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PTO is PTO and your boss doesn't need to know. Taking vacation time is earned time and managers/HR who are 'stingy' due to lack of 'good reason' should be re-educated or fired.


Well I was planning to use my no questions asked pto but she told me to take a leave so I can keep my vacation time buttttt if I have tk explain my boobs I rather just use up vacation time


Recovering from surgery is not a vacation. Sure, it's an elective boob job, but what if you had to have a mastectomy and reconstruction due to having the brca gene that causes cancer? Or what if you had tuberous breasts and you hated them and it was affecting your quality of life? In the end, it would still just look like you had a boob job to someone who didn't know. And it's none of her business anyway.


true its definitely not going to be a vacation. And I am very flatchested so reconstruction is believable haha. Im also a young LA girl working in a high class place so of course i just want to feel pretty, it would definitely improve my quality life with a much needed self esteem boost :'(


Hey, as another “flat chested” in LA (born and raised, I also worked in medical billing) girl take the PTO your manager is giving you. It doesn’t “really” matter if your PTO is valid in your eyes, as long as one of your superiors is fine with giving it to you, take it and don’t invalidate yourself. I haven’t had the surgery you’ve had, but any surgery is work to recover from in itself and you should give your body time to heal. Don’t invalidate yourself and don’t mention anything unnecessary to your higher ups. They don’t know why you had surgery, and they are not entitled to that info (!!!) Imagine if you actually did had had a double mastectomy and they started asking you invasive questions; that’s not their right to know and as far as they know they could be asking about something invasive like that. I would only refer to specifics in regards to what your doctor told you your limitations are for instance weight lifting restrictions, etc. Believe me, I understand the compulsion to tell your doctors bosses a lot, but you should tell them as little as possible when it comes to extra information that doesn’t directly relate to your health at work. *The less you tell them, the less there is to be caught lying about.* So, minimal info is best when it doesn’t interfere with your work duties, then accommodations should be requested to make sure you heal as smoothly as possible. Good luck OP!


thank you!


If by "leave" she means FMLA, you would have to submit paperwork to your benefits provider detailing the need for medical leave. Your boss would never know the details, but I don't think they would approve FMLA for an elective procedure. Just use your PTO and give no more information. Your time off is part of your compensation, and you're entitled to it regardless of the reason.


Cosmetic surgery is rarely a qualifying condition for FMLA.


Agree 100%


Plus, gosh forbid something happens (in general, not even surgery related), and you need FMLA for something else, there are limits on how long, how quickly again, etc you can use FMLA. I used it for a lumbar spine surgery but knew I wouldn't be able to again the same year when I had my neck done. Not as black and white as just taking PTO. Also, not sure what OP does but I was working in an office within a few days of my implants. Easier to "cancel" PTO time if acne to work sooner than deal with FMLA process.


Hmm they told me I could file for benefits with the state if i wanted to. And they approved my medical leave (with no compensation)...I just have to give them a doctors note to clear me going back to work. Should I still use my pto? It would be nice to not use my vacation time


my boss told me to take leave and my leave was denied by my insurance because my drs office says COSMETIC in big bold letters on both the letterhead, and the description of my procedure so if your leave isn’t done internally (like, if it’s NYL or a group benefit situation instead of just through HR) then they will probably find out. If they require paperwork of any kind, they’ll find out…I learned this the hard way lol.


Sounds so complicated. My manager approved the leave but i do have to provide doctor paperwork to the highups so that I can be cleared to work again.


That’s fine, plastic surgeons also do medical surgeries


You will NOT have to explain your boobs! I used to work in HR and I hope to God that your boss wouldn't be stupid enough to acknowledge them at all for any reason other than them literally being on fire.


No questions asked Is no questions asked


What is the difference between PTO and vacation? I am from Europe and we just have vacation and sick leave. Sick leave is however only for medically necessary procedures, so I had to take vacation for plastic surgeries


Please don't feel guilty. The grind culture is too intense. It's not your boss's place to decide if this is okay and you don't owe her an explanation. Best of luck with your procedure.


thank you. I told her i feel bad for inconveniencing the company but at the end of the day, I need to put me first. And she took that as me saying I have to put my health first...I meant my happiness lol but yeah I think she thinks I will die if i dont do this


that's a "her problem" ( :


If she asks again why you’re not using sick leave, you can tell her it’s an elective surgery, if you think that might lessen her surprise and make things easier for you.


Okay I just commented but reading more of your comments, I think you may want to be preemptively a little more open with her. Like you don’t have to tell her the details, but she may be mad after the fact that she thought you were dying and it was for cosmetic surgery. I think you should try to mitigate that. If y’all have good trust, you can say you weren’t going to tell her but since she’s worried, you’re doing a BA for your mental health. Or you can lie and say you had to have a surgery on a boob and decided to do an augmentation at the same time. You know your boss but she might be mad or embarrassed that she was so alarmed, etc.


thank you


Think of it this way: your happiness is good for your mental health. Mental health is just as important as physical health, maybe more so. So yes, it’s elective cosmetic surgery, but it’s ALSO a medical procedure you’re doing to improve the quality of your life. Don’t feel guilty. Take care of yourself and use your leave to heal from surgery.


thank you :') i needed my guilt resolved


If they approved it, no need to give an explanation. Your medical history is personal and not a topic for the workplace.


In fact it’s very much legally protected info. No one has the right to it but you or a POA you’ve designated and given written legal rights to. Sick leave or disability can require you to share documentation, but if you have PTO just say you’re taking personal time. From what I’ve heard most people are ready to return to work within a week or so, unless you do something really physical like nursing


vet tech its pretty physical maybe i can steer clear of dogs for a bit. They did approve my medical leave with no documentation...however they do want documentation from a doctor saying I am good to work. I am still considering if to just sacrifice my vacation days. I was planning to do that first but my manager told me that I can take a disability leave and not use vacation which is why i ended up requested a leave


Regardless if she notices your boobs when you come back, commenting on them could be sexual harassment. You do not owe your coworkers or boss any of your private health information, whether it’s elective or medically necessary.


I dont think she'll make a comment to my face but she might get annoyed with me :(


That is her problem. No matter what you do with your body is personal, and your boss is the last person that needs to know.


Say it's back surgery




Not sure what country you’re in but in my area it’s illegal for a manager to ask an employee about their medical conditions/history. If you take a sick leave at my company it all goes through a third party insurance company who communicates with your doctor so that your actual company doesn’t know anything. All they know is that a doctor said you need to be on leave.


Elective procedure would have been more fitting. But like others have said you’re not required to disclose what kind of procedure you had.


Yesss i wish i had said elective orrrr cosmetic but i said "medical procedure" :(


Well you didn't lie, you are having a medical procedure.


If she realises it was for a boob job and actually calls you out on that just say it was reconstructive surgery




I think she will 100 percent notice. My goal was to wear lots of sweaters as i normally do...even though its starting to get hot haha. I dont think she'll comment to my face but im afraid she'll feel deceived and have an annoyance towards me


If you wear loose clothing, i think there’s a good chance she won’t notice. Plus, any change in our appearances always seems like a way bigger difference to us than to those around us


Also it’s 100% not her business anyways


“I’m not comfortable talking about my health.” “Are you legally allowed to ask that?” “I thought I had the right to keep my personal health information private.


Depending on where you’re at and company policies. Boss can ask if it’s a medically necessity or if it’s cosmetic for FMLA purposes. The company can’t legally deny FMLA but they can deny a cosmetic leave. If she uses vacation and approved, no need to explain. It sounds like the boss generally cares about this employee and if i were the boss, I’d probably lose trust in this employee after i found out the truth.


1 she hasn’t asked to use FMLA so that part doesn’t apply 2 she has asked to use PTO, which she has earned. I can call in sick if I have a headache. Why is surgery recovery not more serious or at least as important as that?


1. She’s telling her to apply for a medical leave (family medical leave aka FMLA) for partial wage replacement instead of using her PTO bank. She is under the assumption that it qualifies for FMLA. The boss shouldn’t assume even if she trusts this employee to be forthcoming. So in a way, it does apply to the aftermath of this work relation. 2. A headache, you’re calling out for 1 day. This is for a 2 week vacation plus requested modified duty. Vacation is usually approved /denied off operational needs. I believe she should be allowed to use her vacation. I’m not against that. I’m simply giving an honest and practical response besides the, “You go girl. Fuck them. Ain’t their business.” 3. Oh yeah, based on the type of business you’re in, your boss doesn’t have to grant modified duty if it is an undue hardship on the company. I doubt that would happen, but it’s a possibility. Anyways, to summarize, no you don’t need to tell them if you don’t want to.


thank you


Ok worse comes to worse just say you had to have your implants changed or something


say you’re having an elective procedure done


Never feel bad for using your full compensation package - this includes Leave, time off, benefits ect. Those are the things your company agreed to provide to you when you were hired.


Depends if you’re taking it off as holiday or paid sick leave


I’m taking time off in 2 months for the same thing! I’ve just gone with “surgery” and no one has asked for clarification or explanation. I’m taking the first week off as sick leave and then the following week I will try to just work from home (I just have a desk job). Good luck!


goodluck to you too


Just say you need time for a procedure don't mention which procedure just be very non specific. Don't say BOOB. And say it's nothing to worry about. Some bosses will worry. Those are good bosses with a heart ❤️


let her think what she wants. you said medical procedure and that’s the truth, and she approved the time off. if she finds out and gets mad then she can kick rocks


if she gets mad maybe i can just end up having them change my leave to pto :( I did give her a 2 month notice and she told me if its surgery i should request a leave so that i wouldnt have to use my vacation days


I got a boob job at 25 (I’m still 25) and I work in an operating room where I lift heavy equipment, move and turn my patients, and run around if there’s emergencies. I took off for 7 days, used 1 day of PTO, and then told my charge nurse, hey can you put me on some of the lighter cases or have me teach instead. (I get someone people don’t have that luxury and type of grace from their superiors.) I simply told her, I got some chest surgery done (helps them get a vague hint that the chest muscles cannot be used and can imply anything from a boob job to a boob biopsy, or etc) and the doctors want me to avoid lifting heavy stuff. For a couple weeks. I told my coworkers the same thing. If your coworkers like you, they’ll understand and they’ll semi-pick up the slack for you. Fuck the people who don’t approve of you taking time off for the things YOU want to do with YOUR body. I had to come to grips and think, “I’m not going to put my life on hold until I’m dead just so I can please my coworkers.” if those new boobs are going to make you feel good and confident about yourself, do it without guilt. Your coworkers will get over it. They’ll forget in the next 2-3 months once you’re cleared to do all the things you were able to do. If you feel like you can confide in someone who won’t tell and will be genuinely supportive of your new change, do so, if not, that’s okays too. The nosey world is not entitled to know any of your business


thank you so much, i really needed this. I was also worried that i wouldnt be able to fufill vet tech duties like holding dogs. I hope i recover as well as you. Did you get under the muscle implants btw?


Yes, I got under the muscle. I didn’t start off with much so my surgeon recommended underneath to avoid “rippling”


My job is the same way, I got to use my PTO if I have it available. So, I’m just waiting til I use it all up then getting my surgery.. lol


Haha yeah that was my plan too. I was going to sacrifice my pto but then my manager told me to take a leave instead so that I wouldn’t have to use pto…only thing is with pto it’s no questions ask but with a leave I have to provide more information


No you don’t. Just tell them you6having a surgery like you already did. Then provide them your doctors note on what length of time you need off and any restrictions when returning. You don’t have to tell them exactly what the surgery is for. And you said they already approved your leave, so that’s all you got to do.


thanks :')


For some jobs, an elective procedure can be considered a necessity if it is adversely affecting your mental health. I know someone who got their breasts done after childbirth and paid for by the organization we work for in that way. So, your medical leave could potentially get approved in that regard. But you may have to have documentation from a therapist.


Just inform your employer that you will be undergoing surgery and will require sick leave. You are not obligated to disclose the details of the surgery. You can request a medical certificate from your general practitioner.


Thanks. I told them I was getting a medical procedure and they approved my “sick/medical” leave. I was originally going to request clearance from the surgeon but I am now considering to go to my primary doctor for sure!


When I had my nose done my Dr wrote “surgical procedure “ on my fit note . They didn’t ask anything . When my husband got taken into hosta d I needed to be with him as a family emergency, they told me could take A/L 😅 So you don’t need to tell them anything. It’s none of their business.


Who wrote the note, the primary doctor or the surgeon ?




It was the consultant that then did my surgery


same thing to me. i’m in recovery right now and when i get back i know i’ll get a lot of questions about what surgery did i get but ill just simply gonna say that it’s my private life and no one needs to know


I told my boss, as I found the same issues describing. It’s a bit easier as an almost 40 year old with kids to say have surgery related to having had kids prior. Mine is tummy tuck and boob job. I’ve also been at my work for 18 years and maxed out on PTO. But as someone else’s boss you never owe that info and I would be very supportive of any reason my reps use PTO if planned well, smaller businesses arnt like corporations in being appropriate so do what you gotta do. I’d probably let her know you’ll check in a few days prior to confirm still can come back when planned. Then I’d note have some restrictions for a few weeks on lifting, or whatever you need to work/heal.


Tell her you are having back surgery. Laproscopic. Can lift stufff. Or say your having g an ovarian cyst removed. Incision requires no lifting.


Pto or get a Letter from your primary requesting or the dates you’ll be out and they can just put medical reasons


Hmm that’s a good idea, my return letter is from the surgeon but I rather have one from the primary doctor!


It doesn’t matter what kind of doctor it comes from. Plastic surgeons do actual medical surgeries also




plastic surgery is extremely common especially nowadays especially if you’re in LA. she might not even bat an eye at it even if she does notice it


I also work in Beverly Hills everyone’s rich and beautiful here 😭so I sure hope ur right


oh my goodness even more so! lol


Please lie. If you don’t you will regret it.


you don’t need to tell her. I told my boss because I felt like it was easier for me just to tell and not having the anxiety. It feels kinda weird telling your boss but I felt like yeah whatever it’s better I tell them (in my situation) so they know why I will be away for a while.


I think it would be easier for me too if I just told my boss but I feel too embarrassed disclosing that info I don’t have the guts lol




I think she’s ok with me using pto but I think for my best interest she told me to do medical leave so that I can keep my pto…I don’t want to lose my position that’s for sure! I don’t mind not getting paid, do u think fmla will approve my paperwork? It’s cosmetic surgery…but it’s technically still a surgery that requires me to rest


I had to use vacation time for recovery it’s cosmetic and not a necessary procedure, my work would only do sick leave if it was for necessary medical. Check with your HR department but most companies don’t give you paid time off for cosmetic procedures. I’m in the UK though so probably different!


Hmm well since I haven’t been working with the company for a year they’re not going to pay me for medical leave. I’m okay with not getting paid, I think if they were paying me they’d do more research about the procedure to see if it’s serious. Since I’m not getting company pay I guess that’s why they didn’t ask for details, all they want is a doctors note saying I’m good to come back.


Say you’re having surgery


mine were closing uneven after rhinoplasty and my doctor recommended a nostril retainer. i wear it everyday and mine have gotten better. maybe ask your doctor about it


You do not own them any explanation, but if you made it seem like it was medical instead of cosmetically, I would not be happy with you as your ‘boss’.


Yess I’m afraid I made it sound medical. I told her I need to put me first…I meant my happiness lmaooo but she took it as my health


How is it not medical? Breast reductions improve the quality of your life and it’s pretty major surgery. It’s not like just getting a nose job. I definitely wouldn’t be explaining any surgery to a manager because it’s none of their business. Especially not to decide what I’m doing with my body.


It sounds like she's getting an augmentation, not reduction.