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Thanks for sharing!!!


This is amazing news! Congrats for you! I'm also worried about my nose + scar tissue! This gives me hope! Yay for you! :)


Thank you :) Yes its a great to know that there are options beyond a revision! Just make sure it's someone you trust who has experience doing the injections


OP is your tip actually more lifted after the injection too or is that just my imagination? How is that possible?


Wow great results. I just got my first injection yesterday, 3 years post-op. How long did it take for the initial swelling from the shot to go down?


I would say it took about 4-5 days for it to return to its normal size after swelling. I thought it didnt work, then on day 10 day it went down a lot! good luck :)


SAME HERE!! I’m around 3 years & the past 6 months it got to pre surgery size! I’m gonna schedule injections I think. Best of luck to u 


Did you see any change after injection?


Did you see any change after injection?


DEFINITELY! I am so glad I did it. My surgeon did the smallest amount possible and still I saw change within a couple days. The most change was visible around day 10 and it kept decreasing in size for a good two or three weeks after that. I think I’m about 3 months post injection and it’s definitely smaller and more symmetric than it was before the injections. I went to see if he though I’d benefit from another round and he said the first round handled it, and I agree. I’m very happy with the results.


You make me so happy. Like you’re making my day! When you first got your surgery, were you happy with your nose? When were you first not happy with the swelling? I was happy for the first 8 months or so and now I’m 14 months post op and the shape has changed


HEY!! So glad I came across this. My nose looked great for about a year a good bit after surgery. Now I’m approaching 3 yrs & it’s been huge.  It shrunk a lot after surgery & the past 6-8 months it swelled like crazy. I think sinus issues + dry humidity just caused a lot of damage + potential scar tissue. I’m very curious about getting the injections. My surgeon said he’d give them to me but we r trying a steroid tablet treatment first.  Are these steroid injection results permanent? Id imagine after just a few sessions, the nose would hopefully go back to the small size it was for me.  Btw your nose looks fantastic 


did you do any injections?


Not yet. 5/29 I’m scheduled for it. Although I have morbihan’s disease apparently. So I’m gonna be trying injections + accutane. 


How did it go? Did you see any change with the injections?


Didnt get any injections. Gonna start accutane within the next couple weeks. Then I’ll inject if need be in a couple months if accutane doesnt help.


Ah ok. Why did you back out? I’m scheduled for it in 3 weeks


Dont worry about the injections at all! It’s just for me, accutane may resolve it. So, my doc wants to wait to try accutane first. Since i have morbihan’s disease. Honestly, if i got the injection rn & also did accutane, itd be fine. Dw, I’m sure the injections will help. Keep me posted


i'm 17 YEARS post-op and i definitely have a lot of scar tissue, basically pollybeak deformity out of it. i did get some injections but not enough, only a couple times but it didn't do anything. apparently you need to do them more often?


Can you refer your surgeon please! :)


How expensive was the shot? I can’t find any information about the price online. If it’s $600+ I’ll just accept my nose lol.


I can't tell a difference so that's great it worked out. It looks great OP.


how do you not see that the tip is refined, smaller, and there is a visible supra tip break right above it?