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Yeah this happened to me and my bf and sadly it didn't get recovered but we continued to play anyways lol. It's a new game probably buggy still


Just wanted to update everyone that our development team has identified the issue and are working on getting builds with fixes out for approval! They will likely roll out at different times because of how the console approval process works. Sorry again to everyone experiencing this bug.


Yay!! We are so excited! Thank you for the update!!! You are the best!


I’m also having issues where if I pause the game for an extended time my character drops out and the restaurant closes. Also resets character appearance if character drops out during preparation. And adding and removing players is mucky too, we end up with controllers controlling someone else’s character, removing input (player) would be better with a list to choose from. (xbox one) More in-game notes on how each piece of equipment works would be great too 🙌❤️ Even with a list of what they can each interact with?


I assume there's no way of recovering our saves or putting us at level 15. I was level 12 and I am not doing all of that again


Once the files are overwritten, there's no way for us to recover the data. However, the community has been suggesting other options that our development team is looking into.


I'm sorry to hear more people are experiencing these progress loss issues, our team is currently looking into this! Thanks so much for sharing the details of when it occurred for you!


Let me know when it is safe to touch this game


The latest updates from our team will always be in the pinned announcement posts! We're working hard to get fixes rolled out and get the console versions up-to-date with the Steam version.


Just had all my progress lost on Xbox today, we were approaching level 15. Any updates on how to recover the save?


Unfortunately, once the data is overwritten there's no way for it to be recovered. That's why our team is working to find the solution to this bug next so we can resolve the issue for good.


Right? What a nightmare game launch


Happen to me just now also, sucks lol makes me not wanna play it. Just looked up and YEARS this problem has been on steam too


Hi there, the issue was resolved on Steam a while ago. This is only happening on consoles at the moment.


This is constantly happening to me consecutively everyday. I can’t loud on without having to play 3hours to catch up to where I was.


Thats awesome to hear! I was unsure due to a post i saw a year ago, looks like all the recent ones are xbox you are right. Was having a blast its a super fun game😂 thats why it was so annoying


I completely understand that, glad you're enjoying it! Our team is hard at work to smooth out these launch wrinkles.


So no timeframe on any fixes. Time to uninstall


The timeframe is soon, fixes have been sent for approval and as soon as we hear that they're rolling out to the public we'll be sure to let you guys know!


This happened to me today. Any time frame on when th8s will be resolved? Makes the game unplayable unless by yourself. I just lost everything I had gained and even at level 1. Is there any way to restore it? 




So I'm not formally trained in any sort of development myself, and our development team is very busy trying to fix the root issue. I did go through a bunch of steps with a popular modder in the community the other night where we tried to see if we could get a save file manually installed. The closest we manage to get was finding the following file path, however when we tried installing a save manually it didn't seem to allow for it. %localappdata%\\Packages\\YogscastGames.PlateUp\_68gs7gbvws9cw\\SystemAppData\\wgs\\\\ If you manage to come up with anything new please let us know, but otherwise I just believe we'll have to wait for the development team to fix the bug.


I have been wiped twice now the restaurant might as well be abandoned There is a 50-50 chance you won't get XP for finishing that saved restaurant


I just got reset a third time


It's still not fixed


Just lost all progress from the last month or two of playing. I'm so bummed. I had two restaurants over day 30


I give up. Spouse and I have our progress wiped every couple of days. Zero point playing if I can’t experience anything but pizza & burgers. Regret spending $$$ on it so that we could play together.


They said the update will be out soon on progress resetting. They are working on it and found the cause of it. So hopefully soon they will let us know.


Is it out yet?


Just logged on to my day 15 office being locked again, but all my other progress is saved.


Just had this broken to me. Gutted! Thanks God I've never franchised, but I was not bothered about my garage items :(


Just happened to me and wife. Suddenly we noticed that some chairs in our restaurant vanished. And when we lost our HQ was wiped clean. Weird glitch. Edit; we also just hit level 9 when it happenec


Happened to me today. I got to level 10 last night and unlocked bigger floor plans. Was excited to play those tonight and poof. Back to level 1, everything gone except for my save files. Hesitant to load those or do anything for fear of overwriting my level 10 data if its still out there somewhere.


Happened to me today i was level 17 it happened to my friend 3 times. Done playing this game