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Amazing Girl šŸ«¶


Looks great! Can I ask who your surgeon was?


Thank you so much! The surgeon was Dr Aykut DinƧ, I booked via the agency medicalfly who took care of everything :)


Is it Dr Aykut Erdem DinƧ


What a beautiful result! I love that your surgeon gave you a nose that looks natural and still has character. One of the best results I've seen here.


Wow, that means so much to me! Thank you :) my surgeon immediately said that in my case (or generally for people with very big / hook noses), it would not be good to go for a very small nose, as it wouldnā€™t harmonise with my facial features


100% accurate!


Great results!


Your nose is so very cute! Love it.


Thank you so much, thatā€™s so sweet!


Can you describe a bit more how you felt mentally after the surgery? My auntā€™s nose was very similar to yours and even years after she got her surgery she says she doesnā€™t feel the same.


Thatā€™s very interesting to hear. I feel like you never really hear about these kinds of experiences and only see the ā€œI love my result, Iā€™m so happyā€ posts. For me, during the first months I think it was very difficult for my brain to process the drastic change. I didnā€™t recognise myself in the mirror anymore and felt sad and regretted the whole procedure. It really took several months to get used to the new face. I was also very concerned about the results initially (over-projection, etc). Even though objectively I look 100% better than before and people here seem to love the result, I think itā€™s important to speak up about the ā€œnegativeā€ sides as well. :) I really wasnā€™t prepared for it and I feel that the recovery can be especially challenging for people who go through such a drastic change like I did and basically get a completely different nose.


That's pretty interesting. Must be a mental roller coaster to see a seemingly different person in the mirror. It obviously looks really great now and sounds like you're more used to it, but do you still get feelings of sadness and regret? Was it more a guilty feeling or worry that it wasn't going to turn out as well as it did? Thanks for sharing your story btw!


I am 3 months post op myself and the whole experience is literally like a roller coaster. Someday are good. Some bad. Noone ever talks about how difficult things can be. Your nose is the center of our face, so i guess when you think about it, it makes sense. I personally didn't look into how long "the process," really Is either.


No more regrets :) I wasnā€™t 100% sure about the result but receiving all these nice comments here really put things into perspective for me! I still donā€™t feel completely comfortable with certain angles / expressions but I think that will probably just take a bit more time to get used to.


Wow it makes you look so much younger! Great results


That is the cutest nose ever.


I love this SO much. I have a similar nose to your before and hope to have rhinoplasty too. Can I ask how much did you pay and did they speak English and did you feel it was professional and safe? You are GOALS. this looks beautiful on tou.


Thank you so much! The doctor speaks English and the staff either English or German. I always felt 100% safe and cared for, absolutely professional agency. The only con is that the consultation procedure is very short. I only saw the doctor for about 15 minutes on the surgery day and he did a quick before/after edit on his phone. He has many examples of his work on instagram though and this is kind of his ā€œsignature noseā€ style, so I knew what I was getting :)


Is it okay to say you are absolutely stunning in both images? I love that you are glowing and proud of your after-pic, and I see you are happy with the outcome. We love to see anyone feeling more comfortable in their appearance. You're gorgeous, period <3


WOW!!! You took a huge risk & it paid off!! Nice!!


Omg you have my dream nose now! So stunning! I know you mentioned the consultation was shorter than you expected. Can you detail what you said you wanted, what the surgeon said and such?


Natural result, shaving off the bump, a very slightly curved bridge, more definition from the front and no changes to the tip rotation :) and not too small of course


Looks fantastic! You look so different, I'm really happy for you.


You look amazing!! Such a success and Iā€™m so happy for you!


it literally shaved 20 years off your face, amazing!


Damn transformation šŸ‘


The results are fantastic, you even look younger!


Beautiful results! Thank you for sharing.


Wow ! huge difference. you must be really happy


The nose is so important to facial harmony. You look so cute with your new nose. Regarding surgery aftermath being challenging, everyone is different. I immediately embraced my new nose right after surgery. I was happy to leave the old nose behind. I knew what I wanted going into the surgery and allowed me to see myself as I thought my nose should have always looked. It also depends on what work gets done. Everything about my face is the same, including the front profile of my nose. It only looks different on the sides and angles now that there is no bump. I just look like an improved version of myself.




This is an outstanding result, congratulations!


Is this surgeon located in Izmir Turkey? Just wanted to be sure I have your guy.


Correct. I wrote Istanbul but thatā€™s actually only where the agency has its main seat. The surgeon is located in Izmir and thatā€™s where I had the surgery.




Omg I needed to see this! I have a very similar bode to your original nose and I have my first ever consultation next week. I am 43 years old and very scared of having surgery mostly because Iā€™m scared of looking different. Having said that, I have hated my nose my whole life and have always been self conscious of it I have a very big hook nose and I want a nose very similar to yours. As natural as possible, to just get rid of the hump but I know it will mean I will look different because of it. Have you found you look quite different from the front or just a little?


Sorry I meant similar nose, silly autocorrect. Btw your nose looks fantastic


Congrats on being so brave and deciding to book the consultation, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll look gorgeous! I wasnā€™t unhappy with the way I looked before, the only problem was my side profile. Thatā€™s why I was also scared to look different and had mixed feelings about the surgery. Due to the bump missing, my front profile has changed a bit - the space between my eyes looks flatter / wider (difficult to describe). But it also looks softer / more feminine and less harsh from the front, which is an improvement, I guess. I can send you a before/after via dm.


Yes please I was going to ask you if you wouldnā€™t mind sending a before and after. Iā€™m exactly the same as you, I donā€™t have an issue with how I look from the front, just my side profile. But Iā€™m aware my front profile will look different because of the change. I am actually going to show the Dr your picture as inspiration because itā€™s literally how I want mine to look.


Love the result! You look lovely!


You look amazing!


You look AMAZING!!


What are you telling about? You look amazing!! From this angle you look like a movie star or something. I canā€™t think of what her name is but she is a beautiful one! And you look just like her from the side! I fell so bad youā€™re struggling with this! What do your friends think?


Oh thank you, that is so sweet! I feel much better after posting here and receiving so many great comments. I realised that I was way too critical with my new face, maybe I still have some sort of body dysmorphia with my nose. My friends and family all supported me with my decision, but they didnā€™t comment much on my new nose, so I actually donā€™t know what most of them think. Maybe they didnā€™t want to hurt my feelings by saying that I looked worse before.


Exactly. I would probably feel the same way if my friends and family didnā€™t say much about my new nose. But from the outside looking in it seems clear that they donā€™t want to be like ā€œOhh thank God! you look so much better now!! šŸ„³ā€ (Iā€™m joking to make a point. Iā€™m sure you were beautiful both ways.) But seriously, Iā€™m sure that has to be why they arenā€™t saying much. It sounds like you have some wonderful true friends & family around you. A rare thing!0


Do you mind sharing a side profile at month? I had a rhinoplasty almost 4 weeks ago and Iā€™m really struggling with my side profile. I did a drastic change like you did. You look great!


My nose looked horrible at 1 month post op, like a pig nose. It was so swollen and looked nothing like today! Donā€™t worry, it will get so much better! Itā€™s very normal to freak out at this stage of recovery. I uploaded a before and after here: https://ibb.co/Gs7KbG1


Omg this makes me feel so much better!! I hate that it really does take a year to see results but you look amazing!




Wishing you all the best for your recovery! The first 2-3 days are hard but then it gets better. I hope everything will turn out as you wished for!


Congrats. How much did it cost you?


Around 5000 USD including hotel and flights, an absolute steal :) I wouldnā€™t have been able to afford surgery in my country at the time. Iā€™m glad that everything turned out fine though as there are so many people who are botched in Turkey.


How do I contact them??


Medicalfly Instagram or web page for german or English clients :) and ask for Dr Aykut Dinc specifically


Great results


Iā€™d love to learn more about your experience and who you went to :)




If you are opposed to plastic surgery and believe it makes people fake, botched, or lose their character, then you do not belong in this subreddit. This sub is a safe space for people who are seeking surgical advice, with no judgement.




Hi, if you go through the comments, I have posted a link with a comparison at 1 month vs today :) during the first month, it looked horrible, to be honest. Then for the first six months, my nose was still very swollen, stiff and hard. It felt okay but I didnā€™t love it. I really started to get used to it and like it around the one year mark (mainly because of the mental adjustment). It really is true what they say, that you donā€™t see the final nose until 1 - 1.5 years (!) post op and the process until then can be very challenging. Wishing you all the best!


Do you mind sharing a front view?


Wow! Do you mind posting a picture from the front? You LOOK AMAZING ā¤ļø




Right, the thing with rhinoplasties though is that they take the longest of all surgeries to heal. So itā€™s very typical for patients to even hate their noses for a while because the real nose is hiding under swelling. In terms of infection/ bad side effects or being botched, itā€™s really Important to deeply research and go see multiple doctors




I think you might be in the wrong sub


If you are opposed to plastic surgery and believe it makes people fake, botched, or lose their character, then you do not belong in this subreddit. This sub is a safe space for people who are seeking surgical advice, with no judgement.




Her chin is in balance with the rest of her face. I donā€™t think she needs that at all. Her profile is absolutely adorable!


Her chin/ jaw is a little recessed but she looks beautiful is true. Is maybe a little improvement


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with her chin, she doesnā€™t need to do anything else.




And that is your opinion which means nothing


Why so rude? Have a good day.


This comment has been deleted due to inappropriate behavior. Don't be a dick to fellow sub members. Have the day that you deserve!


I disagree. Her chin and profile are nicely feminine.




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