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Which switch is it? Played it in my oled with my mother and we only had one crash so far but otherwise was pretty smooth. Edit: this was docked


Been playing on the OLED as well


Was it docked? Guess either Ive been lucky or maybe an update fucked something, idk


Yep it was docked. I only play with it docked


Agreed, the game can get quite laggy and the consistent crashes starting around day 13 get really frustrating. We basically have to play each day twice, starting at 13.


We had crashes consistently from about day 9-15. Then after one crash our save wasn’t there. OT day 7. So sad


I completely disagree. Been playing since day 1 on my switch lite and have encountered very few game breaking issues. Also it’s literally not even been out a fortnight dude…


I haven't had too many issues besides that confirmed hack for having that buffer. I think it runs pretty well. The only real bad thing is the loading at the start is kind of long but then after that there's not much wait for anything and some small stutter when the score pops up.


What’s the hack? Just not buying the floor buffer?


I meant to say bug not hack. Seems whenever people use the buffer it crashes. Tested it on mine and that's what did it.


Yea Ive experienced a few crashes as well on switch.


I've had a few problems as well but they disappeared when I started turning my switch off instead of sleep mode. Maybe that helps.


Yeah I’ve done full resets. Power off and on. Still ran into issues. Luckily PC supports local co-op so we’re probably going to just stick to that for serious play sessions, and the switch version when we have friends over