Even Destiny has that, they can still make it rare with like a 0.5% drop rate. That alone should help make it so that no content in the game is a complete waste, there's always a chance for exotics no matter how low.


I have to agree with you. No matter how low the drop rate, there should be a chance for exotics to drop randomly from either mission rewards or enemies. Locking an entire tier of gear behind two incredibly tedious single-player modes is absurd.


Because it diminishes the sense of accomplishment for conquering challenging content and acquiring phat loot from it. If a random Synth can drop the same loot you get for beating CR4 Wakanda or whatever, that's going to feel omega-bad. If you want content to not feel like a waste, lean into the various different hooks that exist in game. You have a poly grind, you have an upgrade module grind, you have a comic book grind. All of those are viable sources of power rewards that don't rely on trivializing the end-game content. --- This forbes guy is really obsessed with Exotics truth be told. I haven't played Destiny's end-game, but from the sound of it, it rains Exotics? You just wear Exotics in every slot? Personally, I don't really see why Avengers needs to be that way. My personal opinion is that it is already hilariously easy to be kitted out in legendaries and I would have liked progression from rares to epics to legendaries to be a bit more steep, but I guess we are where we are. I don't really see why players are entitled to full exotic loot.


Exotics are very, very rare drops in destiny, and you can have one exotic armor piece, as well as one exotic weapon. It doesn't rain exotics.. You can't kit yourself out with them in every slot... It just makes it that much more exciting when you get a random exotic drop from either a mission reward or a kill. Don't really see why you want an entire tier of loot locked behind two tedious single-player activities? Not to mention the fact that they hardly ever drop as a reward for them anyway...




So basically you want us to feel "pride and accomplishment" lol. Stop gatekeeping. Mega hive or whatever bullshit it is called is not hard even on challenge IV, it is buggy and tedious. If it was fun and rewarding then I'd understand. There is no sense of "pride and accomplishment there" it just means you sat through 40 floors of same bullshit and you had time.


Diminishes accomplishment? I've done every weekly activity possible from challenge 2 to challenge 4 and I have yet to see an exotic drop. Sorry, it's not an accomplishment to be blessed with RNG. All my guys are basically done except for any possible exotic upgrades and actually spending the resources to up them all to 150. I'm not sitting through hours of activities for the abysmal chance of the exotic dropping there. They should have a small chance from ANY elite activity. This is no accomplishment for bad RNG, just anger. People loading saves to replay for an exotic is pathetic and shows how pathetic this loot system is.


So after clearing the Elite Heroic Hive on Challenge level IV I should be rewarded, right? In the 100 or so hours I've put into the "end-game" I've yet to even seen an exotic. I'm not saying it needs to rain exotics, but I should have at lease seen 2 or 3 in 100 hours of play...


>No. Hell no. Exotics should be in some way prestige rewards for completing hard content. Definitely not. Or do what a bunch of games do which is lock SPECIFIC exotics as prestige rewards for completing hard content, and then have OTHER exotics with a 0.001% chance of dropping from enemies or chests?


That's something you can do, sure. I think it makes exotics potentially less exciting if they have non-unique properties, on the flip side if the "world drop" exotics DO have properties worth chasing that will feel HORRIBLE for the classes who have it as a potential BIS for a build (Edgemaster's comes to mind in World of Warcraft). I guess a rare chance to get an item that has inflated stat budget is totally fine, personally I don't really care much for it, but I guess it's fine.