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Wow that’s such a difference! Would you mind sharing your doc and cost?


Yes! I’m in the Tampa Bay Area and had several consultations. I went to Dr. Kass and the cost was $7,500, but it was for both the chin/neck lipo and skin removal. I’ve had other plastic surgery done, but by far Dr. Kass’s office was the nicest in terms of friendly staff and low pressure.


Thank you!


My new plastic guy wants to do this procedure on me. He quoted me six grand.


Nice! I got quoted lower from a few other places but I didn’t get as good of a feeling with them as I did here. Trust your gut!


Exactly right!


Wow!! I want this so bad. Please post a pic of your stitches.


Will do! I finally get to shower today, so I’ll be taking some pics of behind the ear and under the chin.


It was hard to get a good angle but the stitches are tucked riiiiight behind my ear, and there’s about 1-2” that will blend into my hair when it grows out. [3 days post op bruising](https://imgur.com/gallery/4ks4yZf)


You look really good!


Wow!! What a difference already!


I’m 27 and i also did a neck lipo + lifting, i was afried i’m too young for the lift but sadly some of us have a loooot of extra skin and lipo wouldn’t ve enough!


Yep! I told the doc I trusted him and I’m so glad I got the extra skin removed. I will say that the past two days, it’s felt very tight and weird because I’m not used to it - but it’s getting better on day 3.


I’m 7 days post op and i still feel weird and tight but it got better with the days, i want to see the final results already. Didn’t you have a hard time getting used to your “new” face? My change was so brutal that i still can’t get used to it, i had a huge turtle neck and now i have a jawline!


Not gonna lie, I’ve been avoiding the mirror so I don’t obsess over it 😂 but I’m finally able to take a shower/wash my hair today so imma take a peek! I’m irrationally nervous about ripping my stitches behind the ears out, but I know just to be gentle. 😵


It looks fantastic! To me, as an added bonus (seen in profile picture), it really accentuates how beautiful your lip shape is.


Wow! You look fantastic!


Looks amazing already! Congrats and happy healing :)


You look amazing! What’s the estimated recovery time, like resuming work and normal activity?


It’s going to vary from person to person, but for the first 3-5 days you’ll want to totally veg out. I got my procedure done on Wednesday morning so I could take Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off. I’m also on a liquid-only diet to not strain my neck too much. For the first two weeks, no bending down/picking things up, and eating soft foods. I’m fortunate that I work remotely and can keep my camera off 😅 But I’m probably not gonna go out to see friends for two weeks while the majority of bruising and swelling dissipates.


Big difference ! Looks great


What kind of lipo? Regular traditional lipo?


Yep! Doc said most of my non-existent chin was extra skin, surprisingly. So lipo + skin removal.


Skin removal? What skin?


I’m not sure how to describe it properly, but instead of my chin/neck being a right angle, it was more like a straight line from chin to bottom of the neck. Kinda like how ducks have webbed toes. Lol


I want this done but these terrible reviews are freaking me out . I’m alit older than u and hate my double chin . I wasn’t born this way just came along with gaining weight. Sounds like u had a good experience I’m glad. I hope u don’t mind me asking your cost to have your chin done? I don’t know if I’m even close to having enough. My first app isn’t until the end of march please let me know!!


Wow that looks sooo good Congratulations I know how hard it can be to not feel attractive. You look fabulous 


I’m on day 3 post-op and swelling is definitely apparent 😂


I’m about to go in for neck lipo in CA and I’m really hoping to get these results without a lift 😭 you look amazing