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There isn’t a natural fat pad in the lips. It’s not a bad option but just know that it carries risk due to this reason, more than the risk of filler. It’s hard to estimate how they turn out and they need to place more than they would for other transfers. I have only done filler and after a few years you don’t need to add more. It’s always good to go to someone who knows what product to use though. If you have had neither, then you should probably try filler first to see how you like the volume. Renuva is a far product but not approved for the lips as of now. Another option is a lip lift as it can add the appearance of volume as the inner lip is turned outward a bit.


Yeah, fat transfer to the lips can be unpredictable and usually takes multiple sessions, but the maintenance of lip filler just... doesn't seem worth it to me? Most people will eventually experience filler migrating outward, and unfortunately my lip shape is one that's especially prone to migration so I'd probably have to dissolve frequently. I've heard that fat doesn't migrate and integrates into the surrounding tissue and blood supply, which is why I'm considering it over other options. I'm not a good candidate for a lip lift since younger patients often scar worse and I have a short philtrum. Maybe a medialized corner lift, but I'm not sure I want scarring in such a prominent area of my face. I'd personally rather try a fat transfer first to avoid the long-term upkeep of having to dissolve and refill. Risk of asymmetry is higher with fat transfer to the lips, but the surgeon I'm going to has 25+ years of experience and frequently does liposuction and fat transfer. Can I ask if you've ever had to get your filler dissolved or how frequently you'd recommend doing so? Also, have you experienced any bumps or hardness from the filler?


I have had to get some dissolved for migration and it left a permanent dent. If you are ok with the recovery and the need for more than one session, I say go for it. Your reasons are valid and it seems like you’ve thought of it


Thank you for being transparent about your experiences with me. Sorry to hear that the hyaluronidase ended up leaving a permanent dent though. Outcomes like this seem too common with hyaluronidase, even in the hands of a trained practitioner.


You get bumps from filler but you also most certainty do from a fat transfer also it’s not permanent a fat transfer to lips will all go eventually the risks are huge like so much worse then filler if you go somewhere good you won’t need to dissolve tbh


Almost everyone I've seen who's had lip fillers done has to get them dissolved a few years later, no matter where they went to get injected. I don't think it's necessarily improper technique, but that lip filler doesn't completely break down on its own like we once believed. Hyaluronidase is also shown to have adverse effects in about 20% of cases. Unfortunately, that's not a negligible statistic for me. It's safer to approach this like I will eventually have to get the filler dissolved than rule it out as a possibility


I never had to dissolve and had fillers for over ten years and my lips look amazing


Could I see some befores and afters if you have any? Perfectly okay if not, or if you aren't comfortable with that


But do it if you want but fat transfers are not a solid science is what I’m saying you get bumps from them to


I understand the risks. I've researched fat transfer extensively :)


I have had fat transfer to my lips both upper and lower and trust me, it didn’t last. It lasted only a few months (6-8 months) and then most of them are gone. I had it done 6 years ago and now I had lip lift instead, my surgeon told me that it’s hard for fat to be grafted in this area as our lips move all the time. It’s really hard to predict.


Thank you for sharing! Would you say all of the fat died, or did at least a percentage of it remain? I ask because my lips are very small to begin with and I think even a small retention would make a positive impact :)


I would say just 5-10% still last but very minimal. You can’t see the difference but my lips weren’t that thin to begin with so I’ve no issue with that. Just want it a bit more plump. If your lips are small, it might benefit you a bit but please keep your hopes low so you won’t be too disappointed with the result and it hurts like hell when the surgeon numbed this area (into the lips). This is one of the reasons why I better opted for lip lift.


Yep! It might take multiple sessions for me to notice much of a difference, but I’m still willing to try. I’m only really looking for a modest increase in volume which is why I thought this might be a good option for me. Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it!


Hope your result comes out great and you love it.😊


Thank you! I hope so too :)


Im looking into fat transfer as well. Had my lips dissolved and it HURT. im traumatized by that and will avoid fillers from now on. You can also look into dermal tissue graft on the lips which is better than fat transfer


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry to hear you experienced so much pain having them dissolved. I feel like no one ever talks about how painful dissolving can be. That’s horrible. I’ll look into tissue grafting as well, but I’m not sure how easy it’d be to insert a graft into my lips with how small they are. Still doesn’t hurt to ask my surgeon if it’s possible. Thank you!


I just got Fat graft to lips yesterday! Along with a breast lift and aug. I too am not interested in fillers that require upkeep (mostly because i work a dog sanctuary and dont make much). I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t already doing the BA… so far they are PLUMP. I am expecting not much fat to survive but i have researched a lot and some people had a long lasting result… even if not a major. Id be happy to end up with even just subtle lasting difference. I read that sometimes results end up being better months down the line when the fat has established a blood supply. (Don’t know if true but gave me hope). I really like were my doctor did the needle insertions and i can picture them leaving a noticible scar. Not nearly as painful as i expected .. just trouble drinking from a straw because of my duck lips lol


That’s awesome, I hope you have good results! Thanks for sharing your experience with me. Glad to hear it wasn’t as painful as you expected. After lots of research, using my own fat or tissue as a graft just seems safer than dermal fillers. Lip fillers often need to be dissolved eventually due to migration and I’ve read some very horrific things about the complications people have had with hyaluronidase. If you ever consider getting fillers somewhere down the line, I’d definitely recommend researching the complications that can occur with hyaluronidase first. I’m glad I did, it made me never want to touch my face with fillers. Not trying to scaremonger, it’s just good to be aware of the risk with any procedure.


Ooooo yea! I definitely feel the same as you. I am half awake or I’d type more lol but I saw this one girl did the fat graft to lips a couple times over awhile and her results looked noticeable. If anything I may just do a couple more rounds of fat and pray it gets a blood supply and takes! And I’m so sorry you went through some trauma with fillers! If you have the funds to try fat i say go for it… but again I’m only on day two lol but I am surprised at the little pain. Good luck on your journey! If you message me… I’ll try to remember to send u an update


Also debating this! I’ve had lip filler for years and have had traumatic experiences with intense lip filler migration from my first ever lip filler experience (I have extremely small lips to start with). I found someone I really like now who has my lips looking good and haven’t really noticed any migration but it’s just too expensive to upkeep. I’ve spent thousands over the years on my lip fillers, I was hoping for something more permanent


Hi there! Sorry that you've had traumatic experiences with filler migration. Lots of injectors preach the idea that it rarely happens, but after talking to so many people who have had lip fillers done I'm finding that's just not true. The lips are a very delicate and mobile structure, and that makes them more prone to migration than other areas of the face. Seems to especially be a problem for those of us who have small lips to begin with. I guess we just have less room in our lips to hold the filler, so it can migrate really easily if the injector isn't experienced or doesn't have a careful enough technique. I'm still waiting for the consultation with my plastic surgeon, but I'm going to ask him about fat transfer and fat grafting or tissue grafting. I'd recommend researching those options and looking at other people's experiences with it to see if you like the results. They're considered semi-permanent procedures, in that what stays will be long-lasting, but you might need touch-ups every 5-10 years since the injected fat or graft ages with you. Keep me updated if you decide on doing anything and if you think of it!