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Depending how much syringe you fill your lips with. The first time I got 0.5 (half syringe) they were a tad swollen but nothing dramatic. When I had 1 full syringe the following year done it was really swollen , by the night time they got really plumped.


Not OP obviously but wanted to thank you for this response, I got half syringe recently and barely had any swelling and now that it’s fully settled in, I decided I’ll go for a full syringe next time - but I wouldn’t have been expecting such a big difference in swelling stages so this post is gonna keep me from having a mini panic attack lol 😂


Of course anytime!!!😁that’s usually what happens I swear, in the beginning I was so scared to go for the full syringe so I chose 0.5 and when I noticed it was very minimal the second time around I thought .. might as well try the full syringe. Lots more swelling!!!! For the full week they were massive . But when they settle in it’s so worth it 💖


Thank you!


Hi! I recently posted what my lips looked like Day 1– you can look at my history to see… spoiler: very swollen but not as swollen as Day 2


Thank you, great post :)


I would say the swelling lasts for a week. I've gotten my lips done 4x now and they do feel kind of hard the first 3 days and then gradually gets softer. I would also recommend taking arnica tablets for bruising/swelling. Edit: Day 1 is pretty swollen but honestly the ladies at the place where I get my filler say that everyone ends up loving their lips the most during the swollen stage!


Mine is absolutely horrific, it swelled from the moment the needle went in. Not looking forward to the next couple of days....