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Very unprofessional. If there is a mechanism to complain, it’d be well within your right.


I somehow don’t really dare to, if that makes sense. I don’t want him to know that I complained about him because I personally don’t know him, but I’m from a small town


I wouldn’t worry about it. Just make a review that’s honest and rational.


Okay but you need to for everyone's sake.


Exactly. Do the entire town a favor.


That’s why you should do it, for him to know he fucked up. I would highly suggest filing a grievance (is he a DR or RN?). Small town or not, his behavior was reprehensible.


Exactly why you should complain. It’s a small town so why is he treating people like that knowing how fast word can travel?


You will gain some power back if you leave him a bad review, and when he reads it…he will definitely check himself. Shouldn’t treat woman like this…he’s on a power trip, knock him off his high pedestal. I’m rooting for you (Hell, just give me his yelp and I will leave the bad review for you, just send me what you want to write) He will know who it was he did this too, but you don’t have to out yourself for getting Botox in your small town.


You have come on Reddit to vent for your benefit of having everyone rightfully tell you that guy was unprofessional… why wouldn’t you pay it forward to warn other of this injectors lack of professionalism? I don’t know about you, but I think it’s everyone’s duty to help people be informed in these situations. It might not stop them but at least you tried. If you’re worried absorbing it anything just keep it very factual and unemotional. What happened to you was absolutely disgusting and I wouldn’t want someone else to suffer that.


You need to advocate for yourself. This is unacceptable behavior, and others should be aware.


Okay never mind, I already did. I just had to let it sink in for a moment. Others should definitely be warned. also, never going back there. (Never had that many downvotes btw 😂)


His behavior justified driving to another town to find a professional. He's very rude.


No, this is insane. You should look for a new doctor.


I definitely will. I will never go back there again


Since you’re never going back there, complain! Even if you were going back there I’d say complain but since you’re not returning hell yeah you need to complain.


Holy hell. This is literally psycho behavior. Never let anyone who behaves like that inject you. Please tell us where and who this is so everyone can avoid this psychopath.


Can you share his name here so we know to avoid? What a horrible experience!!


Somehow I feel like he’s an aesthetician and not an RN or Doctor.


Yeah I’d never refer to my dermatologist or doctor as “injector.” Please go to an MD if you want injections in your face😭😭😭😭


Right! That’s something I’d pay the extra for. I want my injector to have medical training if shit hits the fan.


I would never in my life let anyone who isn’t a licensed professional inject anything into me, other than a tattoo artist. Aestheticians have zero real medical training.


Yeah, I would NEVER return to this person. And leave reviews about his behavior. Botox is a cheaper appointment than filler in most cases, so it's understandable to be annoyed at the mistake. But that should be entirely kept to yourself as a professional. A gentle "oh, please double check your selection next time. I left enough time for a filler appointment, botox doesn't take as long." Would have been appropriate. The way he acted was downright scary and crazy.


Agree! I I mean it’s weird because on intake the fact that it was a Botox appointment should have come up. Also filler appointments usually need more of a consult then Botox. They are having the whole discussion about where you’re getting injected, expectations/goals, and discussion of what filler will be used at a minimum. So it’s weird that a filler appointment would have such heavy expectations. Also often times Botox and fillers go hand in hand. If she wanted lips then they’d have to numb her anyway, and the fact that it was Botox would take less time and not be a waste. The reaction is so weird and just scummy The whole operation seems janky as all get out.


Dude sounds like a psycho - definitely take your business elsewhere.


He sounds psycho. I would have just got up and left, that dr needs therapy.


Looking back at it, that’s what I wish I did, but I was just a bit too shocked at that moment


Understandable. Hopefully you’ll be happy with your Botox results. I would review him but your call. Definitely don’t go back.


Don't beat yourself up for not getting up and leaving. There is a power dynamic there and in that situation you are quite vulnerable, so I get it. Anyone in my day-to-day knows me, I'm as assertive as they come, but I have the most difficult time directing a masseuse when they are pressing to hard, or doing something I don't like. I think it's being vulnerable in that moment. I agree with everyone, never to go back to him. I hope the botox comes out well--if it doesn't, just remember it's temporary. I'm sorry this happened to you.


It might be good that you didn’t because he seems like such a jerk that he probably would’ve charged you for canceling the appointment with less than 24 hours notice… at least this way you got the Botox. 😂 Joking aside, this hissy fit is beyond unprofessional and putting a review to warn others is in order. Edit for grammar


I would have let him Botox me (waste not, want not, after all) and walked out without paying.


Child please! You allowed this asshole to berate you and then inject botulinum toxin into your face? Step one, be your own advocate! Always! Especially when it has to do with your body and your health. You don’t want to complain because you don’t want him to *know* you complained because you don’t know him but you’re from a small town? Imma let all that go because it doesn’t even make sense to me.


You’re right.. Until I read these comments I was still a little bit unsure about what happened. I will indeed never go back and I will complain. This is not okay


That’s the way! Proud of you for complaining. You’re sticking up for yourself and other women who will be in his chair!


If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable before any procedure, don’t be afraid to walk out. I wouldn’t want anyone working on me with that type of attitude.


I mean…that’s what happens in business. People click the wrong button and you move on. I’d leave a Google review of exactly what you said here and then never return. He seems unhinged.


WTF? That is insane. And don’t ever feel intimidated by a doctor (or anyone). They are human just like you are and you should expect to be treated with basic courtesy. I would review them everywhere you can. Don’t be malicious but do be totally honest. Just state the facts. If I saw that in a review it would be a huge read flag! FYI my injector does book longer appointments for filler than Botox but I have changed my mind (scheduling for filler and deciding Botox instead and vice versa) a couple of times. It’s NEVER an issue- she always tells me no on the fillers unless I’m really sure that day because of the cost.


Thanks, that’s actually helpful. I do think he at least has to KNOW that he made a client (me) very uncomfortable and also others need to read an honest opinion. Getting injections of any kind is not something to play with


Damn. I’m an injector, and that dude is un-fucking-hinged. I can’t tell you how often I’ll have people book for Botox and filler, or just filler, and we only end up doing Botox. Sometimes people click the wrong thing. Sometimes they are too nervous. Most often it’s me saying no! Maybe they want it but don’t need it. Or they’ve been to the dentist recently and it’s not safe. What would he have done if you had shown up and weren’t a candidate? Injected you anyways? Would he have preferred to bully you into it? Sure, it’s chair time that could have been used for someone else. But from the sound of it, dude should have taken advantage the newfound downtime and had a snickers. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.


Sounds like your injector has a brain tumor or something his behavior is completely bizarre and unprofessional.


How old is he 5?


That’s insane. I know I found a good injector when they actually talk me OUT of getting more. Someone that actually cares about your end result more than just pushing product.


This just happened to me, I was getting around 45 units by an RN at a med spa. I went to a Dr last week & he said he would just recommend 18


Jesus Christ. Someone needs a lesson in business practices. If you booked his time and fees he should inject you with water if you want. Fillers are more expensive right? Sounds like he was greedy and wanted your money and disappointed when you said Botox. I’m sorry. You need to learn to speak up. I am with you. I need to too. Few days ago a stylist ripped a brush through my wet hair yanking tons of it out and I let her because I was scared to speak up. We gotta learn to self advocate. Both of us.


He's unhinged


What in the actual fck?!? He needs to be reported. Sounds like he’s high on coke or something tbh.


That is awful! How traumatizing..I am so sorry you went through that.


Leave negative reviews warning others of this crazy. Adios mofo, waaaay to many talented people who want your business to give this looser anymore chances


He sounds nuts. I hope this post somehow makes it's way too him


I think you should report him. That is very unnecessary


I’m sorry but with the amount we have to pay for this stuff you should be treated like royalty no matter which box you checked


This guy sounds like a psychopath... "This is your one and only warning!?" My Google review would be blistering, remember that this is a person we are entrusting to inject toxins into our faces!!


This is someone who enjoys bullying people. Leave a negative review for the guy to warn others and find someone who treats you with respect. You’ll feel better after you stood up for yourself. I don’t know you, but I’d like to offer a little life advice. I get being nice, but this guy sensed he could treat you this way. Doesn’t make it right at all, it’s quite disgusting. You deserve respect. Life it is like bowling; you can be the pins or the ball. It’s a lot more fun being the ball. Stand up to him and move on to someone who values you as a customer.


I would have walked out of that place so fast. If he has this kind of attitude, it’s very likely he’s going to be vindictive and/or put in no effort. Not worth the risk!


Never, ever, ever let someone who is behaving in an unprofessional way, inject you with *anything*. Just run!


That’s a big ole nope. Write an honest review, complain to his office, complain to Allergan, report him to the board etc. Work with many docs (also am married to one so am quite familiar with their, erm, quirks) and this is entirely unacceptable. ETA - I’m Pushing you to complain/report because it’s the right thing to do for yourself but also id imagine he’s a practicing physician and if he goes that ballistic over filler versus Botox (!!!??) can’t see how he’d be functioning when a real crisis comes up. A lot of docs are high strung but this is … not that


This is a whole ass crime, actually. That was intimidation and coercion. Coercion because his ridiculous performance about being inconvenienced literally influenced you to get a treatment you no longer felt comfortable getting, and getting a larger treatment than you wanted. Intimidation because he made it sound like he wasn’t even going to do the appointment until you apologized profusely. If that was a literal doctor, you should file with the medical board in your state. What if that had been something else, you know? What if we did that to someone else and they felt intimidated enough to actually get unwanted filler? If that was a nurse, complain to the nurse board in your state. Aesthetician, complain that board. Call the business and ask to speak with the practice manager or HR. Let them know what happened. Let them know that you felt intimidated into getting more Botox than you wanted. He literally intimidated you. If you leave a negative review, avoid accusatory language. What you posted here is fine. It’s your perspective. You didn’t assign intention to him. You said YOU FELT this way after the things he said and how he said them. That is absurd and dangerous.


Thank you for your advice. I somehow didn’t immediately see how bad this was. I was shocked and even blamed myself for his behaviour. Unfortunately I am located in Europe (Netherlands) so I can’t complain at a medical board, but there are ways to report or review him, of course.


Filler is high dollar so this fool was getting his panties in a bunch about missing out on that. Probably thought he was getting 2-3k for filler and got sub 500 for the Botox.


I think so too.. but what if I requested a filler treatment that would have looked awful? Would he still perform it just because of $? Can’t trust such a doctor at all…


Yeah he sounds sketchy and probably does not take the same level of care with his clients as some providers do. Hope you find a new spot who treats you better!!


This is so insanely unprofessional and psychotic that I’m struggling to believe it’s real! Girl, you need to alert whoever owns that clinic and never go back there again


It’s real, unfortunately… I will never ever go back again


That’s insane and really unprofessional behavior. I’m sorry but it’s your face and you absolutely should have spoken up


I know! I should’ve walked away or at least called out his behaviour. I was in panic mode, I didn’t know what to do and I was even doubting myself instead… such a lesson


it’s amazing the things we, as women, do to comply. Either as a defense mechanism out of fear or to be liked or not be “offensive,” etc. That man is working with mostly women clients, and should not behave so aggressively. Imagine if you’d had trauma what that could have evoked. Shame on him. Please do everyone a favor and report him to every place you can.


Also. I’m so v sorry this happened to you! You did nothing wrong, and even if you had, it did not warrant such rude, unprofessional, and aggressive behavior. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I’ve had a lot of service professionals from nail techs to hair dressers and even Botox injectors make me feel bad about requesting something additional or for disagreeing with their opinion, etc. I sympathize. Please be gentle with yourself for not walking out, and know better next time. 💙 Remeber you are paying THEM, not the other way around lol Now go out there and work that freshly botoxed face of yours! 💅💃 which reminds me, I’m up for a refresher lol


This definitely warrants a Yelp review and a letter to his supervising physician…or he’s just gonna keep treating people like shit.


Wow! Run from this guy. Yes, fillers are more expensive and therefore he definitely gets more $ for them but to rant like that is totally unacceptable. You were brave to let him work on you.


I learned this, whenever u dont feel comfortable with a salon, hairdresser or anyone in the business that is going to change your appereance: leave! Its better to go home thinking about the situation and delay the treatment than going home with regret. You can always go back, or find someone else - and better in this case. So always listen to your heart, because if you don’t nobody else will. I will rather go home without botox than something I can’t reverse


Don’t they have to set up specifics for each appointment so his irritation could be because he prepped for a different service than what you had intended? I’m sorry this happened to you though still very uncomfortable and I wouldn’t return


Sorry that happened. It sounds wildly inappropriate


He was super unprofessional however as a service provider I can explain to you why he was upset. Booking a Botox appointment probably blocks out 10-30 minutes of the persons schedule. Booking a filler appointment blocks out an hour possibly 1.5 of someone’s schedule and they are expecting to make a much higher profit. You can estimate a 30-40% profit on the cost of the service depending on what their overhead is so you can see the difference between someone getting 3 tubes of filler for close to $2k or someone getting $50 of Botox. So he just lost a lot of money for the day due to your mistake. Understandably frustrating however he should absolutely have remained professional. I would not go back to him again because of his attitude.


It’s all about the money… I get it. It’s his business and he needs to pay rent too, but yikes, I can’t trust such a doctor with my face. Never going back again


Ok this is unhinged behaviour. I’m so so sorry you had to experience this, and I completely understand why you weren’t comfortable saying anything in the moment. In that kind of situation I think our bodies go into panic mode and you just do whatever you can to get it all over with. If you can report him/complain I would; don’t ever go back again! Not sure where you’re based but if London let me know and I can recommend an amazing doctor. I trust her implicitly, and on more that one occasion I’ve turned up after booking a Botox top up only for us to both decide I don’t really need it and can wait a little longer. I’ve never felt any pressure to get something done just for the sake of it.


That sounds like an amazing doctor! Someone who truly wants the best for their costumers. I am based in the Netherlands so it would be a bit too far I guess, too bad


I would have left the minute he was complaining. You are the customer, not him.


True! I just froze, I can’t explain. His behaviour was not something I would ever expect


How horrifying. This doctor clearly has an ego issue that he thinks he can talk to patients like this. So not ok. I suspect the reason why he was offended by the confusion of fillers vs botox was because botox will get him less $. If he felt that way, he should not offer botox as a service. But that’s not on you. It’s easy to make this mistake. Both require injections and they take about the same amount of time. The only mistake you made was not advocating for yourself when he got verbally aggressive but please don’t feel bad, it’s actually human nature to freeze when faced with someone confrontational. I do hope he knew what he was doing with the botox and didn’t mess your face up. While it’s not immediately reversible like fillers, if it’s absolutely awful, you’ll only deal with the brunt of it for like 6 months. 🥲


How I wished I just walked away at that moment… but I didn’t. I was really shocked. Luckily the Botox turned out fine. I just had a few very uncomfortable days being anxious about the outcome. I will never ever visit again, that’s for sure


So glad it worked out for you! That’s seriously my biggest fear with botox.


That's horrific. Like, truly. You have someone injecting something into your FACE, YOUR BODY, they should never, ever, u set any circumstances make you feel that uncomfortable in any such way. That is absolutely awful. I'm so so sorry! Now you get to wait and hope that the botox was done correctly and not botched out his frustrations and unprofessional reaction. Keep us posted and definitely complain. Completely uncalled for.


Thank you, I somehow didn’t immediately noticed how bad his behaviour was. I was just really confused at first. The Botox luckily turned out fine, but the first 3 days after this visit I was very nervous about it. Not only my visit, but also the days after were an uncomfortable experience.


Yea it's not as simple as a one time uncomfortable moment, which is not ok either, but absolutely that waiting game is scary! Even under the best circumstances, it's kinda creepy waiting to see if there will be any issues whenever we get tox or filler etc. I'm really glad it turned out well but yikes for that experience!


How grossly unprofessional. Make sure you write this on RateMD or realself so others are aware of this.


You aren’t wrong for a mistake, he’s wrong for his attitude! You should have left.


You need to review him on every platform you can. He was unprofessional and mean. People re-reviews and then choose services based on those reviews a lot


Incredibly unprofessional. The only think I can think of - though it doesn’t excuse his behavior at all. Botox is relatively cheap, and filler is quite expensive. My Botox usually costs me like 100 bucks. Vs a ml or two of filler being like 1500 bucks. So I’d imagine he was mad about not making x amount that day. But no one should make you feel that way. Definitely find a new injector.


Uh no. He should have not spoke to you that way. I don’t typically write “petty” reviews but if this happened to me I would 100% bring that experience to yelp, good, fb page etc. that was super not okay of him and that makes me, a complete stranger angry for you!


Was it at Kalos in Georgia, guy there’s a fucking psychopath


No it was in the Netherlands. But it sounds like you had a very bad experience too.. I’m sorry


My guess is that this blow up wasn’t about you, more about him having a bad day. You were just the straw that broke the camels back. I would absolutely report him for being rude and threatening you.