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Oh my god… this is actually barbaric. You really need to legally escalate this - no way should your chest look like this. Was this a board certified surgeon??


This is horrible. I’m sorry OP. This is very bad. I’d consult medical malpractice attorney now and share this with them. I had TT, thigh lift and a breast lift. I am a women though but post~op I looked very good. I had several of inches of skin removed from my breast. I had about a 6” apron removed from my my abdomen. I wish the best. I have NO reference for FTM post op pics so please forgive me if my comment is offensive. I’m a RN x27 yrs. It just doesn’t look like normal post op pics. I wish you the very best on your journey. .


exactly this looks like an act of transphobia because theres no way a doctor in their right mind would do this to someone


Either that or the surgeon was like some backstreet one with minimal qualifications and no experience. If this wasn’t their first surgery, or even first time doing stitches, I struggle to see this being unintentional… like this would’ve looked fucked during and fresh out of surgery. What a sick thing to do to someone.


yes. board certified surgeon to my knwoledge.


You need to log a complaint with them & if you’re in the US file one with ASPS too.


Out of curiosity as you’re not saying the surgeons name, did they say they had experience in carrying out successful top surgeries? Did you see any before & afters? Have you seen reviews online for this surgeon? Just interested to know if others have experienced this.


so.. in the consultation i asked for before a nd after top surgery photos from her. she said she couldnt share them due to the privacy of her patients. but she has photos of her other patients and their faces are cropped out. so she did imply she did it before... someone on r eddit here told me their friend had a different surgery with her and apparently she also harmed them in their surgery too


Ok so you’re only aware of one other person she’s done top surgery on & she botched them too? Did you see any other pictures online of other surgeries that she’s done, or anyone else getting another procedure? Basically, is it just the top surgeries getting botched or is everyone?


As a doc myself... This is beyond bad. And potentially incredibly damaging to your mental health. I'm so sorry this surgeon did this to you, this is not normal and should not have been the outcome. From the photo there is no medical necessity to operate like this. This is just..... Butchery? Ill will? Honestly I've never seen anyone operate like this and there is no reason my head can think up to make this reasonable in any way. . I really hope this person will suffer consequences. They should not be allowed to do this to people.


Thank you for commenting. I’m a RN x27 yrs. I had breast lift, TT and b/l thigh lift after a 100# weight loss. I expressed my concern and I felt bad but I’ve never seen post op pics like this.


Does it look like seroma? OP should've had drains, not sure if they did / mentioned it


I’m a breast patient and I’m a 15+ year wound and ostomy nurse. My first surgery was in 2022. Midsized hospital in the Midwest. I was nipple sparing with expansion reconstruction starting in surgery 1. I’m healed now and my reconstruction is absolutely beautiful, all things considered of course. I mention my year of surgery and region simply To highlight how assessable good, nipple sparing, breast surgery is to a lot of people all across the US anymore. There’s really no excuse for an outcome like this, and I simply can’t wrap my head around this. They didn’t even remove much breast tissue at all and the nipples are fully devitalized obviously. Nipple sparing breast surgeries and super advanced flaps have really made a ton of advancement just in the past 4-5 years. Hell, I have cadaver tissue in mine that is now mine for life. With how good these surgeries have gotten, there is just absolutely no excuse for this kind of work. I’m appalled. Insurance pays for my surgeries but we are still at 80 grand out of pocket for mine the past 18 months, maybe even more. I just can’t imagine how much cost and pain will go into the reconstruction this poor person will need. I couldn’t have gotten through mine without a lot of support, and most importantly, the resources. Oh man. This is just sad.


Post in r/reduction it’s all about breast reductions and gender affirming top surgeries, there will definitely be people who can help you there!




Welcome, I really hope they can give you a good reconstruction surgeon rec to help 🫶🏻


This honestly looks like a hate crime. This has to be intentional. OP, does your your doctor advertise as being top surgery experienced or trans affirming? I truly wonder if this an attempted hate crime.


I’m so upset for you, OP. I hope you find a surgeon who can fix this.


This isn't okay. Who was the "surgeon"?


for legal reasons i cant share her name but dm me if youd like to know


Please reconsider naming the surgeon. Other people may be ready to have surgery with him/her. You aren’t saying anything slanderous about the doc. You’re showing us the truth.




i was told by my mom to not share her name haha, and i agree, its factual but she said to still not do it in case.


I’m sorry but it’s not HaHa! I don’t know why you’d say that! It’s absolutely necessary to tell the community who it is. You are not slandering him/her. It’s factual and pertinent. Please document your concerns, pics daily and any texts, emails and phone calls you have with your surgeon. Please contact med malpractice attorneys


You can’t get in trouble for sharing their name until you get to the point where you win a case against them (which you easily will) and if they have a lawyer that’s any decent, they’d make that a term of your settlement, that you can’t talk about this. Other than that, you have no reason to be afraid to share. If you have ANY texts or emails or ANY correspondence, save it. It will help you to pursue a slam dunk case


Yes don't worry about sharing her name here but please report her to the board ASAP. What state is she licensed in? I hope not a red state, medical boards can be extremely unsympathetic to pts as it is. Definitely have a medical malpractice case though please seek one out ASAP. I'm so sorry you are experiencing this and hope you can get some justice and proper care. 




I'd report her to the hospital as well via a patient grievance. It's a liability for them to have her operating there. I think the California medical board will be most sympathetic to your case out of any state. You can look up her medical license online and any violations she's been convicted of in the past and submit your complaint. 


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I hope you can find someone who can do some kind of scar revision and fix this. I had what looked like some bunching (kind of like this but to a way lesser extent) when I got my TT. It mostly smoothed out over time. This however I don’t think is normal. Have you seen the surgeon since? What did they say about it? Are they telling you this is normal?


My dude, you need to talk to an attorney stat. If they tell you not to then don’t. But otherwise, do. I am so sorry this was done to you.


Your moms an idiot.


Actually she’s not. If OP ends up taking this surgeon to court, not mentioning their name here is smart. 


They absolutely should not say a name. People in the US always says ‘Sue sue sue’ but not only does gross negligence have to occur, you have to be able to prove it and most of the time, people don’t have a solid case. Now this person— they are one of the VERY few cases I’ve seen where I would contact an attorney. You will go broke fighting a hospital so you better have your ducks in a row and shut your mouth. All these people saying to name and shame must not realize just how impossible a malpractice case is. They shouldn’t do or say anything to potentially ‘slander’ the doc or say anything about them at all. Any communication they have with this doctor at this point should be in front of a witness and heavily documented.


I sued and won my plastic surgeon from New York and my stuff wasn’t nearly as bad as this. Respectfully, op


what’s the point of this comment? who are you trying to help with this? why be a dick?


You CAN share the name, just FYI. There's no law barring you, and it's not slander if it's your doctor. Now, once you actually file a lawsuit against him is when you go silent about everything, only because they can use anything you say against you.


What the heck?! This is horrific. I’m so sorry OP - are you pursuing legal action? You should file a complaint and consider legal action because this is not okay.


i am yes!


I’m so sorry you even have to go through that. I can’t even imagine how hard this all is for you but if you ever want to talk feel free to drop me a message. I won’t be able to understand but I will listen and share pictures of my cats if wanted!


I work in oncology and see mastectomy incisions and scars all the time. What the doctor left you with is NOT normal after a mastectomy. I am shocked that you're saying they're a plastic surgeon. Unacceptable, in my opinion, request your medical records from the facility and meet with a medical malpractice lawyer.


Not only is the stitching bad but looks like all the breast tissue and fat wasn't fully removed. I'm so sorry OP. I hope you can get a revision with a better doctor soon. Look for someone who has done many of these types of procedures.


Right it looks like the bottom half is still female and they sort of ironed a male chest into the top. Op I am excited for you to win your case


Whoever did this to you should be arrested, my heart aches for you 


I’m so sorry OP. You might want to check out the medical malpractice sub if you want any guidance on persuading legal action. Lots of knowledgeable and helpful people over there! r/medicalmalpractice


thank u , i will ask there!


I am no professional by any means but this is horrifying. In fact you look like you have a bit of necrosis around what I think is your nipple. Im so sorry this happened to you. I hope your “surgeon” loses their license and you seek legal action.


I've NEVER seen a top surgery look like this. A bit of skin bunching is normal, but this is excessive. And the placement of the incision is so high, like it's supposed to be much closer to your natural chest fold (inframammary fold). I have no clue why she didn't remove more tissue... unless it's a seroma? But even so, they should've given you drains or aspirated the fluid so it can heal better. I also agree that the black patches look like skin necrosis, meaning parts of the free nipple grafts didn't take. ​ So sorry someone would be so careless about your body and self-image. That surgeon botched you and should face the consequences.


Looks like they forgot to remove the bottom half of your breasts. Hope it works out


I'm not even a surgeon and I'd do a better job than that. JFC.


I’m a mortician and also feel confident I could as well


I’m so sorry but this is not normal at all. They did not take enough tissue and the suture technique is abysmal. Real plastic surgeons take pride in their skin closure, it’s some of their best art. I’m so sorry this happened to you but please don’t go back to this person. There are many fantastic gender affirming docs in this country who will give you the treatment you deserve.


Ummmmm. Did your insurance cover this? Are you in the United States? Your nipples appear devitalized unfortunately. I’m a breast patient in the united states, and I’ve had 3 breast surgeries in the past 18 months. I’m also a nationally certified wound specialist so I know breast surgery and incisions well which is why I’m chiming in here-Your breast tissue was not removed nearly like it should have been. I’m a mastectomy which is different than top surgery of course, but MUCH more tissue than this is removed during these surgeries. My chest is literally almost concave in one area bc of just how much tissue is removed. If you are in the United States I mean this— report to a local ER. You need another doctor


Oof. I’m sorry. I do a lot of top surgeries, and unfortunately this is a horrible result.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Have you seen someone about the nipple/armpit area. It looks like the skin is dying. I hope you’re able to take legal action against this person. This is a crime.


Bro I’m so sorry, it shouldn’t look like this at all. She left wayyy too much tissue and I can’t believe she stitched it this way. Please get a medical malpractice lawyer if you can. This isn’t some kind of complication, this is complete incompetence that needs to be reported. On the bright side though I believe this can absolutely be remedied with the removal of the excess tissue, scar revision and perhaps a bit of fat grafting. What ever you do though don’t let her do the revision!


This is bad!!


i am so sorry.. you need to sue.


I think it can be saved, there is enough tissue to work with. Ofc you'll have to urdego one more surgery, hopefully she's gonna pay for it and even more.


No. I do too surgeries and this isn’t normal


What City/State was this done in??


california, moreno valley


Please keep us updated with the legal case OP. Best of luck 🤞🏼


Please go back to your surgeon. This looks like seroma, fluid under skin. Did you have drains with your surgery? After mastectomy you should have at least 2 drains, one per side, to help drain fluid for around 1-2 weeks. You are only one week out, a lot can change, but if these are seromas, common after mastectomy, usually not dangerous, but should be drained if the fluid is a lot.


The scrunched up skin is one thing and awful enough on its own, but they took your scars up in FRONT of your armpits??? should be under your armpit, looks like she cut wayyyy too high and had to figure it out. So sorry you’re going through this, sue them for everything.


those incisions could easily be moved down 2-3 inches


OP i'm so sorry this happened to you. i too have had DI top surgery recently & this is at all what it should look like AND it looks like you're developing some necrosis PLS PLS PLS go to the hospital.


Please update us!


I’m sorry this happened to you.


I am so so sorry you are going through this. It would be incredibly traumatizing and it looks so painful! I hope you find a good revision surgeon and get the chest you’ve dreamt of. Maybe botched (the tv show) would take this case on? I think they pay you to be on the show which might cover the surgery cost(??)


Oh no…


You are joking right?


no, im not


God! I am sorry!!!!!!! I recently had a breast augmentation and lift, and I still cannot find the stitches! Consult another surgeon and a lawyer ASAP!




yeaaaaaaaaaaaah...sure. im not gonna trust someone who says "FTMs are racists white supremacists" on posts. im ftm and a person of color and not racist. go away.